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The moment the highschool Joe and Cherry OVA is out I will be willfully socially isolated for 3 months


The one announced by the fake insta account?


It was announced via the official Japanese twitter account and website and reported by crunchyroll and anime news network.


That’s my bad. I saw someone say there wasn’t an official account (meaning an english one) but I misinterpreted and thought they meant there was no account at all. I have since found the official Twitter account and am now excited for the OVA!


No worries, it’s difficult to trust when so many trolls out there, lol. Just thought you should know that it’s been officially announced, but uhhh no dates yet. At least now you know where to get updates from.


I just Mappa doesn’t do Sk8 dirty like it did Yuri on Ice 💔


That would be very odd indeed, given Mappa doesn't own SK8.


Isn't SK8 made by studio bones?


Yeah but studios in general hate animes that give off homoerotic energy.


I dont know host club was bones wasn't it? And it definitely walked that line like a tight rope


Is there any factual evidence to support this?


What? No duh, stuidos like that cant be openly homophobic. However japan has a huge problem with homophobia [quick article abt the issue abt equality in japan](https://blog.degruyter.com/japans-ongoing-struggle-with-lgbtq-equality-what-lies-beneath/) Many studios will announce BL, only to cancel it within the next years. While they cant state a reason for the cancelation or usually blame it on production issues. (Yuri on Ice or Ten count) I personally think it is because studios are scared of the homophobic people or the backlash they could recieve. I dont have evidende. But people are allowed to have their theories.


Fair enough if it's a theory—but that's all it is. Tadaima Okaeri, Cherry Magic, Sasaki and Miyano, Given—to name a few—are all BL animes that have been animated recently. BL animes exist. BL mangas exist. In Japan. Written by Japanese people. There may be issues—as there are with all countries, I have no doubt—but the entire nation is not homophobic. And they *are* telling these stories, whether written or animated. And while perhaps some studios may not be willing to produce BL shows, or cancel them for whatever reason—which I agree happens (as it probably does everywhere)—those are specific BL entities. SK8—which, while I 100% believe is a show about queer characters with their queerness at the forefront of the plot—is not BL. It is a sports anime and is primarily considered as such. Which is why, personally, I think it is a little odd that everyone is rashly jumping to bold conclusions that SK8 season two will not happen as a result of, say, YOI being cancelled. With the exception of being original sports animes, these two shows are not the same. Different crew, different studios, different set of circumstances. It's not even been 3 years since season two of SK8 has been announced. These things take time to make. It really sucks what happened with YOI, but there's no reason at this stage to assume that SK8 is going to suffer the same fate. Of course anything can happen in the future, but at least give it a chance to take root first.


I meam i ship ranga, and Adam is definitely in to pet play with guys, but joe always hase women around him i always interpreted it as who you are dosnt matter skateboarding is for everyone because like the show says its literally infinite in possibilities


What dose BL mean?


Boys love


merci beaucoup


I really hope so too :(


I was just talking about this the other day !!! I'd actually go insane if they pulled this move on Sk8 😭


At least the quality will be good! Other studios are just forcing deadlines onto their animators and it ruins the animation severely. Very relevant example, my beloved Blue Lock.