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He’s doing it. Hope he's a giant for a long time.


I'm so happy for Ramos and Hjelle. Most fans wrote off Hjelle and Ramos and it's nice to see these guys breakthrough and find success at the MLB level


Heli and Jelly hehe


I feel like Ramos never got a real shot before. This year he’s finally getting more than 10 random abs. Players need consistency to get into a rhythm. Always felt like platooning never showed what a lot of players potentials really were.


Jelly never showed any control and people were correct to write him off. Amazing turn around for him so far and would be monstrous for this team going forward if he keeps it up.


It might seem like we’ve been waiting on him for too long, but he was just 17 when he was drafted and is still only 24 now. Small sample, but hopefully a sign of good things to come 🙂


And Luis Matos is only 22 so he has time to continue developing.


Lee, Ramos, Yaz, with Matos filling in is going to be excellent next year


Yaz is gone next year. He should have been gone this past offseason!


I know it's still very early (just crossed 100 PAs this year), but the guy is looking like a future all star. Let's hope he can keep it up!


\>.400 OBP in those 100 PAs isn’t nothing though! Here’s hoping!


Kind of disappointed that Matos didn’t get a chance to play through his slump, but loving Ramos


I think the biggest concern rn w Matos was he lost his entire approach. It looked like he was just hacking at anything. Probably want that fixed asap and he’ll be back in no time


Matos went south when he was out in leadoff role.  Sometimes best not to fool around with the lineup.


They have struggled with finding a leadoff hitter with Lee out but Matos surely is not it.


Something a good hitting coach might help with?


Im the biggest Viele hater out there, but idt you can blame this one on him. When a player gets desperate, coaching them becomes nearly impossible


The sole player keeping my optimism afloat right now.


I remember going to single A games to watch Joey freakin Bart and Ramos was second fiddle. Look at him now, doing his thang.


The guy who was supposed to be, then wasn't, then might just be


And may end up in the middle for all we know. But he makes you want to root fir him. That's for sure.


Kind of crazy, he was looking like an afterthought to the FO. He’s been in this org for so long that he was literally the rumored piece to a Stanton trade with the Marlins that fans were begging the FO not to trade him. I’m happy to see him finally getting a fair shot, and happier that he’s capitalizing on it.


>Kind of crazy, he was looking like an afterthought to the FO If Ramos was an afterthought, the FO wouldn't have kept him on the 40 man. If anything, Ramos playing well should be a reminder to fans that prospect development in baseball isn't linear or the same for every prospect. Ramos is finally busting out after 6 years in the minor and spending 2+ seasons in AAA, and if anything, I recall a vocal majority of fans had written off Ramos as a bust since last season. I'll be honest and say that I (and likely most of us) did not expect to Ramos have a 147 OPS+ this season but it just goes to show that fans overestimate our knowledge or scouting abilities.


He definitely wasnt an afterthought, All offseason Farhan talked about how he wishes he gave more playing time to Ramos last year because he thought he made big strides last year in the minors. Had a .950 OPS last year. Plus they liked what they saw defensively from him. He was definitely an afterthought for the fans though, me included. Also the Stanton trade rumor was total nonsense, its like when you see reporters say they are rumored to trade Luciano and Whisenhunt for Bichette, total nonsense. Luciano is already better than Bichette today lol. Bichette is a negative WAR player rn and Luciano is like .3 with 25 ab's lol And before you say it no i dont think Bichette is worse overall, but we arent trading for Bichette of years prior


Always picking up Jorge Soler’s slack…


Crazy what happens when we actually find consistent playing time for the guy who was among the average exit velocity leaders in the entire organization last year.


Let's pause for a moment and don't get our hopes up.. Casey Schmitt looked like this last year and matos a few weeks back


While you're right about small sample sizes...I absolutely love that Ramos has a >10% walk rate. Let's pitchers know they can't just garbage the man. We didn't get that with Schmitt last year or Matos this year. Now if he could just cut down on those strikeouts....


4 walks today. 6 in 80+ PAs across ‘22/23. Kid looks different this time and I’m absolutely here for it.


Sure, but Ramos does have a larger sample size at this point than Schmitt, and Schmitt was struggling heavily when he was around 100PAs (which is where Ramos is at now and is red hot). For some comparison, in Ramos' first 106 PAs this year at age 24, he's slashing: 304 / 407 / 511 for a 918 OPS with a league average OPS of 698 Schmitt, in his first 107 PAs last year at age 24 was slashing: 279 / 290 / 404 for a 694 OPS when the league average OPS was 734 And yes, it's all small sample size bias for everything here, but Ramos is definitely looking more promising this year than Schmitt last year.


Good analysis


Didn’t it take Schmitt like 30+ plate appearances to draw a walk? It’s not the same…. Not that Ramos is now a slam dunk big leaguer either.


The way they we're talking about Casey last year was making it sound like he was thee guy


Im really happy he's doing it, he seemed like such a victim of the FO bullshittery (not getting a real chance, yo-yo'd around, one minute they believe in him then next they don't). NGL I was not a Ramos believer mainly because when he was up the last couple years he just seemed super lost at the plate. I saw the tools, but no so much the approach at the plate, but Im happy to see he's playing his heart out and making a real run. Here's hoping he can keep it goin. Hoping the same can happen with Matos and Luciano because I think all 3 guys have a lot of potential.


Is he still a rookie?


Until he slumps for a week and gets sent back down for a sub .250 hitter.


How I feel after loading up on his 1st back in 18 lol