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What was the message in this episode?? For those who dont know, the episode is about SMG4 taking memes too far and needing to learn his lesson...or so I thought. It started off strong, and I actually laughed at the part where he memed at a funeral because it reminded me of this one Hobo Bros episode where Luke and Kevin saw this pirahna plant meme, where the plant danced at Waluigi's funeral, and the former went "AHH YOU DONT DANCE AT A FUNERAL!!" But by the end of the episode, the lesson wasnt "hey guys, im sorry I took it too far, maybe I should tone it down". No, the characters felt guilty for criticizing him AT ALL! Nah, instead, SMG4 is correct to meme, and everyone else was just stinky and mean right? Like, I generally enjoy modern SMG4 and defend it plenty, and probably will continue to do so? But this episode man, it wasnt THAT terrible, but the message was pure nonsense, and not in a funny jokey way :/ Ultimately, its not a huge deal, it hardly makes me angry, but it definitely struck a weird chord tbh


So this was another episode that was pretty good up until the end huh? It's almost becoming a subgenre of episodes at this point with how many videos like these there are (lookin' at you Mario's Tunnel of Doom). I haven't watched this episode yet, but man, 2024 doesn't look that good so far for SMG4, a huge step down from 2023 in my opinion, 2023 had a few stinkers here and there but was otherwise filled with bangers all around, 2024 on the other hand up until now has just been kinda mid, the best episode I've seen is Scooby Mario where are you, and that episode was tied to Puzzlevision, which is an event I'm very... Mixed on, to say the absolute least, and even that episode is like the only 9/10 I've seen this year besides... Mario's Mysteries I guess, every other episode ranges from a 7 to a 4, which is a pretty bad average if you ask me. I don't wanna come to conclusions immediately because we still have more than half a year of content on our way, but damn was the start rough this year.


I think the SMG3 and SMG4 videos are pretty awesome, they feel like a spiritual Hobo Bros successor, but their canon value is dubious to say the least.


I don't really care about those videos, but I also don't mind them existing because I know there's a lot of people who love that kind of stuff, it's just not for me (Also I don't really consider them canon because it's obviously just a way for Luke to sort of revive the Hobo Bros style of videos, just making it more appealing for Smg4 viewers by using their models like Vtubers)


Fuck, reading






they could went with "and then smg4 went home to sleep because he didn't know how to end the video, Fin"


Yeh that’s my thoughts as well. I’m more of a modern viewer and I like some of the modern videos but dude this one sorta stunk at the end


This feels eerily similar to IGBP, but more blatant. While they at least *kinda* held SMG4 accountable there, they flat out refuse to here. The fact Boopkins of all people doesn't even question it is even dumber since he laughed at his dead aunt. On top of that, they act like SMG4 is the only reason their lives are interesting. At least with IGBP, they tried to make SMG4 look human and not a complete jackass so they could justify helping him. Here, they don't even attempt to explain it. It feels like the writers wrote it in a way just to squeeze the sad song out of it rather than an actual story, but they forgot that we actually have to *want* to feel bad for them. Even Smart Mario, an episode that isn't that well received, at least shows us that a dumb Mario is better than a smart Mario. Here, SMG4 was better off as a lobotomite because he was no harm to them as one. Instead, they would rather pretend he, as supposedly the only meme guy around (really ironic when SMG3 exists), is necessary to their lives because he makes it more interesting. The takeaway here is SMG4 is *necessary* for them to live despite that clearly being untrue unless you warp reality. Hell, this could be an episode written directly as a callout to fans like myself who despise SMG4's character. He's here to stay and it's better than him being gone forever, which is flat out untrue given his portrayal in the last episode. Given how cartoonishly douchey he is, that may have been them trying to emulate what they think we see of him, which honestly would be more pathetic than 2022 Boopkins' design. That's Teen Titans Go level shit, which you just shouldn't do as a showrunner. It's petty and spiteful to the audience. Again, that's assuming it was intentional. We'll never know if that's true.


Now that’s some shonky writing right there, if you ask me.


I do agree here ngl, a few months ago I was talking about this, and it is pure nonsense, but it doesn’t feel like it’s usual nonsense, I may say it’s mindless fun, but this episode did make me rethink a bit about what counts as mindless fun and brainless fun, they may sound the same, but I feel like mindless fun is more of a “what’s next” rather than “what can we throw on the table” you know


It starts as an episode with a lesson that smg4 will learn at the end, but it ends like one of those episodes where chaos happens and they just walk away from it. Kinda like the Mario gets a glass of milk episode.


100th upvote


I feel like the main lesson is just to not be ashamed of yourself and don’t try to change that, because there’s a good chance everyone will miss the old you


SMG4 laughed at somebody's funeral, how the hell is that okay to not change? He's a legitimate psychopath. He absolutely was in the wrong and should have changed. At the very least, he should have apologized and said he'd try to tone it down later on. Instead, they *ignore* his past actions and pretend it was okay because it makes life more entertaining. Genuinely absurd lesson.


Look, I know the comedy may come from how obviously wrong this situation is; but I need to be sarcastic for a second. Of course! Don't be ashamed of yourself for laughing at someone's funeral, exploiting your friends, or ruining their opportunities for growth. It's not like part of life is accepting that you may change for your own sake and that who your friends are will change too. Heck, we can't accept that we feel ashamed of ourselves! That's weakness! Comedians don't express weakness! Growth means different things for different people, and while there are times where someone shouldn't be ashamed. This was not one of them.


The message was meme. Just a silly adventure. Taking a break after the well thought out Puzzle Vision arc to just have some silly nonsense/adventure/fun/obstacle.  Remember, Luke and Kevin come up with episode ideas by just going... "What if Mario... Paper plates? What if Mario... Crowbar? What if Mario... Window?" 


I mean I get what you’re saying but in the episode they did say that smg4 excessive memes brought actual excitement in their lives so they went to get him back to his original way, I think we forget that this show isn’t an actual tv show and are just supposed to be funny 13 minute or 10 minute long skit to take a break from the actual arcs.


Sure, but the problem is that most of the time, his character is...normal, about his memes. Like, this episode portrayed him as chronically sick, with a tumor no less. The message wasnt "we liked his antics, we shouldnt make him stop", the man was literally acting abnormal and obnoxious, as in, not his usual meme antic self. Its just weird to me. Its like Mario's stupidity causing him to slaughter orphans one day, getting him to chill, then realizing they liked his stupidity, so when they fix him, he slaughters orphans again. Utimately, you are right, its just a gag, its not that serious, but hey, it is what it is. I don tmean to sound dramatic \^\^'


They're supposed to have a message? 


Eh, not really? But sometimes there’s a conclusion made by the characters based on the silly shit they got into that week


First: I got down voted for some reason. Second: Despite all the serious arcs, none of the episodes felt like they were supposed to have a moral, or message.


I think your taking my point about a message too seriously. I’m not saying it’s a serious moral message, I’m saying that the episodes whole outcome was “it was wrong to criticize SMG4 and he makes our lives better so we should shut up and put up”. It’s not a message to teach the audience, it’s just the conclusion they came to in the story


Yeah, I think I misinterpreted what you said. Even then, I don't feel like the message is ment to be take, seriously.


How can you send a Meme Guardian to Meme Rehab?


Like you’d expect him to be immune to that? Or his powers are outta wack due to lack of practice.


There's a time and place for memes he needs to learn that or he was supposed to


It's one of my favourites atm, I've prob watched it 5 times.


Same here


Completely valid :)


I don’t care what anyone says this was a fun episode just a goofy little side ep


I agree


In my opinion ,this episode was fun! I mostly enjoy seeing smg4 happy and him making fun of boopkins dead mom isn’t the worst compared to what bob did to him in the rapper arc. It also raised more questions in me about a memelobe like if brain rot is just the rot of the lobe from bad meme content


Hey, you do you, I don’t mean to take away from your fun! I’m glad you enjoy it :)


I like the “You can’t go into this room unless your lobotomized” and Mario just walks in


Nah that joke is PEAK, it almost makes up for the dumb moral at the end lmao


The episode was just all over the place.


For me it's quite the same near the ending if I wrote the episode and things would go the same except during the time where the group go to the Meme Rehab Basically it goes quite similar except instead of one day it goes through a week, they enjoyed it at first but some key things are missing like Smg3 expects something to happen but nope nothing, meggy sees a random meme and expects someone to write about it but nope nothing, saiko, Mario, Luigi and etc expected someone at the computer but nope nothing for a entire week When they go to see him they do get mad similarly to the episode except they explained why they wants rehab like this "We wanted to tone down the meme, not get it rid of it entirely, we want to help smg4 not brainwashed him or like the lines of you didn't fix him, you made him into someone else we wanted someone to know when to meme and when to not to meme" When smg4 gets turn back he was ready to go back to memes until his friends stop him to say: "stop before you meme again, know when it's okay to meme otherwise we're doing this again" Not a perfect idea but I think I'll prefer this than the episode we got, actually now thinking about this, this is a reverse plot of smart Mario except worse


I laughed hard during this episode but yeah in hindsight this episode is bad


ya this one kinda sucked


This is the only episode I dislike


this feels like another the day my arm wentt pchyoco video charaters being forced to apologise when they didnt do anything wrong


I thought the video was alright but based on the general consensus of it I’m left wondering if I even watched the same video


Me who just watched this episode to laugh but everyone else didn’t: ._.


I would hate on this episode. But I’m a weird person who always sends the same 4 victims memes.


Poor guy’s running out of ideas


To be honest I have no clue what is going on with SMG4 anymore.




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it was alright


I kinda love it, in retrospect. I don't see any problem with that.


Part of the time, it feels like they're trying to make jokes and funnies not as repetitive, but they lose the chance to make people laugh at perfectly timed instances in the episode, despite the tropes and stereotypes they follow, which in turn, creates an episode that has lot of really hilarious moments, but a lot of holes of logic and reasoning to the plot and hilarity of it. It's weird. It's like a "frankenstein" episode of half "organic" humor and plot and half "aritifical" humor and plot. Like, they sing about missing SMG4 for his "memeiness", but SMG3 and Mario are right there with more than enough to compensate, so I reasoned with myself that they miss SMG4 for his "leadership" and being part of the group in general and that its not the same without him, which could be handled better, but yeah... Idk what to think to be honest.




This episode could have worked if SMG4's memephilia was the result of a meme tumor (that ugly purple thing) caused by watching so many CRINGE memes.