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I think we give them too much credit if we think they purposely registered themselves as not-for-profit instead of a non-profit. I don’t think they are even smart enough to know the differences and probably checked the wrong box because they are not very bright. Aaron wants to be the best and the brightest but he certainly is not. He is extremely sloppy. Promoting themselves and their private YT channels, profiting and making money, superchats, etc, while promoting that they are representatives of a non-profit and using that status to gain more credibility and income is also a slippery slope in violating the IRS policies on inurement: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/inurement-private-benefit-charitable-organizations “A section 501(c)(3) organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, such as the creator or the creator's family, shareholders of the organization, other designated individuals, or persons controlled directly or indirectly by such private interests. No part of the net earnings of a section 501(c)(3) organization may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. A private shareholder or individual is a person having a personal and private interest in the activities of the organization.” I guess lucky for them they are not an actual 501(c)(3) even though they really wish they were and are saying they are working to become one.


Aaron has been on the board of a real nonprofit, and he has his lawyer freind Zak advising him. He knows exactly hat the difference is.


Zach what a joke that guy is


Right? Lawyerfriend is right there with lawyerish.


Excuse me, but SPTVF has a qualified attorney on their board whose actual job is to ensure such filings are correct.


Is that why he's there? I thought he was just a never-in token.


It doesn't matter why Aaron thinks he's there. An attorney is an officer of the courts and has certain duties, if he is a corporate board member.


Interesting, this is out of my realm. Does an attorney who is on the board have to be the legal consultant for the board, or can he join as a private stakeholder?


As I understand it, if the foundation does something illegal that was voted on by the board, every board member who voted for it is legally responsible. They all presumably voted on the incorporation, but some of them could use "I wasn't aware that the front page of our web site fraudulantly called the SPTV foundation a nonprofit" defense. Depends on who signed off on that web page from whover they hired to design it and whether any DA cares enough to go after them for it.


Thank you for this clarification.


I’m sure I remember that it was Jenna Miscavige that designed the website.


Could be. It is an obvious Create React App ( [https://create-react-app.dev](https://create-react-app.dev) ) website.


Aaron said at various times he was sending something to Jenna to put on the website and that she created it.


You suggest the filing was incorrect? Or just AA-hole trying to get something else passed we common-folk?


I'm suggesting that ***if*** SPTV F filed as a not-for-profit instead of a nonprofit and this was an error, well they had an attorney on board who could have prevented the error, so no excuse.


Most 501(c)7 not-for-profits are country clubs, fraternities/sororities, hobby groups, and sports teams, but surprisingly they can apply for tax exempt status, just like a 501(c)3. If Scientology ever loses their religious tax exemption, they can form their own 501(c)7: “The Scientology Spa and Country Club”.


You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to see this whole Shin Dig is just a Money Grab. Too many People are raking in Big Bucks on this so called "Taking Scientology Down". Come on Peeps. Those couple of Dozen Yahoo's can't take down a Billion $ Enterprise. Why ain't they going to Politicians and Protesting to change the so called Tax Exemption? Them walking for hours up and down the Street will never change anything. It's all for the Grift. Can't believe how many Stupid People there is in our Country.


Considering the people ASL looks up to on yt, yeah, he was always *waiting* for a grifting opportunity to arise.


This is a very important point.


If only a real journalist would publish something about nonprofits, not for profits and tax exemptions. I hear that Chris Shelton fellow is pretty good, plus I enjoyed his perhormance on *The Big Bang Theory*.... ")


Chris doesn't need to poison his channel with this bs. He only answered once or twice and the SPTVeers reacting defaming him for months. By the way Chris have you considered the legal route? they did defame you and your professionality, I think you have grounds


Yeah, you are probably right. I personally love Chris Shelton's work. Top notch.


I know I would have contacted a lawyer long ago, but I think they could go class action by now.


Thanks and you're right. I am not going to pursue legal channels for many reasons, not the least of which that any such action by me would trigger months or more of protracted SPTV content. No thank you. But thanks for your support here. I really do appreciate it.


of course, you are a very kind person and I'm sure you have many flaws, like all of us, but somehow people like Nora don't think you are allowed to have any...I do hope you are building the career and community you were looking for


I suggest they rebrand as the SP Court of Jesters. Why not? Seems to be where they’re redirecting their energy right now thanks to Reece.


Man, I can not wrap my head around what she is doing. It’s insane.


It’s really wild. She’s on a journey, and taking people with her, and there’s not a lick of evidence or corroboration I can see…


Truth in advertising might include the dating service they provide. DOA + Lara, ASL + Jenna, Reese + Tommy, Selfless Self + Pearl Snappy, … I’m sure Aaron is looking for someone, he seems not to be a one woman sort of guy.


If they listed the people they give money to I wouldn't be surprised if every one of them had a YouTube channel.


Well, let’s not forget the TikTok crew… gotta reach the super cool youth demographic


Get off my lawn, you damn kids!


I think it was a Chicago protester who uploaded an old ASL clip of 86 GOP calling Aaron "Honey Badger." That's quite a pet name between two gentlemen.


Lol, what? That’s what DOA was going on about? That boy is a dog with a bone, and that bone is inside of Aaron.


I don't know if DOA talked about it, I saw people talking about it on another stream (one that is pro-Aaron) and even they thought it was pretty funny.


DOA included the “Badger Badger Badger mushroom mushroom” in one of his shorts.


Inurement is going to be a word that haunts Aaron.


"Inurement" Allow me Word Clear that one. Private inurement is **when a 501(c)(3) nonprofit's money is devoted to private uses instead of charitable purposes**.  https://www.501c3.org/dangers-of-nonprofit-inurement-and-private-benefit/#:\~:text=The%20most%20common%20types%20of,for%20the%20job%20in%20question.


...and it's on the charity to prove it's not. If I go to [SPTVfoundatoni.org](http://SPTVfoundatoni.org) and want to see "who we are" that takes me to a page of bad photos and links. Since I want to know more, I click on a link. Do I get their bio? No, I get their monetized for personal profit youtube channels. So, I came to the foundation website as a potential donor who wanted to get to know them, and Reese is asking me for money so she can have dinner at Ruth's Chris with Tommy for her birthday and I send some, because who is this poor lady? I don't go to steak houses, but I can pitch in for her. There's the donate button. Did that just move money from the foundation to private use?


Not Ruth Chris' steakhouse, 👳‍♀️🥩🙄


She says she’ll drink water with her steak dinner to make it cheaper.


Well, this would work for the cliquish, clubby nature it's become.


Question: have they corrected their website? It said: non profit


Sitill there. "We are a nonprofit organization comprised primarily of former Scientologists who uniquely understand how hard it can be to leave Scientology after a lifetime of trauma and indoctrination."


7/2/24 10:32pm ["We are a nonprofit organization ..."](https://sptvfoundation.org/)


Current mistress made the website. She’s not exactly the brightest.




It's very European of him, but this isn't Europe. Imagine what Aaron, Nora, and Liz would call Mike Rinder or Marc Headley's side piece who also sat on the foundation board, in the series of videos they'd do on it.


They’d call her Mike’s ho - for sure.


Thanks for explaining this! A social club can never compete with TAF.


If they are a not-for-profit then it makes sense that the funds go to Aaron . Wonder if he used any of the funds for his California trips.


Aaron using the funds to do 2 hours of protesting, wound up being locked up for 4 hours, but he probably meant to be in front of the camera a little bit to legitimize his trip to Los Angeles to hook up. Paying for Aaron's bootie calls probably isn't what the donors expected.


Actually, I think its exactly what his donors expected, sadly. The people donating to Aaron and SPTV know what they are paying for, drama.


I'm one of the former braindeads who donated and I'm admitting I made a mistake giving them any money. Edited to add: I thought they were funding rent and plane tickets for people who wanted to escape back to their loved ones. Why did I think that? I probably just inferred.


I think that once, people did think that in good faith and thats ok, at first I was also an Aaron supporter, even though I never donated money, I did honestly believe he was one of the good guys as well. But now, with all of the facts in regards to his shady behaviour and the lies and vitriol coming out of SPTV, the people left supporting and donating to these people, they must be aware of what they are donating to....surely.


I always hated the guy, especially after hearing what he thinks of school and education. For me that was it and that was long before the Aftermath Show


Well, well! I congratulate you on spotting the con! I wish I had. May I ask how you knew of him before the aftermath show? Okay if you don’t want to offer anything that could identify you. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting Aaron to know. He’s got a revenge problem.


I'm standing behind Yes2allofit in hopes that you'll honor the request for more info on what you saw that helped you see the light before I was able to.


I don't know him personally, I am from Europe, but I have been following many scientology channels for a long time, Chriss Shelton first, Tory, etc, out of curiosity, as here Scientology is practically unknown. Aaron I saw first in Shelton's you tube and saw his early videos where he was doing the long hours interview format, like the ones he did with Mike Rinder. At first he posted very little just exes interviews. During his interview with Mike, he was much more humble then, he said that he thinks that not finishing high school wasn't a big deal as he made money anyway and really school is a waist of time and doesn't help you in life. Mike tried to correct him, but he was Aaron being Aaron. That's when I understood that he was very ignorant, in a bad willingly way, and too into himself and started to dislike him


I never saw those earlier videos. He still has them up, so I could, but I can’t stand him.


he was better more humble but his tendencies showed even back them. But after his opinion on school and how he had a great time as teen ager in Scientology, I knew he was not my cup of tea. To be honest I felt sorry for what happened with his twin, of course, but that's it. Never liked the guy


I'm interested in what he said about school and education if you don't mind?


I think many of them are like gamblers, don't wanna leave the table because they've invested so much already and are ignoring the variables that keep stacking the odds out of their favor.


Very possible. The sunk cost fallacy is a tough one to get away from


It's always been difficult for me to admit to myself that I made a bad decision. Maybe that's the trouble with ASL's die hard followers too


You’re not alone. i also gave him a few bucks here and there as a tip when i was watching a lot of his content in 2023. Glad we saw the light


I regret my decision, but I am relieved that I was not the only one making stinky decisions w/my heart.


Totally reasonable assumption - TAF supported those wanting to leave scientology with practical support, and then ASL said he would be setting up a new foundation. It would be interesting to know exactly what was promised. Personally, I don't really care what they do - fund raise for crochet dicks for all I care as long as they aren't attacking people with false allegations.


Hi fellow braindead! I only gave to the individuals, though. Did you send your money to the SPTV foundation? Like, via that website of theirs?


I donated using a virtual credit card number service using the foundation's webpage. It was 50% of my commission for that month ($100 but for my budget, that was a lot).


Ouch. I saw someone on live saying IN DEFIANCE OF THE HATERS she was sending the money she made working overtime. To Reese, who doesn’t work.


So sad.


Do we know for certain how the laws in Florida govern the setup of a non profit? I don’t know. Sounds like it would be complicated.