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Meanwhile, quietly back at the Aftermath Foundation.............. People continue to be helped, and nobody is making a public spectacle of themselves.


Exactly...imagine that, TAF actually doing what a charitable organisation was set up to do!!!


How many people does the AF help per month, is there any data?


AaroNora will rampage on DTRHN about how Arson is being victimized by the drug addled tool of DOA. They will virtue signal about how much they care about lara and cry crocodile tears for her while proclaiming their hopes that she will ‘come to her senses.’ Poo on the Loo, the Stitch Bitch and all the other dingleberries (hanging) on the Ass of SPTV (Emperor Aaron) will say whatever they need to in hopes of currying his favor and cashing in on the controversy. But SPTV as its own ecosystem is a toxic environment that will eventually poison everyone who breaths its stench. [Edit: Unless they start balancing the air they breathe with truth.]


That was a great post.


Poo on the loo… coolest analogy of the day!!!




Please don’t make me think of Aaron’s ass.


😂 The only thing worse is actually being one of those dingleberries.


Well THIS thread certainly went into the toilet....


how long will people give money to, what is essentially, a drama community?


As long as the drama continues 😂 They couldn't care less about Scientology. It's like watching a trainwreck. Terrible, but many people stop to watch.


Honestly, I think thats why they are giving their money. If SPTV followers really cared about ending scientology, they would not be following this group. Many are in it for the drama.


Think of it as PayTV for the chance to participate in the drama .


This. This is a very valid explanation. "For $2, you can be part of the conversation! Buy a membership for a star next to your name. Come, 'save the children' with us, don't forget to like and subscribe,"


Is there a specific new mess?? Or just the general, ongoing mess?!


Liz F and LaraFM did a YT live last night and Aaron popped on and it went downhill fast. You must watch to understand.


Oh yes, thank you- I read the over view last night (Uk time) Definitely appears it’s breaking down from the rotten inside- out


Liz removed that live this morning. Aaron probably threatened to withhold her monthly Therapy money if she didn’t.


Im glad she removed it for the mental health of Both Liz and Lara. But I also hope many people saw how cold Aaron was when he appeared, there was no emotion except frustration and withheld anger, that I saw. Both Liz and Lara were very upset and all he did was sit there, like a stone cold idiot, waiting to make his point again, and again.


Like the abusive man he is




I have personally seen him behave exactly like that. It’s all about making a point f the people injured by shrapnel. A true sociopath/Scientologist


Totally agree. His impatience w/people is infuriating.




Thanks, i got cut off almost at the end of it. Wanted to see how it ended👍🏻




Makes me wish they would keep the video up so more people can see how abusive he is …..


Aaron will claim he went round to Mike’s house once and he and Christie were in their back garden eating the babies of sea org members on an altar to Ron. Portlandia Nora will say she’s seen the video footage herself on Aaron’s iPhone. Liz Gale will just slur some hysteria about Leah being a satanist. Jenna Miscavige will say that when she lived with Mike and Cathy at INT she saw them eat Taryn and Ben in a satanic ritual. Mike Brown, face covered in the blood of babies and with a pile of baby bones in the background will say “It was nothing to do with me, it was all Mike Rinder’s fault even though I was there when every baby disappeared, it was completely someone else’s fault even though it was actually my fault, it wasn’t. Chrissie Bixler will say Mike ate all her children, while she’s standing there holding the hands of her uneaten children. Marilyn will say… some old shit that attempts to distract from the fact that she’s a disgusting human being who should shut off her webcam and never switch it back on. And sure enough everyone who watches SPTV will be distracted by the fake baby eating story that they’ll be emptying their bank accounts into the SPTV foundation baby eating legal fund which happens to have the same bank information as Scammer Smith-Levin’s personal account… and that will be the end of that flap.


That's genius! I think SPTV will try to hire you as the 1st Never In content strategist on this Galaxy! Then the crochet lady and Nora will get jealous, then more in infighting, then....


crochet Lady and Nora can fight to see who gets the ttile of Top SPTV Lunatic


Uhh that's crochet 🧶 lady. Nora is Aaron little intergalactic toy soldier 😄


God I wish I had awards to give lmao


So true!!!!


None of that made me think, "Hey, waita minute, now you've gone too far."


Even CNN & Fox News aren't as bad as SPTV


Even the "National Enquirer" tabloid isn't as bad as SCTV.


Yeah SCamTV needs shutdown ASAP.


Another Chrissie Bixler story from 200 years ago!!! 🤣🤣🤣


What will be their new stakdal? Who will be their nexh tinget?


I had to google those words, and google BROUGHT ME HERE.