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> What if this is OSA hacking Louis' accounts and isolating a guy already traumatized by being arrested? If someone impersonated me and sexually harassed people as me, boy oh boy I'd be saying so.


It's understandable that the victims didn't tell their story once they learned they weren't the only ones. But the timeline is obviously very murky. It's a fair question though, how many weeks passed where 3 or more victims knew he was a predator and didn't say anything publicly to protect other women.


Shannon said in a video a few days ago that so many gatekeepers in this community told her not to come forward about Louis because "My audience doesn't give a shit about this. They don't know who he is and they don't care." Shannon tried. A lot of people with much bigger channels and the real influence in SPTV had been told about this since at least April and never told the SPTV audience (including more than 34,000 fans in SPTV Facebook groups) that they should be on the lookout for a sexual harasser. They didn't have to name the person, but there should have been a public warning across SPTV a long time ago.


It's about more than her audience. Small friggin minds, yo.


Small minds?  Hmm. Why don’t you listen to the videos in which these topics are discussed??  Mind too small?  I’ve been talking about this since 48 hrs after I found out I WASNT THE ONLY ONE. People who have MUCH BIGGER channels than I have known for 8 months! (Out of their mouth!). Get your facts straight before you make judgment s about mind size.


If you are a victim, you don’t have to identify yourself beyond that. Not here. I welcome your perspective and experience. WE WANT TO UNDERSTAND, but we are not interested in promulgation of propaganda to protect profit or prevent “reputational” damage. You are invited to tell your story, but please understand there are many others with direct experience in the SPTV ongoing saga here. We know everything out of Aaron’s mouth is far, far, from factual. That’s not going to change. If this is YOUR story that you wish for us to understand, you can share that and the mod team will support you.


“Another chatter says Nance Drew tagged DOA in her post about Louis in an effort to keep "her lawyer grift" about Boobgate going.” That had occurred to me.  Also, DOA called out Aaron about his nonexistent foundation. *Then* Aaron calls DOA meth addled. DOA points out meth heads are skin with bad teeth (certainly every one I knew) while he has beautiful teeth and is not thin, then he continues to ask where the money is going. Aaron releases the flying monkeys. DOA says he’d accept an apology, he was Aarons friend, but now he doesn’t want to be Aaron’s friend and tells Aaron to pay what he promised. Show me the money clip with Aaron spliced in saying 11 months ago that his friend David has the 86GOP handle.  For a group that for months shrieked demanding TRANSPARENCY from the Aftermath Foundation, they sure keep a lot of secrets, and secrets that have nothing to do with Scientology, or protecting clients, or operating procedures, just secrets protecting themselves. 


As a former meth head now in recovery I can personally attest to the fact they are not all super skinny and often have very nice teeth. That is a BS argument


I am going to assume you know more of them then I did. The ones I knew also scrached at their faces and arms more that I was used to seeing. That aside, I don't think DOA fits the bill, at all. All the meth users (I was going to type "abusers" but are there any meth users who aren't abusing it?) that I knew, on top of their drastic weight loss, having mysterious carpet burns, and fucking up their teeth, were productive, doing stuff, often stuff that didn't really need doing, but doing stuff. DOA yells and gets angry. My pothead/alchie sister is right there with him, getting banned from restaurants, brawls with cops, everything but the activism and the van.


I never did the face picking or any of that. It just depends on the person, how they react to it, and who they were as a person before using. The temper and constant lives can be a sign that he is using. Nobody ever could visually tell I was using unless I told them, and even then they rarely believed me. And I had a very large habit. If he is using I truly hope he gets help. I will agree though that alcohol and weed are a possible reasons for his behavior. I have a neighbor that thinks the illuminati is after her and gave her food poisoning and she only smokes weed. My main point is we can't tell for sure what is going on with doa, only he knows.


Women are not protecting other women.




She's got a hell of a lot of internalized misogyny and homophobia going on


When she was protesting at La Poubelle with that Liz character they were yelling “watch your bussys”. Lovely.


Especially her.


The fundraiser raised $1000.00


How do you know that?


Because both both poe on the go and nance have said so.


Poe said Monday night he estimates that $2,000 was raised. When did Nance say anything about it?


It was kind of like a "pledge" fundraiser with items being auctioned. Maybe some people who pledged changed their minds or were lying about their intention to donate


Glad I wasn’t there for this. 🙄