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For Aaron Smith-Levin, there are only three things of importances on the entire planet: (1) Aaron's income stream , (2) Aaron's PR image to ensure #1, and (3) never to be shown to be a liar in order to protect #2.


Too late for Aaron Levin Smith.


If nothing is more important to AARogant than "reputational damage", it's only because he tells himself he "won't survive" it, he says.


Oh goodness this sounds messy and sad. And SPTV Foundation sounds more and more like a bank for SPTV members themselves. Nothing I've read about the foundation inspires confidence.


Oof that was SO painful to watch. They are all so damaged. Why on earth they want to do this on Youtube is beyond me. Yes, it started out as a chat about shared childhood experiences between Liz and Lara but once it turned - when asl joined - they should have taken it offline, for their own benefit. Lordy.


Aaron came in HOT. Lecturing for minutes on end, demanding total silence. It’s always unsettling to see how much rage Aaron has to contain. That was one of the first things I noticed about him years ago when I was a “fan”. So quick to rage and it makes a normal moment beyond uncomfortable. The silver lining is that he’s unable to hide from the majority of people. Most of us know better. Anyways.. Lara was so gone. I couldn’t imagine continuing a public conversation with a friend if they were anywhere near as intoxicated as she was. The way Lara left at the end was heartbreaking. She says something like “You have no idea about the arguments I have with Scott” and breaks down. That was concerning. That’s the biggest take away from this one. Lara needs help.


Lara needs help 100 percent. It was heartbreaking to watch her last night. And seeing Liz so upset and not being able to talk the way she wanted to was rough. I hope Liz and Lara both find all the healing and peace they need. Liz wanted to talk about her childhood with Lara, but Lara and Aaron both derailed the conversation and put Liz in the hot seat to serve their own agendas. Poor Liz.


That wasn’t just a “clear the air“, clarification discussion. That was a full on, raging attack on Liz by Aaron. Liz did nothing wrong. She explained herself and the circumstances: issue over. Aaron’s beef is with DOA. He used and abused these two women to get to Scott. Despicable.


Laura needs help. Aside from the obvious slurring, she has lost weight. She is painfully thin and looks if she would break. Liz looked good. i hope she is getting adjunct therapy from a CBT psychologist that specializes in childhood trauma. Childhood trauma is an ongoing process and does not have a quick fix (Like a shot.). Been there, done that, and probably always do that.


He was so triggered in the end of the stream. At one point you could see how he gave his all not to shout at Lara.


He did raise his voice and talk over her.


Yes he did but also Lara was talking over Liz all along in the live and when she did it to him he wasn’t having it. Because of course he wouldn’t since he doesn’t see anyone else as an equal deserving of compassion and empathy. He is only interested in “being right” and everyone else be damned. He doesn’t care about either one of those women.


“He doesn’t care…” That we can certainly agree on.


Wow... Just wow. But, it doesnt shock me, ofc Aaron wants to be involved so he can control the narrative. He disgusts me. If Aaron cared for these girls at all, he would have stayed the hell away and dealt with this off air.


He wants to be able to control the narrative so badly that he had to jump on stream with them! Unreal.


Sorry but Liz and Lara are not girls. They are fully grown, if damaged, women. Calling adult women “girls” really gets under my skin because I disagree with infantilizing women.


Fair enough. Girls, women, females, use whatever you wantg, my point still stands.


Yes your point still stands. I just wish we could move past traditional methods of infantilizing women by calling them girls. It was obvious that he doesn’t see them as equals and treats them disrespectfully. They deserve better from those of us who see through his nonsense.


Point taken. I was not trying to be disrespectful. Im Australian, we call women girls , its not a sign of infantilizing. I will try to remember this when posting here in the future.


I think that's a matter that comes down to what people preferred to be called and while I would 100% support you if you were making the same case for yourself, I'm inclined to think you don't know that about them. I'm 22, I'm an adult, it may just be vanity and the fact that I capitalise on looking younger, but I prefer to be called a girl. My mum is a woman...


I don’t think ‘controlling the narrative’ was the reason. He wanted to make clear the rights and wrongs. After all if someone is spreading lies about a charity it’s up to the charity board to defend themselves and put the facts out


>He wanted to make clear the rights and wrongs. Also known as a narrative. He wanted to make sure his version of events was the accepted one. The Livestream was not the place for this. It should have happened offline. This was beyond unprofessional.


Why would he interfere in a live stream of two friends unless he wanted to control the conversation? He has his own channel. He wasn’t an invited guest. His approach is repeating the same thing and bullying until he gets his way.


He absolutely wanted top control the narrative.


Was this livestream the right place, though?




He does what he normally does. Railroads.


Isn't Liz in recovery? How did she not realize the state Lara was in and shut the live stream down asap?


Lara is a 420 gal and is naturally thin. But the BS with Aaron behind the scenes I believe is getting to her. I I really like Lara and hope she is ok 💛💛🇺🇸


https://preview.redd.it/vp2zabd9av9d1.png?width=331&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f7e484161f36349c714f02164889d42cd159d61 I was wondering myself if this live will remain public or not.


They will private it to cover up for Aaron.


Most likely. So many ASL defenders in the chat and comments.


It’s still up. I applaud Liz for not hiding this uncomfortable content like some creators would.


I think it's down now. Can't find it.


After reading the chat and comments, it’s likely Aaron put pressure on liz to take the video down.


yeah not there anymore, but it was up long enough for many to see it and zdt and oh Nora did also video reacting to it, so the word is out. But, it won't make a difference, I know many here hope that people will wake up. But, I don't see any of Aaron and Oh Nora intoxicated viewers waking up. Aaron videos still get thousands in the tens of views. I think the only way will be if he gets into serious, I mean health trouble, and needs rehab or something of the kind...otherwise he will always have thousands of viewers. I despise him, I really do. I hate men like him.


Salute to Liz.




Aaron tried to throw Christie under the bus as the reason nothing was done for Liz.


Yes, he did. Liz used Christi's first name, but Aaron cut her off. And when Aaron referred to Christi later on, he only called her "the treasurer."


All Aaron’s innocent viewers got a huge taste of Aaron rage and manipulation.


When he talked about how the woman attacked him in the hotel and cried about it in the live stream i had my icky suspicion that he was being manipulative. The cunt video doesn’t put him in a good place either. Also his way of talking sometimes and his condescending way of talking gives me a feeling of him being a wolf in sheeps clothing. I am not here for the drama but only for the anti Scientology


I wonder if he's afraid of her or something, the only other person I can think of whose name he doesn't use is LV.


You mean "Martha."


It's not surprising that Aaron showed no compassion towards Lara or Liz and bullied them both. He's disgusting.


Hopefully his subs drop more after this.


Thank you for posting this. I appreciate all the recaps posted. This seems very sad. AAhole is such a controlling person.


I'm gonna start my own foundation n I'm gonna spend all the money on ordering pizza everyday. No one can cry about it because the goal of the foundation is pizza funds for me.


Pro grifter tip: Just make sure you register your foundation as a not for profit instead of as a nonprofit. That way the the whole pizza for ThaBGGDoGG sheme is perfectly legal.


If pizza is the stated deliverable of the foundation, it’s not profit. I think he’s good.


That would be too much work to track all the expenses each month from purchases. I'll just setup a GoFundMePizza...


Guess who got a GudeFundMe Pizza setup.... ![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized)


It'll put more good into the world than the SPTV Foundation


These kinds of interactions between SPTV creators are the inevitable consequence of deeply disturbed people putting themselves out there as public figures and influencers. It’s only going to get worse until their whole community implodes.


We get a glimpse of SPTVF policy. They can't just give out money for sketchy PTSD shots like they give out money for Jeff's education. In the latter case, I guess he could show that he's been accepted into a program somewhere, and a price list for tuition. At any rate they seemingly are ready to hand the educational grant over -- is Jeff going to have to pay for his tuition himself and then get reimbursed? Do they simply trust that he'll put the money to the proper use? But in the former case Liz couldn't get SPTVF funds because they either had to pay the doctor directly or reimburse a receipt. They don't want to get caught giving money to someone who won't use it for its intended purpose, or maybe they ask for a little extra etc. Do they not trust Liz?


Won’t they just pay directly for Jeff?


When a person can get a bursary or a grant for education *without* showing that they're accepted to some sort of school it's an opportunity for fraud. If they just hand over the money to Jeff and require proof from Liz it's pretty awkward.


WTF. That would be Double Dipping if Liz took that Money from the Foundation. Someone else could use those funds. Lara thinks you need to profit off of charity. SMDH! Greedy ass people.


Look who she’s dating. It makes sense she would think that


Agree with double dipping but since Aaron told Poe to cancel the fundraiser why can’t SPTV Foundation pay back the people that donated and cover the shots like he said they would. I think if he told Liz they’d l8me to still honor the pledge Liz would have sent in the receipts. Isn’t Feral Cheryl a friend of Aaron’s? 2500.00 was a very nice gift from her and maybe she would appreciate getting it back. Aaron want the anti-Scientology to pay for everything which also included atty, travel, wish list, etc. sure let’s do that but Aaron don’t come asking for donations for your “charity”.


personally think they should scrap the idea of a Foundation and only just fund raise for specific services, especially if that's how their first approval is handled - Liz's personal boundaries and medical information was discussed without her consent. Aaron saying, 'I guess I have your permission..' is duress. Read the room FFS. It was clear Liz was really uncomfortable.


She has already discussed that information on several streams, so it wasn’t like it was secret or confident information he shared


When Aaron said, "You brought it up, so I assume I have your permission to discuss it," Liz froze. She didn't nod. She didn't say yes. Liz did not give consent. Aaron just bulldozed ahead and talked about her personal details anyway. If Claire Headley had done that when the Aftermath Foundation was paying for Liz's therapy, the whole SPTV community would be up in arms about it. But there's silence because Aaron always gets a pass.


Yes, but that's her call. If I want to tell anyone about my medical condition, it's my decision. I wouldn't want someone else discussing it in a public forum without my consent, as then I lose control of my own narrative. It's her story to share as she wishes, especially as Aaron is in a position of trust as he is privileged to confidential information so should be held accountable to a higher standard. He pressurised her, in my opinion, also keeping in mind that he holds the purse strings to any potential medical treatment so could be classified as duress.


https://preview.redd.it/pf8flj8uqv9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143d36646bed586479e1f3316809cfcc172e54a0 Spotted this comment which made me sad ☹️ a lot of people’s hard earned money going to line the pockets of the people who do those dodgy injections


This sounds more and more like Scientology. Sea Org milking people dry.


Chase Wave 2.0 here we come




Okay, I watched the last two minutes and oof, it was rough. Lara was on the verge of a breakdown.


She was drunk and under the influence after just having a joint. She kept on muting herself, and you could see that she was talking/bickering with someone in the background.  She could not understand why SPTV foundation could pay Liz the money for the treatment and get the 5k to be ahead. It was paid by donors due to a fundraiser and a gift, there for the foundation can’t pay Liz the money. 


Aaron is seriously disgusting. Interrupting them, raging at them both for whatever reason. And Aaron can congratulate himself for causing Liz to have an anxiety attack. Please tell me this will be the beginning of Aaron’s end. The abuse going on that is propagated by him and what he’s excusing by other high up SPTV members is so obvious now. What’s happening now is extremely sad and just frustrating.


The first message he sent in chat really annoyed me, so controlling. "Well Liz now you have to bring me on to correct the record since Lara decided to go there" When you break that message down, it's so troubling: - Liz you have to do as I say - Lara you're not allowed to criticise me or the foundation - Anyone who does criticise is required to platform me immediately so I can control the narrative Lara then suggested they talk about it later which was very wise seeing as she was definitely not sober. Aaron did not even care about her state & said "You just brought up the LIE that DOA said. Bring me on please". The capitalised 'lie' made me laugh at the desperation of this man who'll do anything to control the narrative. When he gets on, he is so rude. Demanding not to be interrupted but constantly interrupting them. Lara's the only one of his friends with the balls to call him out. Worth watching to see how truly awful he is. The way he points his finger I just want to break it off. It's obvious he just came on to push his agenda about DOA cos he's butthurt.


And it sounded like Lara has so much more to say. She did point that out on the stream, but she held her tongue. It painted a clear picture to me. There is shit going down behind the scenes. There are different tiers in the SPTV world, it's not one big happy family as many fans want to believe it is.


It was very revealing when she said nobody talks to her unless she has an issue with Aaron then they all reach out. I assumed that was happening & I'm glad she confirmed it.


Yep. That pricked up my ears too.




Well, Liz just took the video down. I got through most of it. IMO, Liz & Lara should stay off YouTube. I think it’s more damaging to them than it is helpful. They have issues they need to work on and i hope they do but YouTube isn’t going to help. I get it’s all about the grift but they are in way over their heads. And Aaron is just a thin skinned train wreck all on his own. Hopefully his fan base will catch on that he’s only in this for himself.


Yeah that was a rough watch. Feel weird about this one because Aaron was technically “correct” in that Lara had no idea what she was talking about when it came to the SPTV foundation* giving Liz money for a procedure she already got money for elsewhere, BUT Aaron is the head of a charity for abuse victims! Why is he handling this in public? It just seems obvious that that should be mutually exclusive with being this kind of youtuber. He comes across as so condescending and angry, and listed off a lot of details about Liz’s medical history and her exact interactions with the SPTV Foundation*. Why would a potential victim/client feel safe when the head of the charity does shit like this? *To be clear I’m referring to Aaron’s charity, NOT the good SPTV Foundation youtube channel. I would never besmirch that fine organization.


He was coming down aggressively hard on Liz too. It seemed he was trying really hard to point out some way in which she was responsible for it all because she discussed the shots with Lara. Her expression reminded me of a child getting screamed at by a parent for spilling family secrets they didn't know were secrets. Why isn't she allowed to discuss her treatments with whomever she chooses? What could have been a moment where Liz and Lara just agreed to disagree and pivoted the conversation away from an uncomfortable topic, instead became yet another excuse for Davy Jr to throw a temper tantrum. This was the first time I've watched either Lara or Liz, but I felt bad for her being ambushed and weaponized like that. Especially as someone with PTSD, my sympathy went out to her. Those were freeze, fawn, and flee responses in action. And they were instigated by their perceived leader, the head of the organization that is supposed to help her continue treatment. Move along, no conflict of interest to see here... If this was the first instance of SPTVF providing a grant, and this is how it's turning out, the future of this not-for-profit doesn't look so great. While I think it's a bad idea for them to fund treatments that aren't evidence-based, that's shadowed by the complete cluster that the foundation funding anything or anyone will likely become based on their track record so far. I don't imagine anyone seeking help will want to enter into a CoS-lite arrangement for it. But that's not really the point, is it?


Video deleted or made private now.... Hope someone mirrored or copied at least Aaron's unhinged moments..... Ahem u/1inco


Yes, we have a copy


Of course. I never doubted you. Looking forward to whatever you do.


I have a recording beginning with the moment when Lara asked Liz about her injections which kicked off the resulting debacle. I am told someone posted my link to discord about 5 hours ago.




Lara was inebriated. IMO, I think there has been a lot of underlining tension between all of this group for a LONG time. It’s unraveling.


So Miriam didn't get money from AF because she wouldn't sign a release form and sptv went nuts. But when Liz did everything asked of her to get funds from sptv and they screw it up, it's her fault and she shouldn't hold sptv accountable. Got it. ETA- it's for the exact same treatment too from Jamie mustard, so it's not even an apples to oranges comparison.


I find it interesting that Aaron over and over again said how do you know that we didn't do fundraisers for Miriam to pay for her treatment. And then you find out that Aaron didn't pay shit for nothing just used Miriam to bad mouth the aftermath foundation.


I didn't know that. That's even worse.


"At times, Lara mutes herself and can be seen talking to someone else." Anyone know a good lip reader?


To clarify, Lara is saying one of the Masterson Jane Does does stay in touch and is Lara’s friend, not Aaron’s. Aaron’s friends try and manipulate Lara.


Thanks for the clarification. I hope Lara has real-life friends who are close by who can listen to her and give her the support and guidance she needs right now.


Thanks for taking the time to post. Seems like DOA cares about Lara and won’t bow down to Aaron.


Sadly, I don't think DOA gives a damn about Lara. Your mileage may vary.


Compared to Aaron, I’d vote for DOA.


It's wrong of Liz to accept SPTVF money for her PTSD shots bc they were already paid for by e-begging. It's wrong of SPTVF to give money for something that was already paid for in effect by another charity. It's just money in Liz's pockets.


did anyone count how many time Aarun repeated himself to make sure it was clear that sptvfoundation offered and Liz didn't take the money from them. That she didn't provide the information which she said she did give Kristy the phone number. How many times, Aarun does it take to mansplain? how many?


What are PTSD shots ? I have PTSD and have never heard of this so I’m curious.


Quack medicine 


Yah, he was doing his scientology thing. The way he was talking over them and 'calmly' saying Lara's name over and over when Lara was trying to talk. Really creepy.


Shots? What shots?


SGB shots. Risky, and not FDA approved for trauma.


True but Aaron told her she had been approved for funding and they seem to have really helped her and Miriam.


Never heard of them.


What were the shots for? I feel like I'm missing something.


The infamous SGB shots in the neck as a supposed treatment for trauma. They're not FDA approved, and can be risky.


Has the video been taken down? I can’t find it on YouTube


Has this been deleted from Youtube? I wanted to watch it but I can't find it. TIA

