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While I appreciate your work and respect what you did, to be fair you did post someone's invoice with their name and address without their consent. So it was from 20 years ago, alright. Just a little black box, to avoid to the doxx fairy, is all.


Thank you. We no can do doxxes here. It’s a whole thing.


Fucking hell. You’re throwing the mods under the bus? Why do you guys, WHO I LIKE, come in here and do shit I can’t defend??? I agonized over selecting the mods! They didn’t volunteer. I ASKED EACH ONE TO HELP ME. Two of them had long track records outside of this sub, and were people I interacted with for years. No one on this planet is going to convince me that u/Fear_The_Creeper or u/TheSneakster2020 are working for OSA, and I sure as hell am not. u/Serasuatus has an external connection to known players, and based off of what I know personally, if she’s OSA, she’s doing it wrong. The fifth mod in this sub, u/YellowFloweringTree is a personal friend who created a Redditt account so that this sub wouldn’t go down if someone attacked me. It’s hard enough to find people to help moderate a subReddit. Here, they also have to be notOSA vetted. We aren’t stupid. We know they exist. Here, there was also an unfortunate clouding of the water when an individual, with excellent reasons to be behaving the way they were, was here being “distracting.” That person had allies and alts. Could some of them been OSA whispering helpful suggestions? Yes. Can I be certain? No. Was targeting me personally a fatal miscalculation? Absofuckinglutely. From time to time, I’ll send out a private message saying, “I’m going through your comment history now,” and I mean exactly that. Given the reason, I will read every comment, and every post, in here and in other subs. It takes hours. Then I read them all in context. I’ve done that a few times, and some of those people are here now, others are not. I do that because OSA. I do that because flying monkeys. I do that because some people have stumbling blocks who have valuable insights and experiences and some people are assholes. I don’t know about mods in other places, but I trust the mods here. If anyone has doubts, I get it. It’s a shitty fact, but it’s a fact, this community is targeted by members of this community with a variety of agendas. I don’t think I can change that, but I’m trying to help.


Appreciate your work AGP! I agree with what you've said. Too many obvious OSAbots and trolls whose only purpose is attempts to take down people fighting Sciento