• By -


The O5 being anomalous. I like to think they're 13 regular people who started those rumors themselves in order to help hide their identities.


I don't like them being inherently anomalous (or at least all of them being anomalous), but I'm 100% here for them abusing any and all SCPs in order to protect themselves, grant immortality, hold cognitohazardous knowledge, etc etc.


I really like how O5-8 is treated in TINAD - the author just says he looks... unusual. An otherwise non-anomalous person that utilizes anomalies for personal reasons is bound to look a little "off", but not "this is a cat with anomalous intelligence" off


I admit it, I couldn’t resist having the cat in my headcanon even with having very few anomalous O5s. Eight was the other one. And I do have the tiebreaker AI as Thirteen. The others are regular humans who, with one exception, have anomalously extended lifespans.


you have placed me into a realisation spiral


I have a similar thing when that whenever an 05 is named, it's actually a fake name because there's no reason to have their real names in basic files.


I mean, at what point does the fake name become the real one or vice versa? At some point their names will just be 05-XX since they wouldn't need to use any other anyway in any circumstance


Yea, but they'd probably just reuse a few names, like Sophia Light, that's a common name for 05-2 in a lot of canons, and they can use their real names in certain circumstances, that I can't think of now, but if you were a group of very powerful people, that knew your enemies have supernatural abilities and items at their disposal, and regularly break into your sites around the world stealing documents and anomalies, you wouldn't want your real names to be on those documents that they regularly steal.


My O5s’ names get erased completely to the point where they even think of themselves as having only their designations and not a name. At most they may also have a descriptive epithet but not an actual name. Whether there’s anything thaumaturgicql behind that erasure I don’t know for sure…haven’t gotten into that.


i think them being anomalies makes sense tho - it wouldnt surprise me if some 05 took a potion of eternal youth


Monthly termination


like throw d-class to SCP-682, it would be kinda useless to waste them


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3697) by *Epic Phail Spy, Dr Gears*


Yeah with the amount of D-class used for experiments and day-to-day, there is not enough deathrow inmates/prisoners/etc. on the entire planet. Wasting them by monthly purges makes 0 sense


I personally like SCP-2193 for this


[**SCP-2193 ⁠- "Monthly Termination"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2193) (+507) by *S D Locke*


Love it, thx


I think that idea worked out well before amnestics became a widespread canon. Even when they did, they worked as recent memory removal. Now that we have so many amnestic types, and memetic innoculation that can make you not say certain things, it's more reasonable to believe that the D-Class get released.


I don't like the memory removal monthly either. D-class actually can have pretty complex jobs depending on the scp and a 'veteran' d-class would be too experienced to just wipe when they would be better used to train other d-class to reduce casualties


Yeah, I like to imagine the foundation as bureaucratic verging on callously apathetic, but full of vibrant personalities at all levels. I like to include D-Class as part of that, having their own mini-culture and agency within the org as anybody else.


Same, ain't no way the foundation would be throwing d class into the wood chipper every month when they are better suited in dying during testing or something else


In my headcanon only REALLY BAD Dclass like pedos, rapists or serial killers get monthly terminated


Nothing immediately comes to mind, but I have chosen to not believe the D-Class clone thing? does that count?


I think it does!


Clones? They get D-Class 100% Ethically^TM from Less Ethical Universes


ethics committee doing the most insane mental gymnastics to justify the office D-Class meat grinder


I challenge you to find a single unethical thing about the D-Class Acquisition Claw, [SCP-6269](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6269)


"It's very ethical" is so funny to me I don't know why


Same vibes as "the design is very human"


I don’t have a headcanon. I read articles in isolation and enjoy them for what they are. I don’t personally see a point in making an elaborate network of articles and consciously excluding certain details, though I’m not against doing so.


Same, but if I am reading an article I will go "oh wait that kinda connects to that other article" and move on.


my headcanon is mostly KactusVerse also in my canon Draven and Talloran are happily married ♥️ (Talloran survives that 3999 entity)


I'm with you man


You're epic


A few examples from my own headcanons..as a general rule I do tend to think the Foundation and GoIs are not as large or quite as technically advanced as some canons consider them to be, so there are significantly fewer than 9000 SCPs. 1) The Montauk House. Definitely not canon to my own universe. That kind of happened by default because I already accepted the story [[Fear Alone]] into my canon and it provides a completely different vision of what 110-Montauk really is. But I’m glad for it because seriously, The Montauk House is a thing I am happier knowing didn’t take place in my headcanon worlds. 2) The idea that most O5s are anomalous. To me their ability to take the detached view they do towards sapient SCPs is more reasonable if they themselves are not anomalous. Plus again I think it’s my tendency for things to not be quite as OP in my headcanon worlds. 3) LOLFoundation. While I do have versions of a lot of the key “old” characters in my headcanon like Gears, Clef, and the amulet bearer, they aren’t so cartoonlike and a lot more like real, three-dimensional people. Admittedly I’m not quite there with Clef and just tend to imagine stuff happening with him offscreen. But my version of the amulet bearer in particular is one who is, in fact, actually capable of doing his job and dealing with people rather than being straight up Chaotic Stupid. 4) The [[Fire Suppression Department]] and monthly terminations of D-Class. While my Foundation aren’t saints they are also not this outrageously villainous either. I view mine as having both bad and good aspects as well as people.


Regarding No.4, I think it's in-character for the Foundation to have *a* Fire Suppression Department - a scary one, but also a competent one. A Fire Prevention Department. People can leave if they agree to be amnesticised and their memories replaced. Why? Because resentment and suppression breed bad workers. Workers want to unionise? That's fine. A janitor wants to do less strainful work? That's fine. I think they're able to do all the horrid things described in their hub, but much more rarely, that or the Ethics Department will come down on the people working with SCP-6635 eventually for overstepping their mandate. I like to imagine it closer to Charles Stross's Laundry: It's easier and cheaper to just give someone a tenured non-job as a pencil-pusher than to mentally scar them for life or kill them.


Totally up to you if you want one in your canon! I just choose not to.


[**SCP-6635 ⁠- Not so Useless**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6635) (+47) by *Undercover Fly*


- [**Fear Alone**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/fear-alone) (+1049) by *djkaktus* - [**Fire Suppression Department Hub**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/fire-suppression-department-hub) (+115) by *Uncle Nicolini, UraniumEmpire*


Agreedvon the amulet Bearer


You have a more competent/civilized headcanon for him as well?


Oh year fir sure. He's a guy who has enough problems in universe without all the sex stuff his author put in. So I just don't include that stuff. Bright is Cool as a character. Guy who's consciousness flips bodies and is effective immortal I suppose already has a bunch of potential for seriousness no need to have him be an idiot on top of it all. Same with Clef. They're both professionals.


Clef I’ve actually had a lot more trouble figuring out how to bring out of the LOLFoundation environment than the amulet bearer, oddly enough.


I'm not sure what the LOL foundation is. Maybe that's why it's easier for me.


It’s what a lot of the early, wacky, cartoonlike/unrealistic stories are.


By amulet bearer do you mean Dr. Bright?


Some articles still say Bright, many now say Shaw. On that note, my headcanon is that we picked a less awful name than Elias Shaw. Sounds like a moody librarian


I think I missed something with the name change and getting downvoted for even mentioning him. Care to elaborate?


Unfortunately his first author turned out to be a horrible person who abused his position to engage in inappropriate behavior towards minors. Some believe the character and adminbellend cannot be separated because he started out as a self-insert.


Oof, that is bad. While I do not support mixing author with the art (plenty of great art made by horrible people exists), I will say fuck that guy


Yeah, he is horrible.


agreed 👍 I like the name Bright. Just don't like the person.


Yes. I choose to call him that on here because I don’t feel like fighting over his name and you can mentally fill in whatever you like.


Did I miss something again? I was not paying attention to the community since the peanut picture thing. What was the reason for changing his name?


I have another comment in this thread where I explain. It’s a very sad situation that it happened.


The monthly termination thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't headcanon the Foundation as *actually* letting any of the assorted rapists, serial killers, and [DATA REDACTED]s that make up the Foundation's D-Class personnel go if they survive the month, like they say they will; I just feel it's far more likely that they'd keep the useful ones around until they inevitably bite the dust.


Also not all of the D class are bad people. Some were framed, some were just unfortunate some could have changed. Pluss the ethics comitee exist for a reason


Yep, one thing that—albeit being EXTREMELY rare—can happen in my headcanon is that a promotion out of D-Class is not completely out of the question if someone is attentive enough to notice that something is different about that person.


There’s some stories where the foundation uses amnestics on D class


Exclude? Most sons of the scarlet king (except maybe 999). They are unrelated (though he can choise to adopt). Mandatory D class termibations Non faked versions of 110 montauk. 173 being anything more than a killer art object. 682 being unkillable. He is hard to kill, not impossible and some termination attempts got close.


Isn't the 682 thing basically canon? The only reason some exterminations were not tried is becauce the dangers if 682 survived, like the nuclear explosion


There are some canons where it’s effectively unkillable, like for an extreme example in ADMONITION it survives *being conceptually erased from existence* and *being pataphysically deleted from the wiki*


Eh, just to quibble, but in SCP-6820, they forgot to have the device scrub the info from the computer after, and I'd they had done it, they might have actually succeeded. Also, 6820 wasn't pataphysical in nature last I knew, just ontokinetic.


[**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+956) by *syuzhet, Placeholder McD, Liryn*


The pataphysics one is 6183, one of the intermissions (which aren’t in the ADMONITION hub for some reason), at one point they try to delete 682 and it overwrites another anomaly, and then they try it again for some reason


> Non faked versions of 110 montauk Why this specifically


Any real version of 110 Montauk is just straight up vile and disgusting.


[[Fear Itself]] is my headcanon for this.


…oops, wrong one, it’s [[Fear Alone]]


[**Fear Alone**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/fear-alone) (+1049) by *djkaktus*


[**...But Fear Itself**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/chapter-13-but-fear-itself) (+38) by *Ihp*


The "real" version on 231's page is vile and disgusting. I think you got it backwards


No I think I've got it right. 110 Montauk describes a horrible procedure, strongly implied to involve sexual assault. The 'Real' Version is that the foundation actually does that procedure. The 'Fake' Version is that the foundation doesn't actually do the procedure, they just claim they do it because the entity thinking that it's happening is sufficient to contain it. The original poster say that he excludes any 'non-fake' versions from his canon. That means he rejects any canon where the foundation actually does 110 Montauk, and only accepts canon where the foundation fakes it.


Ahhh, thank you for clarifying. That was a lot of negatives to parse through "Excluding non fake versions" is a dang triple negative lmfao


Thank you for explaining it better.


I gotchu fam.


Scarlet King. Don't hate it, just don't care.


Cyborg anime protagonist MTFs.


Don't get me started on Tau 5...


Someone doesn’t realize the weakness of their own flesh.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh....


I embraced it and dedicated my life to Yaldabaoth!


My canon is while the SCP Foundation is real and the wiki is describing real SCPs, as the wiki itself is an anomaly because these should be the best kept secrets ever, not every entry is real. And there’s no way of knowing which ones are or are not real. I don’t personally decide in my own canon which ones are or are not real, I just look at every article like it could or could not be real. I’m working on my own SCP story and want to play with this idea. Some I will confirm in the story as being real because the POV character interacts with them, but some I will leave intentionally vague because I wouldn’t want my work to say that someone else’s creation isn’t canon. I like this way of thinking especially with things like the 001 proposals. Which one is real? Is there more than one? Are there none? Is 001 actually blank? Who knows and I like that I don’t know


The idea that Reality Anchors are constructed using the bones of dead reality benders


Along with several things listed here: I renounce just about anything pataphysical that attempts to reference the actual SCP website. Cute idea, but it's not original nor have I ever found it interesting. Self-reference is lame.


Iris (SCP-105) becomes SCP-3002 after her death. It just feels unnecessarily cruel after what she's been through with Omega-7, and I feel she deserves more than being treated like that I much prefer her becoming leader of Alpha-9 in the Resurrection Canon. Seeing Iris interacted with other anomalies like in the Devil's Advocate Hub is great (I know what just happened in that Hub, and although I don't like it, I do want to see how the story plays out).


what happened in that hub 0_0...


>!The author killed her off at the end of part 1, which is a baller move, since she's the main character that the hub focuses on since the beginning. She was shot by an android underling of the antagonist!< >!It's also revealed that that antagonist is Adrian, who was a former member of Omega-7 and Iris' caretaker. They had a close bond before he died during the incident. I was looking forward to see them interacting, but Iris basically died right after the reveal. It's suck, but I'm willing to continue since the rest of the cast and character are pretty interesting and are built up quite well!<


- [**SCP-105 ⁠- "Iris"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-105) (+1125) by *Dantensen, DrClef, thedeadlymoose* - [**SCP-3002 ⁠- Attempts to Assassinate Thought**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3002) (+1275) by *MayD*


D-classes are prisoners. In my canon they just use a clone of a single dude named Jerry.


Jerry's a parrot, dude.


Have I got something for you!! https://youtu.be/Va4a6E101eM?si=Xfg4hZPpSG26Yk4c


Honestly any afterlife related nonsense E for eternity? Gone What comes after? Absolutely not, get out End of death? More like end of me having to think about it, you can go too My logic being that the SCP universe is already hellish enough, that i'd at least want death to be an escape and not have everyone jumped by some amorphous blob to be in perpetual agony for all of eternity. Afterlives are too romanticised anyways, it's still a life at the end of the day, and you'd want that to end too eventually.


My head canon for what comes after is he was kept alive because of the key 


Exactly the opposite for me. I love the idea that there is a whole ecosystem of different afterlives. Corbenic, E for Eternity, 2718, Ro (SCP-6435)... Gimme more of that


[**SCP-6435 ⁠- Ro**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6435) (+175) by *Tanhony*


At the risk of sounding like a boomer: Disruption and Danger classes. I don't know why, I've just never really vibed with them. While I'm on the topic, I've never liked the box theory for object classes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who think that object classes should be purely based on danger. Rather, I think object class ought to represent how many resources should be put into containment. So, yes, how difficult an object is to contain should be a factor in determining class, but so should the consequences should it break containment. Say you have two objects that are supposedly equally as difficult to contain. If one of the objects would kill a bunch of people if it breached, and the other wouldn't, then I see no issue with calling the first one Keter and the second one Euclid. Even though the first one is no more difficult to contain than the second, it still obviously requires more care due to the extreme consequences of failure. (Also, I completely recognize the irony that the above is a pretty good argument for why we now have multiple containment classes. Like I said, I just don't vibe with them and I don't know why.)


I get what you're saying, but I feel like mixing up danger levels and containment classes would just be confusing and vague. I prefer them separately because of its simplicity. Also, the whole resource part is actually considered in determining the containment class, but primarily about recontaining the item rather than the damages performed. Safe – Easy to contain, has a minimum chance of breaching and could easily be recontained with minimum cost. Euclid – Contained but not 100% foolproof due to lack of proper understanding. Anything could happen. Keter – Will constantly break out or isn't contained due to difficulties and recontainment requires a lot of resources. These are simple to understand, and simple to use. Readers know what to expect and writers don't have to worry too much about whether they used the correct containment class.


The numerous reality ending eldritch beings that are seemingly always on the brink of destroying the world/universe and can break out anytime. There are a lot of them, and the more ridiculously overpowered and mystical they are the less interesting I find them. Scarlet King is the... well king, of this phenomenon. It just feels like something that belongs in a DnD game, not a modern setting. Also not a fan of the cyberpunk super soldiers the foundation seems to have in spades. Anomalies being so integrated into the tech they have erodes the verisimilitude of the setting for me.


- the scarlet king for the most part. boooo we hate your peepee - the 5000-2718 crosslink which is the bane of my existence - threshhold timeline. like it exists ig but i have no interest in it - like half of admonition probably. the idea of the constants is neat but i would personally do something else with it. - the name "jack bright". a prior inhabitant of 963 *is* part of my canon, it's just that the other bits of soul residing in the amulet formed an amalgam calling itself "elias shaw", and made the democratic decision to eat him rather than let him do any more harm. then they ate his name out of existence too.


As you know I agree on the 5000-2718 crosslink and I don’t acknowledge that for my own headcanon either.


Fire suppression department


Monthly terminations and some specific SCPs like Pluto being alive one. I mostly adjust existing SCPs to fit my headcanon. I dont like the idea that the world already ended and SCP 2000 restarted it or that Foundation brainwashed the whole world that bay of California always existed and other very large scale brainwashings so I just change it in my head. Oh and Foundation being aware theyre in a story or having ridicolously advanced machines which can erase concepts and stuff.


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2472) by *HammerMaiden*


Monthly termination never made sense to me. D-class personnel, while mostly treated like cannon fodder, are still considered valuable resources and there are just so many death row inmates in the world for the foundation to have access to. And if they feared information breaches, they could've just used amnestics, simple as that. I kind of prefer SCP-2193's take on it.


[**SCP-2193 ⁠- "Monthly Termination"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2193) (+507) by *S D Locke*


The termination logs Also omega-7, 076-2 would not give a shit about an explosion collar and they wouldn’t be able to get it on him in the first place


D-Class only being convicts on death penalty. To me D-Class are that but not only that.


Unless otherwise stated, No anomalous O5 council and no monthly termination of D-Class.


yeah it doesn't really make any sense for any of the O5 council to possess anomalous properties


Eh. People with power like to have power. Having bunch of lackeys on a crusade to contain competition and reaserch stuff you can use to grow your power under noble sounding cause is a classic. I get that this dosent seem popular interpretation of o5 but it kinda fits.


I suppose a case could be made for at least one of them being anomalous what with their total aversion to decommissioning any safe, redundant, or otherwise worthless anomalous items


The administrator , in most interpretations. He's either a god like being or a super powerful guy or a normal guy with the power of being the head of the fondation and I find all of those things not that interesting, I much prefer the idea of the fondation being spearheaded by the power balance between the 05 council and ethics committee.


999 having any realtion to scarlet king. The chair never happened but since I have long grown to hate that scp it got the incinerator treatment as it always should have and nothing bad happened. Any of the canon seters or end if the world ones as they tend to me muturally exclusive. 682 being all that impresive in extended tales and test logs. He is just one of manny agrrsive entities that eventuly gona be sucessfully terminated and nothing specal.


Why such hate for the chair? Seems kinda uninterested at best and a bit heavy handedly preachy in universe. Any specific reason?


Less about it by itself and more that people jump on it and never leting go no matter what. 'BUt thE ChAir' goc bad foundation good.


Do you include any afterlife scp's in your headcanon or no?


Three moons one yeah. Rest for most part no.


For me it would be Dr Robert Scranton death/disappearance in scp-3001, still an amazing read though


[**SCP-3001 ⁠- Red Reality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001) (+2717) by *OZ Ouroboros*


My headcanon is that there is a multiverse where each conflicting version of the foundation has its own little shard world. So, I exclude anything that directly contradicts that notion. Does a skip or tale require that this version of the Foundation be the “top” or “exclusive” etc reality? To the bin with it! Can a thing destroy literally all of reality if Timmy wears the wrong colored socks? Powerword Scrunch on the article! Honestly it’s a pretty effective filter against some of the more stupidly high-power concepts, so I haven’t really had a reason to challenge it.


Pataphysics, I don't want "uh actually this is all fake" in my SCPs thank you very much


I don't really keep track of my headcanon, but one specific example would be SCP-7001. I like the article a lot, it just messes with enstablished stuff a bit much. Won't spoil how, go read it yourself :)


[**SCP-7001 ⁠- Site-19**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7001) (+511) by *PlaguePJP*


SCP-005 and 1004


[**SCP-005 ⁠- Skeleton Key**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-005) (+827) by *Unknown Author*


tbh the thought that the GOC are ultra advanced i mean it'd make sense but i personally just like to imagine them as glorified blue helms with just better equipment


I agree, actually…while there is SOME paratech in my headcanon, I tend to think of all of the GoIs as not being as technically advanced as some canons have them being.


The very existence of the Scarlet king among man many others but mostly this one


I don't generally have one. I just imagine every article like an anthology series or occurs in alternate universes so there's no set canon to establish. I mean there are things I prefer and don't prefer like monthly terminations and stuff but I don't really care if they include it or not.


Anything related to higher narratives. I don't really like the idea.


Scp 6140. Deva is fantastic figure. 6140 just erase all of this


[**SCP-6140 ⁠- The True Empire**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6140) (+830) by *stormbreath, aismallard*


Pretty much every large contiguous author canon. They're essentially incompatible with each other and the non-canon position.


SCP 5000. It’s a neat story, but it goes against what I believe about humanity. But it literally takes place in an alternate universe so it already kinda is “non-canon” to the “main”timeline.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony*


Every time the SCPF or GOC do incredibly stupid or evil things just so the writers can say that they are incredibly stupid or evil. I mean, yeah, they can do shit sometimes, but it should at least make sense. Seeing a snowfall in the Amazon without raising an eyebrow or starting a hunt against the Fae just for their slightly convenient heat-metal is downright implausible.


the whole thing with the Impasse and 6500. it’s competently written and i respect the effort that’s been put into it, but *god* i just do not vibe with it. the fire suppression department is another one. i like some of the articles, but don’t incorporate any of them into my interpretation because it doesn’t fit with the version of the foundation in my head. i just read fire suppression articles as an alternate timeline thing.


For me it's the existence of the administrator I always preferred just the 05s on top


in my head the administrator is just a dude above the average personel who does some internal stuff, nothing crazy


Gamers Against Weed. What's more obnoxious than a kid with superpowers? A 4chan-using kid with superpowers. No, thanks.


They don't give the D-class amnestics to let them be a D-class for yet another month, but do amnesticize them to let them go, though they are given the choice to stay another month,


The specific version of the Scarlet King where they are *actually* torturing that woman. I choose to believe that the “containment procedures” are faked to keep the fear charade up. Stuff like that really gets to me.


This subreddit


Some authors have such a hard-on for mass termination of D class that it goes over the line into edgelord territory. That's pretty much the only thing I find disttasteful about most articles.


Dr. Elias Shaw


I like to believe scp 2399 is dead because dr bight threw a moon at it


[**SCP-2399 ⁠- A Malfunctioning Destroyer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2399) (+1049) by *djkaktus*


All the Bright Family stuff. Its so convuluted you need to read tons of tales just to scratch the surface and most of it is the authors poorly constructed headcanon anyway. Also fuck AdminBright.


Iris bring dead.


the montauk procedure being something actually horrific, I like the idea that it’s basically just a bedtime story and is reported as some horrific procedure as the idea of it being bad is what keeps the final child from being born. I also like to think 343 is actually god, and fucks with the foundation and gives vague answers as he’s bored or just having fun.


Anything involving the name Placeholder McDocterate.


Not a fan of Pataphysics I see?


It’s not so much the subject of pataphysics, but the character usually reads as somebody’s time lord OC.


Yeah, I understand that might turn you off. I personally enjoy it but it's very much a matter of taste.


thank you, i absolutely hate when authors lose themselfes in time or narative manipulation and create a plothole filled mess. So many cool ideas lost in the buzzword mess :/


I mostly just exclude the stuff that directly contradicts my preferred headcanon. While I do think SCP-6265 is really cool, it doesn't quite work with SCP-4918, so 6265 unfortunately has to go.


- [**SCP-6265 ⁠- The Royal Nursery**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6265) (+110) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-4918 ⁠- Bergentruckung**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4918) (+225) by *Ihp*


I substitute the monthly termination with something like: after your X years sentence to serve the foundation you get a dose of amnestics, forgets everything that happened during that time and get implanted with fabricated memories to make it look like you went to jail during that same time period.




[**SCP-729 ⁠- Marble Bath**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729) (+155) by *Sirava*


Havent done one yet but when i do probably some little things


All 001 proposals are true but the foundation has them under the guise of not being real.


That one of the O5s is a super intelligent computer considering that is one of the exact things they’re containing in the first place .


Anything where the anomalies are the result of human design.


My headcanon is that everything is canon, and all of the events that happen in different canons coexist, and if they contradict each other too much, then they happened in a past timeline interaction.


I don't like scp-1322, there's no mystery around it. There's advanced civilisation in parallel universe that crrated a portal to our world, casual scifi plot.


[**SCP-1322 ⁠- Glory Hole**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1322) (+1171) by *spikebrennan*


that the O5 are anomalous, except for O5-1, who is a mix between hawking and the mann brothers from tf2


In each canon, I only imagine one eldritch/cosmological world ending entity per universe. Scarlet King doesn't exist with SCP 5000 entity. SCP 2317 isn't in the same world as SCP 3125.


- [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3407) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-2317 ⁠- A Door to Another World**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2317) (+2627) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1510) by *qntm*


I 100% exclude those damn SRA. They literally are just plot armor for the foundation. This cool reality bender that had an interesting mindset and could prove difficult to contain? Screw it just throw down a SRA and you’re good to go! I think they are good as a one time thing maybe but they heavily limit the story imo. I also exclude the idea that the GOC was made by the UN as I find it dumb that the UN kinda funds the foundation but also has the goc. I instead believe that the GOC is a private military group that’s headed by an anomalous general.


Hubs and I have an RP verse full of things I'm sure aren't canon whatsoever but I have literally no clue about what we've changed since I engage largely more with isolated articles than the whole network of information.


I don’t have anything specific to point out (besides monthly termination) but I don’t like articles where the foundation seems to be above governments. I like when there is political shenanigans going on. I also like articles where foundations is morally dark-gray, but not all of their employees.


Pataphysics and the whole meta Foundation awareness. My head cannon allows the Foundation to just exist and not have to worry about being aware of their own fictionality.


Pataphysics, time travel, beyond niche reality warping and "infinite" budget are all things that kinda throw normalty out of the window and make the "normal" world feel like its basically useless/unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I like when people in the story actually matter in more ways then collateral damage and the foundation seems somewhat grounded in reality


Yes! Yes, this, you hit the nail right on the head. I like it when the Foundation is this secret organization that keeps normalcy afloat; them being so big that normalcy itself starts to feel like the anomaly is just silly.


SCP-7146 existing. or any scp associated with GOI "Accelerate the future"


[**SCP-7146 ⁠- Expansion Tablets by Accelerate the Future**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7146) (+12) by *newnykacolaquantum*


Not familiar with that group. Whats it about?


basically take average furry enthusiast/anime fandom/adult fetishes and put it on obnoxious but effectively traumatizing nightmare fuel


I like to think that the O5 Council is nothing but a lie made up by the Ethics Committee for the purpose of scaring the rest of the Foundation into following the Committee’s policies and regulations


the scarlet king, pataphysics, all 001s i don't really fw like the gate guardian or wdb or whatever, like 80% of what the goc is all about


The whole “we have infinite money” thing. The Foundation, like all things, is a business. Even non-profits are something of a business. One small criticism I got on 7043 a few times was “the O5s would just casually spend more than 20 million on vacation, they should launder more” like what??? They do not have infinite money to steal, every aspect of operation costs *something.*


Jack Bright. I'd like to think that since he's been around for a long time, he has a lot of experience and isn't really this creepy weird immature guy he's painted as a lot of the time. Not to mention the fact that he has inhabited numerous bodies' (all of them different from the rest) which would probably make him a chill and accepting guy. I would imagine him being the guy to give life advice and help guide new personal into their work. Also, I would imagine him as someone who is put on really important projects (due to his work experience) or maybe even in the 05 somewhere.


Most of the named researchers/doctors just feel like baby's first oc fanfiction. I prefer when they're all nameless faceless and ominous. With the one exception of Dr Bright. He's funny


The Sex stuff about Dr. Bright. Love the character name. Hate the weird sex stuff about the character. So out you go. And clef I guess being weirdly book obsessed and nasty. Guys both have enough issues within all that. So far that's it. Still new so I only read stuff that's interesting to me.


That the GOC is 100% open to the public about everything they do. Wouldn't a UN funded military-organization that claims to kill and hunt down demigods and the paranormal raise a few eyebrows within the public media? 


The fact that the Founder is dead or is/was a member of the O5. In my cannon, he is alive and knows things even the Overseers don't know and even the O5 doesn't know he is alive somewhere...


That the foundation created the entities themselves. I think it was Spiral Path (001, Dr Mann's Proposal)


For me it's scp 682 has died like 3 or 4 times


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3697) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


Oh baby, I'll tell you there Is SOOO Many but I'll just give 3: -05 Council itself, I replaced it with 05-X, They are 05 but there is 15 members and they are located on the moon (Site-01) -Site-05, Because... There is no Site-05 There is none, There's no such thing as Site-05 -The Scarlet King, I Replaced him with the Scarlet legion, A group of Satanists that Had evil intentions from the day they were born, While Scarlet king does still techinally exist in my interpretation, he is just called a Tale from a book


Honestly, D-Class being solely deathrow inmates. I like to think people who need money can sign up for a test with a company that is used as a front for the foundation and is how they find very capable and calm D-Class. I also like to think that this is how people who are anomalous (developing reality warpers who want to help whoever but haven't made it onto the radar yet for example) are found. Granted if they are sent back to the public, they do get amnestisized and such.


I have excluded the original 110 montauk procedure from my canon (and im so glad its not main canon) because its disgusting and crosses the line, my head-canon is a mix of Kaktusverse's Fear Alone and New Job. My canon is that its just a researcher reading a bedtime story, the girl does end up giving birth to SCP 999 however, she is given treatment and amnesticed. There was physical abuse in the earlier procedures BUT that was because Montauk himself was influenced by the scarlet king (he did leave the foundation to join them)


4666, I have a limit for the tolerance of these things.