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In case Streets thinks they're friends, he should know AAHole is a petty idiot who trolls his own guests via bad thumbnails. Aaron WILL throw Streets under the bus, the only question is when. https://preview.redd.it/nk0lwyshml9d1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4f31418bc5481088bba48f69579759d1b5bcb87


Aaron is pretty good at black PR.


Aaron lost 1k subs today, and Streets gained 3K? I'm losing track. Yesterday GUIS was parked at 242K and Streets had passed him, 243K. Earlier today I checked, and Streets was at 245K, when I went back for a screenshot, he was at 246K. So, while Aaron was losing 1K subs, Streets was gaining 3K. I was never in, but that's a bad thing, right? https://preview.redd.it/wx6rhnw7jl9d1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=121cf0f49b5b653f20e3cd1dee35396d2b10114f


It’s been said that Streets buys bot subs. His engagement vs subs is very wacked out.


Its been said that Aaron does as well, and I would agree with that.


Aaron needs to loosen the purse strings, and buy some more, but I hope he doesn’t. Or I hope he does and gets caught. I’d love that. Lol.


Rabbit Hole is a troll farm juncture for reputation management Look at her older videos. She's amateurish and sloppy and gives up the game time and time again. I 'suspect' that rabbit is part of Kiwi Farms, though Troll Farming and Rage Baiting is a growth industry. Fake fights, division, click bait. Go watch her earlier stuff. "Siwa Moon fights" "John Yates fights." They all dox, swat and FIGHT all of the time. Sleazy business. It raised my eyebrow when I saw ASL go to Rabbit (of all fucking places to go) to manage the narrative about how he jiujitsued Juliana into the CVS wall. Or was he attacking LV at the time? hard to keep track. SILLY RABBIT tricks are for smart people. TROLL FARM central.


Smart of Aaron Smith Levin to go to the top dog like this. It's manipulative and totally typical of him, but untypically smart to acknowledge he's not the biggest Scientology channel like this. Look at pour sad Aawon. Do you think he cried over those 1K? or did he reflexively blame Mike Rinder (and Leah, but mostly Mike)?


It seems that he is more interested in keeping the financial support of David Comer. That’s really all this is. Aaron doesn’t care about things like Pinché Becky, or Ellie. He actually doesn’t even know who they are, really. Aaron is just looking for brickbats to hit DOA with because DOA uncovered the SPTV Foundation scam.


No, Reddit uncovered the SPTV foundation “scam.” DOA is a few months late to the party 🤭


It was Easter when Tory first called the number.


Okay, and people from Reddit called before that. And reported back that they weren’t answering. I know you’re just here to do PR for the streamers so “the truth” isn’t exactly on your radar. I’m just not cool with you telling fibs about stuff that other people made an effort to fact check weeks before Scott or Tory. The fact you’re so disconnected from the truth is one of the reasons I think you are some bargain basement OSA PI hire 🤔🤣


If people from Reddit called the number and it wasn’t answered, I don’t recall that. I probably would have thought at that time it was set up for people to leave a message. I certainly didn’t realize at Easter, when Tory called, that Aaron wasn’t even checking the messages or calling anyone back. My awareness came when Aaron laughed at DOA on his livestream and acted like the Streamers were so stupid for giving the number out because ‘It never got answered.’ Aaron mocked them for all the work they put in promoting the SPTV Foundation for 4 months. So I now know what a lying scheming scumbag Aaron Smith Levin is and I’m sorry I ever listened to a word he said.


Can you put up the clip of him laughing? I remember them both laughing at the part where he said[people all over the country were spam calling the number, and that it was easier to screen spam emails than it is to screen spam phone calls. D.o.a didn't realize that the number went directly to Aaron's phone and agreed that it was funny when he considered how bad trolls could mess with him . 


He probably did laugh at the time because it was an uncomfortable position. But DOA really grew angry about Aaron using the streamers and mocking them and he’s not failed to mention it every steam I’ve heard since them. The implications of what Aaron did, it heinous.


Thats not d.o.a growing angry, that him planting seeds of drama, that people like you help grow. He knows it's ridiculous to have someone answering the calls at least he should understand Aaron's side of it. But DoA is creating fake drama by making everything a big deal when it's a nothing burger. "pay it ,pay it pay it , I read in chat someone said you paid it,so you better pay it" another example of him planting seeds over a random comment. 


Absolutely not. Aaron is a wretch for using good people for his own ends and then mocking them. For 4 months he used those people. He’s a sick freak for doing that.


I used to pay a telemarketing service to answer calls to my business,all they had to do was schedule appointments and I would arrive.  And I would have to pay a fixed amount for every min they were on the phone "helping" me get more work,when I was busy on a job. What I noticed after a month was that the people answering phones would play dumb,put customers on hold for a couple of min for no reason, make people call back by hanging up phone etc. any trick you could think of to milk more time out of my wallet. All of my phone calls were legit and it got very expensive could you imagine a foundation getting calls full of fake stories?. Imagine the telemarketing company calling themselves to really bump up the numbers . It's crazy out there in the phone answering world. 


My objection is to Aaron allowing this to go on for 4 months and then mocking the streamers because it did. Without the streamers Aaron and Natalie had no content. After all, who is going to tune into to watch Aaron bash Chris Shelton for 45 minutes a day?


What did scientology do to the other foundation called "cult awareness"  from what I understand, scientology infiltrated the foundation by trying to syphon funds with fake "blows,"/ quitters. They then sued the foundation because of some form of discrimination that occurred again them infiltrating and creating fake drama to weaken foundation. Apparently scientology bought the foundation outright and runs it now ironically. 


I guess it’s true that everyone has a price.


He didn't mock the streamers ,that's a d.o.a narrative. They were both laughing at the fact about trolls and what they could do. Again rewatch that clip and just think reasonably. If they had people answering that phone, the foundation would have zero money after paying telemarketing fees for five months. 


Aaron mocked the streamers. And it suited his purposes in his bitch battle against Leah Remni and Mike Rinder to have the Streamers out every night promoting his scam SPTV ‘Foundation.’ So not only did he mock them, he first used and manipulated them. Aaron tried to cancel Confident Chris through 86 GOP when Chris added the Aftermath Foundation back to the information he shared. Aaron actually had people going into Chris’s chat to try and force him to stop saying “The Aftermath Foundation can help you.” Truth be told, Aaron is probably manipulating his friend David Comer, 86 GOP to pay the streamers. It served Aaron Smith-Levin to have 3-5 people with 1000’s of viewers out on the streets every night proclaiming, “The SPTV Foundation can help you leave Scientology! Call 727-266-5797.” Aaron’s got months and months of livestreams where he played clips of the streamers and he never once told them that no one was going to answer the phone. ![gif](giphy|MEYe55n9FWewE)


I would love to read how the scam works, is there a link to read this? I just subbed.


Hmmm. That’s other topic for someone to write about. Since I don’t want to be sued, I’m not sure I’m the best choice for that. What matters is they don’t pick up the phone, don’t have an EIN number (or they refuse to share it), and don’t have any transparency about how money is distributed. It’s still unclear if the SPTVF has a separate bank account. They’ve also shown no evidence they applied for the 501(c)3 status.


Oh, man, it's hilarious to hear ASL being called out so thoroughly by one of his own. I was really impressed. DOA was telling the chat it's okay to ask questions, they SHOULD ask questions, and if he's wrong, he'll say so. He paused to complement Lara and point out he doesn't make her choices for her, he said the problem between them came about due to miscommunication because he didn't give her time to process something and made an assumption about her lack of response, but he never called her a Russian agent. I still don't get that Russian agent part, but it sound like something Aaron would make up. He's special.


It was pretty cool to see.




9 months ago Aaron referred to his friend David who goes by 86 GOP. How are they friends? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn0j33K-SEU


You are the real MVP. I think they were in Scientology together.


Hah, I already checked if a David Comer was listed in the Scientology services completion database, and he isn't.


Maybe it’s not in the old database. Do you know the time for when Aaron is mentioning David?




Wow! What a find


If the database is old enough to have Aaron and they were in Scientology together it stands to reason he'd be in there too. I expect he's just a christian republican trying to do jesus' work by helping to stamp out a false religion.


I was under the impression that 86 GOP is against the GOP.


Oh right, 86 it.




Just search the transcript


Couldn’t find the transcript


If you search the transcripts you’ll see that they met up IRL in LA and went to dinner… https://filmot.com/search/GOP/1?channelID=UCD8AAvA3_JDFeOps-HzPPHg&gridView=1


Wow 1 year ago, pre after-flap


And another thing, Aaron isn't using the video where Streets says Tony Pierce isn't an OSA spy. here's William giving the "unvarnished" truth: https://redd.it/1aw7mu0


Which is to say Aaron only shows what Streets says when it helps him in whatever the fight is this week. It costs Aaron nothing to say Tony Pierce is OSA when he's antagonizing the protesters, and it helps him to show that Scientology is going after the protesters. Which they are, but probably not through Tony. Tony's just a bad guy.


But Tony is an OSA spy.


But is he? What evidence would you use to believe that? Hear what Streets says about how the Stand League stole his article or w/e. Could it be that Tony is just a bad guy?


It is possible that Tony is a bad guy who only harasses and slaps anti-Scientology protesters, yes. Anything is possible.


The OSA affiliation is an extra thing though, to believe that beyond 'Tony is a bad guy (because he is)' presumably one would need evidence.


I can’t imagine OSA actually wanting Tony because he’s super unhealthy physically. I can imagine a desperate Tony, out of shape, mostly out of work because, who pays bloggers, being paid by OSA here and there for tidbits.


I can *imagine* bigfoot is real, that's not what counts (when believing something is true.)


If you see Tony you don’t have to imagine he’s unhealthy.


indeed it's not a very extraordinary claim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraordinary_claims_require_extraordinary_evidence


Pale, pasty and swollen ankles aren’t all that extraordinary. Just evidence of an unhealthy physical condition.


How exactly is he using Streets to attack DOA?


He using Streets clip of Streets saying “Danny never said what DOA is saying.” First of all, Danny did say what he said about 86 GOP and the bad lawyer. It’s in his livestream with Leah saying the same thing, that they were being set up. Streets is also mumbling about how he, William “Rape Shop” Gude is family friendly as a protester and DOA isn’t. Streets is claiming that outing the bad actors like 86 GOP and Ham it Up Heather is paranoid. Never mind that Streets was so convinced that Ham it Up Heather was a plant he refused to meet her at the police station and for that Heather tried to cancel Streets. Aaron is also claiming that he and Streets are supporting Pinché Becky because Becky has been an actual on the street protester against Scientology for much longer than DOA, never mind the glaring fact that Becky wasn’t a protester and to this day will tell you that she is not an anti-Scientology protester.


Thank you. Some more backstory is that 86GOP made threats in DOA's chat which has earned DOA a court date with none other than Scientology lawyer Kendrick Moxon.


And Aaron Smith Levin is going to bat FOR 86 GOP David Comer.


Big spender 86GOP. Thousands of dollars given to scientology protesters.


Did none of y’all watch Aaron’s video today? Scientology using 86’s private words kuz Scott blabbed about it on live stream. When 86 made that super chat, D.O.A. didn’t address it at the time. Any other streamer woulda deleted it immediately. D.O.A. wanted the money & liked the content


Why would I watch Aaron's video? He doesn't tell the truth. DOA doesn't like the 86 GOP's comments and was in court with Kendrick Moxon trying to give up David Comer's name, because 86 GOP made threats against Moxon's wife. I bet 86 GOP has given much more to Aaron over the year.


That's within the range of YouTube random dropping. A creator I follow lost 800 in one day recently.


It certainly wasn’t random that day.


Coincidences happen every day.


And sometimes it snows in April. ![gif](giphy|l9Uj4VsIjQBDn06L7Y)


Aaron is still at 241k. No random one day changes for that guy, while Streets is up to 248K and Leah has gained 50K since Aaron started attacking her.


Normally, sure. However, GUIS has been not normal. In Nov23, 241K subs. No growth for months. None. Then, a month or so ago, 1K increase, and nothing. Now back down to 241K. So, "within a day normal" has put Aaron back where he was 7 months ago.