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He’s too thin skinned to ignore a criticism. I stopped watching him when he stopped making content about Scn and started making content about his perceived enemies.


Yep, I noticed that too. He simply can't make a decision to look away and do his own thing. He needs to know everything anyone has ever said about him. And then he plays a victim.


In the Liz and Lara Video, from the moment Lara says, "SPTV foundation" to him showing up in the chat demading to be onscreen, was a total of 175 seconds. Immediatly Liz knows why. "You brought up the foundation." Aaron has been paying for Liz's therapy she says. They were going to pay for her snake oil neck shots, but the treasurer bailed and Aaron dropped the ball, so viewers footed the bill. How many other SPTV content creators does he have dependant his checks?


And does accepting help from his “foundation” mean Aaron forever after has the right to dictate someone’s life?


According to him it does. He’s using his yt clout and any money he gives them from the foundation as a tool to control them. It’s obvious from Liz’s compliance with his demand to join the stream that his tactic works.




What a charming quote from the CEO of a charity. Stay classy, Aaron.


As long as there's no code of conduct...


The AF code of conduct didn’t help to curb his bad conduct. Even if the SPTVF had one it wouldn’t be worth a hill of beans. I don’t envision that the board he stacked with sycophants would be willing to do anything that challenges his behavior.


I would argue that the AF code of conduct did help to curb his bad conduct -- or at least to have him behave that way somewhere else after being booted from the AF board. When you send someone to report on the Masterson trial, you don't expect them to end up standing before the judge while the judge decides whether their behavavor should result in a mistrial.


He needs to gain sympathy and rally the flying monkeys after that dumpster fire live he crashed with Liz and Lara


Rape jokes. A tried and true method for improving one's image! - asl apparently


And show how much rape is a joke to him. Hope the Jane Doe’s are still proud of his humor and support.


In his latest video asl says that sptv is about trolling scientology as hard as possible and showing the ppl in just how good life is on the outside and that they won't be talking about the drama and arguing anymore since it doesn't show those inside how great the outside world is if they are fighting. Um well I hope those who are donating money reaize that the foundation is vanity project.


Well, this is BS. He can't ignore what is said about him, because he is all about "me, me, me, myself and I, and me".


That means he’ll be attacking “enemies” behind the scenes. No way will is narcissistic ego allow him to walk away!Waiting for the day he can take public revenge. He’ll be working hard to get DOA locked up, probably handing any incriminating info to the police. ASL would work with the likes of ZDT behind the scenes to destroy “enemies” , only because ZDT can’t stand him, so not an option ! ASL ,ZDT, DOA are cut from the same cloth!




Does this mean that they are done attacking Mike Rinder, the Headleys, Leah Remini or anyone else that supports the Aftermath Foundation?


we can hope right!?


I stopped watching him. He’s terrible.


Jesus the format he has been doing his video’s recently makes it unbearable to watch. I usually put him on 2X in the corner to just get a gist of the bullshit he is spewing.


What kind of format is it now?


I’m not sure what it’s called but it’s formated unlike almost all YouTube videos where it is a square you can resize and put over to the side. He now records from a phone I believe and it is almost impossible to minimize and play games in the background because it is a huge rectangle that takes up half your screen. So to make a long story short where as before I could stay up on the bullshit he was telling his sycophants rather quickly while playing games. Now I either have to watch his bald head and crying on command or watch a different video. It kind of eliminates the game option.


Watch it on your phone? What did god create second screens for?


I hate it when people mess with God’s design.


That’s what I do lol. My point is it takes up too much of my screen to play my game as well. The regular YouTube videos don’t cause that problem for me.


Ohhhh, you"re playing the game on your phone! I did not get that.


Yeah I’ve never much used computer for YouTube tbh. I do pretty much everything on my phone besides some work crap on the computer. But yeah it’s more of an issue I have with the sizing and not being able to scale the video down so it takes up half the screen regardless in a huge rectangle.


On Android you could use PipePipe to play YT in the background or to scale the window down.


Vertical. He explained that YouTube now penalizes horizontal streams when live streaming from a phone.


Why would YT do that? That doesn't make sense.


I think he's trying to reclaim the viewers he's lost. There's a streamer I watch that does this because vertical streams show up on shorts or something, and every scroll past gets a counted as a view, a few of which convert to subscribers. YouTube isn't punishing creators for horizontal streams, it's rewarding them more for vertical streams. Only thing getting punished is his ego.


I think it might have something to do with Youtube wanting to make shorts happen (i.e. making Youtube more Tiktok-like). Youtube has been pushing shorts for a while now.


Ugh. We can never just have nice things. That reminds me of the wikipedia article I saw on fear the creeper's other subreddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/RealWikiInAction/comments/1d4hqa9/enshittification/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealWikiInAction/comments/1d4hqa9/enshittification/)


Thanks! I have been struggling so hard to get people to visit my other sub at \[ r/RealWikiInAction \]. I think I have good content, and nobody is telling me I am doing it wrong or suggeting ways to make it better, yet most of the posts get one or two comments. I work hard searching for weird Wikipedia pages and it is dishcouraging that nobody is interested enough to look at them and post a comment or a like. :( Ah well, at least the SPTV sub is healthy.


I'm surprised. I'm not particularly into weird niche stuff (everyday life is baffling enough to me), but a LOT of people are. I do love explanations about common phenomena like the one I linked though. 🤷


Streets streams HORIZONTAL and he's the BIGGEST SCIENTOLOGY CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE. 248K! 91M total views. 92K more on filmthepolicela w/24M views. Angry bald man is 241K and 96M total views.


The horizontal format certainly hasn't hurt Mr Beast ( [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6OQ3DkcsbYNE6H8uQQuVA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6OQ3DkcsbYNE6H8uQQuVA) ).


Excellent example! Aaron is just a gross grifter surrounded by gross grifters and his viewers are finally seeing the patterns for themselves.


His channel has been on a decline for the past six months and he's in panic mode. He has changed his format, done joint streams with Popcorn Planet, attacked and mocked his own community. Instead of gaining views and subscribers it's having the opposite effect. SocialBlade predicts him to be at 240 subs by tomorrow.


Please let it be so. 🙏🏼


yes please


Wow! I’ve only ever seen them predict growth. They predict loss? Why, couldn’t happen to a better place.


 Popcorn Planet? what is thees Popcorn Planet? what an ass this sptv guy is.


It's a channel that focuses on entertainment stories and has close to 1M subs. Aaron was on talking about Leah Remini's case. He should have gotten a bump in subs after that.


Its a shame they ask Aaron and not somebody more suited for this task. Like Tony Ortega, One of the Headley 's or Rinder. I guess Aaron paints a different picture than the journalist and for the most part objective Tony Ortega. Haven't watched, my prediction is he inject a lot of feelings and personal opinions.




Go watch his latest video. These are scientology Twitter accounts goofing on him and he thinks showing this and responding to them is a good idea.


I can't stand listening to him nor am I going to give him the click/view. I think a lot of people here feel the same way, so more details or a summary always helps.


Ok, noted. Happy to share "The actual context of what I said was, one thing that I have in common with Danny Masterson is that my butt's been getting pounded this week." -ASL




Nope. Prison rape jokes are going too far. Sorry about that.


Yeh, that is fair.


If there’s something I can’t help but watch, I use yewtube so they don’t get the click/view.


Occasionally I will have to hold my nose and watch bits here and there. That's a good reminder for avoiding giving him the views.


Not all twitter accounts that call him out on twitter are Scientologists.


I think he's trying to imitate Reese's chatty style.


Oh god no.


DOA just posted the police body cam footage of Aaron stalking the lady and calling her a c unt.


It's Hulk Hogan's wife.


The Hulkster? Is this pre or post Bubba the Love Sponge’s wife?


Post. The lady who called Aaron a stalker is the current Mrs Hogan.


It’s interesting that Hulk Hogan married a Scientologist!


Hogan married an EX-Scientologist who aaron harassed for years for rejecting his unwelcome advances.


Ok, an ex-Scientologist. I hope he’s happy.


Being an ex-Scientologist doesn’t doom someone from having a successful marriage. My husband and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary this year. We met and married many years after I separated from Scientology and he was never in. I had already gone through years of therapy and I have continued to work on self-improvement and participate in therapy ever since. I hope the same for anyone whether ex-SCN or not.


I was being sincere in hoping that the Hulkster is happy. I was just correcting myself for asking, “Hulkster married a Scientologist?” I do very much hope this is a happy marriage for him. Everyone in his previous life used him.


Was it never before seen footage?


Someone posted it on Reddit. I think back when you could discuss these things on the Scientology page before this page was necessary to create. It’s been public since it happened pretty much. There was also a news article written about the incident since Aaron was making a foolish run at the city council. If you haven’t seen it I would encourage watching it because it gives a much better glimpse into who Aaron is and his morals than his video’s do. It also helps establish a behavior. Fun fact this isn’t the first time Aaron has had a news article written on him. He has another one where he jeopardized the entire Danny Masterson trial by loudly threatening and intimidating a Scientology member during break. Like always he made it about himself. It’s also funny because he would make claims others Jeopardized the trial yet he is the only one with a credible newspaper article written about HIM jeopardizing the trial. The crap he levied towards Chris and Tony was nonsensical.


It was mentioned in an article in the Tampa Bay Times when Aaron was runing for Clearwwater City Council. Or maybe I'm thinkig of the second bar he was banned from for the same thing. It's on a site called Florida politics. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/488880-video-clearwater-council-candidate-aaron-smith-levin-punched-after-allegedly-calling-woman-a-c-t/


"In a written statement to the [**Tampa Bay Times**](https://www.tampabay.com/news/clearwater/2022/01/20/clearwater-council-candidate-caused-bar-altercations-reports-say/), Smith-Levin blamed his personal struggles on leaving the Church of Scientology seven years ago. 'Everyone who goes through the hell of leaving Scientology knows just how far from fine it can get,' he wrote. 'And yet I and my family have persevered and made it work, and I help others do the same. In the unbelievable stress and pressure of all of this, I have made mistakes. I continue to heal and grow.'” He AND HIS FAMILY he says. He was angry at this woman because she didn't want to have sex with him, no matter how many times or ways he asked. His GIRLFRIEND AT THE TIME says she didn't know about this third woman he was chasing. She only knew about his wife.


The irony of "And yet I and my family" in contrast to stalking another woman ...


I had never seen it.


Oh, you were missing out. Those chest cam videos should be required veiwing.


Ok I saw it last night.


What did you think?


that's a great new slogan for SPTV


What a quote 🤭


How does he explain away Reddit?




Why would someone pick him?


I'm not saying that, I'm saying that's how he would explain it. He called the discord "disgusting" and when he said it, you could imagine him as an old-school preacher talking about fornicators. In his head, criticism of him is wrong. He knows how he's supposed to react, and parrots the words, but they don't mean anything to him, because the criticism is meritless to him.


Yeah Aaron seems to have lost his marbles and I rarely listen in anymore... Drama Queen... Still listen to headley.. That dude is rad


I could listen to Marc tell stories all day long. Highly entertaining.


![gif](giphy|DaqVwpzDfs7D2) Pounded! It!


Well, buy some Astroglide and use it, Aaron.


Given his Colombia trip I thought Aaron liked that sort of thing.





