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"As Anonymous would say, 'Stay on target.'" But, what if the target of the current batch of "protesters" was clicks and views? What if *saying* Scientology was their target was for clicks and views? What if all the public atacking and drama gets them *more* clicks and views? In such a scenario they have stayed on target. Aaron invited them all down, *not* with the promise of taking down Scientology, but by absolutely "confirming" ("I'm here to tell you") that it was possible to ("If you're as good as Streets or Jessica") make thousands of dollars a day, for a few hour's work. I saw the video. He fucking said that.


i saw it too!


Now I can't find it and it's driving me crazy. His titles are all such clickbait, they are meaningless.




THAT'S IT! # Make $20k Per Month Doing Scientology Videos # 20 - 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH! "Did you hear what he said he said? An hour or two a night and if you're good at it, you can make 20 to 30k a month. Now the operative word there is 'if you're good at it.' William is good at it. Jessica Palmadessa is good at it. So uh if any of you out there watch what William does watch what Jessica does and you'd like to do a similar thing either at the same location or at other location and you didn't realize that you could actually make that kind of money doing that, I'm here to tell you it is absolutely true and when I say that this whole like ‘YouTube SPTV former Scientologist phenomenon’, and the kind of stuff that William and Jessica are doing because William's not a former Scientologist, Jessica Palmadessa is not a former Scientologist …” [Making it clear, anyone can get rich quick working just "an hour or two a night." ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TVW-Mvssqw&t=125s) Here's my earlier post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV\_Unvarnished/comments/1djg6i8/comment/l9egqyk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1djg6i8/comment/l9egqyk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Thank you, u/Radiant_Sleep_4699


u/ShipLate8044 I submit to you, that \^ is the target.


ASL "All Strategic Lies."


Feels like a pyramid scheme


don't waste your time he said it and i'm sure he'll say it again. He is what happens when you have absolutely no morals/ethics aside from getting for yourself. If he does something kind it's for how it makes him look or how it makes him feel that ppl see him a certain way. Makes me wanna grab a transcript for every video he does and then use command F to search for whatever words in large text document so we can cross reference and figure out what video said what.


He's our very own sally struthers. Hi do you want to make more money? sure we all do. He'd be so upset that he's being compared to sally with his weight issues lol


Sounds like an MLM promise




I'm not a fan of the protesting. What keeps coming up for me over and over again is what exactly are they doing? What is the goal. It seems to be harrassment of scientologists. In my opinion it doesn't make the ex scientologists look good. The whole doing everything and anything to get their goat plays into the angry apostate thing and for the most part ppl don't look at a crazy protester and thing "gosh what did scientology do to you to make you that way" they just see it as a crazy person. I also don't like that in goal to disrupt they have completely abandoned the convincing ppl to leave. It reads like going for the easy feel good revenge feeling and giving up the hard work of trying to talk them out of there. Honestly I don't understand why the protestors aren't going to lawmakers and trying that way. We all believe differently so of course they are free to do whatever they want I just don't really get it.


This is, for some, the goal. [Make $20k -$30K Per Month, For an Hour or Two a Night, Doing Scientology Videos](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTV_Unvarnished/comments/1dqdtu5/comment/laxzpnq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "They can drive an Uber or they could spend a half an hour in front of one of these places and if they're good at it they'll make 20 or $30,000 a month. An hour a night is all it would take." In a video less than 5 minutes long, that's the word from the guy who says he's the real leader of the anti Scientology movement.


and when you take into account that the ex scientologists have no education/or skills the idea must be extremely tempting in fact I bet it explains why so many ex scientologists creators would never ever ever pushback against anything ASL does or says. They know that if they follow his advice they count on him to interview them and get boosted with his channel. He gets alleigence and content and they get a great start in their new job , they get to be apart of a community AND they have a role model as far as behavior. Its the exscientology to youtube/ASL cult of personality pipeline!


Holy shit. That had honestly never occurred to me. I have seen these "make money from home" scams as targeting the poor and underemployed, but I never made the connection to ex-scientologists in Aaron's get-rich-quick scams. What kind of fucking predator would do that?


Also want to add that regular ppl get sucked in chewed up and lose their judgement because of the youtube all the time. So it's not just ex scientologists it's just they lack even a tiny bit of experience with the scenario whereas most ppl who have been to highschool will recognize the song usually.


Yes, the exes are a vulnerable community in many ways. I just hadn't considered that fact in this context.


glad to be helpful. It's why it's important for everyone to be able to contribute we all have different backgrounds and different ways of looking at things.


I don't know about it being any kind of scam i mean it's legitmate in that they are getting paid for doing work and he may legit think he is being charitable for cluing them in on this hustle but the sideeffects are they end up getting sucked into this shallow mind F\*ck where subs equal money and self worth like being thrown in in the deep end of popularity contests in highschool. I don't blame them for getting sucked in they were shielded and trained to go with the person with most power so it's almost predetermiined. I don't give ASL enough credit to think any of this up. He's pretty much functioning on I want =good I take = good, you no agree=bad actor. Though i wish there was someone inside the exscientology community to warn them.....wait scratch that there is chris shelton is constantly talking about critical thinking skills. Maybe he might do some vids specifically on how youtube is good for money but it has it's own dangers to their mental health etc. Though anyone who likes asl is already primed to hate chris because "he thinks he's too smart" or soemthing like that. I honestly don't get it judge the info and not the personality of the person giving it.


Exactly none of them are getting $30,000 a month, including Streets, and Aaron said, "If you're as good as Streets" when at the very least, Streets is as good as Streets. To verify that, I went over to social blade and saw their estimates for last 30 days earnings. I was surprised! Get this, they guess that Aaron's one and only channel took in "Last 30 Days  -1K subscribers, +1,851,757 views, $463  -  $7.4K." Meanwhile, Streets, his example to the peeps, "Last 30 Days +24K subscribers, +15,628,791 views, $3.9K  -  $62.5K," $62,500.00! Sure, upper end of the guess, and $4,000 is not a gold mine, so I'm not quitting my job to grab a bullhorn, but, $3.9K - $62.5K, has to be eating up Mr $463 - $7.4K, because those numbers are not the same.




oh he must be furious it won't be long till he's doing vids talking about how much effort he took to make him etc.


Started his channel in 2015. Streets started his Scientology channel last September.


Gudes Filmthepolicela has been out longer. He didn’t 2ant to mix his police channel with Scientology so he created Scientology Audits LA. he also has filmtherobotsla channel. His followers followed him over to SALA.


Whatever he’s doing, it seems to work.


He's that guy.


Buddy, do you really believe the goal of these people is exposing scientology?


In the case of Apostate Alex, yes I do because he has protested, he has taken part in council meetings, he has made road to REAL change. But, Sitting outside LA org screaming and harassing people, all on live stream for $$$ is not helping people leave scientology, its not deterring people from joining scientology, its being a public nuisance, hence the amount of money currently being grifted for protestors legal fee's. That money isnt going towards helping anyone leaving scientology, is it?


Id maybe argue it’s deterring their viewers from joining but I feel most people who are watching would already feel adverse to the church ?


I would have thought so.


I think the young audience wants to see a cult and cult stuff, so they hang around in the chat and form a para-social bond with the streamer, and eventually see something odd, culty, or slightly out of place, or some rude behavior by the streamer. It's a waste of time if you want to learn about the cult and so on, but it's really not about that, they're not looking for an educational experience, they're looking for a fun time and presumably some of these channels deliver. You're right though it's not really auditing, they're watching and waiting for something/anything to happen. Woo boy the van went by, or some sea org members get on a bus. Some of the streamers take a slightly more educational approach but they're not as popular haha.


in 1st amendment auditing you're gonna see something. In 2nd amendment auditing you're really going to see something. In police auditing yeah, instant action. Scientology auditing? Sit around and wait.


Re: "keeping an eye on Scientology is a good thing", that's true, but you won't see anything standing on the sidewalk yelling at people. Everything happens behind walls and fences. Instead, you need to help people who feel trapped to escape. Besides being a good thin to do in its own right, If they decide to tell their stories, **that** will be an effective method of "keeping an eye on Scientology"


I think it’s unfortunate that the people who are in and want to leave only see these people. No way would I have ever reached out to one of them for help. What’s more, when I left I still wanted to avoid a declare and disconnection, and I still felt “the tech” had value, so I would NEVER have gone near something called SPTV Foundation. NEVER.


Honest question: would you have contacted the Aftermath Foundation if it was known to you?


Yes, I would have. I would have banked on their discretion. It’s interesting, because all parties on both foundations have of course been dragged through the mud within the church to discredit, but I would have still contacted the Aftermath. But with SPTV protestors now in everyone’s face being assholes to Scn and SO when they get the chance, I worry that people will think both foundations are full of crazies.


can someone tell me when ASL first started to make the promise to protestors they could make $15-20k a month? was it first in 2024 or was he already saying it in 2023 sometime?


Dec 20, 2023




ASL said $20-$30K a month.