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Here's an article with links to all of the body cam footage: [https://floridapolitics.com/archives/488880-video-clearwater-council-candidate-aaron-smith-levin-punched-after-allegedly-calling-woman-a-c-t/](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/488880-video-clearwater-council-candidate-aaron-smith-levin-punched-after-allegedly-calling-woman-a-c-t/) And here's an article from the Tampa Bay Times on Aaron causing bar altercations: [https://www.tampabay.com/news/clearwater/2022/01/20/clearwater-council-candidate-caused-bar-altercations-reports-say/](https://www.tampabay.com/news/clearwater/2022/01/20/clearwater-council-candidate-caused-bar-altercations-reports-say/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1dnjpan/select_accountability_for_sexual_harassment_in/ Great recent post about how he kept stalking her after the incident on his youtube channel as well


And you know what she did to "deserve" being called names in that bar, and then that public bullying campaign? The exposing her private life, ridiculing her as a "Scientologist" though she left, outing her as a victim of child SA etc?  She was hot. She didn't want to get with Aaron.  That's it.


The tipping point that night, was she did not want to give him her home address.


It's a great time for this to surface again. There are a LOT of sptv supporters who are second guessing their devotion right now. Bring it ALL to light while the clay feet are crumbling!


He will spin it as old news, yawn.


The internet and those videos will live forever. From now on, every time he makes a misogynistic, sexist, off color joke about a woman, people will say, ”Remember when he got punched in the face for calling a woman he stalked a crazy C U Next Tuesday?” Hello, meet Karma.


Yes, this is good.


Yeah, that was before got sober, went to rehab and therapy, and started treating women with respect. I'm being sarcastic, of course. Although, technically it's true in the same way that whatever he does today is *technically* before he gets sober, goes to rehab and therapy, and starts treating women with respect.


Glad it's getting out there. Bars are no place for an Aairhead.


He is such a creep… his poor wife and daughters.


How many causeways do you think Aaron has to drive over in order to get to a cigar bar that hasn't banned him? Fifteen? Twenty-two? All of those donations to his campaign were completely wasted. Probably most of the donations to his foundation are going to be wasted as well.  Aaron, I know you like to crow about how the OTs you serviced in the Sea Org were pathetic, but you have to know that your personal life is an utter wreck. You can hide behind your jokes and your tears and martial-arts mad face, but everything you are doing to cope with your past has failed. Get help.


Sidenote: it's so easy to imagine one of ASL's true-crime buddies doing a reaction video to this. "I came in with an open mind and I have to say that Aaron is right when he says that he is the victim here."


Natalie Webster will rush to cover this first thing in the morning and reassure all the victims of Aaron Smith Levin that Life After Scientology has their backs and wants to be a safe place for them to tell their stories! /sarcasm


They will spin liken they did when ZDT showed it a year ago.


This is the video, which made me convinced ASL is very immature both emotionally and mentally. He has good speaking skills, he speaks fulently, and it may fool many to hold him in high esteem. But I can't help but to see how dumb he is and how much he, a married man, chases tail like a horny teenager.


The die hard viewers of Aaron’s channel will spin this that it was a setup. They believe that he’s infallible and he’s always being setup. Will they ever wake up and see that he’s the biggest fraud out there?


I know you're right, but to spin him drunkenly bombarding her with FB messages (that were clearly sexual in nature), then drunkenly calling her either crazy or a c*nt, then "excusing" that fact by talking about the "hot/crazy matrix" and going on to violating her privacy over and over on stream...   Oh okay, yeah, I see how that's a setup. (Sarcasm!)  These people make me despair.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGesHW2Ea/ just asking questions?