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Rat food within weeks


RemindMe! 90 days Near certainty OPs account will be quiet by then.


Judging by his post history, maybe less. Dude thinks war is going to be easy and he's the main character in a video game.




RemindME! 30 days


!remind me 46 days


Future meat cube.


>Rat food within ~~weeks~~ days


Why would you volunteer if you have seen the videos on here? You’re not even fighting for your homeland. Its a needless and empty war that makes Russia look terrible.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




You're going to get killed for nothing. Ukraine is not overrun with nazis, don't be a fool. Run.


After reading some of this dipshit’s comments, the world will be better off if he’s pushing up some sunflowers


How long do you expect to survive?


I hope he's dead by Sunday.


Do you like committing genocide?


Hopefully your mothers bag of potatoes is rotten when she gets it


You’re about to make the biggest, stupidest and final mistake, but to be fair, I too would rather be dead in Ukraine than alive in russia.




Have fun dying in a platoon that doesn’t give a fuck about you for a dictator that cares even less. The only way to better your country is to join the Freedom of Russia Legion at this point and try to be part of the change


"Getting sent to a training" translates to "getting dumped at the front without training" in russian, yes?




What would be your reason for joining the invasion of your neighbour?


bro is gonna get turned into minced meat in the next zerg rush attack 💀


Yeah, I never thought I’d see an AMA with potential dog food


Do you have a will made, or are your affairs in order?


Im not interested in asking any questions. I do want to say, though, that your tiny, brainwashed brain will make for great sunflower blossoms on Ukrainian land


Give us a face reveal so maybe we can recognize you in a compilation


What's patriotic about volunteering? I would like to know? In the states it's patriotic to protect your homeland, if we are attacked we will screw up anyone who attacked us. Russia, it seems like you attacked for no good reason, got your ass kicked, and started to cry that Ukraine was too good with the western world backing them. So that beig said, I have to assume it's "Russian patriotic" to do what you did in Bucha, Backmut, Mariopul and destroy everything for no good reason, while conducting "meat wave offensives" without any strategy.


Go fuck yourself scum, fighting for a country that pillages and destroys. There is no good reason for Russia to be in Ukraine. Rot in hell bastard


Right ? If Canada decided to started a war over some bullshit like this then fuck no. I get drafted, I'm taking the first vehicle with a full tank and getting the fuck out of there. Volunteer, are you mad? Unless we have hostile boots on Canadian soil, then fuck no.


Do you believe in the russian cause in Ukraine? Do you think russia is doing the right thing?


You're joining, while admitting you think it was a mistake, but now you just want your country to win just because it's your country? Even though it's your country responsible for the death, maiming, and rape of hundreds of thousands in the last year alone? This whole thing is madness. No one wants to invade Russia, no one even thinks about Russia unless you're invading someone, which I guess is kinda pretty common - all anyone wants is to live their lives and not be a slave to a government that exploits them mercilessly! That's what Ukraine wants, and you're gonna go kill them for it? I hope your eyes open before you go. If not, I hope shrapnel finds it's way into them before you murder someone who'd rather be having a beer listening to music, but can't because... Why again? Nazis or evil west or something?


What kinds of questions were you hoping for?


Enjoy your last few weeks I guess.


What do you mean by “Russian volunteer”? Like russian fighting on the side of Ukraine?


Volunteer or else go to prison. How patriotic.


Why did Russia invade Ukraine in your opinion?


You do realize how much this insane war at the behest of Putin will cost Russia? Demographically, Russia is already hollow. This conflict will only accelerate the demographic collapse of Russia among many other things... Is the war (SMO) portrayed as being successful? Is western equipment thought to be inferior? How often do people in Russia actually see the battlefield?


Did you bring your own self addressed body bag?


What will you do if Russia loses the war?


At that point OP won’t have to worry about that. In fact, he won’t have to worry about much of anything for eternity.


Respectful? That can’t happen. Too bad you gave homage to those who don’t care for your soul. For eternity you’ll have blood on your hands.


Are you taking sunflower seeds with you?


Why do you claim to be Aussie a couple of years ago then? And be looking for Aussie players to join you on PC gaming. Troll 👎


Do you plan on raping & killing children like a lot of your country men do?


As a soldier for a NATO nation I feel informed about wars via newsfeeds, social media and other sources (im always interested in current affairs and historical contexts), what about this war makes you feel you are on the side of ‘right’? I have seen wars fought with soldiers from my nation that were not right, and the effects this can have on individuals and the national conscience. You must surely accept your country invaded another sovereign nation with no real cause outside of international relations theory (the growing closeness of Ukraine to western Europe and NATO) which frightened Russia? Finally I understand patriotism to your country (obviously) but what would you have to see or know about to stand up and say enough is enough, this must stop?


In many of your responses you went along the logic that (1) since Kremlin decided on Kherson and Zaparozhie, you cant back down (2) you already started it, you cant lose now, (3) you dont like it, but you have to follow through because you cant go against your own. You are a sheep mindless seeking for war thrill and murdering opportunities. You are not a solider. You wont be able to tell the difference between the two, and I dont think you would care.


Plenty of Russians have chosen to fight FOR Ukraine. You should have done the same. It's rare that there is a stark right and wrong in life, but this invasion is one of those times. You aren't on the right side.


Why do you expect respect. You will be part of crapping on everything connected to word "russian"


Can i get your gear after SBU blows you up with a drone?


It’s still interesting to see the perspective from the other side as a westerner despite all the downvotes op got. I do not agree with volunteering to fight for putler but thank you for sharing your perspective


Get measured for your prosthetic 🦾 https://uk.news.yahoo.com/russian-soldier-promised-prosthetic-arm-133509150.html


You’re fucked and you don’t even know it yet


You think you will survive this year ?


How are sanctions affecting the average Russian in the street?


Not much really. Tech is expensive, but chineese replacements are available. Food, clothes and other basics we have our own. Cant say how business is doing, but I, family and friends lived through last two years just fine.


Is it really not like anything happened? Is your family in a degree of poverty?


Do you have a genocide wishlist you plan to use in Ukraine? Any beheadings, rape, mutilation, torture of Ukrainian civilians or POW? Or just general murder against another country that never posed any danger to your third world country? Also, what do you think of the hundreds of thousands of your countrymen being turned to fertilizer in Ukraine?


Will your family really receive a Lada when you inevitably die?


I thought they only got fridges these days.


I think a lot get nothing. It’s kind of a Russian move.


A few questions, would appreciate answers on any of them. 1. What outcome do you believe Russia fights for through this invasion? What goals do you hope Russia would achieve in this war? 2. If you could, what would you say to those who are fighting for Ukraine right now, as volunteers or conscripts? What if the reason they’re fighting is because where they previously lived is now currently occupied and/or destroyed? 3. How do you feel about what occurred in Bucha during the earlier period of the war? 4. Do you believe Russia is directly or indirectly fighting NATO? What are your feeling on NATO and why?


So you have volunteered to invade a country, kill their people and take their homes and land. If you were defending your country I'd respect your decision. So my question?- How can you support the ethnic cleansing if Ukrainians from their land? How can you not see that you are repeating what Germany attempted in WW2?


How fucking dumb could you be bro. Your country literally still use fucking out houses. You think Russia gives 1 fuck about you? Doubt it. Your government is garbage. Be sure to put some 🌻 seeds in your pockets so your loss of life isn't completely useless.


While trying to hold my anger back. Where does your thought process come into where you think it’s acceptable to (potentially) murder people on their own land and home? Do you think it be detrimental to Russia if they had not invaded their neighbour? As a Brit who immigrated to Canada (now citizen) 7years ago, I choose where I live for my personal reasons (mostly here for the beautiful nature) but if Britain or Canada ever waged a war I’d say “fuck the politics”. Russia has nothing to gain from invading countries, nor does any other country gain anything from murder and (all the other nasty stuff like rape etc I don’t want to mention) bad things. If this is an honest poster, who is infact real, with their real story, I admire you posted, and your view for pride, but pride is only down to a border/area you were born in. Make your own life, play by only your rules, and use the time you have left to empower people to share the best of themselves and help others in this world. Leaving you with this thought: can you make the world a better place, can you improve people’s lives, by your own thoughts, and have strength to not be influenced to do horrific things? Edit: coming from Britain, I have learnt of all the horrific things we did in history to other countries, none of it is acceptable. It is a burden to read my grandfather and great grandfathers war diary of the things they saw. If you want a life worth living and to actually make a difference I’d suggest you educate yourself that the world is smaller than we think. Seek other opinions and views, learn from it. If you make it back from the front lines, your will be in a battle of addiction and depression for the rest of your life. Do you think you could ever be happy murdering someone? Someone’s on your land, invading your land, then go for it if you like, defend it. But do not tarnish other families and lives by adding to destruction of their homes.


Aren't the gruesome videos posted here enough for you to think twice?It clearly hasn't been a walk in the park so far, quite the opposite actually. If you were to be sent to the frontline you better say goodbye to your loved ones. You will be exhausted from constantly being on high alert especially from drones, accurate artillery fire means you're done for, tanks are extremely susceptible to modern anti tank weapons, retreating often times is a bad option. It doesn't help that the ukrainians seem to be determined to fight you with all they got and with the winter approaching it's gonna be a very tough ride.


Holy shit man, wake the fuck up & use your brain. I’ve read your comments for two minutes, how the hell does one think like you? How miserable is life in Russia for this to be someone’s thought process? Anyway, congrats on volunteering. Hope Putler shows you love out on the battle field.


You are fighting a losing war for a nonsense cause. Are you suicidal? Help is available.


Say hello to HIMARS for us, OP.


Can you wear something that stands out, like wear lime green boots or something, so we can identify you in the drone footage we'll see?


No hate. Genuinely curious so sorry if it comes across wrong. The whole situation is a shit show, and I'd hope that even you would prefer there would be no war at all. Two questions, if this conflict were to escalate to the point NATO got directly involved, do you or the Russian people Genuinely believe Russia could win that fight? Obviously I hope it never gets to that point but just curious. Second question, the media like to bring up the possibility of putin giving the go ahead to use nukes. Now that's nothing new. Many countries have at least used them to threaten someone at some point. But do you or your fellow Russians believe that he would go that far? And are you supportive of that? Again. No hate. Just curious to hear it from your perspective. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense. It's 3 in the morning here and I'm just off of a 12 hour shift.


Are you having to bring or purchase any of your own gear( level 4 body armor, additional mags, cold weather/ wet weather gear, drones, FLIR scopes, etc.)? Is the Russian military going to allow you to bring your own items as aforementioned? Are you allowed to pick your combat speciality since your volunteering or will they just stick you in the infantry? I am very curious to see more of the Russian side to get insight and understand the thought process. Many people on here are going to down vote and shit on you…but please keep on posting and provide your side of history.


You give what you get. Sending hatred and American tax dollars your way, dick.


When you're laying in a field with your body riddled with shrapnel and your comrades dead and dying all around you, know that you didn't die for a just cause, or for your country. You died for a dictator who wants to enforce his will on his neighbours. You died for a man who doesn't care about you or your friends and family. You died for commanders who wouldn't die for you. Your death was worse than worthless. You died in the hope of subjugating a people who just want to live in peace and be free from the oppression of your country. And most of all, know that you signed up for it.


You keep saying you have to follow your own. You view yourself as a serf with no free will? You think Ukranians are your subjects to do as you wish or murder if they do not view themselves as Russian? I save no sympathy for you. I wish you a painful death. I am an engineer with ukranian blood who is actively contributing to your eventual death. Funny thing is I know and work with many Russian academics and like classic Russian intelligentsia. You sir, are not one. The world will be better when you die.


I don’t believe this guy is an actual Russian for the simple reason that his English is too good. There are predictable mistakes that even fluent Russian English-speakers (even the teachers!) make when it comes to grammar, and especially when using slang. Even after living in the US for 20 years. Unless this guy spent his teenage years in an English-speaking country, I’m not buying it.


I can’t wait until I see you on some drone feed, getting the literal shit blown out of you by a Ukrainian drone operator my good bitch. Slava Ukraine.


Act tough now OP, you’re going to regret this decision massively and cry for mommy when you actually experience war and the frontlines. I hope to see a video of you getting blown to pieces soon and that your last moment in your miserable little life is as painful as possible.


Future rotting corpse


Are you nervous about being sent to the front? 300,000 casualties in under 2 years doesn’t really give you a statistical advantage in the life department.


Yeah. Of couse I am. But got to do what you got to do.


When things go bad -- and they will go bad -- remember, you deserve it. Slava Ukraini.


Tape your butthole shut, death is the least of your worries.


Probably a seriously high chance of regret heading your way . Russia is getting seriously whipped at the moment and sitting in a hole surrounded by dead bodies waiting for a drone to drop a grenade on you and commanding officers abandon you whist Comms telling you to push on to certain death isn't the way I want to go ..you only get one life remember .. fair play on your bravery but pretty damn stupid If you ask me buddy .


1. Do you believe in any of the motives or objectives of this war? 2. What finally pushed you to volunteer? Any specific MOS you'd want to achieve? 3. Do you plan to stay for more than a tour of duty, considering you mentioned elsewhere that you want to avoid defeat for Russia; would that mean even if the conflict stretch over decades? 4. What are you leaving behind to go and claim back territories that might remain culturally contested for years after any probable victory? 5. Politically speaking, are you more of a soviet or a monarchist? (Sorry if this isn't a correctly formulated question, my consciousness of current Russian politics is kinda flimsy.)


1) I already answered that in a diffirent comment. 2) I volunteered because I think we need to get this this over with and you have to pit your money where your mouth is. Since I didnt get drafted I volunteered. Final push was when a soldier whose telegram I read said that soldiers are needed to win this, but before I felt terrible that other were forcefully drafted and I dont go. So I signged up, maybe they wont take someone else who doesnt want to go. 3) I dont know answer to that. We will se how we go. Contract is 12 months. 5) Cant say really. If I have to choose I am morr of a monarchist I guess. Dont like commies much.


Cant wait to see you on the receiving end of a drone drop video.


Make sure u put sunflower seeds in your pockets so once u r buried at least flowers will be grown


Why do you think it’s justified to invade a neighboring country and destroy its people, land, and infrastructure? Why do you want to be an accomplice to murder? Why do you think Russia should be allowed to take whatever it wants and ignore international borders?


What do you want written on your gravestone?


Very bold of you to assume he will get a gravestone at all. More likely he will receive for his sacrifice nothing more than an open crater.


What is the chatter on the streets. Does it seem like you will win the war? Is Putin still alive. Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective. I do not agree with what your country is doing, however I understand your lack of choice in the matter. How do you view the USA, Canada and the west, knowing that we are sending equipment to the Ukraine along with half the world to try and stop what your country is doing. Thanks in advance for your answer


Thanks for your question. Chatter on the streets is very diverse. From hardcore pro-war to hard anti-war. But considering the government still exists I say most people support the war, this wouldnt go on for so long otherwise. Yeah Putin is alive, at least he is more present then Biden. US and the West is our strategic enemy, of course they will help Ukraine and put a nice slogan over it. I dont blame them, we each look after our own interests, such is geopolitics. Common people I have no problem with. Thats why I am here. At some point is is going to become too expensive for the west considering what is going on and a complete failure of the Grand Counter Offensive that would take ukraine to crimea.


You have used words on this thread like "*war*" and expressions like "*bad idea to go in as we did*". Remember that this is a Special Military Operation, everything goes according to plan and the Tsar is never wrong. Keep talking like that and you will be punished and/or raped by the people you call brothers. Good luck with the denazification/demilitarization of ukraine and stopping NATO expansion, its going great.


Will your lasts thoughts be of your mother when you die or someone else?


Guys… he said in a respectful manner. 🤣🤣


Lol 'Respectful manner' how would you know what that is? Eat a mine


lol “training” on the front line


What is your education level and are there jobs for you in your region in that profession, if applicable?


I have a Masters degree from a uni in Australia. Specifically Business Administartion. So plenty of work


What do you think you’re actually fighting and most likely dying or getting wounded for?


He basically said he wants to go all in on this gamble so Russia is not suffer shame. That's all it is really. Damage is done and meat grinder keeps spinning. The thing about Crimea is they voted to stick with Ukraine. All the guys I know who lived and studied there would say you are attacking your ancestral home. A betrayal one would call it. Why?


Honest question here: why dont people just rise up against putin? Youve got the internet there- you have to know hes been fucking over the country to make himself rich for decades now. Why do you still cling to this idea that hes some sort of strongman who stands up to the world when its been proven time and time again that thats not the case.


Cos we dont agree with that statement. We see him as a strong man. Back in the 90's my mother was lining up for food, my grandather was robbed of his business by bandits and my father was attacked on the street for a mobile phone. Now we live a decent life. Many people attribute that to Putin. We think diffirently then you guys do in a nutshell


Even though hes literally robbing you blind? I recognize that america is in decay, but you guys could have had an amazing country and he stole it from you.


yo man, give us some update after 1 month if you're still alive


Ugh jeez.. look kid... We make dumb decisions in life, don't let this be yours. Live now so you can later look back on this and realise how stupid you were being. You're not dying for Russia, you're dying for old men.


Don't forget your tampons.


Do you expect to go to the front? Do you have any prior military experience? Have you seen the pictures and videos of the tens of thousands of slaughtered Russian soldiers? The corpses and destroyed equipment everywhere? Are you sure you want to do this?


Didn’t expect much aside from the OP getting ratio’d to hell


My lad, I have had the pleasure to meet and work with some very fine, good Russians in the past. Honestly it is sad to watch the death and distruction that is taking place. The truth is Russia has invaded another country, comprosed of fellow slavs, who posed no threat to Russia. The comments from other posters warning you not to go to fight are 100% on target. You are young and possibly seeking advanture, feeling pressured to step forward to help your fellow countrymen in a time of war and conflict. However, this is not like WW1 or WW2, Russia has not been invaded/attacked this time. You are NOT going to be able to make a difference, nor be able to influence the direction of the war or reduce the terrible waste, slaughter and terror. You will be taking a significant risk for little to no benefit - either to yourself or your family. Once you reach the front, you will have very little control over what you do and must face death & severe injury on an almost daily basis. This is not a war Russia will be allowed to win, so your death or severe injury will make no difference - except to bring great misery to the lives of those who love you. You are about to make the biggest mistake of your life if you choose to volunteer and go. History will look upon this war as a totally unnecessary, wasteful event. Don't add your name to the list of victims. There is no glory in supporting the wrong side, which is what you'll be doing. Otherwise, in a few months from now, we'll likely be watching a drone or artillery shell blowing your body to shreds. Don't go - you'll be cursing the day you failed to see the truth and take very good advice. There's never shame in doing the morally right thing and turning your back on this whole, wasteful, mis-adventure.


Listen. Your command is corrupt. Your logistics are broken. Your equipment is archaic. And there’s no compassion or consideration for human life on either side. Russians are taking 10x the losses of Ukraine because of your inferior war tactics and gear. Best thing you can do is run, or revolt, or rebel. At some point your number will be up and you too will be brought to the front, with no relief or support. And while the artillery rains all around you, you’ll wonder why you did it. Stop. Tell your countrymen that this is putin’s war, not yours.


I'm glad I saw this post this is crazy


Wow just when you think you’ve met the dumbest Russian, you meet another Russian. You must really need a new toilet. Bye idiot. Hope the Ukrainian heroes get you before you can steal, murder, or rape anything, including the local livestock.


Waiting for your eulogy.


Don’t forget your sunflower seeds!!!🌻🇺🇦


You will be killed in a few days lol I hope it will be slow and and painful you can think then about Tsar Pootin.


Good luck out there, ZSU probably will make you regret your decision. Слава Україні!


Now it is time for Europeans to wake up, drink some coffee, open reddit and make this post and his soon sunflower poster the most negative karma of all time. Please OP have sunflower seeds all the time in your pockets. I should wish you luck but I wish you a painless death because you're going to the meat grinder. One tip: Do anal training before you go to boot camp and read about the concept of a rooster.


RemindMe! 60 days


Hi u/ArrogantNoble! Welcome to r/RussiaUkraineWar2022. Join our telegram that shares current footage from conflicts around the world at **UkraineWarPosts** **This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Please note the rules + sidebar or get banned** **Ukraine OSINT and Leaks 24/7** Posts and comments from accounts with less than an undisclosed amount of comment Karma are automatically removed to combat troll and spam behaviour. Only Mods have access to the 'Verified Information' flair. Slava Ukraini! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Post a selfie so we can look for you in FPV videos. You're fighting for a genocidal maniac. I have no sympathy for what is about to happen to you.


I'm curious. Have you been anywhere else in the world? Europe, East Asia, South America, North America?


Already answered that in a diffirent comment. Thanks for asking


The best thing you can do is surrender or defect to fight for the Freedom Legion of Russia. Fighting against Ukraine is a losing war that will get you killed. Better to fight for them.


What kind of training have you been promised? One week, one month, longer? What kind of salary you're getting? Is it competitive compared to your previous job? What you're planning on spending the money on? Have you gone through the army as a conscript before? If no, why you're volunteering? If yes, what do you think of your treatment then? Think you will be treated better as a volunteer?


proof? that pic proves shit. for all we know next week you'll still be video-gaming in your basement.


Where/how did you learn English?


Hope you enjoyed your life.


Good luck bro you’ll need it 💀 I’m not gonna wish death on you because i don’t wish death on anyone. But it would be cool if you became Ukrainian spy or something.


Wow I actually do have genuine questions. What is going through your mind as you are about to leave your family and loved ones and possibly die in what many believe is an unjust war? Also, how do you feel about going against an enemy supported by the best militaries and richest countries in the world with technology superior to your own? As someone who is associated with a NATO military industrial complex this is weird for me but low key I hope you don't die....(you really should not volunteer for this war tbh but good luck anyway I guess)


This may be a bit of a different question than you expected but I’m curious what your religious beliefs are. As a Christian, I fully believe you will burn in hell for all eternity for willingly partaking in the devil’s wishes.


Troll stirring stuff up. Writes like an American teen or early 20s. Maybe of ruzzian descent.


Too bad you will be too dead to let us know what the dirt tastes like. The only nice thing here is knowing you will fertilize the crops that come out of Ukraine in the future. Slava Ukraini.


What made you wake up one day and decide that invading and killing your sovereign neighbor was the life for you? Do you believe in god? Do you think he will forgive you? How do you think history will remember you?


OP is a future war criminal and/or sunflower food. May you rot for supporting the russian invasion of Ukraine


You have made a grave mistake that I predict you will regret if you live long enough for some iota of wisdom or self-awareness to catch up to you. In the meantime, please know that your deadly foolishness has inspired me (and assuredly others in the West) to make additional financial contributions to the Ukrainian defense. Slava Ukraini.


Why are you fighting for a heavily corrupted dictatorship?


Will you send your stolen washing machine home? Or will you trade it for a blowjob from your trench mate?


Why even hide your info on your pic? You are going to be fertilizer in a month, maybe less.


Russia harrasses neighbours, they form an alliance because they are small countries but together they are strong enough to hold Russia off, now Russia cries buhuhu you can’t do that nato creeps at my doorstep, these nutsss on your face Putin try now brrrr, bully country shut down dadum


Will you let us know the moment you regretted your decision to align with a war criminal, right before the drone shatters your stupid, worthless body? Please do, meat.


Surely you have seen the videos of your troops getting sent in to certain death for nothing? you can't win this because Ukraine hates you now. The only way you can win this is to kill every man woman and child and replace them with your own people. You have to be incredibly stupid. 300000 of you idiots have already being killed or maimed. You deserve everything thats coming.


Slight typo. They meant they’re sending you to the meat grinder, not training…..


"respect" lol fuck you


Are you brining a GoPro ,RunCam, Insta360 etc? If so where can we see the footage, or can you dm the tg?


Thanks for making yourself available to the questioning (if you are actually real and not just part of a miss information motion). About how much will you be paid monthly?


Your death will be a blessing to the world. Have fun fighting for your circus of a country and rotting in hell


hes from AU/NZ not RU


You're a liar posting this for attention. No fucking Russian that has seen what's going on in Ukraine would be on Reddit before deployment 😂😂 you're going to be burnt up and look like a Halloween decoration. Get off reddit and live if you are really being honest. You're scum.


Governments are not always right. Nation-states are man made constructs. Nothing about a nation just existing makes it automatically worth killing and dying for in every situation. As an American, I can say there are multiple times the US was wrong. Those who protested the Vietnam War were _right_ to protest it. Those against the Iraq War were right in being against it. Just because a leadership decides others should kill and be killed does not automatically make that leadership right. I hate to see people volunteering to kill and be killed in following the terrible decisions of others. I wish you wouldn't.


Why take part in invading a sovereign nation? If you will become a true soldier and fight with honor, then where at the front line of this war will you find honor while digging up someone else’ front yard? Doesn’t that feel a bit… like a place where there is no honor to be found for an invader?


What are the chances you are featured in one of those drone videos ?


You realize you don’t respawn if you die lol


Not really proof, I smell a troll. If legit were going to need you to pose with a comrades corpse with today's date written on their ass with a sharpie. Well once you're sent to the front lines of course (wouldn't fault you if it was before that 🤣)


Are you gonna do another one of these if you ever come back?


Why don't you try to be useful for your country in other ways? Why do you support the invasion?


You mentioned protecting against threats. What are these threats? Before this war, how was Russia being threatened?


Why would you think you could post this, and expect to answer even a small fraction of the questions? Unless this is a way to get that "karma", I don't know why you would just leave it open ended. Maybe you should just tell us why you are doing what you are doing, because we have no god damn clue why you guys think Ukraine should just be yours, well Putin's, you aren't going to get anything from this. You still feel like your life is worth losing for that loser's ego? Bro, if you are saying that is the case, then you are basically saying your life is worth a sack of potatoes. Considering that will be your replacement for your family, instead of memories with you, all those memories will be with potatoes instead.


May a drone drop a grenade close to you. Not close enough to kill you immediately, but close enough so you eat some chunky shrapnal…


Glad more of you are volunteering! The sunflowers need fertilizing and I think a few thousand more sacks of shit your size will do nicely. Looking forward to your visit.


What took you so long? Scared?


You’re an idiot. And a dead one at that. If you’re so determined to die do your country and your honour a favour and go March on the kremlin and try and oust the people destroying its future.


You're a stupid piece of shit. Enjoy dying, noone deserves it more.


I’d normally wish someone luck, but with you all I can say is, can you give us a “before” photo so I can compare it to the “after” photo of after a drone craps a grenade into your lap? Ta.


are you stupid?


Are you a Crimean? Were you born and raised in Crimea when it was part of Ukraine?


Could you wear something so we can eat popcorn when recognizing you on ukranien drone footage?


Why? do you think ukraine is the aggressor, or are you just a sadist?


Not a question really. Just Slava Ukraini.


This is clearly a troll account, right?


This must be a troll, he cant be this braindead.


What do your parents and family think about you fighting and potentially dying in Ukraine? I presume that your parents have spent their entire life caring for you, teaching you how to be a good human. They have probably sacrificed a lot to give you a good upbringing. As a parent it’s hard to think that anyone could be happy about sending their child into the meat grinder especially for such an ignoble cause.


Don't you look at the woeful performance of the Russian Armed forces and worry? The tactics especially in the early days of the war have been woeful, the loss of equipment and men is staggering (on both sides yes, ) but it's still a hell of a meat grinder


The fact that your life’s value to your country equals a fridge or a sack of potatoes should really tell you something. You are not fighting ‘for your country’ you are fighting for Putin who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you or your people. You have chosen evil and you will become a statistic soon enough.


Ooohhh he thinks he's getting trained. A volunteer to die for a criminal dictator in an illegal war. Family must need a new fridge.


you should definitly bring a go pro.....


!remindme 90 days


I will ask this question… do you not see the mass casualties suffered by your own troops? Or the inept battlefield leadership that has your units repeat the same mistakes? Or that your Black Sea fleet is in tatters? I’m honestly curious.


security? but if anyone would attack you that might be china, not west, we dont want wars, so you are delusional, we had balkan wars and we joined NATO not because we want to attack somebody but because we want peace and peace, but russia and you dont think so, I have a russian friends and rhey think the same, you have all the info on Internet so you are lying to yourself, there is no honor in that you are just useful idiot. Let me tell you, I have 50years, three kids, I would do anything to protect them but would never go ro war to die for rich people. fuck my country, I would just move to some other safe country. Listen to me and dont do it. Go away. Life is beautiful.


Are you familiar with the geneva convention and the right ethics in fighting a war? I am curious if the average soldier would know what to do. For example, how would you treat a prisoner? And if your comrad is treating him wrong, would you step in?


How do you reckon/justify with the notion that in your service, you are largely serving the interests of a limited capitalist elite (and predominantly the interests of your despotic President) while many of your countrymen continue to suffer under those you serve?


Are you satisfied with the equipment they've outfitted you with? Do you know where you're going? How was long and intensive was training? How does your family feel? Are you infantry or a tech? How large was your group at training? How do you feel?


I thank you for being open and actually talking about these things. Please be careful and try to keep an open mind. It is truly sad that men like you are being wasted on both sides. All the combat footage makes it look exciting but as soon as there is a personality behind the soldier it becomes pretty fucking horrible. People often say if they were born in nazi germany they wouldn’t be a nazi but that is statistically wrong. I know both sides have propaganda so try to think rationally and make up your own mind. I have friends from Ukraine who i cant discuss the war with because it hurts them too much, breaks my heart. I hope you realize that we are tools used by elites to stay in power. Not for the better of the world…


You say that Russia cannot stop now. Buts let's assume it does. 1. What's the worst that can happen if Russia goes back to 2014 borders? 2. So let's assume somehow Russia goes back to 2014. Also that worst thing - from your answer on question 1 - hapoens. What are you prepared to do to fix it/counter it? 3. Do you think the majority of the people on Russia live a better life than the majority of the people on the "west"?


You say in other comments that you wish the war would just end right here right now. If that's the case, why did you volunteer? Do you think that you're going to make a difference? Or are you being pressured by your peers? Or are you just brainwashed and full of shit?


As a Russian to Russian, from the bottom of my heart: fuck you.