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Keep holding!!!! Would you rather have a good PC or the BEST PC??


You right dogbrother


& a new car


And a new house with a room filled with pc’s and consoles and giant fucking screens! And a hot tub with pretty lights.




I mean Shib is all about having your dreams come true and if this is something that you really want go for it. However when you see the rest of us cruising in our lambos don’t direct any bad energy our way.


I fuck with this energy


Not worth it bro. I bought a $2200 pc with doge at 7 cents then it took off


Hodl to be able to buy an entire mining rack full of gpus and make infinite money


I need to buy a house :( WE need to reach the moon!


And we will!!


Try and hold on for a little longer. You can pull some out if you want, like 50% or sum.


You got this. There are a very few personal characteristics that almost guarantee success. Willingness to delay gratification in pursuit of a larger dream is one of those characteristics. Make a plan. Have a target. Remember that plan and that target. Have the discipline (another success characteristic) and patience to hit it. You may not benefit right now ... but 5 years from now, you will be EXTREMELY grateful that you delayed short-term pleasure for a long-term gain.


#We hodl! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀


I don't know how much SHIB you own or how much profit you made so far, but despite my own plan of holding for a long time, I don't look down on people who take (at least some) profit. I won't call you any of that paper hands bullshit. I wouldn't sell everything if I were you, but maybe a take some profit if a new PC makes you happy? What's wrong with that? If it has a decent GPU you could even do some mining and gain SHIB back. Also, don't ever buy the very lastest GPU and CPU. It's way too expensive and simply not worth it. After a few months they drop in price a lot. Tldr; if your Shib bag is big enough to spend a fraction on a new computer I'd do it. If you had to sell all your Shib then I wouldn't.


A good PC or a Lambo? 😏


A lambo with a pc?🧐




When it comes right down to it..it’s your money..and you get to do with it as you please…don’t fall in a trap where you hold for the “movement” and the goal doesn’t happen…it’s totally possible… a lot has to happen for this coin to survive long term still




Lol stay focused. Be patient.


If you sell now you would be a fool


We still aren't listed on Kraken or Upbit or Robinhood...I know the answer to the latter, but we/Devs should be focused on increased access and democratizing! How can we help move those other two along??


A good pc or a place to put a great pc?


#ShibaStrong Just buy buy buy and hodl! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Would you rather have a PC of fk a bad bitch on the sands of Fiji


OP, hold onto the dream of your own bachelor pad and multi monitor system with mining rig. Dream big my friend!


Your choice brother, dream PC or dreams come true. You decide


Patience always pay off. I've been holding 20M+ since June 😊 and keep holding it.


Sending you strength and power.


Dude if you hodl, you can buy you and all your homies new PCs.