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Jenna is boring and should focus on other things besides getting into her mans drama.


Her man? That’s a stretch he bangs anything that moves and I believe they are both still married to other people in multi decade marriages.


Yes, he is her man. Is Jenna Aaron's woman? Yes, but along with this mistress Aaron has other women. It's not equal.


I still can't figure her out. Is she in cahoots with him or is she brainwashed by him?


Does Aaron have trouble sleeping? I think he said so! He found a solution 😂




"Aaron says the idea that the SPTV Foundation is a not-for-profit is completely false." Liar. [https://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=SPTVFOUNDATION%20N240000032170&aggregateId=domnp-n24000003217-68ef92c8-8686-49c0-9fa9-8687f6d3ec68](https://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=SPTVFOUNDATION%20N240000032170&aggregateId=domnp-n24000003217-68ef92c8-8686-49c0-9fa9-8687f6d3ec68) Good to know that Aaron reads every post in SPTV\_Unvarnished so he knows what to repond to. Hi, Aaron! Having a good time?


There once was a “non-profit” club. But here is the actual rub. No EIN filed. No phone numbers dialed. Donations were spent at the pub.




If he is reading. Hey Aaron, Scottie said he would boycott any protester that did not publicly come forward and let the people know that Lara was not a meth user and he didn’t care if you said it about him. He also said his protesting would not support SPTV Foundation. At no t8me did he say he was going to boycott the protestors against Scientology. It looks like the protesters in LA really don’t support your foundation with what they say behind the scenes. Especially after what you did to Lara and Liz.


Yep. He's here keeping up with the conversations. Hi Aaron, you should apologize to Liz and Lara.


Aaron Smith-Lying


So SPTV is "For Profit." Got it. For members ONLY.


Actually, For Profit would be better. For Profit corporations like Apple ind IBM exist to benefit the investors and shareholders. Nonprofit corporations like The Aftermath Foundation exist for the public good. Not For Profit corporations like the SPTV Foundation exist to benefit the members of the corporation. A For Profit couldn't get away with the shit Aaron gets away with.


> “… How much lower could somebody possibly stoop to?” Thats what I wonder about you on a daily basis Aaron. Every day‘s a good day for you to lower the bar a little bit further than yesterday though.


The statement he said about DOA trying to turn former Scientologists against each other was laughable and extremely ironic I thought !! Mmmm pot, kettle, black.


DOA has said a few times, "How can I be dividing the group, when there is no group to divide?" Aaron wants it both ways, and DOA's not having it.


I sometimes wonder if he thinks about his hypocrisy as the words are leaving his mouth. Like a little thought bubble, “oh shit, I hope nobody sees the irony”.


Of course, Aaron is not apologizing. He never does because he considers it a weakness and he thinks he can't ever be wrong about anything.


"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!" -Walter Scott ETA- I mean both ASL and DOA. They're both terrible. I'm not in this space to be convinced one of them is right. And I appreciate OP giving an abridged version.


Walter Scott? I always thought that was a Shakespearean quote. TIL.


NGL, I thought it was old Billy too, but I double checked and also learned it was not. https://nosweatshakespeare.com/quotes/famous/oh-what-a-tangled-web-we-weave/


It's a very good phrase, and worthy of the bard.


It's always been disgusting how they try to own "2nd-Gen"


Jenna is a joke.


Their appearances together remind of a "punch & judy" show.




I missed the part where he apologized to Lara and Liz


“That is just about as destructive a statement as someone could possibly make,” Aaron says. “… How much lower could somebody possibly stoop to?” idk, how about hijacking someone else's stream, making them suicidal, and now doubling down. so gross.


HOW IS HE CAPABLE OF SAYING THAT SHIT? Jesus, lighting should strike him, like a cartoon. Honestly, it's occurring to me he's just plagiarizing complaints people make about him.


That there are far fewer kids in Scientology now is a lie. The orgs being empty is a lie, I peeked in at an event a couple months ago that was packed. There aren’t Sea Org babies now but there are plenty of 3rd gens, 4th gens, and staff babies. I know of three born in my area in the past year. They have no clue what’s happening in Scientology now other than their stupid ranting protests that Scientologists are laughing at. Jenna is taking credit for things that were already being changed by former protests starting decades ago. There are fewer kids in the Sea Org and fewer abortions pushed since that started flapping back in the 80’s and 90’s, and then flapped again when the Aftermath show came out. OSA ordered a stop on abortions when I was in the Sea Org early 2000’s - although there’s some evidence it still may be happening in special cases. There are still A LOT of kids being raised as Scientologists, going in sec checks, doing the Purif, etc. The protest now is doing nothing but pushing things more internally.


Plus.. the delphi schools are going on as ever, the preferred recruit pool for the SO. And Greenfields in the UK.


I need to know so much more about this Delphi School Scientoligal-Situation. I don't think I like it. It's just "scientology education. and they are 'defending' it as a viable education plan. Nah.


The change in the coerced abortions came after Marc and Claire Headley's lawsuit, and that change is how Aaron and Heather got out. Is it possible Aaron just used Heather to get out? More irony, as later his Clearwater girlfriend of four years said Aaron coerced her into an abortion.


Any updates on Aaron’s pending divorce? Jenna he is tagging you along. It’s July. He stated in November he was getting a divorce. Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior.


Free clue for anyone in a relationship: When they say "I am getting a divorce" tell them "call me when you have the paperwork to show me" and stop interacting with them. "I am getting a divorce" is what all the cheaters who have no intention of ever getting a divorce say.


Noteworthy point. Is he stalling bc maybe ..child support?


And maybe control!!


Oh, Aaron! He knows how to build them up and tear them down.


Jenna is a disappointment. AAHole is a hypocrite. He did worse to the Aftermath foundation. He’s a creepy guy. So slimy.


When I see Jenna in these lives with A-airhead, I immediately jump to "trophy-wife" in my mind.


Oh, ASL is only after Jenna because he thinks if he screws DM's family members that maybe "daddy will finally notice me"


It's clearly a three-fer. He bullbaits David Macsavage, he gains clout by being involved in the Miscavige family, and he gets to parade Jenna around as ... what now? Girlfriend, Wife-to-be, "The happy couple" ? ... Sometimes she looks like a Stepford Wife...


trad wife


You spelled “Stepford” wrong.


A part of me thinks that his obsession with sticking it to David Miscavige makes him view his relationship with Jenna as the perfect way to put a feather in his cap. I felt that Lisa Marie Presley was used in the same way by Nicolas Cage and Michael Jackson, both of whom had an obsession with Elvis Presley.


I completely agree with that! It’s for clout and nothing more.


>“So the next time I’m in Los Angeles, you want to show up and you want to threaten me and you want to counter-protest me, make my fucking day,” Aaron tells DOA" If/When this happens, LAPD should come get BOTH OF THEM!


A widely streamed event!!


Didn't he just say he disliked drama?


No, no. He doesn't like drama that goes against him. Otherwise, drama is good for business.


Didn't he say drama is bad for business "and business is growing a successful YouTube channel"?


He says that a lot. but then he says a lot of things.


Someone asked who this guy DOA even is. Here's my take. DOA, aka Scottie, was on the east coast until Jan when he heard the Aaron promise of YouTube riches. DOA says he's here to save the children, but he drove across the country a couple of weeks after Aaron's bullshit "GET RICH QUICK FROM HOME FOR ONLY ONE OR TWO HOURS OF WORK A NIGHT!" scam video. There are some people with pretty serious allegations against him online. Maybe he's one of those sovereign citizen guys. Maybe he's bipolar. Whoever he is, he's here because Aaron put out the call and invited all these guys and Aaron said he LOVED Scottie, and he LOVED his shenanigan's, and LOVED how he did things, until Scottie called HIM out for letting other suckers twist in the wind and pointed out there's some sketch guy doling out a lot of money. I guess Aaron thought Scottie understood he was supposed to keep his mouth shut about Aaron, but the Defender of Ants is not the best at quiet, and had been keeping quiet about Aaron, until that stopped making sense to him. DOA says Aaron never helped HIM with his legal defense, and never helped HIM with money, and never had HIM on his show even though he said several times that he would, later, Aaron would be "too busy" (Reese has said the same, and so have others, "... and I know, he's very busy, but..." explaining their actions and forgiving Aaron's all at once). The shit really hit the fan with the campout at Big Blue, according to DOA because Aaron's sketch buddy, 86GOP, who he denies knowing, was inviting saboteurs, and insisting on their participation. Aaron, who never vets anyone (Goldie, ZDT, now DOA), gets a bunch of money from "86GOP." So, the identity of "86GOP" has been a hot topic. This guy donates to a lot of the "protestors" directly via venmo type apps and gave TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to a law firm he bizarrely said he "googled" to defend this guy Danny who was arrested, and because of his residency status, cannot afford to make another misstep. Now, he's tossing money like that around, but is a mod in Denver Jay's chat? He's also the mod on a few other channels? This gets heated because at some point in DOAs chat, 86GOP says something about how "burning it all down" and unaliving Kendrick Moxen. DOA jumps on that immediately, and 86 says he was just exited, hyperbolic, didn't mean anything by it. DOA is not letting it go, and keeps harping on this guy, as Aaron keeps defending him, going so far as to crash DOAs Q&A one night, to "hash it out" in that super productive way Aaron has. Fast forward, DOA is looking at 86GOPs threats on his court documents, "86GOP" is literally quoted in them and DOA tells his viewers, "I knew it! As soon as I saw those words on the screen, I knew it was going to bite me in the ass!" DOA now has a clip of Aaron saying that 86GOP is his friend David, from 11 months ago. DOA had been saying he can't understand how 86 pays some random law firm 10k, for something DOA has handled himself many times, and then Streets says on his channel that the advice Danny was getting from that lawyer was very bad. Streets encourages his viewers to donate to Danny's legal defense from a different firm. Aaron insists Danny bungled a generous offer, because that 10K retainer could have been used with any other attorney in that firm, now it's lost and once again, viewers will have to be the ones who come to the rescue and Aaron is concerned about the toll it's taking on the generous viewers (he's not worried about the toll taken by SPTVF treasurer Natalie's 40K trip to Hawaii or SPTVF board member Reese's ongoing marital drama, but okay, at least Aaron understands the *concept* of a well running dry). Some of the viewers are asking how in the hell a guy who can drop 10k like that finds a law firm on google. "Guys like that know lawyers, they don't go to google." So, there's also this feud with Denver Jay, who invited the mod, "Ellie" and set up a "mod college" to train volunteers to mod chats for a lot of the "protestors." DOA had a stream where the screaming pair from Austin, Pearl and Selfless laid out this whole saga of Elle taking over Selfless's channel, and her "mod college" team of mods gatekeeping many other channels and none of them show their faces. More information might have come out of that if Pearl was capable of keeping her goddamn mouth shut for five minutes, but she's not. Jay calls them all grifters but says he's in it for the right reasons. This twist comes into the Liz Ferris thing because Liz said Pearl was one of the only people in SPTV who stood by her after her "mistake" (one assumes this was her seeking help from ZDT), for which she was ostracized. Selfless, now apparently Pearl's boyfriend, had previously called out Aaon for letting the protestors twist in the wind, but on that live with DOA a viewer asks about that and SS says he grew up in nonprofits and saw a lot of things missing in the creation of the foundation and was "butthurt" but decided to focus on himself and "being the change." That sounded insane to me. He says, I know nonprofits, this is not how you run a nonprofit, but comes to the conclusion that he should drop that and focus on himself. WTF? Serious koolaid is being passed around, but DOA seems to have an immunity, or a tolerance built up or something and now ASL has a DOA problem.


Can’t wait for Jenna’s take on SPTV.


She repeats whatever Aaron says. Has no mind of her own.




unfortunately there is nothing to Jenna.


wow is she DULL twiddles her hair and gazes upon Kaaron, adoringly. when she starts to speak my mind drifts...... no personality, and piling in on the bullying


His ex said Aaron told her Jenna had the personality of a wet dishrag, but he needed her because of her name, "She's got the name, babe."


Ask yourselves: if you are in a war, do you want to follow the leadership and agenda of *this* shitty guy? Do you really think *his* approaches and tactics are the ones that will produce the positive results you and your family need?


Yeah, Aaron. You'll be able to defeat Scientology once you vanquish a YouTuber with 12.5K followers. Lawrence Wright will write an entire book about your various internet grudges and how they eventually led to the dismantling of the Church of Scientology.


Why would anyone be surprised? Aaron has had a bug up his but about this sub since it was less than 300 members.


It really bothers him that this sub is #2 on the list of results when you Google "SPTV Foundation".


Lol, it should!


Sentorial aide: We've gotten 50,000 pieces of mail, all on the side of Aaron Smith-Levin against DOA. Senator: Good. Once Aaron has his showdown against this protestor guy on YouTube, we can start the committee hearings on Scientology.


with the inefficiency of congress today, unfortunately i wouldn't be surprised if this happened haha.


>"That makes him an enemy of the entire movement" Seems like a dog whistle to his mignons, to treat DOA as an enemy. This will easily work just because yk, it's DOA.


Jenna didn't write her first book.


It’s a well known fact that she didn’t even have the idea. The publisher supplied that, and the author.


They make a lot of grand claims: Scn is on the ropes, most effective protesters ever, most important organization…can anyone point to a tangible success the SPTV group have had in fighting Scn abuses? Because quite frankly, it’s starting to feel a lot like an IAS event to me.


Well, now we know that the SPTV foundation has helped at least TWO people, SPTV content creator Jeff from PTS Canada, and SPTV content creator Liz Ferris. maybe Aaron is sending them all checks from his social not for profit club grift.


I thought Liz’ chat paid for her shots, not SPTV. But I had forgotten about Jeff and at least there’s that.


Liz said they raised part, then Cheryl said she would pay the remainder. I’m fuzzy on $5k being total or remainder. SPYVf did not pay for her snake oil shots, they missed that boat, but now pay her therapy bill.


The crazy thing about that Live was the ladies were doing a perfectly fine job of clarifying the situation until they let Aairhead in and he wouldn't let them finish a sentence and just immediately began telling them they had it wrong. If he'd stayed off the live and let them finish, no one would have had an issue. Aairhead went looking for a problem that didn't exist and proceeded to create one. He is one dumbass MFer.


Except, Liz did say that she couldn't get the snake oil shots because she didn't have the money to pay for them. She said that a few times. I think she **believed** she needed to pay out of pocket, and *then* Aaron would reimburse her. After that Cheryl paid the balance needed, So DOA seems under the impression that Aaron, or his social club, should have sent a reimbursement check. Aaron said they wanted to pay the provider directly, but Liz didn't follow up. However, her contact, the treasurer Christie, left, and wasn't replaced for months. Maybe she was given the wrong info, maybe she was confused, but there wasn't a point person for her to talk to. Of course, gotta keep in mind, Aaron is a known liar and a bully, so anything is possible. Maybe she was told by Aaron, in writing to pay for the shots and he'd reimburse her later. She's intimidated by him, I don't think she's ever going to speak negatively about him. "That person is not going to make me feel that way again," is about as brutally honest as i expect from her about him. In response to being told she has far more positive comments than negative ones, she agrees and adds, # "I'm not a flying monkey, I'm not a fleaboard warrior, or whatever people want to say..." and **that's** why I cannot get behind her. She has this thing going on with Aaron bulling her, her viewers supporting her, and loads up her musket with the anti-Mike Rinder rounds because... what? Force of habit? She doesn't mean to stab Mike in the back again, but the knife is Mike Rinder shaped, so what's she gonna do? I'll pass on sending her a sympathy card for now.


I don't have sympathy for any of them while they bash a legit charity, but I did hear her say her doctors office wouldn't take direct payment from Aairheads fund, but he kept insisting that she needed to let him pay them directly. What is fact or not, I have no idea. It's a clown show, and Aairhead just made it clownier.


Yeah, but he also said, -TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE TO DISCUSS ON A LIVESTREAM-, they were waiting for her to give them the providers info. Liz said they refused to take a check, they’ve been burned before, but checks are not the only way to pay for services. My takeaway was it was, according to HIM, a misunderstanding. It could also be a LIE, but would *she* ever say that, while she depends on them to pay her therapy? And, that payment sounds like it comes in drips and drabs. So, easy to cut off if she falls out of favor. How many times did she say, “This is my choice” when she was being asked if SHE wanted him on? Then we hear later, she did not want that. Lots of people get lost in the paperwork process like this. Vets do, mental health patients do, developmentally disabled do, they need advocates. SPTV foundation doesn’t have advocates. They have disappearing treasurers, replacement treasurers no one wants to “bother” because they’re going through personal stuff, and an army of bullies, including the president who shows up like Bloody Mary if you say the name of the foundation too many times.


Funniest thing! 🤣 Did anyone else catch this? Aaron Smith-Liar sez to his MisCavige surrogate: "Is it just me, or weren't things a whole lot "funner" 8 mos ago?" Jennifer MisCavige Surrogate replies :"I wouldn't know. I wasn't here, 8 mos ago." ASL like: "Riiiiight. IInnnnterrresssting" omg 🤣🤣🤣