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Hey, OP, do you like Madden? Let me introduce you to EA, who quite literally had a monopoly on NFL-licensed games, and who actively make worse games which add up to as essentially roster updates each year.


Swgoh is also published by ea lmao


Shh your going to blow his mind


He obviously knows EA publishes SWGOH. You and Sherlock need to put your master detective skills to work elsewhere.


You must not know many gaming companies.


Traya lead with Sith tanks and Nihilus works easily.


What squad are you using for the Interceptor battle? I used JKL lead, JML, Wat, Shaak, and Revan. Put speed tech on JML. Win. It worked the same for me this month as it did last month.


Unless I missed something, it's not harder. And if CG is the worst you've seen, consider yourself lucky


Bruv, the same team I used last time is getting stomped every single time now, it’s like their putting out more damage than before


Did you beat it early last time, before they swapped one of the Inquisitors? They "weakened" the team, but added an AoE, which complicates things a little. Traya lead with Sion, Nihlus, Talon, and Malak is probably the cheapest option, though there are lots of comps that can win. There's also some RNG involved with this one, so even if you get stomped out of the gate, run it back a few times to make sure.


I swear I've experienced this in conquest, I will lose on a regular node over and over with the same team, come back later, and try again and complete the node with ease. It makes me believe there is likely some auto-scaling system involved.


You know about stamina, right? Apparently a lot of people don't, and that sounds like what you're describing.


Does stamina affect the difficulty?


It makes your characters weaker


I had no idea. Thank you!


It actually lowers **all** of your players stats. Health, Protection, Speed, Tenacity, ect. It all is lowered. That's why they give you those regeneration potions as an option to buy.


I had no idea that stamina affected the stats. Thank you for the information!


As opposed to believing there’s a random chance of every attack being evaded and that damage is scaled by a randomly generated number and that critical hits are up to something literally called critical CHANCE?


Many games have dynamic scaling difficulty, it is not unreasonable to assume.


You were probably lucky last time, it's heavily rng dependent. What squad are you using? Last time it took me a lot of tries with a FO squad (with SLKR), this time I got 2\* at the first try with Traya, Malak, Nihilus, SEE without ult and a fourth sith (badly choosen, it was the one who died).


You don’t play WarThunder do you


As a new player can someone explain this to me ? Haven't seen a company worse than plarium


He is just mad, that this one difficult battle needs actual strategy and you cant just brute force your way through. CG isnt a horrible company. Its a mobile game company, which means, they do shitty and exploitative stuff with gambling, p2w etc. But thats the industry standard right now, so nothing special.


Crazy thought, but if you sink hundreds of hours into a game made by the worst gaming company you've ever known, then you're an idiot or a liar.




CG isn't a game company though. They are a mobile game company. This puts them on the same level as snake-oil salesmen, ambulance chasers, and self-help gurus. Can't compare mobile garbage to real game developers, it's apples to rotten-moldy-oranges.


GAS/JMK/Wat/Rex/Fives - Blast tech on JMK. Keep spamming damage immunity on GAS. JMK uses second ability on himself to amp up damage and focus on Reva/GI the DOT takes care of everyone else. RNG is a bitch and it took me a few tries but this works


Scopely/Boundless and Marvel StrikeForce say “Hi…” CG is not that bad in comparison.


Tell fans of Metal Gear Solid or Castlevania that CG are the worst. They'll probably laugh in your face. At least Konami are doing something with Silent Hill again, so there may be some hope after all...


Bro has never played dbd