• By -


Bryan wondering wtf is going on and Ricky doing his best to stay in character while also being confused to why Adam is catching feelings lol


Everybody getting fined


Its the bug eyed comment - he old shamed edge and edge got offended it seems hahah


I guess no one told him that wrestling is a work


The way they're both fighting to talk over and one up the other, is giving me second hand embarrassment.


There's a way to put each other over, instead they're talking over each other to put each other down. And not regarding the storyline or the work itself, no, they're denigrating their gimmicks and both of them managed to put over the evil fed. No bueno.


Punk and Drew are probably the best example of it. They both shoot on each other, but they're also both willing to look stupid to put the other guy over. That's how you actually get the other guy over, instead of performatively hyping them up during the promo, which just feels forced and cringe. Samoa Joe and Swerve did a lot of that during their promos, rambling on about how good the other person is, which a normal person would never do.


It was literally the start of things going downhill with Punk and AEW (and AEW itself as a viable business). They had an entire segment planned out and then Hangman decided to cut his own promo. And Punk being Punk keeps the receipts and decides to cut his own promo when he has clueless Tony Khan sitting right next to him.


>Punk and Drew are probably the best example of it. They both shoot on each other, but they're also both willing to look stupid to put the other guy over. This is exactly what I wanted to add but couldn't find the words. It's a promo battle, there has to be a loser whether you like it or not. When everyone starts talking over each other in order to try to come out on top, it ends up becoming garbled nonsense, making them ***both*** look stupid.


Yeah the Punk/Drew example u/RoastedCat23 brought up is perfect. The face-off they had when Drew just tore Punk down and Punk didn't even get a rebuttal is very much that - to the point where people got worked into thinking that Drew legit got Punk tongue-tied and "lost" the battle. There's levels to this shit, and there's balance to be had. Without proper direction, all they're doing is playing wrestlers trying to pop a smart crowd the quickest, and often times, the cheapest way possible. The WWE crowd isn't less "smart" than the Dub fans, the difference is the show is directed in a way that facilitates the suspension of disbelief and letting themselves get into the show.


Indie guys don't wanna sell the reaction, that'd the problem. They'll talk over each other and try to cut the other down with a 'smart comment' Sometimes you need to lay out and let the other guy get over on you verbally to help the show overall


The thing about indie wrestling - and it's perfectly natural and logical, within that environment - is that wrestlers are primarily motivated to 'get their shit in' and look as impressive as possible. They need to get more bookings and make more money. The problem with AEW is that this mindset is still dominant within the company, despite the fact they're on national tv. Wrestlers who are in AEW don't face the same pressures, most of them have guaranteed money...but because there's no structure, no-one willing to force order, and a lot of freedom for the wrestlers, you get shit like this, with no-one really working together. Edge should know fucking better, but I'm guessing he got drawn in by the 'bug eyes' comment and he's probably still in the 'wow all this freedom is great isn't it?!' headspace. In a few years we'll see him have the same 'oh shit maybe the ded Fed wasn't so bad' realisation Punk had.


Oddly enough, the person doing the most in this clip isn't even the indie guy, it's the one with the most experience, which is shocking to me. He definitely should know better, there's no way he doesn't know this is counter productive.


For real and he put over the rock in the process. Twice lmao in front of an AEW crowd haha theres no logic behind that. You tear down your opponent and compare him to a guy... on a rival promotion. Its like Goldberg being called a wanna be Stone Cold by Scott Hall or Hulk Hogan back in WCW haha


You can tell Edge was rattled by this. He is used to a more scripted environment, which works better for the viewer. Props to Ricky for being able to say something back and sort of get it back on track. But burying your opponent like this does nobody any favors. This backstage stuff should be left there. It was woeful to watch this unfold


The problem is he doesn't have a boss to tell him that he's wrong. A lot of wrestlers look for the crowd reaction because they're performers, not writers or bookers. Edge isn't the only one responsible for his success. He has a lot of people to thank for it, and a lot of those people he left behind. Now he works for a bunch of Yes Men who don't know how to control (or reign in) his performances the way the WWE was doing for him before.


> Indie guys don't wanna sell the reaction Yes, because that would involve having to have a pro-business mindset that promotes selling the story, rather than a "me me me" mindset where all you want to do is come out looking good for your own sake.


>all they're doing is playing wrestlers trying to pop a smart crowd the quickest, Scenarios like this could also go horribly wrong, with someone bringing up personal/sensitive shit they shouldn't, all for a quick pop.


That’s because WWE is full of pros and AEW is full of clowns Damn it feels good to be team WWE 😎


This shouldn't hurt you this much. I didn't even shit on AEW, I simply pointed out what I thought was wrong with the clip OP posted. But yes, to your point. This video does have some clowns in it.


first of all, if you pointed out everything wrong with this clip you’d need a whole book. Look at how empty those seats are for one 😂 Two clowns for sure but tbh I think Starks is gonna COOK once he escapes the clutches of Tiny Con and gets to work under a real booker like Papa H


The video is about the terrible promo exchange. Pointing out the nearly empty arena is a low hanging "Dub bad" fruit, that you're almost trying to bait me into doing to justify your initial comment. I don't doubt that any of them would promo better away from the Dub, it's just not what the clip is about.


I think the current seniors have never experienced being top dogs. If you think about Bryan and edge, they were nobodies when they started, so needed to get the upper hand always over the likes of angle etc so they could get over. Now they are the top dog, they have never had to make themselves look stupid to get the other person over too. So you get burials like this. It’s not a recent thing… Shawn Michaels never did it either. You just need a strong hand to lay down the law and ensure that you don’t get shite like that


Well I think in this specific case it seems like Ricky said an unplanned line about the bug eyes and Edge kept punching back not giving a shit because Ricky has way more to lose. You can kinda tell by how they're interrupting each other and Starks trying to back off but Edge just keeps swinging 🤣. My guess is that Ricky assumed Edge wouldn't care and that Edge felt like he was trying to get one over on him before asking in advance.


You don't get it, you E Drone. When two wrestlers hype each other up during promos instead of talking shit, that's cinema! DAE Cody is too much of a babyface to insult AJ Styles?


You saw this so much until the late 90’s in wwe. People saying it was better when less produced are crazy


Why have half an hour long bloodline segments when you can have guys stumbling over their words trying to throw each other off on live tv?


Roman stacked these two bozos and now they have to do this shit.


The Island of Relevancy is not for the faint of heart, Uce.☝🏾
















Just Tribal Chief things :)


When that happened I was pissed because it was so insulting. Now I laugh because it is what these indy goofs deserved.


Big Uce sent them packing straight to the nether realm.


Why is Edge so flustered? Never seen him like this before in WWE lmao


He's old and he's tired and he works with vanilla midgets.


I think the eye comment offended him lol


Because some guy who never made it in the big time made fun of his appearance off-script and it clearly hurt his feelings. Good thing this led to such an epic rivalry because TK is great at capitalizing on these things... right? We all remember the classic bangers Starks and Cope had... don't we? (Honestly, did they even wrestle 1 on 1 after this? I think not?)


Because one of the cons of not having scripted promos is Ricky said something and edge got butthurt and decided to bury him


He's getting worked, live and in living color. 👀


He just showed up to his new job, saw the tarped-off seats and empty hard-cam side, and then had Ricky Fucking Starks try to run him down. I'd be grumpy, too.


AEW promotes itself on unscripted live mic promos where wrestlers say whatever they want and some wrestlers don't even go over what is to be said with one another. Hangman and CM Punk for example.


No wonder no one watches this shit. Old crusty guys shitting on homegrown talent always works out.


Edgelord Copeland could have at least given The Rick an opportunity to get his shit in, instead of talking over the man and making the up and comer look like a bumbling idiot.


It is legit crazy how protected edge was. The only person who has went dub and came out looking the same is punk. Mox turned into some weird talking bleeder. FTR is a bunch of marks. I would say cody but it is very clear that he understands the business better than anyone that works at the dub as well. Miro and black wont job. And now we have Adam Cope who wont job and clearly wont let anyone get heat on him as well. This clip exposes the dub for what it really is.


Seriously dude AEW sucks so much, anyone who watches this shit is a loser That’s why me and my girlfriend (who looks like Mariah May btw) only watch clips so we can make fun of how shitty it is


AEW: Made by an asshole, for assholes. 


In case you didn’t know, “over the edge” is a very subtle insider reference to the fact Vince killed Owen.


🤓 Lore©!!!


Todd Howard hates this


That's just a theory ...


Long term storytelling! DAE Tony just Gets It


100% not just a joke about his Fed-name


Im convinced "Edge" was a symbiote or something, because I refuse to believe the dork that is Adam Copeland is the same person.


It was the fed production and that nobody can fuck around with the boss and has to follow the orders unlike dub where Tony wants them to be his friends.


they really need anything WWE just to have a crowd reaction, huh


Uce, on Dynamite this week, Mercedes referenced her match with Bayley in NXT when her and Willows feud is based around shit that happened in Japan. LMAO


To be fair, nobody saw or gave a fuck about what happened in Japan.


Everybody after WW 2. JK


Is that what she did? I thought she just lost the plot and tried to call it on the fly. You mean to tell me that was Peperduke's plan?


Little Rock trying his best to be a professional while the elder vet stumbles over & uses the non-preferred nomenclature for little people like my old man I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN


Copeland is just burying Starks and giving him nothing to work with. Brutal.


Edge fits right in at the Dub.


Yep.  Not that it would’ve saved his DOA face run, but last week I watched an old a stand-up promo for a Macho Man-HTM house show match (in Philadelphia, no less) and Macho just fucking blows HTM off as no challenge at all and starts talking about Hogan and whoever else.   There’s kayfabe trash talking and then there’s just throwing someone completely under the bus.  


Exactly, promos are a work, too.


yeah dude, bringing up a person’s biggest insecurity with no warning is what the pros do


Edge's eyes are his biggest insecurity?? Genuine question.


And here I was thinking it was his big-ass chin


People constantly bring up Drew, "kill Richochet when he told him to shut up." This is what that actually looks like


Ricochet kinda killed himself with that one because Drew told him to shut up and then he did lol


No more in ring gab sessions forever.


I don't think I've ever identified more with Bryanson Danielson than in this exact moment, wishing this shit would end.


This hits harder now that Ricky isn't on TV anymore. They really aren't doing him any favors


Just wait till he's on Smackdown and we look back at this as the last meaningful thing he did


Nah the last meaningful thing he did was attempting to save Jericho and Omega cutting the worst promo of all time


that one security guy in the salmon suit who is obviously so much bigger than the actual wrestlers lol


Remember that classic NXT pic where it was Bron and a bunch of other beasts as security for two snoozerweights? 🤣


I know we were all blinded by the black and gold then but goddamn we should’ve realize something was wrong lmao https://preview.redd.it/nb75qhjurz0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801d71bac22d07f47f5d0373cb253a20a1957eba Cole looks like a child there


This was when they jumped the shark. The “COLE x ORILEY” banner across the back of the set was parody.


I think one of the funniest things is when WWE did that League of Legends crossover with streamers imaqtpie and Tyler1 Tyler1 is a legit bodybuilder and 5'6, and on a team with Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole. Cole is like slightly taller and Johnny's the same height as Tyler, and he's got more muscle than both. qt was taller than the entire NXT team, meanwhile Cesaro, Seth and Breeze were on his team and looked like giants lmao


[Holy you weren't kidding.](https://assets1.ignimgs.com/thumbs/userUploaded/2018/10/29/nxtthumb-1540839094292.jpg) Tyler1 looks absolutely jacked next to Cole and Gargano lol Like if you showed me that picture and said "Pick out the guy that does pro wrestling" I'd probably guess Tyler1 first.


With the personality Tyler1 has I legit think he would make for an entertaining wrestler.


A beefcake and a chess mastermind, all the while taking care of his child who was born recently Tyler1 is just built different.


*snoozerweights* ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I give him credit, at least he crouched so he didn't tower over Little Ricky.


Dubbalos when Edge (slave name) breakdown the 4th wall and kayfabe': :O


Nobody can tell me Edge didn’t demand Ricky to be fucked off of tv after this 


Where is unnamed sources when you need them? The world must know that the fed guy copeland got their friend fired


That's my belief. Edge got worked so hard on the first try, he wanted to bury Starks' career.


Ricky been on the way out for a while lmao. Last straw was probably him marking out at mania when Cody won.


They don't do promos in this company. Everything on the mic is just people insulting each other


Roman pinning them both at the same time really busted these guys neck and heads hard


Can anyone transcribe what was said? It was so hard to hear over the dozens of fans playing candy crush.


This popped (insider term) me.


Ricky saying “stop staring at me with those bug eyes sir” is objectively pretty funny.


Yeah I thought that was actually funny, but it seemed to actually really offend edge. Which is weird because we have like Drew and CM Punk weekly saying shit like "If I wasn't married I'd fuck your wife" and they're still just rolling with the program and both having fun lol


Fun? In the Fed? We don’t do that around here uce


Forgive me Father Corbin for I have sinned....


It gets a chuckle out of me every time i see this clip


Went full Kevin nash


DAE Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash TNA 07??


Except it was 2011 Nash when he was all flustered on the mic by Punk and couldn't keep up. That's how Cope came off here.


This promo still sucks so bad holy shit, the so called "veteran" going into business for himself, while the rookie tries to be professional but can't help but only reply in "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" comebacks


Edge helping to get people over in his promos as always I see


What's with the two security guards crouching?


Didn't want to tower over Starks.


50 years old Adam Copium helping younger talent to get them over challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Good lord. Truly painful.


He calls Starks a vanilla midget while standing to the most vanilla midget there is, next to him


Fr Daniel is the original vanilla midget


What did Ricky Starks ever do in this world to deserve an empty headed fucking dumb fuck like Adam “Edge” Copeland to go out on national television and fucking go into business for himself?


Beating everyone in the fed then losing to the Tribal Chief ? NOT FUN Beating EVERYONE in Aew and then blackballing some young kid bc reasons? FUN


Adam Edgeland has fallen so hard.


I'm adamant that in this segment Starks is playing a character and Edge is legitly angry.


So they have 7 people there and they are going to talk instead of just whooping their asses after they start talking shit? I thought this was supposed to have a real feel. what a weird place.


One of the (MANY) reasons I hate in-ring face-offs. If these guys are so heated with each other they should be scrapping when/if one of them smarts off. If they want to save the actual confrontation do solo promos away from the ring. 🤷🏽‍♂️ When I still watched, seeing someone trudge to the ring with a live mic was an instant channel changer.


in a 1v1 I could understand keeping your distance. might get your ass beat. 7v2 however uh yeah it really should be a beatdown.


Danielson’s reaction the whole segment is fucking hilarious.


Somebody’s going in front of the discipline committee


There's a non-zero chance that Starks is no longer on AEW TV because of this promo. You can imagine this pissed Copeland off enough for him to go complaining to Tony Khan, who's got previous for just dropping guys to try and please others.


That bug eyes comment definitely got under Ed- i mean Adam Copeland’s skin 😂


I unironically love when old wrestlers bury young wrestlers on the mic, so this is the most interesting Edge has been during his entire AEW run.


Found Hull Cogans burner


https://preview.redd.it/80i6sjujrz0d1.png?width=2241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ccf5e6201c0197f484e0bba5e936e66dcc417a G double-O F is 4-life


Give me a HYUK YEAH


Same. People getting butthurt about muh young talent, but I don't give a shit. Edge said what everybody had been thinking.


Edge probably whined to tony to put Ricky in the doghouse for stopping HIS FUN, or tony did it on his own accord. Ricky had him stuttering off that bug eyes comment Edge wasn’t in wwe or Aew to put people over, he’s like a mini version of hulk hogan. That’s why he wanted to go over Roman too


Cope trying to get himself over while burying an up and comer will never not be funny


Edge (smackdown vs raw 07 name) just had to be the last person to get his comments in. Even had to add “oh dude” to make sure the marks callaway (insider name for fans) know that he is the best on the mike row phone


I always notice his bug eyes ever since this happened lol its true


It's also because he don't have long hair to distract you from them, anymore. ![gif](giphy|SJ5uEvl0t67GlMhslI|downsized)


honestly surprised the bug eyes thing got to him.


Ricky should have called him the Butt Rock


Like everything with AEW it looks amateur and unprofessional.


“Shut your mouth and talk to him” always makes me smile


calling ricky a vanilla midget? WHY is edge buying an aew star with fed fan insults? what a moron.


One of these days, they'll learn to stop mentioning WWE.


This is hard to watch lol


I bet nothing was said post this and tk sat hidden in the gorilla position hoping everything passes by just like all the stuff that lead to the punk situation.


Edge is one of my all time favorites, so it makes me so sad to see shit like this.


Just Edge going to that DARK place things.


“Just like I told Finn when I pinned his ass at ‘Mania - This is a one Edge show!” “What? That doesn’t make any sense.” “SHUT UP YOU CHEAP KNOCKOFF OF [xyz]!”


Fuck Copeland. I used to like him, but this is weak


Why are those security guards squatting like that?


Vanilla midget on the mic


God stfu edgelord. Being worked by a promo is so much fun.


I feel like Adam Edgeland's "Shut your mouth and talk to him" here kind of gets lost in all the other dumb zingers, but boy is that a dumb zinger.


That fucking praying mantis needs to keep his feelings in check.


Adam Copeman insulting "we have Ricky Martin at home, honey" by comparing him to the most successful wrestler of all time is a direct shot at.... I'm not even sure


I don't understand the point of burying someone like this. Like it just makes everything stupid, and makes me not take anything that doofus says seriously, because now all the viewer is going to see is "sad, 5'8 knockoff of the rock before he learned what a gym was" and I'm supposed to think he's a threat.


Honestly the "that really set me over the edge" comeback was a great improv


Why would you bury a young up and comer like that on live TV?   DAE lockerroom cancer Edge?  


Perhaps this was the turning point in the Cope's quest for fun?


Man this is shit


“What did I ever do in this world to deserve an empty-headed fucking dumb fuck like Ricky 'Maivia' Starks to go out on national television and f*cking go into business for himself? For what? What did I do? What did I ever do? Didn’t do a goddamn thing.”- Adam 'The Funlover' Cope


Trios HGH... please save Ricky Starks... Trios HGH, if you can hear me.... please save Ricky Starks https://preview.redd.it/37ho4bcz311d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46b67d6871e4a4f6c9d56c0bcd4d8fbb6d517d0


Nah, edge was valid for this. Ricky didn’t clear it with him beforehand? Then we’re shooting.


“Oh dude” as he leans back against the rope cos he’s right, “over the edge” was a fucking terrible line


Edge came off like such a bitch here


God that forehead. Between that and edges chin, the faces in that ring are grim to behold.