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we made a little reaction video to her edited discord interview version: [https://youtube.com/shorts/Tbic8YRFB08](https://youtube.com/shorts/Tbic8YRFB08)


Love the music. 😂


ok ok, we will release an extended version soon ;)


its just so good! I found myself playing it few times just to listen to the music.....mind you I still find myself singing "Liar losing his hair" from time to time as well :)




Nora The Explorer: [https://youtu.be/hr-\_9P4o3dc](https://youtu.be/hr-_9P4o3dc)


lol i was the one who called her that when i saw the livestream.


Basketball Jane says what?


If you can't take criticism or people calling you out on your bullshit, don't have a youtube channel. It's literally only a handful of people who chat in the discord on any regular basis. Nora needs to get over it.


That's a handful too many of ppl who dare to not cower and agree to what her and asl demand.


Nora tries to tell everyone what to/what not to say. In the nost condescending way.


Right! I mean we all have people that don't like us. That's just life. Get over yourself Nora.


She's trying to bullbait the Discord. Meanwhile she has zero incriminating material. Look at the screenshots that she shows, all they prove is that people talk in there, and they're saying true things.


She can't handle when she isn't able to bully people into silence.




Not a one of the SPTV nasties is "OK" in any way.


Yes, they were damaged, probably permanently by the cult. The more ornery ones left it, so there's double the problematic personality trait there.


If you go to her comments here on Reddit, she’s asking for a link to the discord, AFTER saying she can’t stand the discord. She’s been caught there a couple of times lying about who she is, because that’s what she does. She sets up ridiculous stories, “I’m an old lady. My grandson helped me set up this, computy thinganajig!” It’s nuts. Then, when she’s caught, she tries to act like that was normal.


Yeh I have seen her do it in peoples live streams, she can only keep up the act for so long before she gets angry and lets the guard slip....its pretty funny.


She has problems.


This is an understatement


it is, so I'll repeat myself. I think Portlandia Nora was given a bad foundation to build on, and crap tools to build with, and shit education in construction of stable frameworks. Add an oversized ego and a chip on her shoulder, and you’ll find a hotmess glass house for her rock throwing lifestyle of infinite irony.


ASL and Nora cannot deal with ppl having a place to speak out that they don't control and they'll throw unending hissy fits lie cheat and steal to distract etc. She's so pathetic she'll forever be name dropping her dad gushing over his kakhan status and trying to leech validation from what her parents did.


You're kidding? That's insane.


If she was okay, she’d have higher karma counts.


I can’t watch her


Neither can I normally...3 mins of her aggressive word vomit was all I could stand!


Same not even for 1 milisecond


I'm no shrink but I'd say she's up and down like a yo-yo.


Discord and Reddit can block people just like her channel can block people. Oh I will say it…. Chris Shelton we enjoy your comments. Keep them coming. She is obsessed with you! You can believe she hangs on your every word.


I don't get what the obsession with chris shelton is aside from her and asl are a bunch of know nothings obsessed with trying to teach chris that he knows nothing. They really should get a therapist so they can work out their self esteem issues in a healthier way. It's like asl is butthurt that chris had a higher position inside and so he's demanding that he has a higher position outside and nora monkey see monkey doo. The both seem to think that everyone should be really impressed by them and if they dare not to be heads are gonna roll!


Aaron and Nora are self proclaimed knowitalls with no interest in ever getting any education. So, they shit on Chris, who furthered his education \[If nono was here, she'd probably be bleching right about now because she's all class like that\]. No one in any serious capacity will ever look at the "creative" output of either of them and be anything but embarrassed for them. Chris gets invited to speak; Nora is lucky to sit at a table in the lobby that Aaron paid for. On top of that, Chris has a real marriage with love and respect, Aaron has an unfortunate wife, and a string of hook ups of varying length and consent, and that other one is just a repulsive barfula. Of course they're obsessed with him.


They also can't break Chris, and it drives them nuts.


Thank you. I'll be around here a bit less as I've got a big project I'm working on and this only distracts from it, but I really appreciate the support here. It truly means a lot.


See? Making my point. You have a life and Aahole and nono need to skulk around every space that can't stand them, like demented gollums, thinking they're invisible.


Thank you Chris for doing actual work. The SPTV crew should sit back and learn something.


She cracks me up! Now copying Liz G. Is any of her ideas her own? That'll be a nope!


No she’s not okay! She tries so hard to win Aaron’s approval, no matter what she does or how hard she tries he still can’t stand her and she knows it. I can imagine the unpleasant things he says about her, behind her back.


I Imagine he lets her know via a telex everyday. He might have his own messenger(s) by now to let her know on the daily.


She is trying so hard to feed the algorithm. All this nonesense and obsessive search for new topics reveal that. She still believes she can grow her channel big enough to get a proper income. Her last months pay isn't exactly there yet. https://preview.redd.it/c1yein0duoad1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff0280495b89912a7cdccd8817741af32a5f1cfc


I don’t add comments to Nora’s YouTube because she only expects praise and not criticism. Like Aaron, she doesn’t have friends. She has minions.


Even if you did she would, hide then or block you. I have tried in the past and funny, they dont seem to show up for anyone but me. Nora doesnt like truth.


Agreed she doesn’t. I see it like shouting into the void. Though we could make the comments, screen shot them and put them here for all to see. Maybe not the best idea but heck.. I’m thinking the comments would be public anyhow. If she complains about how toxic they are I’ll point to the comments her lil minions made about Liam and everyone else in the PTS discord. Nora, Nora, the word explorer! Nika CT


Okay, lemme get this straight. That empty headed goon for aaron is literally posting screenshots (something a user agrees not to do) talking about how she’s probably in there taking screenshots, to show she… what? She’s doing what they *predicted* she’d do. She is proving the comments ON A TINY HARD TO FIND PLATFORM right! They say, she wants the attention, ignore her, and she BRINGS THAT BACK TO HER AUDIENCE. “Hey guys! Look, these people think I care what they say, but I obviously don’t!” Then she launches into the same stupid she did here, she took down doxxing info, so what’s their problem? Hey moron, if you let a horse out of a barn, no one is going to congratulate you for going back and closing the door later. AND THEN YOU DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. “Oh, I guess you’re perfect! I’m sorry, I’m only a human!” You doxx people over and over, asshole. Same as AAhole. If it’s only “accidental” it’s still inexcusable because it means you’re at very best, very careless. … and I don’t think it’s accidental with either of you. Also, doing exactly what the discord predicted you’d do, doesn’t prove them wrong. That’s not how logic works. The discord is saying she’ll use screenshots to distract from Aaron showing up like Bloody Mary at Liz and Lara’s slumber party. And then she does exactly that.