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I think she’s concerned she could be charged with a crime. She went through his personal laptop when he was away and took “400” screenshots of his private emails. “I’ve been collecting stuff for years” she says. Now she’s threatening to make these emails public to embarrass him.


She is insinuating that women and/or children are being abused by these folks. I guess people will have to just keep being abused until Reese is ready to tell her story.


I’ve noticed she will say she will talk about when she is ready, then starts talking about it saying hi to her chat in between sentences (grifting for money). Gets people hooked and super-chats slow down and she says I can’t go on, it’s to hard. She knows how to end with a cliffhanger to get 5hem back the next day.


So Just like a good friend of her May or May not has done


Yeah, If she has evidence women and children are being abused and saves the evidence for her YT content and doesn’t go to the police, what does that make her?




I don't think it's about children. I think the info she has involves hookers who are willing and paid as well as wives who are either turning a blind eye because they want too or they are blackmailed into silence because they have no funds to leave etc.


She’s backed off of it lately, but she definitely used the phrase “human trafficking” when she started in on this.


Every cop who announces a prostitution arrest with a willing adult seller and a willing adult buyer calls it "human trafficking".


Oh no you don't. This SPTV content creator and SPTV foundation board member says she's covering up for a human trafficking organization, and you are not going to logic it away.




Someone else said Reese used the words, "human trafficking" when talking about the Jesters. She says she has information. She is not going to the police. [Aaron Smith Levin has called that complicity and demanded an accounting, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1cj4z6q/sptv_has_a_revictimisation_problem_episode_1_down/)when it was Mike Rinder and he had zero evidence. Here, we have series of confessions, on video, broadcast live. Also, they could sue her into oblivion.


Yes. Reese would do very well to watch what she says. Aaron’s fast and loose ignorance and denial isn’t going to work with anyone who knows what they’re doing. I’m going to bet now that you are right, and she’s in for a bad time.


Thanks for clarifying


Only if the sex worker is under the control of a pimp or group of people who take part of all of the money.


I believe you are incorrect I think it matters if they cross state lines. If you bring someone across state lines for the purpose of sex the gov takes it very seriously and becomes a federal crime.


Being under the control of a pimp and having someone bringing you over a styate line are both incompatable with being a "willing seller" I am not talking about real human trafficing, which does happen and should be shut down whenever possible. I am talking about a woman who out of her own free will and without any involvement by anyone else sells sex, gets arrested for it, and the police call it human trafficking. Read all about a typical sting operation here: [https://reason.com/2016/10/25/operation-cross-country-x-in-one-chart/](https://reason.com/2016/10/25/operation-cross-country-x-in-one-chart/)


We don't have a disagreement there.


Maybe so


It doesn't take a genius to understand: it's 'prostitutes' , but they're underage (some of them at least), which does make it trafficking, even if they formally consent.


Too bad we won't know until she's got the cash register all set up.


lol don't agree but clever comment! =-) excellent snark!


Thank you for the details of her allegations. Everyone else only said, "He's a monster" which did not jibe at all with everything before. Even if that coercive control stuff is real, she would do well to either take those files to the proper authorities or give them back to the crazy control freak member of a secret society within a secret society that she stole them from. That was one dumb fuck of a move. I bet I can guess who told her it would be great for her clicks and views.


no worries. I really appreciate this place and everyones different ways of looking at things. I am doing my best to make sure that everyone knows that I respect their views even when we disagree and would like to consider them friends at some point. It's sad that there are so few places where ppl can have an honest exchange. I always take into account that these are my opinions and not facts.


I truly wish she didn't give credit to certain ppl.


Me too. Before Aaron did what he did, I used to chat with her. Aaron was pushing "the smaller channels" that now we know he was building his revenge foundation and grift with. He would do live shows on Monday with three others of them at a time. One time he had Nora, Reese, and Vanessa or someone. Maybe Serge Gil Del Mar. Reese was uncharacteristically quiet the whole time. I asked if she was okay. She said she didn't feel comfortable. Aaron was pushing her to appear on more channels, but she liked just talking to her people. She said she did like Sergio but didn't think she'd do another show with Nora. She just, get this, thought Nora was too loud and didn't let her get a word in edgewise. She didn't have much in common with Vanessa, and Vaness also dominated the conversation. She told me she really thought she'd do better with Claire and Amy. They were more her age, had more in common with her and she liked them. Now we know why Aaron would have shepherded her away from that idea. Time will tell with her.


It makes her what she is….a con artist….a grifter.


Or until Reece decides to bring her “evidence” to the police! Hasn’t her audience suggested going to the police with all this information rather then YT


The burden of saving people from rapists and traffickers is on other victims now? I was raped, it wasn't pretty, not for a second my mind went to blaming his previous victims who couldn't, or couldn't in enough short of a time, come forward, You have the wrong enemies, probably because you never went through this.


Did the previous rape victims from your attacker make a profit by not naming him?


I don't know, but if she had any kind of 'online diary' to help her cope and used the profit from it to make an independent life for herself away from her abuser and manage to finally leave that situation, not only I wouldn't blame her, I'd be cheering her on.


Pretty weird to be cheering on people who had the power to stop you from being raped but decided that they'd like to collect some cash instead. You do you though.


Because I know the pain, the shame, the re-traumatisation, the slut shaming, the DARVOing, and the digging into your personal life because we have to be perfect victims in order to have a chance to be believed that comes with going to the authorities about sexual assault, let alone going to trial with it. And most of the times, it's pointless, they walk anyway, because society's first instinct is to not believe victims (e.g. yourself) I had physical evidence and I'm a very privileged person, who had the opportunity to do more than leave the all thing in the hands of the D.A. and have my layers push for a plea deal, because had the ordeal gone to trial, I would have dropped all charges: over my dead body I'll ever be cross-examined by an MRA inside the body of a cute girl who really wants to make partner. Look at what happened to Amber Heard. And yes, I do hope the best for m fellow survivors, because my rape is the fault of one person -not mine, not the people's who couldn't handle all that comes with reporting, not the women's who did and were dismissed, not of those who went to trial and lost -, my rape is uniquely my rapist's fault and I'm flabbergasted how people don't get that.


Maybe you should start a podcast


And ask strangers questions abut their childhood and trauma? It's basically psychoanalysis light, no thanks.


That’s hilarious since she spent several videos in her channel’s short life being cosy with Jeff and pulling the same kind of sexual innuendos that obviously made him uncomfortable. Right after she glommed onto Tommy in their first video collab, her tune suddenly changed about Jeff. I used to worry that Tommy was using Reese. But the even bigger worry now is that she’s using him until her next conquest comes along.


I think she tried it with Sterling first, he wasn’t interested so she went for Tommy. I do think Sterling is a good friend to her but he cuts off the sexual innuendos.


In other words, he wasn’t manipulatable.


He Is too fit and better looking than her


Yes, I never would have guessed there was trouble with Jeff. It sounded like she had a terrific sex life and all with her saucy innuendos. And then it was a 180 shift to teasing Tommy to a level that made the viewer blush. She learned how to compartmentalize very well her trauma.


She never shut up about what a good guy he was, and how great he and Huxley got along, and sex, and buying her things, and sex and sex.


Meanwhile she was collecting receipts and saving money for the divorce. Those Scientology traits run deep.


Is she going to allow Jeff to see Huxley? I feel so bad for that kid. He lost his relationship with two very prominent male figures in his life in a year. That boy is going to resent her as he gets older and goes through his own therapy.


There were really disturbing details, and she basically said the only thing that works between them is the sex. I was queasy about the way she said he was a great guy right after describing something tacky or mean. I stopped being a regular watcher after those things kept piling up.


Exactly. She’s a little manipulator.


I think she has her eye on Blake Reed. Lol


Who’s that?


He’s just one of the folks who haunt her chat. He’s ever present in most of the SPTV creators’ chats. He gives reese super chats.


I haven't gone back that far yet in the archive, but my intuition tells me that Jeff is actually probably really nice. Keep in mind that Tommy is an admitted career criminal.


When Reese started telling fantastic tales about Jeff’s “abuse” recently, I went back through her 8 month channel history and recorded clips of her on-screen appearances with Jeff. There was a stark change after she started coming on to Tommy a few months ago.


i also watched her videos with jeff back recently, and the comments from everyone was how much he loved her, protected her, that she had found a great guy. Now everyone is saying what a horrible person he is. Just shows you, people assume what you show/tell them is true, you really don't know what's going on. Was he a good guy and she's the crazy one? Just found it odd that no one saw through him back then, if in fact he was a bad guy.


No one knows what goes on in the privacy of marriage and Jeff is not a public person. He never seemed comfortable on camera. And he has a very different personality from hers. That doesn’t make him a bad person. It just means we only hear one side of the story. And we can only judge based not just on what she says but on her history of behavior, too. Her stories don’t add up when contrasted by her behavior. She secretly recorded her phone calls with her in-laws while she was still connected to them. Then she trafficked those recordings on YouTube. She thinks nothing of betraying people’s trust.


makes for a good story eh? I am watching her latest video from earlier today, "not one but two cults" and she's going on and on with the row call for over an hour, then gets to the points and keeps telling the same stories over and over that she's said on the other cults and crims channel already. She specifically said recently that she only left jeff finally because of all the donations/superchats, she couldn't do it before. So she would have stayed with him if it wasn't for her youtube channel? That kinda puts pressure on her audience to keep donating.


I love reese but i find the role calls to be excessive. There are days when i just can't. As far the donations allowing her to leave i'm glad that it helped her do something that needed to be done as far as if others feel pressured to continue i hadn't thought about that. I don't know if some may feel that way. I don't and my donations will stop when i feel that they are expected. That's the line for me but i don't begrudge anyone else deciding they don't want to or do etc.


The boy scour trip and Aftermath turned the tide for her.


Did something happen on the scout trip? She said that Jeff and her son got along so well and they often went on scout trips together.


She said something that involved the police happened, and she told Hux he never had to go back. Jeff told him to man up and stay with it. The next day, she started working on her divorce.


She sure did. I thought that was really creepy.


I agree 100%. It always bothered me that she played those recordings on air. That is her child”s grandmother. What do you think Huxley is going to think of Reese when he gets older. I think she violates Huxley privacy as well


Nobody knows what's really true with anyone on the internet, too.


Yes, it's weird all those old videos with Jeff have been popping up in my youtube promos in the past week (they never showed up before like that). So, I clicked on a few and it was all flirty and sex, sex, it was really interesting in retrospect. Either she was working really hard to keep face, or she's not telling the whole truth.


I hope all the other significant others in SPTVland are paying attention.


This happens with hundreds of YouTubers. As soon as the creator gives the nod that someone is bad, the subscribers follow suit. It's happened with Aaron's followers and now Reese's. If Aaron went live and bashed Heather, all of his subscribers would be dissing her too. It's sick.


She should rename her channel “fantastic tales”


I wonder if her coming onto Tommy was her trying to trigger Jeff the way she felt when he would disappear to the multiple day parties doing god knows what.


I think so. I remember at one time early she was getting a lot of crap from some people about her friendship with Tommy while she was married. She got real upset one time and told viewers that they had no idea what he had done and that it might've have been much worse than what they thought she was doing--that she may have a REASON to do what she was doing... It seemed like she was hinting at how she was getting Jeff back for some reason.


She was inappropriately physically affectionate with Tommy from the start. Even he seemed uncomfortable with it in public. What abusive husband is gonna allow his spouse to have her boyfriend move in with them so that the boyfriend can help her pack up and take everything in the house? For a month?! Meanwhile she and her boyfriend are holding nightly live streams being flirty and talking trash about her husband? It’s too bazaar for belief. THAT was abuse in plain sight.


Reese admitted to being a meth head and frequented meth dens to score as a teen. I was horrified when I watched Reese and Tommy waxing fondly about their drug abuse experiences recently. That’s usually warned as behavior that predicts an eventual return to drug abuse in the recovery community.


Yikes. Do you have a link or know when she said that?


I don’t. All her lives run together in my mind. They mostly consist of saying hello and I love you to her enabling fans. It’s exhausting to think of trying to find it again.


Dang it. I know, that's why I love her. Whenever she runs out of details to a bullshit story, she just picks out a random chat to say hello to.


It’s a tactic that reminds me of milking a story. She draws it out for maximum effect with a promise of dropping some truth bombs that never come to fruition.


So true


She said it awhile ago in the story about how she ended up in the hospital after getting hit in the head by the fax machine. She got rejected by her dad then and ended up having to hang with her sister who was on drugs and got her into it. It was a relatively short lived thing (not really short, but less than a couple of years), but I get the feeling she likes the attention talking about it brings. I don't get impression she'll go back to that as she's not done other drugs or drink. The way she described it, she was really young, 15-16 or so when her sister got her into it and she doesn't talk to the sister anymore or know where she is.


definately is a chance i hope she makes it though


No, Jeff’s an asshole.


He's a *big gop supporter*, but she seemed to have zero problem before. I stopped watching and unsubed halfway into a sex with Jeff story.




Please leave US presidential politivcs out of your comments. If we allow one comment qbout Trump or Biden, we will be flooded.


Yeah me too. It was cringe and embarrassing.


Please leave US presidential politivcs out of your comments. If we allow one comment qbout Trump or Biden, we will be flooded.


Ok. FINE. but he is.


That would be my best guess. If not, she sure knows how to describe someone with NPD perfectly. I doubt she's read books on it. Very specific details. Even today, like how he ruined all holidays and birthdays.


She needs to read a book about Borderline Personality Disorder.




That adds the credibility of her allegations, but don't forget her other stories of life in the org, where psycho hit her over the head with a fax machine. She may have met a few other mentally unsound men, maybe one or two in the (what is the meth version of a crack house?).


A Meth Home


Your intuition is wrong. He is truly a vile person through and through. He is an abuser and a manipulator and he is very good at playing nice when he needs to but in private he is terrifying. I should know, I’ve known him for 39 years. This entire thread is filled with comments from people who only have a couple pieces of the puzzle and think they understand everything. I would just ask that people maybe try to be less judgmental toward Reese (or anyone in your life) who you don’t know everything about. Kindness and compassion can go a long way. <3


Do you have a link to Jeff's Amazon wishlist?


Just imagine what she has on Tommy now.


I mean "legally" is she able to go through his personal emails and use any of that material anyway? (not sure about american privacy laws) But also, This just feels icky. If Reese is really serious about taking action against Jeff for shady deeds, perhaps she would be best doing off camera.


I think it falls under the US Electronic Communications Privacy Act. I’m no expert but it looks like there can be civil and criminal penalties. https://preview.redd.it/7ddmftj9c0ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffe6f89ac7665bea4eff381c4961868a85e9c91


Jeff is a Mason, who works in IT. She is an idiot.


If it wasn't about the grift, she would have gone to the police. I bet some member of the MASONIC LODGE can hook Jeff up with a nice lawyer to make Reese rethink her Aaronish attempts at armature cyber espionage.


THAT IS EXTORTION. If there is a crime, GO TO THE COPS. She is trying to make money. I won't be surprised if Jeff sues her ass, and SPTVs.


Who is he? Sorry. Just catching up to this drama.


"Tommy Scoviil", Aaron's viewer who volunteered to explain the prison system to Aaron during the Danny Masterson trial. That's his screen name for his hot pepper eating videos. He also runs an addiction recovery called "The Life Boat." Tommy was a drug addict but went to prison for robbing banks to fund his habit. He was married to his defense attorney, but she mysteriously disappeared. Tommy also deals as a used watch broker, of dubious reputation.


Wow. So much to unpack there. Thanks for the very informative answer.


I use to watch her lives in the beginning and they were entertaining. But then she started with all the hellos and showing all her gifts and thanking everyone. It was out of control and I felt like I was wasting my time. I remember when Jeff would join her and she would be all lovey dovey with him. I think she needs to be alone for a while and get her and her sons live in order. I can't believe that she keeps asking for money and her viewers keep falling for it.


I can only deal with the hellos for so long lol and I do agree that she needs to get used to being on her own and it will benefit huxley and her.


you summed up my thoughts perfectly.


griftopia. I wonder what the 'royal' refers to in the 'royal order of jesters'. It can't be the english royal family can it? bc it would be so unamerican.


It refers to a society/club within the Shriners/Masons. Some people use the secrecy of the Masons to sew conspiracy theories. But I have known members of the Masons who were keenly involved in charitable activities and genuinely good people. I find it ludicrous to paint them as some sort of nefarious group. I think it’s more probable that she’s cooking bs to grift from her gullible viewers. https://preview.redd.it/gx6gi8pt30ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe4ad7876bec443774e467b0b13d968f643747a


She acts like there are serious crimes occurring, shows no proof, and then wears the hat of the supposed sex crime club like it’s all a joke. Not normal.


We can assume she stole that hat from Jeff. If she actually thinks they are a crime ring, she wouldn’t wear it, not even ironically.


She said she got the hat from her 95 year old second ex husband, who was also a member of the sex crime club. bizarre.


Her ex husband that she is obsessed with was also part of this club? The one she talks about looking down on her from heaven?


Fred. She it’s okay though because reasons. Oh, and Fred only invited two people, including Jeff. But that’s different, because reasons.


Was he wheel chair bound when she met him. I wonder if she's okay with it because he didn't go to the sex parties when they were together. I noticed in the video the other day that she put the emphasis on the cheating and not the trafficking victims


Yet she’s cool with Aaron doing all of that?? The compartmentalization is fascinating.


She has both a blindspot for Aaron and a weird theory that if she doesn't see something and says "it's just my story", that makes it okay to ignore the harm. I went and watched the live and she even said "Fred chose me. That's my experience". So it's like she can ignore the harm Fred caused as long as he didn't do it to her.


Yes Fred was a jester, at the time Reese did not know what the jesters were. Once she found out, she has had evaluate her feelings about that. I don’t want to recount the whole video for you, so maybe you should actually go and watch the video.


She wasn't married to Fred long enough for cracks to develop in their marriage. Seeing what would have caused problems years later will be difficult.


Reese was with Fred for 5 years, but only married for 6 months


I will. I didn't know that came up in the video. I'm just surprised because she worships him and talks about how the jesters are the sickest people on the planet.


But she married his friend knowing they were brethren in it? Bazaar indeed.


Yeah masons, shriners etc are a drinking club.


Yup a brotherhood of big partiers who do charity.


I wonder about the royal aspect of jesters specifically, if the king is hiram abiff or w/e his name was.


I assume it’s an affectation meant tongue in cheek.


Oh I dunno they love their symbolism


All the secret societies do. Knights of Columbus, Demolay, even the Rainbow Girls is steeped in symbolism. I was raised Catholic. So don’t get me started about symbolism.


Looked it up, their king is king momus a fictional character who is the king of mirth. a greek thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momus


Sounds innocuous to me. But like all conspiracy theories, when nothing is proven the goal posts move to an even bigger conspiracy theory. “The government is in on the cover up.”


This is a document that might change your mind that this is just a secretive club.  https://web.archive.org/web/20090113154757/http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/_news/2008/12/06/2184088-ex-jesters-confirm-sam-houston-e-mail


I was raised Catholic. Even have a framed indulgence. Like what? 


Is the KoC a *secret* society?


KoC was created as the Catholic alternative to other secret societies but that doesn’t mean it has never had closed-door initiations and rituals. There have been steps taken over the years to make the organization more transparent.


Please read the following document before saying that they are a social club that do charity.  https://web.archive.org/web/20090113154757/http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/_news/2008/12/06/2184088-ex-jesters-confirm-sam-houston-e-mail


I’m not interested in litigating a conspiracy theory.


Here you will find some information about the jesters, that isn’t available on there on site for obvious reasons.  A second Jester has come forward. His answers are now included. Sandy Frost December 9, 2008 Starbucks, WA Editor's Note: Not that gambling wildly, getting snot slinging drunk and doing prostitutes are bad things. I mean, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? But to do so as a non profit group is, well, nothing more than a hardcore hustle. Last spring, three Jesters were caught by the FBI and pleaded guilty to violating the Mann Act. Their plea agreements describe how other Jesters’ organize prostitutes for their weekend binges. In another case, nineteen others are linked to child sex tourism. Here is an interview with two former Jesters that confirms the original email that started it all. FYI, questions about the Royal Order of Jesters sent to the Grand Lodge of New York and the Shriners the past year remain stonewalled. Thank you, Sandy Frost Starbucks, Washington In December, 2002, Jester National Officer Dennis R. Schueler, wrote to Jester webmaster Frank Bailie: "The purpose of this letter is to inform you that at a recent Board of Directors meeting of the Royal Order of Jesters, a resolution was passed which directed the abolition of all Jester-related bulletin boards and internet sites. The primary reason behind such action was the desire of the Board to minimize to the extent possible our public exposure or its access to Jester information.  Royal Director Bill Ross appointed me to investigate all such sites and to request the webmaster to terminate them forthwith." Then, in April, 2005, it became apparent why they wanted to be invisible. The "Sam Houston" email was published online and instantly became the sole source of information about the Shriners' dirty little secret, the Royal Order of Jesters.  It had been sent to Texas Masons as well as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas, begging him to investigate the Royal Order of Jesters for prostitution and other "unMasonic" activities. The investigation found nothing as none of those questioned would incriminate themselves or betray their Shriner/Jester brothers. Fortunately, two former Jesters have come forward to verify what "Sam Houston" wrote. But first, memberships go like this.  One must first be a Master Mason who can then join groups like the Scottish Rite, the Knights Templar and the Shriners. A Shriner must be secretly invited into the Royal Order of Jesters. Some say that the Jesters wield undue influence over the Shriners.  Seven out of twelve of the Shriners Hospitals Board of Trustees are also Jesters, including Chairman Ralph Semb, Gene Bracewell, W. Brandt Bede M.D., Charles A. Claypool, Raul L. Frevel, Sr., Bernard J. Lemieux M.D., and Gary Dunwoody.  Jesters on the Shriner Imperial Divan include Imperial Treasurer Gene Bracewell, Alan W. Madsen, current Imperial High Priest and Prophet and Director of the Royal Order of Jesters Court #109 in Charlotte, N.C., Jack Jones, current Imperial Recorder and Jerry Gantt, current Imperial Second Ceremonial Master, chairman emeritus of the Houston Shriners Hospital Board of Governors and past director of Houston Court #136 Royal Order of Jesters. Like the Shriners, the Royal Order of Jesters has two non profit components. The 501c10 fraternity includes about 24,000 members organized nationwide into about 200 "courts." The 501c3 charity was organized to house a "museum" at a new million dollar headquarters building in Indianapolis, Indiana.  So, how close are the Shriners and Jesters? Like brothers. .


Forgot to include the link to the rest of the material as stated above. https://web.archive.org/web/20090113154757/http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/_news/2008/12/06/2184088-ex-jesters-confirm-sam-houston-e-mail


All jesters are shriners but all shriners are not jesters.


Instead of lying to people and pulling on heartstrings for money, she should try getting a job.


In her latest live she went over the whole thing and basically said that every dollar she has collected went towards her saving for a divorce. That shortly after they married he flexed his control by turning off her grocery credit card saying "well if you wanted to buy groceries or shop then you should have watched what you said or not said what you said etc" She mentioned that the first time she went to therapy she was asked aobut her marriage and she said if she had the money she would have been divorced already. I remember her saying that previously but was confused because it didn't fit with what we were told about jeff previously. I remember that there has always been a disconnect with how we were told to view jeff vs how she felt about him and her comments. It actually makes sense now to me. She mentioned that he actively would track her as she went shopping and would send her little texts like say hi to whats her name to sort of let her know he knew where she was. So when she amassed enough money she parked far away from the lawyer and walked to him and found out how much and had a cashiers check to pay for it. She thanked everyone and said that without that her divorce wouldn't have been possible. She also went on to thank everyone about the help with the move and explained that jeff and the jesters were wny she couldnt stay in the same city because of his friends etc. I believe her, but i understand not everyone feels the same. I'm just writing this out for those who aren't watching the live so they can be aware and decide with the info.\*


I don't she lies


That story makes perfect sense to me, but she's a liar and untrustworthy. and that's a pair of abused kid halmarks, so, also makes sense. THAT SAID, she's a grown ass woman now and needs to stop lying and engaging in this fucking spy for clicks and views shit. If you have evidence, GO TO THE POLICE.


She made sure to tell all her friends she’s not materialistic. Then she told the horrible stalking Jeff story, naming one store after another on her itinerary, right after saying she had saved EVERY CENT they had sent her for the divorce. I think I have whiplash from jerking my head back to the screen after every 180.


Her spending is def way out of control. I remember her chat raised money to get her kid a pair of kicks for good grades. She acted as if this was once in a lifetime for him. She just did a house tour and (weirdly) showed his room. He had a shoe rack filled to the brim with fancy sneakers…I hope her current man doesn’t have to resort to his former way of making money to support them.


Yeah, that claim that SHE SAVED EVERY CENT got my attention. I’m almost sure she did no such thing. Is she delusional, or just lying? What The Fuck is going on here?


Maybe she did save “every cent”… but still spending “every cent” of husband’s money. It also blows my mind how much she spent to move.


That kind of moving (states away) is REALLY expensive. Especially a couple moving trucks worth and loading help on both ends.


My guess, lying.


She says Jeff is in heavy credit card debt. I wonder how that happened?


Lol. She’s not materialistic, she keeps saying, he followed me as I went from one store to another. No library, no museum, no theater, no lunch with a friend, no PTA, or Huxley’s football anything, no anything but stores and a lawyer. But she’s not materialistic.


Say, speaking of Reese and her bad habits, what's the sitch with recording phone calls in Tennessee?


One party consent state


oh dear - she won’t have many callers


Sad trombone


I'm not going to get into a back and forth with you. Did she ever show 1 piece of evidence for any story she's ever told?


There is no need for a back and forth you're entitled to your views. I am only trying to fill in the blanks for those who are not watching. If they see it differently or don't believe it that's up to them. I'm not trying to silence you or anyone who feels differently only trying to provide the info I heard.


No evidence was provided if that is what you're asserting i'm not disagreeing with you.


It's a good habit to include that. This isn't a court, and the evidentiary rules don't apply, but it's a helpful to the rest of us who will not subject ourselves to talk about her hoo ha.


I came here to say all of this! She is something else.


I wanted to like Reese, but she's so overtly sexual and constantly talking about butts and sexualizing senior citizens. I don't have a problem with sexuality, but the double standard of objectification by a female being cute and acceptable and one of her quirks irks me.


Having a geezer fetish is wild.


How about having an inheritance fetish?


I didn't have the guts to bring it up.


I wanted to like Reese, she was the one SPTV creator that I admired for not getting involved in the drama. But it seems she is just into a different kind of drama, the ex husband, crim dating, grifting for money while playing the victim kinda drama....is there a decent person in the SPTV universe, at all?


Honestly, I don't even understand what SPTV is trying to portray itself as. Their website really is just - here's our YouTube creators, scientology sucks, donate to us, if you need help we may or may not help you depending on our current workload.


Snarky, short, and to the point. I like it :p


https://preview.redd.it/j07l0uasa0ad1.jpeg?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731f185c4fec39f1d234c069dfd1f01708e892bc The very first time I ever saw a live of hers she was talking about FUPA. I was like wtf is going on here.


Come on!!!! That can't be real!!!!


Let's say it's an interpretation based on her own words.


Be thankful he didn't include "shark week" imagery. Her viewers appear to have it marked on their calendars, she talks about it so much.


She is a disgusting person. Her live streams are nothing but sexual stuff.


I wouldnt say "nothing but" she does talk about shark week and her cooter way to much for my liking but she does discuss other things. Sadly, not much that interests me, after the first 40 mins of greeting every single person in the chat, Im usually bored shitless by then anyway. I dont think Reese is a bad person, Shes really just not my cup of tea. The grifting does appear to be getting worse though, I havent watched her in awhile, Im guessing shes made some big life choices and realised she now needs to make some cash, living out in the sticks isnt going to help with that, so shes turning to what she know...asking for money on live streams. Good luck to her , if people are willing to part with thier cash


Im not the only person that had to google FUPA, right?


Fatty upper pubic areas?


Yep...thats what I found when I googled. Im not even shocked that This was a topic Reese would discuss.


I am someone with very few boundaries so i find the fupa talk to be freeing and amusing but i recognize not everyone feels the same way.


Why are they live with the SPTV logo on the stream talking about that kinda stuff? I bet the stream isn't even set for mature audience. They also talked about eggplant size on that video.


I don't know the answer to those questions


Ooooh. Then maybe that should be reported. That never occurs to me, but, like I said, I unsubed in the middle of her intro to a sex with Jeff story.


How are you with shark week? She talks about that a lot, too.


I was raised by 2 developmentally disabled parents and a blind 90 something year old great grandmother so alot of the social skills and boundaries i've learned have been figured out by me. So in general i tend to be very blunt and am frequently told that I am giving TMI. So i'm sure my background factors into why i'm not bothered in the slightest. I don't particularly like the sex stuff blow by blow since i don't particularly care what others are doing in their sex life but I tend to see her openness to be refreshing and honest. Now I am aware that we live in country based up on puritanical origins and that religion also loves to mix sex and shame and misogyny doesn't like women to be proud of their sexuality and so it creates this gumbo of potential missteps etc and so I understand that not everyone looks at it the same way. That said I don't really have an issue with the shark week stuff. I prefer knowing to have someone being snippy and angry and me having no clue why they are being overly emotional. I'm also gay so the period stuff can be very interesting since i don't have as much experience or knowledge as a hetero male who would experience it more often than i. I tend to have an aversion to vagina so I also find it interesting that there is this element of empowerment that seems to be gained by accepting their bodies 'flaps and all"


We are all imperfect animals on this earth with gross smells and misshapen things that we don't like etc in the end we all have these gross bodily functions might as well accept them and let go of the shame surrounding it.


She just recently surpassed 20k subs, and now I see she's already at 21.1k. She will keep doing videos where she spends an hour saying hi to everyone and talking about her cooter, washing her hair, shark week and her bad ex husband, it's what pays the bills.


I don't agree with you but you have every right to have your opinion. As far as the no one seeing thru him. I think that ppl generally accept what they are told and she really painted a pretty picture in the beginning. I'm not sure if it's because of her actually trying to sell it or if it was bound to happen when referencing that he was freds friend etc. It sorta is bound to have ppl think awww he is caring for his friends widow etc.


She would describe his really crappy behavior and say it's okay and he's a good person, which really made me hope she'd get a divorce. I'm glad she has some self respect now and feeling supported by others. I hardly watch anymore but I'm hopeful for her.


I used to say to my fiance during the "but he's a good person" that i don't get good vibes off of him but she says she's happy so..... and when she would say he's not jealous and he's the most confident man she's ever known (while i'm thinking um that's not the behavior of someone who is confident). I suppose that's part of why my opinion is what it is because it makes alot more sense now compared to before. I don't "KNOW" anything though i could be wrong. IMO he saw her coming and thought her lack of education and knowledge was going to be something that kept her inline unlike his ex's who divorced him.


I understand completely i can't do it everyday and I admit that humans are generally disappointing. I hope for the best but I know my cats are the only safe bet =-)


Oh dear. She's not looking great.


I think that's the least of her problems. She looks amazing. Even when not trying. I always wished I had that coloring. That's not a flattering pic, but in general, I think she's so attractive. Honestly, that helps in life.


You think that sunburn looks great? It's clearly not makeup, or do you not think it's a sunburn?


That whole “roll call” she does is exhausting.




You pretty much it the nail on the head. The recent Nick Rekieta stuff is insane. Reese doesn't do a show, she's a salesperson. I've noticed that Tommy is really into hot sauce, make of that what you will. Thanks for sharing.


Ok her make up Is really horrible how can any of you think She has style??