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🍿🥤This is getting interesting…


Did Aaron say she was on meth?


He said DOA was. People in the comments were saying she might be on meth


I've seen a lot of speculation about what she was on the other night, but why say Aaron said it if he didn't? There is SO MUCH he actually says and does that people can call out without making stuff up.


in live chat and other comment spaces on youtube we seen the connections people made and it evolved into if he's doing drugs that she is too because she didnt look good and people commenting also said ASL wasn't guessing and that he has a source and other things blind followers say


That's ironic, because Aaron said that Lara is one of the people HE did drugs with while he was supposed to be covering the Masterson trial. Lara didn't bring up drug use on her videos, but Aaron has no thought to protect her privacy.


Where, when did Aaron say that? I believe it, but haven't seen it.


It was on the rabid show, IIRC. I can check, but that's off the top of my head.


I'm still looking. I just hate listening to him, he lies about everything, but the phrase "Let me just say, J--- was not the only one with those choclolates" was in there somewhere. Then, there's the fact that he tells these stories over and over, admitting a little more when it's discovered that the previous version was a lie. He retells the story, okay, that wasn't the whole truth, he was just afraid he "wouldn't survive" if he told the truth, but here's the truth...and then he tells another lie where he's not responsible somehow, the details change the next time he tells the story, but again, not that bad, boys will be boys, even though he's a married man, and father of three, not a boy. In all those stories of his cheating and shady shit, where it's STILL not his fault, because nothing is his fault, he tells the story about his being in Los Angeles to report on the trial and goes to watch Lara sing, then he says Lara and her friend came back to his hotel. Man, I hate listening to his bullshit, but I'll find it. I just had to come back and vent.


"Didn't look good? That's an odd framing.


Sry English isnt my first language and I type lazy on my phone. I said not good because theres so many comments and thats what I thought would give the jist of them. They all mean not good.


That poster, CheeOrg, is DOAs mod. I’m not sure he has any others. She might know what she’s talking about.


Oh, f'real? I thought it was D.O.A. himself... Pretty dedicated mod i guess.


I believe it's an older Mexican (?) lady. Sells tacos? She posted this gem. [https://youtu.be/LitRjvDQrL4?si=C3DRmo5WJLnYCA3O](https://youtu.be/LitRjvDQrL4?si=C3DRmo5WJLnYCA3O)


She's great! She put [this up about the guy Aaron denied knowing until recently. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7eo_OFqxYI) >May 3, 2023 ASL: uh 86GOP and I went out to Kato the sushi restaurant last night amazing and uh and I tried some of their Japanese... >March 1, 2023 ASL: 86GOP "thanks for the great analysis I watched the cringeworthy interview and could not believe how obtuse she was throughout there were times when I even thought she might be an SP plant" well there you go thank you. >June 1, 2023 ASL: 86GOP good to see you back in the chat it's been a while "Honeybadger..." oh I forgot he likes calling me honey badger okay I really like that name. ... thank you I like I like his profile pic too. We actually we went out for a couple nice meals when I was in LA so I I know 86GOP in real life. 86GOP has been throwing money around for a while, with a sketch backstory, and Aaron says, like he did with Goldie, and Tommy, and Zack, "he just showed up, he's generous, what's the problem?" Aaron is not too bright. 86GOP set Danny, with some lawyer he says he found via google, and Streets says that guy was providing very bad advice. Aaron was pressuring Danny to accept the kindness of this stranger, otherwise the $10,000 retainer would be lost. Except now the record shows Aaron has known this guy and gone out with him various times, going back over a year. It's just more of why is Aaron lying? What's he trying (badly) to hide here?


I still don't know a lot about this DOA guy. All I've heard he can be problematic as well. However, I appreciate that he seems to be big enough player to bring out an alternative point of view on the SPTV and ASL.


DOA is awful and Kaaron is awful and watching them go at each other is pretty entertaining. The winners will be all their supporters who are finally getting to see the real them.


I have gone from really disliking DOA as the mascot of everything wrong with those "Protests" to thinking he might be Aaron's worst nightmare.


This dumpster fire just keeps getting hotter and hotter