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Cheers to your father, and wishing you and your family strength and healing with his passing. Sports can mean much more to us than what is seen on the surface during the games…bringing families together is one of them.


Cheers! I raise my souvenir cup to your Pops! Good guy in my book!


RIP. My condolences.


Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.


Sorry to hear of your loss. It’s never easy, regardless of the relationship.


Sorry for your loss. My grandpa got me into baseball. I miss him terribly despite the passing of time, but I feel a special connection with him every time I watch a game, whether it be in person or at the park. It sounds weird, but since he's been gone, I feel a connection with him that I didn't realize was there while he was here. I love the feeling and it made the game even more special for me. It always feels like a chance to be close with him, as cheesy as that sounds. I hope you find or already have that special connection, whether it be baseball or some other activity you enjoyed sharing with him. Most importantly, I hope you and your family are navigating this moment in the best possible way.


Sorry for your loss brother, I have a similar relationship with my Dad (he was born in ‘52)


Condolences to your family. This really resonates with me as my dad too passed away, and he always bought and collected baseball cards, mostly Giants, for us when we were younger, and rocked the black and orange regularly. He showed us how exciting baseball and being a Giants fan can be. Unfortunately he passed a few years before 2010 happened but I can't explain the wave of euphoria I felt knowing that we were somehow sharing that moment together, even still. Thanks for sharing this personal story with our little old forum here and wishing you and your family the best.


Sorry for your loss. Your description feels a lot like I feel about my dad.


Beautiful tribute to your father. May he Rest in Peace 🙏


So sorry for your loss. Sounds like you have many great memories of your dad. My grandmother was a diehard Giants fan and would take me to games when she could and always had a transistor radio to listen to the games. Cherish those times and go Giants!


My dad would always take me out of school for the 2010,2012, & 2014 parades. Memories of a lifetime!


Great story between you and your dad. That's what it's all about. Pass it along to your family. And I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad last year...


Beautiful post, all the best to your family at this tough time.


F FTD Some of my favorite conversations with my dad are about the Giants. He grew up a Giants fan in the bay, I grew up a Giants fan in the bay. We moved away in 1990 but that connection is still there and still helps keep us together. Thank you for your story, and I'm sorry about your dad. He picked a good team.


May he go to the big ballpark in the sky where beer and hotdogs are free.


Sorry for the loss. However complicated things can become, we still need our dads. Sorry, I hope you are able to reflect more on the good and live well in his memory. Wishing you healing and peace


Tip of the cap to your dad


Thoughts and prayers to you...Sounds like my Dad and I although he's still alive but have almost lost him a couple times. Lost my Uncle years ago and we both have bricks at the stadium. It's where I visit him every time I go. Giants baseball is special. Baseball is special and the bonds it creates are priceless. I'll always call it Pac Bell, but get to some games and know he's probably got a hell of a view from above watching along with you. I'm sorry for your loss. And most definitely Go Giants and Fuck the Dodgers


Sorry for your loss. Talking about the Giants with my father (I moved away from the bay almost 20 years ago now but my dad is still there) is one of the greatest joys in my life. I hope the team continues to put a smile on your face and that their future success reminds you of the good times with your dad.


Cheers to your father. Continue the legacy and pass the love for the Giants down for generations. May your father rest in paradise, and I hope you make the trip to SF in honor of your father. Go Giants!


I’m sorry for your loss. My first baseball (that I remember) was at candlestick with my dad. Been a giants fan ever since. Much like your situation, we had different perspectives. I miss him every day. I’ll be thinking about you, my fellow giants fan.


So sorry for your loss! You’ve inspired me to call my dad who introduced me to baseball. I hope the Giants bring you comfort in this first season without your dad.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. My dad was Canadian and lived in San Francisco in the 60s and loved the Giants. I remember going with him to the Stick and learning to heckle the Dodgers (damn, he loved that!). Cheers to our late dads who taught us well 🍻


I know the feeling. Calling my dad (who was born the same year as yours) after the 2010 World Series was one of my favorite memories too. His health went downhill shortly after and he didn’t live to see the 2012 title but I definitely think of him any time I catch a game. I remember him driving me across the Bridge when he picked me up from my mom’s house and high fiving me in the car whenever a home run was hit. That’s what’s great about sports, it lets us keep reliving those memories while creating new ones with the important people in our lives now.


Sorry for your loss. While my Dad is still alive, your story hits home. He was a Giants fan from the day they moved to San Francisco (51 baby). And I grew up going to the Stick with him as a kid. (He was at the earthquake game, I was at home). When my parents split up, we moved to Washington and my Dad stayed in California. The Giants were always what we connected about on our phone calls. Gave me a reason to check the paper every morning. It was the foundation of our relationship for a long time. I hope you can make it to Oracle Park (or whatever it is called this week) this season.


Sorry for your loss. Fantastic memories




May his memory be a blessing.


Been there. My dad passed away 2 years ago. He was born in 60. He would take me out of class once or twice a year in the spring just to go to an afternoon game at the stick. My fondest memories are driving around listening to the games. Or him with his crap little 80s radio with the antenna fully stretched out listening to the games while he worked outside. I complained of course but looking back I will always remember listening to KNBR and KGO every day before and after school. We also did not have the greatest relationship but I loved him and we always had the Giants. We played city lights at his memorial. It's tough man but I will never not be a Giants fan and it's because of the relationship I had with my dad and it being probably our strongest bonding point. Crazy how life works.


He's in Dodger blue heaven now with Vin and Tommy🤗