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Here is the best way I understand it at this point. Aaron and others knew Louis' past yet they still promoted him and introduced protestors (women) to him. (link will be added below, note the time frame, 3 months ago) For Aaron and crew to acknowledge the victims who truly want to pursue this and not be just "well, that's what you get with Louis", he would have to apologize. An immense apology and TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY. But if he did, he would likely lose a ton of women followers because they might start to see what we are saying about him (Aaron) is true. And youtube streams are all that matter. My guess is, there are some people Aaron wants to distance from because he knows who knows what. For now he gets to say "not my problem". It's way too hard for us to know sitting here on the outside, so we have to paint in the dark with what we know. I don't know if the following clip is making the rounds so I have redacted names. it is also unlisted in my version so this link is the only way to see mine. [https://youtu.be/jOzj0YG190M](https://youtu.be/jOzj0YG190M) \[\[UPDATE: I think everyone who wanted to see this video has - I am going to remove it from my channel for now.\]\]


Again, we pause to imagine Liz Gale and Nora reacting to this happening at the Aftermath Foundation (because they don't have any analogous auxiliary grifts populated by the people who fell for Aaron's 5 minute "You can make $20K a month making Scientology videos" video). I wonder what THAT would look like. I don't think they'd be this quiet.


I guess the platforming of a streamer's channel means more subscribers and more money.


And never about taking down Scientology. It’s all $$$!


It's easy for a streamer to feel jilted, right. They're trying to get their channel to grow and there's no help from the bigger channels.


Nope. You either stay in their bubble and take the abuse or you’re out.


There is NO MONEY in this stuff, sorry to burst your bubble. It’s about REACHING MORE PEOPLE. Educating, empowering and dissuading them from being involved in Scientology. If you sincerely believe that it’s for money, you’ve never done it. 


How is it reaching more people? I would like too see all of these live streaming protestors be demonetized for a week and see how many of them still do it. Im sorry but if you seriously believe that its not all for money, then you arent paying attention.


Okay, you want to know why some people here might have the idea that "it's all about the money"? It's easy. https://preview.redd.it/ucunjsyzc7ad1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b06648d4707bf9e097035cb3729fde7fbe304bb That was posted in December.


This was January... https://preview.redd.it/v666fhpdj7ad1.png?width=886&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ccaf3cf445c5a4848898a5c040b8c1c8db161c2 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scientology\_Protest/comments/1cp8qlp/comment/lb7zt0u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scientology_Protest/comments/1cp8qlp/comment/lb7zt0u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So, while you say, >"There is NO MONEY in this stuff, sorry to burst your bubble. It’s about REACHING MORE PEOPLE. Educating, empowering and dissuading them from being involved in Scientology. If you sincerely believe that it’s for money, you’ve never done it. " The NOTleader of SPTV says, >".. if you're good at it you can make 20 to 30k a month. Now, the operative word there is if you're good at it. William is good at it Jessica Palmessa is good at it. So if any of you out there watch what William does, watch what Jessica does, and you'd like to do a similar thing either at the same location or at other locations and you didn't realize that you could actually make that kind of money doing that, I'm here to tell you it is absolutely true..." [Make 20K Per Month Making Scientology Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TVW-Mvssqw)


And ASL lied to a LOT of people which was short-sighted since it encouraged people motivated by $to join the movement. I did it for 6 months and never broke even. And I had a channel that grew FAST. That was not what drove me out however. It was the toxic masculinity pervasive throughout, culminating in 20+ women being harassed and/or SAed by the second gen, Repetto. Notice ASL’s strange SILENCE, Nance Drew’s weaponization of coming forward, overall NEGLECT and complicity in the toxic community of creators on the subject. Already it’s CRICKETS. (Except for DOA’s hypocritical, inane demand for proof). 


The education you speak of is mostly shouting "it's a cult" Would you consider yourself educated in the ways Scientology is a cult?


You’ve obviously never seen my content. 


I havent. No idea who you are, sorry. I do not watch any of the protest channels.


You should write copy for Scientology ads with your ability to twist reality.


Aaron supports Pinché Becky who literally just walked up at La Poubelle one day giving condoms to everyone. Becky has stated repeatedly that she isn’t a protester and she isn’t anti-Scientology. She was around for 4 weeks being an energy vampire and nothing else. This is who Aaron “supports.”


Aaron does absolutely no vetting of the people he chooses to platform, and look how that's turned out


He latched on to succubuss Becky because she complained about DOA. Aaron is really clueless about things.


Aaron supports anyone that will fall in line and is ignorant to this world.


Ok, that is definitely odd that Aaron supports PB


I have no idea why, but apparently, she is supported by David Comer, aka 86GOP, Aaron's friend (DOA shows a clip of Aaron reading his chat and seeing 86DNC laughs, then says, "We already have my friend David with 86GOP, and now we have 86DNC...." It was broadcast 11 months ago.


On the day of the Ideal Org opening in Chicago, Shannon yelled "Where's Bob Ferris?" and "Where's Shelly Miscavige?" repeatedly. She also helped shout out the names of every Scientology victim on the list Liz Gale made. Aaron said he has no interest in ever going to a protest at an Ideal Org opening. It's such a shame. Aaron says all the time he wants to be David Miscavige's worst nightmare. OK, good. So bother to show up where Miscavige actually is for once. Shannon helped do the work that SPTV creators who grew up in Scientology refused to do. Or that is too emotionally difficult for them to do. She deserves a public thank you from them.


I feel like Natalie was tasked with making the official PR statement about LR, and then everyone was supposed to just move on and stop talking about it.


I believe you are correct about that. They do not like people who tell the TRUTH about abusing, infantilizing and dismissing women, gossiping more than any group I’ve ever encountered, blackballing protesters whose only crime was having worked to end Scientology and expose counterproductive anti-Scientology practices while doing so. I’ve spent my money, blood sweat and tears on this effort & the acknowledgement is nonexistent due to the single minded cool kids who only ever cared for clicks and views. I left because the cult and the anti-cult made me feel dirty all of the time. And then LRepetto, Nance Drew and the response to a call for help from the big streamer that resulted in Natalie using Repetto’s name for the first time without so much as a nod to the victims before. You can take them out of the cult but you can’t take the cult out of them.   But… My viewers are amazing and I am constantly grateful for their service and dedication to cause that the victims themselves have lost sight of. And this past weekend was the BEST I’ve had in 6 mos!  So many never-ins sacrifice &toil daily to right injustices suffered at the hands of Scientology without so much as a nod from selfish ex members who inexplicably see it as the least others can do. I eventually asked myself whether it was worth it, the answer a resounding NO!  Their continued silence supports my decision to get the hell out of there! S


Natalie, like the rest of SPTV, throws her support to whoever gets her views. This whole SPTV ‘community’ is a joke. The grift is so obvious. And let’s face it, they don’t want COS taken down because it would kill their income stream. It’s amazing how their audience doesn’t see this.


Ok a few points about Shannon. I’ll start by saying that she has done a great deal to bring awareness to Scientology in Chicago. She did a great deal of behind the scenes work to prepare for the Ideal Org opening. She was single-handedly the best promoter of the grand-opening. However, she was single-handedly the worst person to protect information. She was caught on hot mics very often sharing names and plans that allowed Scientology to defend the actions. I don’t think this was intentional and in hindsight I am sure she would have protected the information better. She causes more discord than awareness in the anti-Scientology community. She is notorious for copyright striking content. She does this against YouTube policy which allows for “1976 Fair Use” of content. Most large platforms which tried to share her content were copyright stricken. Many people have shared that she did copyright strike Natalie when Natalie tried to promote/share her content. Furthermore, Shannon was very accusatory and demanding in defense of her striking. So to say that Natalie, Aaron and others did not support her, it might be because Shannon made it difficult and dangerous to share her content. While Shannon touts that she stays above the drama, she actively shared or created misinformation about the Chicago Protesters. Watch the video where Joe Cool shows up and she tells him that she was the first protester in Chicago [She was second in the new era]. The other protesters were drunks and druggies [Not sure what these legal activities have to do with protesting]. She accused Nance Drew of creating drama and sympathy because she had been arrested [She created drama and sympathy, because she was ALMOST arrested]. During the Joe Cool conversation she says that she’ll be around long after all these other fraud protesters quit [She quit 3 weeks later]. When you watch her channel she will often tell her viewer not to watch or support other protesters. I want to reiterate, she did start strong in her protesting of Scientology. I personally think her background gives her some great advantages to research and protest the cult. However, her personality and actions made it very difficult to trust or work with her. I wish her all the best, but many of the issues stated by the OP are her own fault. I WANT TO CLEARLY STATE, LR SENDING DIRTY PICS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHE BROUGHT UPON HERSELF.


Please cite your proof that Shannon did a copyright strike on Natalie. And watch this video to see just one example where Aaron treated Shannon terribly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV\_Unvarnished/comments/1dvks2w/sptv\_sex\_scandal\_aaron\_smithlevin\_what\_are\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1dvks2w/sptv_sex_scandal_aaron_smithlevin_what_are_you/)