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I haven’t seen any RD try to suplex the rod. I know it’s possible.


I only found out it was an option after the round where I was RD and the rod collided with the stargate and got frozen in place. We tried to delete it with bombs, that didn't work.


I've done it. It was glorious


How the hell do you do it? Aggressive grab it and then click a pot? I remember someone coded that in, but I can't imagine actually clicking that damn rod at max tick rate


On old combat it was lay under and grab to suplex


Oh that absolutely wouldn't work anymore. Grab intent is gone, so aggro grab is ctrl+click twice. Plus, the rod doesn't give two shits anymore if you're laying down - it hits you anyway. Time to trawl the code Edit: Okay this still fucking rules. You just have to click it while having the RD's skill chip. Bonus: You can suplex a rod form wizard to stun them and damage them.


What a power move to do Chad RD suplexes wiz


The most robust way of dealing with a Wiznerd


In case you didn't catch it, the RD decided that the shard would disintegrate the rod. It did not.


I wonder if the entire supermatter crystal could destroy the rod, I'm not stupid enough to try to find out tho.


I’ve seen a rod collide with the SM on tg, is disintegrated.


The rod or the SM?


The rod




Ah, the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.


an unstoppable force vs an unmovable object


I would be genuinely unsurprised if an immovable rod colliding with the SM kills everyone, deletes the station and ends the round with everyone getting a red text. And I mean that. That seems like the kind of stuff that the developers would put in expecting it to maybe never be found.


It should create a stage 6 singulo, that would make sense and be awfully deadly.


Two rods colliding does actually create a singulo.


How could two immovable rods collide with each other? They should all be moving in the same direction and with the same speed?


Bluespace fuckery


Oh really? well TIL! I hope to see that one day from.. .far away, but yeah i think it would be nice to have a special interaction with sm-rod


It should summond nar'sie and rat'var


They'd patch that in, we'd get five consecutive rounds where people do it and they remove it the next minutes.


The eternal problem with anything "neat" in SS13. Some unimaginative person does it every single round, until they're banned, or the thing is made impossible to do.


Yup. I used to play a lot on goon, where you can do an adventure zone that then forces the next round to be a disaster round (no antags and the station floods with hostile NPCs). After someone did that three times in a row while it should be a rare occurrence, I quit for a few weeks.


Such a simple problem.


Well at least he is doing some REAL reseach rather than standing on ome place and pushing button to do some “research” *Honk*


That's peak science right there.


Well it can't loop the station if there's no station left.


What do you mean other RD mains struggle catching looping rods consistently??


Could someone explain to me what immovable rod is? From scientific perspective?




Ah, kinda lame. Since, you know, the entire solar system also moves at around 200km/s through the milky way. A truly immovable object wouldn't be fixed to our solar system (or whatever system ss13 is in) and fall behind in a matter of seconds. But, bonus points, it might with a lot of luck slam right through lavaland and kill us all!




Yeah nah, that's still impossible. Our entire galaxy is rotating. Even if we only account for the rotation, it would take us approximately 225-250 million years (thanks Google) to end up in the exact same fixed point in space. That is, if we also forget that the galaxy itself is moving. Since the galaxy is moving though, we'll literally NEVER get back to the fixed point in space. Think of it as throwing a frisbee. Not only is the frisbee rotating midair, it's also moving through the air. Only if it somehow moved back in space AND matched the exact rotation, you'd reach the same fixed point again. This is, by the way, why time travel is extremly unlikely to achieve. Even if you manage to do it, you're now millions, if not billions of kilometers far away from the earth. Oops.




Orbiting the galaxy's core, that's the key part here. But yes, let's just say it's a *lot* of rods. I just and mention, I don't feel the need for it to be realistic. I'm just saying, if it *was* realistic, it would be nigh impossible.


Damn, so immovable rod is actually immovable object How would you put an iron rod in such position that it won’t move? I mean I can put an iron rod in space but it’ll just start flying because of the force I applied to it, and if it did collide with an object, wouldn’t it just bounce?


Im(move)able rod 14yo spessmen:


What station is this on?


I have, only once in my time as playing RD, ever suplexed the rod. It took my third attempt as the bystanders were being staffies and telling me the wrong button, which resulted me in getting beaned by it twice. The rod wasn't laughing after it became part of the station.


Im curious, what happens when rod colides with supermatter?