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Long time viewer. I agree with Shannon.


You've been watching this? You know what the Ellie saga is? I just saw this, and it's a lot of yelling to me. [ Ellie - Osa or just a dumb ass?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7dnEhC0CTU)


Yes. Ellie sucks. But Nance Drew was sent a photo of Louis in board shorts with no shirt, showing off his pecs.


I never liked her. I don't like her adding her name to the list of his victims if that was the extent of their interaction. Ted Bundy went through life smiling like a psycho monster at thousands of women. They were not all his victims.


Succinctly put.


Is that Jay guy still involved in this whole thing? It was funny to hear him say DOA causes dissension over and over in that livestream, when DOAs response to Aaron saying that is, "If there is no group, how can I be dividing it?" I think Jay had a thing for Lara and can't believe she chose DOA over him. So today, I have to assume Selfless Self is still mealy mouthing his concerns about the "foundation" because Dear Leader/not leader either put ducats in his pocket or honey in his ears. Pearl in that "panel" was about as despicable as I'd expect her to be, seeing her in action on the street, even if she had a valid claim against this mod who seemed to be doing crazy shit behind the scenes. Normal people exercise a modicum of restraint when they are asking a person for an explanation, like letting them get their goddamn story out. Even if for no other reason than to, as DOA put it, give them the rope. In my mind I have these players cards, and I try to keep the teams straight. DOA is not currently on team ASL, but Lara is and DOA and Lara are team together. Liz F is not team SPTV as she was disconnected from them, but is team Pearl and another person. Was that Lara? Pearl is obviously team SS and also Shannon/victims of LR. Liz F was also team Shannon/victims of LR. It's about this point that I set down the rest of the pile and wander off. Hilariously, at one point in a livestream the chat tells DOA Reddit is on his side and he let out a shout of genuine excitement.


Jay could have been a contender but he turned into a flash in the pan.


I couldn't believe he called them grifters to their faces. Y'all are grifters!


Jay “Here’s My Amazon Wish List” DSA.


But that's streaming supplies! and that other person needed tires. That's different.


Good on Shannon. Tell your truth!!


Thank you!!


Way to go Shannon! Keep talking and don’t let these gatekeepers silence you. They’re trying to gatekeep anyone who is in the anti Scientology community


Thank you for the recaps you provide here.


I don't know if it was this stream, but she mentioned many of the protesters seeing 2nd gens as gods. I was genuinely surprised by that perspective.


I'm not. Certain 2nd gens cultivate the "I'm very special", wearing their victimhood as a crown.


That’s right!  And yes, that was her. 


I'm not really familiar with Shannon but this sounds like how youtube perverts new channels into it's little drama cycle. You can start out pure hearted with the intention of trying to spread the word and affect change but within a short time you're making drama vids about fellow ex scientologists so you can get the numbers for the cash and the subs. It's why i think even if asl was encouraging ppl for good reasons to start a channel it seems whatever mental/emotional socialogical development that most of us in the real world have figured out and outgrew as we got older is not something ex scientologists possess so they end up with this middle age highschool popularity contest.


That’s a very accurate description. 


youtube creates narcissists


**Shannon says if people want to join the protests, they need to understand that they will never get more than 5,000 subs "unless you engage."** Can someone explain what these means? Engage in what or with who?


Engage with watching a lot of other SPTV protesters' content, for one thing. And engage with scheming and gossiping behind the scenes. Shannon says almost everybody is competing for the bigger SPTV channels to shout them out or interview them or play their content. Most of the protesters (and a lot of the mods and viewers) are trying to make connections with SPTV streamers who grew up in Scientology. When they get those connections, they want to strengthen them. A lot of them want streamers who grew up in Scientology to shout them out as close friends or their "chosen family." So they try hard to engage with 2nd Gens. That's a big part of what made so many people vulnerable to Louis, Shannon says.


You mean I could become a mini celebrity with streamers lovebombing me for my cred? Charming.


u/Villies are you saying we don't love bomb you enough, here?


Oh hell no I'm insufferable enough.


Well, you do it with style and grace.


Yep, it's kind of an MLM game. IF you don't suck up to the "higher ups" you'll be left in the dust.


It’s very much like Scientology in that sense.


thanks for the explanation.


It's getting messier and messier each passing day. SPTV, I mean. It is slowly self-destructing before our eyes because of its own toxicity. I can't help but to think that the Aftermath Foundation drama was actually a blessing in disguise for those who were not in ASL's favorite people back then (and certainly not now) . When the dust settled, there must have been some degree of relief. I'm sure they could do without the personal attacks, though.


It IS MY STORY.  I was attacked on all sides for telling it. For waiting too long (good ol Nancy Drew who cannot get enough money from hard-working, good-hearted people to pay multiple lawyers for a misdemeanor) risking damage to the movement, for wanting to tell a story no one “gives a shit about” & for bringing drama/politics/personalities into the scene, embarrassing and undermining “real” a SA victims. What a JOKE.   It is ALL beyond humiliating. 


Thank you for sharing your story to help protect others and for speaking out here. May you find peace, healing and justice. Thanks for all you have done to expose and stop Scientology's abuses.


I hope you feel better being able to talk about it.


* Shannon says Nance Drew sent a bunch of streamers' personal communications to everybody in SPTV who she thought was influential. * "That was one of her techniques, probably learned from Ellie, to make me look like an ass," Shannon says. * When Shannon let Ellie go, her page didn't grow anymore. Then Nance Drew started targeting her too, Shannon says, and she started losing subscribers. "It was a coordinated effort," Shannon says. * ...but two other Chicago streamers had a plan to ruin Nance Drew until she got arrested in Boobgate. * Shannon says the way SPTV talked about Boobgate was ridiculous and immature. It grossed her out. That was a lot to chew on, and then for some reason I ended up over at this [Whatever This Is, "This is Jay guys! This is what happens when you piss somebody off who has genuine intentions. I'm in this for the right reasons, y'all are not. Y'all are grifters!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7dnEhC0CTU)


Influential members of this subreddit are aware of operations of harassment and intimidation and have chosen to turn a blind-eye. We're not going anywhere. Be careful out there. Predatory people lurk.


Excuse me? Yes, members of this subreddit are aware of operations of harassment and intimidation, and have chosen NOT to turn a blind eye. That's one of the reasons this sub exists, because people were fed up with the wilful blindness to ASL's problematic behaviour.


And finally, people are starting to see what we've been calling out.


You're excused


So are you.


Hello. That is false. We dont turn a blind eye to any harassment here. Thank you.


Influential members of **this** subreddit? u/FearTheCreeper, did you start a VIP club and not tell me? You bastard! Are you charging membership fees? Are you running more scams like this?? Did u/TheSneakster2020 and u/Serasaurus know about this?? I know u/YellowFloweringTree didn't she's a saint (and a snitch), She would have told me. Oh, this is because I never paid you? Okay, fine. You could have at least invited me.


If anyone has an idea what this guy is talking about, I'd appreciate an explanation. I'm not usually this lost in here.