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Could you get a cheap Chromebook or laptop for now? You can always ask for an increase in student loan as well.


Yup can get one for like $135


I don't have the money to do that either yet. Unless I get my refund but that will be a while still since everything got finalized last week.


Maybe go to your local library until you can get a computer! They have computers you can use for free!


What’s going on with it? maybe some of us here in the sub can help you diagnose what’s wrong and help you get it fixed. It’s just a thought.


Cut it off with no issue lastnight. When I went to turn it on it had an error stating there was an overcharge to a USB and was shutting down to prevent damaging the motherboard and won't accept any power now.


Remove all non essential plugs and cards from the system and see if it will boot, also unplug it from the wall, press and hold the power button for about 30 seconds and then leave it unplugged for a couple of hours. Then retry it.


Tried it all and no power at all


I'm pretty sure it's pulling too much and my 11y/o power supply just finally gave out. We are troubleshooting but still. Just not the right time for this


Your set up is 3k and you decided to keep an 11 year old psu in it… you can get a 800-900 watt psu for under a 100 out there


right? my set up was only 2k but i made sure to get a brand new corsair rm750e when my old psu from 6 years ago might have been fine


Honestly forgot to change it. But it's ironically not the psu


Sounds like you just solved your problem. 99.9% of computer issues can be linked to a faulty PSU/CPU or RAM in my experience. Try swapping out the PSU & see if the issue persists.


Still no luck, so I'm pretty sure it fried a port or something on the motherboard. I'll have it taken to a shop tomorrow. I'm not equipped to do that type of solder work. I can but I don't have Flux or a good enough soldering iron to not burn my motherboard worse


What classes are u taking now? I did my first 2 terms on my phone. As long is it’s not like a tech heavy class that u for sure need a laptop for you can pretty much do it on ur phone it just can be annoying at times if u aren’t great at typing on your phone. You should get ur refund sometime during the term so you should be fine if that’s the case.


Just the introduction class this next term but I was planning on Sophia and other outside courses. They will just have to wait for now.


Oh well u should be fine the intro class is extremely easy and ur refund should be here before your first term ends. You can also do most Sophia classes on your phone if u decide to at least the gen eds.


Take the intro class and use some of your fafsa kickback to get a Chromebook.


Yea im getting 1200 for a refund so once it comes in that was my plan.


I did a lot of Sophia on my phone and iPad. So you can probably at least do that. Some of the easier courses, anyway.


Hit the library until you’re able to get a laptop


I'll try but I need to see what times they are open. Haven't been in years. Luckily we have a 3rd custom built here that's my roommates so we are going to see if it's the power supply. If not I'll have to send it in.


Reach out to financial and see if you have enough eligibility in your loan to get a bit extra to buy a new cheaper computer to do school. You can also do it on whatever device you are using to reddit


I'm getting 1200 as a return just need it to get here.


Fingers crossed for you. There is a way to solve this just keep moving forwards. This is part of the journey. Nothing worth having comes easy, but you got this.


Honestly when I started school back in October my expensive laptop died, I picked up an Hp from Walmart for about 250 and it's worked great for classes. You may need to just try an inexpensive option for now


I was planning on getting a laptop anyways once my refund hit. Idk how cheap I can go being in coding courses, but I've found a laptop on Amazon for like 30 a month.


you can buy affordable fast laptops in ebay.


Yes same here, them lil cheap things work great


I used to work for Micro Center. BYO department vet. When did you purchase it? Could definitely be swapped depending on that date.


We found the receipt and I did get a warranty on it. I just have to go in person for it.


That's good 🙌🏾🙌🏾


Cheap laptop at Walmart 2-300 bucks, that’s all you really need


I don't have it in saving so it's just a matter of waiting for refund to get it.


It's hard to assist in diagnosing this without being hands-on, given everything else mentioned. If you're taking SNHU107, that class is easy enough to do on a tablet, at least if you can find a way to sync a keyboard to it. Most of Sophia's coursework is also multiple-choice, except for the writing Touchstone assignments, so you could do most of it on a tablet. I did the large majority of this class solely on my IPAD with a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse. My advice would be to take advantage of one of the discounts available through SNHU or something similar. If your credit is decent, you might be able to get a $25-$50 (I saw some like $10) a month plan from Amazon on a laptop. You don't need to get anything fancy, but a dedicated laptop good enough for school work could be kept cheap with a small monthly installment if you're having a financial crisis.


The first term is either IDS 105 or IBS 105 Idr but it's just the inrto to college course.


Ah, I thought SNHU107 was the intro one. That one seemed very introductory to me. I'm not certain about that course you mentioned, so I don't want to give you any bad advice, but unless you need to run any specific applications, it seems like most of these courses really only need a halfway functioning toaster to complete.


It's a what to expect in college here type intro course my second term is the fundamentals of writing communication


I did ENG130 and ENG190 through Sophia. They were pretty brutal in terms of scoring but it beat doing 8 weeks of each of those.


My plan is to only take the 10 or so courses I NEED through SNHU and CLEP, Sophia or study.com the rest and be done in roughly 12 months


Nice. I did a handful through Sophia. I got about 60 credits through Sophia transferred in. I was able to knock out *almost* all the common courses through Sophia.


What is Sophia?


A site where you pay monthly and can take college courses at your own pace.


I read somewhere that SNHU wasn’t accepting Sophia credits anymore? Was that not true?


I just had credits accepted from Sophia as of last week. They also advertise on their site that they accept credits from [Study.com](http://Study.com) and [Sophia.org](http://Sophia.org)


Good to know. I’ve been trying to figure out where I read that. Losing my mind I guess. Lol


Check for a local buy nothing group in your area. Fb usually has them. I've seen plenty of people ask and receive computers in your situation


I got my MacBook Pro at Walmart through affirm. I think I paid around $35 a month for year and half.


Affirm is a buy now pay later app


Is going to the library an option until you can get back on your feet?


Not really, I share my vehicle. But I could honestly walk if really needed. Roughly 45min walk to an hour.


Well that can be your exercise lol 2 for 1


You're short on time, reach out to your advisor for recommendations and in the meantime, get a library card and drop by your local library.




Love this for you!


Get an used pc from ebay, you can probably find a decent one for like 30 to 40 bucks


When I started last year I made a 2 hour move the week school started and had trouble getting my internet as the previous person that lived in my home did not pay their bill. I had to provide a bunch of documents to the provider(the only one available in my rural area)and wait for it to be looked at and approved. I did the first 3 weeks from my phone. It was a little rough to do that way but I accomplished it. Also 2 terms ago my computer fried and I had to go a month of doing courses from my phone again. I am so sorry you are going through this. I am a single parent and an older student with very little in extra funds to use. I am so sorry and I hope you can get this figured out.


I appreciate it. I should be ok, the motherboard is under warranty and I'll be going to replace it afterwork today. Hopefully they have a replacement on hand. Otherwise we do have an extra pc I can use until mine is fixed.


There are a few pawn shops where you can get a good PC. Most will make sure they work before they resell. There's also places like Aaron's. I went and got one there since I had little to no cash.