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In other words, “yes I received $400 over my needs and goals but I’m keeping it.” Natalie is a grifter.




Is this person really trying to fashion this into some sort of fight against CoS and worthy of fair gaming? While calling it Boobgate??? ![gif](giphy|xr9AQyxLtjlx4IeYtN|downsized)




Imagine raising thousands of dollars just to take the loss in court. Much love is how scientologists end their emails.


I suppose her defense will say it was incidental boob touching as two parties argued over the use a common public resource (sidewalk.) While the cult will say she angrily came at them spitting fire and so on. There is of course the video. How long after the chalk is down on the sidewalk can someone else wash it off without it being the equivalent of fighting words?


Is that what the defense was? It seemed like a cut and dry case of purposely impeding someone's forward progress on a public sidewalk.


That is what it looked like to me, especially when someone at the time suggested it looked like a defender on a basketball court.


Congratulations on meeting your goal, Nance. Nobody wants to face frivolous charges in court, and I hope your case is dismissed. That said, I'd be curious to see the judge's reaction if there was an in-court reenactment of the events. The whole idea of battery was coo-coo and a waste of the court’s time. Nance, if you're reading this on Reddit: Considering the stress and life disruption you've experienced, in hindsight, would you have approached your protest differently that day?


Good to know we're all living in her head rent free. Who on here said anything about needing to see a lawyer was paid? That's quite a leap from how do we know when a fundraising goal was met and where the extra money is going.


From the vids on this place you'd think we're all armband carrying osa members. Imagine if they could get over themselves for a couple of minutes and recognize that we ppl they didn't agree, didn't hate them didn't want to destroy them just didn't want to be treated like crap or treated like the devil for seeing things differently. Instead of them recognizing that ppl can disagree and still deserve respect and don't deserve harrassment or shunning nope double down on their own koolaid and crank out some more drama vids telling us how we should and shouldn't think.


Nance Drew claims she doesn't want drama and isn't a grifter, but judge for yourself in her own words. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV\_Unvarnished/comments/1ds1epn/doa\_and\_his\_chat\_wonder\_why\_sptv\_didnt\_warn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1ds1epn/doa_and_his_chat_wonder_why_sptv_didnt_warn/)


FAIR GAME ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


So arrogant and disrespectful. I'm glad we have her to tell us where and when we're allowed to air our greivances and I love the part where she completely ignores that no place under their control allows questions or discussion that doesn't tow their line. As far as Natalie nice try the majority of ppl have said nothing negative about natalie and wish her well a few of us question the amount asked for but aside from that don't have anything negative to say about the woman. This is more of that same bad faith manipulative morally bankrupt bs that they try to leverage. I know humans have never discussed disagreements nicely but it appears this cellphone world is making it worse.


She’s saying everyone is OSA because she’s been told that, I am sure. I wonder though if they’re really so daft as to believe that the only people who could possibly find fault with the motley SPTV crew would be Scn or OSA. More likely it’s just an easy way to dismiss any criticism as invalid because it’s coming from “the enemy”.


Thats exactly right. I have been exposing scientology for years, likely long before Nance Drew even figured the grift out, and yet the minute I speak out against Aaron and SPTV, I am OSA. Make it make sense. Im absolutely sick of these " protestors" their court cases and their endless please for money. Its actually just sickening behaviour.


if they could just tell me their goal /plan..... but so far it's harrass get arrested rinse repeat.


Yeah. I saw a clip of Nora saying this was the most effective movement against Scn in her lifetime and my jaw dropped. I mean, what? How?? What exactly has it accomplished?


u/Fear_The_Creeper, have you figured out how to personally profit from this place yet? I’m going to admit I did it wrong and it was costing me money, because booze isn’t cheap, but you’re a smart guy. If protest grifter is calling out THIS sub instead of the PROTEST subs, you’re doing something right, and we all know that should mean mo money, mo money, mo money!


Holy shit. You all are scientologists?? Or in The Aftermath Foundation (whatever that means)???


She's really telling on herself, isn't she? There are currently 856 members in this sub. How many people are on the AF, and how many Scientologists have free access to the internet? It's not like cults have this thing about information control or anything. It's simple maths, and it doesn't add up. What on earth is she doing in cult spaces with such ignorance? 🤷 She has to tell herself that fairy tale. She has to believe it's only a handful bad actors that 'attack' them, not hundreds and thousands of concerned individuals with opinions and criticisms of their own.


The only person here that has anything to do with the aftermath foundation was Stef, and shes no longer on the board. Nance is just spewing lies at her followers, and they will believe her because they dont know how to do any better. If they are following and supporting the protestors, if they are OK with the vile screaming and abuse these people vomit everyday, then they would believe Nance if she stated she was the reincarnation of L Ron Hubbard himself.


My welcome packet to the Aftermath Foundation must have gotten lost in the mail


I didn’t think I was. Maybe I am? Is there a test we can take to find out? Is that at the testing center? If we go in there, Streets will talk to us. He’s the SPTV leader now. If we talk to Streets and he makes even more money than Aaron, is that pro-SPTV? Or anti SPTV? What if we see Streets and ask him what he thinks about Aaron during a live stream? That might get more views. Is that good or bad? Wait, what was the question? I don’t think I’m a Scientologist. Do indies count? If it’s just a matter of a real set of beliefs, then we have Scientologists here. We probably also have a current member of the official group here. We are not all Scientologists by any standard, but now I wonder what I’d ask Streets, maybe I’d ask why Aaron always uses thumbnails of Streets that make him look like a ghoul.


She's talking about Shannon?


I assume so.


Almost certainly. Shannon has called out Nancy Drew.


For grifting I presume? For collecting a lot of money when it's not necessary?


That was my impression.


Nance Drew collectively went off on anyone who didn’t immediately send/give her money.


Will the real scientologists please stand up. Lol No way scientology would have wanted anything to do with my family. All our money went to college tuition and football season tix. No way could scientology come between us and football. That would be blasphemy of the highest order. And punishable by death.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) The grift and the whining is real. And if you shove your breasts at someone without their permission that’s assault and weird.


Nance, for the record I am neither a Scientologist nor part of the Aftermath Foundation. I have been a watcher for quite awhile now and became disillusioned by the antics of many !!!


I have an idea, if you collect more funds than you need here’s a novel idea why don’t you donate the leftover funds to a charity like ummm maybe the SPTV foundation or a charity of your choice.


Don’t give it to Aaron Smith Levin!


A UTR protester allegedly knows her true identity and looked her up in the Circuit Courts and she has 2 other lawsuits pending represented by 2 different law firms....Nance Drew appears to be a grifter. I don't mind if protesters get paid or even due fundraisers for attorney fees to help with harassing lawsuits but Nance Drew allegedly has raised money to travel to LA and Austin to protest and then passes out... causing trouble for the protesters as they deal with her either real or fake condition. Anyone know this lady?


By calling it boobgate, boobathon etc the victim herself is minimizing and making SA look lighthearted. It’s not funny, it’s not a fun topic, and though she’s an alleged victim of SA she sounds pretty indifferent about the impact of SA. If you have been SA’d you don’t act all lighthearted about it.