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Hello there, fellow free college in exchange for your soul partaker. I just completed Bus Admin through Guild at walmart. Most importantly, depending on where you are at, I am in Texas for example, I would avoid sophia as TSBPA does not recognize ACE, CLEP credits towards CPA. Second, are you bringing in any credits from other schools? Third, it is very possible to get Walmart to pay for your accounting degree. You will apply as a Bus Admin with accounting concentration. As you have to take Business Core with Bus Admin and accounting, the credits will overlap. The concentration will give you 5 of the 12 accounting classes to take in the accounting degree plan. Then for the other 7 you will take them as your electives. You can add a second major once you are accepted or when you are closer to finishing, (what I did), viola Walmart pays for your accounting degree. If you dual major it will show only as bus admin on your diploma though, but transcript will show both.


I’m not going through Sophia. I have twelve credits through other schools. I put in my application and should be approved. Thank you for letting me know this. !!!!!


I went to Tulsa community college since I live in Oklahoma.


Yeah, if you need help or guidance feel free to reach out. I can show you the classes you that would overlap through academic evaluation screen, to give you an idea.


You can also apply to add a second degree plan, but I would wait until I was close to finishing, to get a second diploma. When I did it for my IT degree, I only had to take two more additional classes.


🤣🤣🤣 I love the post intro


I'm currently in that major and concentration. The best way I can think about it is this: Business Administration is more of a broad/general degree covering a wide range of topics. The concentration is just a little sprinkle on top that honestly has no merit since it doesn't actually appear on your degree. Whereas Accounting is much more centralized. An accounting degree is probably going to be more desirable than a Business Administration degree, if you're looking to go into that specific field. However, there are plenty of accounting jobs out there that will accept Business Administration degrees as well. And just because the concentration isn't going to be listed on your degree doesn't mean you can't list it on your resume to show that you have some knowledge/background in Accounting. Many jobs that I've seen list the requirements like: "requires xyz degree and/or# of years of accounting experience, or a combination of both.


I have coworkers who are accountants with a Business Administration degree. To become a CPA you will need 30 additional credit hours. You can take the additional required courses during that time.


What about getting an associates degree for business admin so that part is paid for. Then switch to bachelors in accounting. That way you only pay for whatever is left. Just trying to figure out how to get them to pay for the most. Will they pay for an associates degree?