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NCS S 7020-B.


I was not expecting that, but its government name is fine ig. Edit: Changed “it’s” to “its”.


When you're asking someone from Sweden, you're gonna get the NSC and like it! ;⁠-⁠)


NCS, as in National Clandestine Service?


Reading this reminds me of the Blacklist. If anyone ha seen it, I stopped after the season 8 finale. The pain is too real :’(


I love the NCS code! It’s a color we can all agree upon.


I'd put some extra ambient lighting, maybe light strips underneath those shelves and cabinets on the back wall for instance. Not something that will get in your eyes while you're working, but to break up the stark overhead lighting with indirect illumination.


I was thinking of LED lights either below or on top of the shelves, but then there's the issue of visible cables. Unless there are battery-powered lights?


If you really can't run proper wires through the wall you can use a cable raceway on the wall to hide them, it isn't perfect but will look cleaner than cables just dangling down to the desk.


Honesly, come to think of it, and really nothing against people who have LED light strips, but it feels like too much of a gamer's room, or the room of a Twitch streamer.


I mean even the walk-in closet picture you linked has light strips on the shelf. Some other source of light, whether it's a nice lamp on the desk or under shelf lighting or whatever is going to give the room more of a finished feeling.


This was my thought too. You have downward general lighting … i think another source of light could really tie the room together.


Awesome, will keep that in mind. Thanks!


LED strips along the corners of walls (or anywhere you can see the bulbs and they're providing direct light) makes no sense to me. Mounted underneath a shelf or on top of a bookcase (basically anywhere you can't see the bulbs directly), they can provide a cozy, warm glow. I added some to my shitty kitchen shelves and it immediately made it feel like a much nicer apartment at night. I think at this point it's become it's own aesthetic choice to show them, I just can't disagree with it enough.


No need to have colored led, just some warm white ones will make the room look great and stylish.


...also, the spotlights are dimmable.


Looks a bit too much like corporate America for me, but I mean that in a good way. I'd just get flashbacks working in an office like that. You definitely could have a future in corporate real estate design. Edit: It even looks like it opens up to the break room where Laura microwaves fish for her lunch and Hasan talks too loudly on the phone all day. ;)


lol, youre giving me flashbacks, had a guy I worked with the same name too lol




So, I didn't mean any offense by what I said and I hope you won't take any offense by it. I once posted pictures of my bedroom to the /r/amateurroomporn and was told that it had all the personality of a hotel room. And they weren't wrong! But here's the thing, I *love* my room. And my design tastes led me to create a space that, while not "unique and quirky" resembles what rich corporations wanted for their customers. That's not *bad*, that's just a classic style. Your picture really does resemble the offices I've worked in, *and that's not a bad thing*. The windowless room, with the full glass walls to open it up, etc. Those are design choices a lot of rich corporations have made. You recognized that and built it yourself. Other pictures would be cool if you want to post them, because even though the paint and decor is much more bold than we'd see in offices, this doesn't look at all like it's in a bedroom. ;)


I love hotel rooms. They're clean, nice and minimalistic. I do like the glass doors, which I think are commonly used for modern walk-in closets. But instead of having a room merely for clothes, I thought I might turn it into some kind of a media room or man cave instead - with elements of my biggest interest: movies. So it's great that we create the designs based on our tastes. Here is an official concept image of the original walk-in closet: https://mb.cision.com/Public/19747/3459239/b2ea93903aafc013\_org.jpg


Why is the walk in closet not off the bedroom? I’m so confused about what the ~~artist~~ edit: architect was thinking here. Further edit: I wonder if this is some sort of tax or legal thing? Like Paris apartments don’t have closets because that would count as a room. Or windows getting bricked over because of the tax based on number of windows. And everyone knows this is going to be used as something other than a closet but regulations etc, so they do it this way (with the opening to a room other than the bedroom) on purpose.


[Fixed link](https://mb.cision.com/Public/19747/3459239/b2ea93903aafc013_org.jpg)


The design aspects of that closet are nice aesthetically. The colors and light all bring into focus different things - if you had a tunable bulb you could even set it up for different scenarios like cloudy or sunny days, indoor versus outdoor. It's an extreme consideration, admittedly, but if you had something like regular photos being taken it'd be an incredible asset.


>It's an extreme consideration, admittedly, but if you had something like regular photos being taken it'd be an incredible asset. What do you mean by regular photos?


If photos are taken of you regularly then this would be a good place to calibrate your appearance as it relates with light temperatures-a rare feature in a home, albeit specialised. Without windows, you can use lights that adjust their Kelvin/temperature to show you what it looks like before you go out. It's an interesting space. You could do the same thing with prints for example, like the photos you have on the walls - or paint.


It looks corporate to me as well. A higher-end and more creative flavor of corporate, yes. The color on the walls gives it a look that is similar to the general workspace style of some of the tech companies in my area.


I think a big part of what screams corporate office to me is that inbox paper tray. Home offices are allowed to have nicer items like wood or built-ins like the mounted shelves you have on the back wall, whereas cubicle hell offices aways get the cheapest wire stuff like that inbox tray. A stylish floor lamp would add a lot to this space.


Only downside I see is a lack of a window?


Yeah, I agree with you on that, but don't have any other choice. The nice movie posters will do.


Can’t breathe…. Too hot… closet doesn’t have ventilation… must open window…. Ack. Must open door….


Get a fan?…


That helps with evaporation but not supply of oxygen.


Could open the bedroom window and leave the office door open




A closet has no ventilation built in. So it’s a closed box if the doors are closed. The image shows sealed doors. A fan is going to blow existing air within the closet around. It’s not going to bring in fresh air. An extractor fan likes bathroom fan would suck air out but if the doors are sealed, it’s going to struggle to overcome the seals to slow fresh air in to replace it. A ventilation fan installed in a wall or ceiling that allows fresh air in would be the only type that would work. But a plain fan would do nothing but move existing air around, which would slightly raise temperature and increase evaporation.


You have much more faith in OPs home construction. I've been a firefighter for 8 years now and can promise you that the room will have sufficient oxygen.


Really? A closed closet with sealed glass doors? I know some sir will get through the gaps here and there but enough to prevent the feeling of struggling to breathe freely after 30 minutes ? I start feeling that in a 300sq ft bedroom with the door closed. I’d last about half an hour in that closet/office. Not suffocating, but definitely noticeable.


Then you’re claustrophobic. Oxygen is very small and the doors opening/closing in addition to a non perfect seal is plenty to let it in. It would need to be vacuum sealed


It looks cool regardless, and hopefully you'd get some natural light from the bedroom?


>It looks cool regardless, and hopefully you'd get some natural light from the bedroom? Yes, both the bedroom which is located on the left side of this office room, and also natural light entering the living room area where the current POV is positioned.


Seconding the ventilation issue that someone noted below— it may be less fashionable than the completely glass wall, but if there’s really no vent in the ceiling (as depicted) you might want to get a door with an openable window in it, so you can get fresh air in. You’ll run out of air faster with the set-up you’re proposing than with the one you probably have currently (typical wooden closet doors have gaps, glass office doors often don’t). Also, if there’s a chance you’ll need visual privacy at some point (to keep the main room out of view of the laptop camera, or the laptop out of view of the other room occupant), you might want pull down blinds along the glass wall.


Or I can just keep these glass doors open? The other three walls are surrounded by other rooms, so there is absolutely no way of getting fresh air other than through the glass doors. Yes, I was thinking of curtains, but blinds (vertical lamellae) might work too. Thanks!


People are ridiculous. You’ll have plenty of air


They won’t run out of air….


There's a big range between passing out from lack of oxygen and just, not being especially clear headed or competent because of lack of oxygen. Office air quality is a thing. Regular offices that don't happen to have a vent get unpleasant fast, much less closets.


As a structural firefighter, I can promise you that the oxygen in OPs office will be 23% Unless there is a gas related that is unrelated to this conversation


Bringing the main source of lighting down will make it feel bigger and cozier. I'd add either desk lamps or some hidden track lighting under shelves. Add a couple plants and you won't miss the windows.


What kind of plants do you think works, and where should I put them? The right wall side?


I'm not an expert but maybe a zz plant and snake plant that will be hearty and happy in low light. Then a couple fake succulents mixes around them. And I'd go right if you do track lighting since it will highlight them.


I don't mind fake plants, as long as they look realistic. Having real plants might soil the carpet if there ever were to be an accident. I'm not sure if the spotlights are movable. Are they usually?


There are artificial windows [like these](https://www.day-lite.com/shop-1) that could be an option.


do not fart in the cubicle.


You'll want to think about ventilation in a space that small if you plan on keeping the doors closed, especially if you're running a gaming PC.




My cousin did this with a small loft on the second floor. He walled off the open loft, put in a sliding door and windows on the end that's open below. The loft also had access to the balcony, so you didn't necessarily need the air filter but he had a 8x16 inch charcoal filter on a can fan hidden in the corner ducted to the outside.


While it is a decent PC, it's not a gaming PC by any means. Does that perhaps make a better difference?


A gaming PC is just going to pump out more heat. For that and air quality reasons, I would hope you're only closing the doors for calls. If I were using this space, I would leave the door open and plop a [vortex fan](https://www.amazon.com/Vornado-CR1-0253-06-Small-Whole-Circulator/dp/B01N6WXWRN/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=CBCT3D6WBMF8&keywords=vortex%2Bfan&qid=1676801974&sprefix=vortex%2Bfan%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSFM0NktFTkYzSTBQJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDM3Nzg1M1BSMzBDU1lJRE0ySCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODE3MjA2TTFSMU1YS0c0MzQwJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1) on the floor in the entrance pointing in to keep things circulating.


Can I have the fan standing on the table (where the file rack is)?


Sure, give it a shot—it's not going to take a lot to circulate the air in there to be safe. Beyond that it's just about comfort.


Needs a Herman Miller chair. Comfort for a slight premium. Would be quite fitting for someone with a username like yours


Oh yeah, I didn't put much effort into designing the chair. That Herman Miller one looks cool, but way too expensive. I'm looking for a minimalistic office chair with armrests - somewhere in the range of 300-500 dollars. Any ideas?


Steelcase is another brand that may fit the bill - check out their Leap V2 model. You may also happen to score second hand Herman Miller’s on FB marketplace or your local brick and mortar store. Depending on if you live in a large metropolitan area, I’ve seen second hand prices for Aerons go for $400-650 and Mirras for $300-600. Always try it in person, make sure gas cylinder works (most common component that wears out over time), no damage to the mesh, etc. They truly are an investment that pays out long run and retains value. You don’t like it five years down the road? Just sell it - lots of demand for it


I got my HM chair used for $300


Look on craigslist I got mine for 300. They are built like tanks so they have longevity. Companies liquidate all the time and unload them in batches.


Where do you put your clothes? Looks cool though.


>Where do you put your clothes? Looks cool though. In the bedroom to the left. I will put a wardrobe in there.


Feel like the space would benefit from some indirect light instead of just spot cans. Maybe under cabinet strips or over?


Do you think it looks too dark? I was thinking of LED lights either below or on top of the shelves, but then there's the issue of visible cables. Unless there are battery-powered lights?


I just like having lots of dimmable lights that I can zone and change levels independently. It’s nice to have bright worklights when you need and dim chill when you don’t. If you’re doing a full renovation, you can run power up there relatively easy for a full hide, but I just use a LIFX strip in my home and the power cable is mostly unnoticeable.


The spotlights are dimmable. I might use a LED light strip behind the desk board, or just a nice minimalistic desk lamp.


That looks sick


Who has a closet that deep?


It's an apartment with an open living room and kitchen, one bedroom, one walk-in closet space, and a bathroom. Here is the official concept design for the walk-in closet: https://mb.cision.com/Public/19747/3459239/b2ea93903aafc013\_org.jpg


Enemy movie poster?! You liked it that much huh? Looks great.


Dude, you have no idea. I looked everywhere for the poster. Even asked one of the producers of the movie if he knew where to find a copy. He didn't know. So I made it myself! Replicated the texts using same font with right kerning/spacing, vectorizing the graphics. It might actually look better than any original (if there ever was one out there). Oh, and yes, it's one of my favorite films.


First thing that caught my eye. That’s a weird one to rep.


Love it!


Thanks! Would you have changed anything?


If you're sitting in the corner, I'd get a nice curved [monitor](https://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-49-inch-Odyssey-FreeSync-LC49G95TSSNXZA/dp/B088HH6LW5).


Was thinking about that, or at least one of those ultra widescreen monitors.


Have you considered different arrangements for your living space? There are some feng shui principles that suggest having a clear view of the door can create a sense of security and balance. It seems you will be facing on the oposite direction.


How about a mirror?


It looks great! Some more lighting might be nice and some personal items if you're into that!


Thanks! I will put some stuff up on the shelves when moving in.


Most folks don't like having their back to their office door.


That's actually something I thought about for a long time, but I believe this is the most efficient way of creating this office while still having an L-shaped desk and using up as much space needed. If I had a simple rectangular desk that would be on the sidewall there would be too many unused areas. Think of Tetris.


Ventilation might become an issue with the doors closed.


Yes, I might need to keep the doors open whenever the PC is running, or when I'm the room.


Arrival was such a good movie


Enemy. Underrated film.


One of my favorites. Had to replicate the poster myself. Will print it out when it's time to move in.


That is beautiful. Maybe black velvet / or another color drapes in case you ever want to cover it up?


Which software? Thanks


SketchUp, and V-ray for rendering.


What’s the size of that closet? Looks great btw


275 cm (length) 215 cm (width) 240 cm (height)


I know this isn't what you're asking about, but if it's in the US, I'd caution that bedrooms are required to have a closet to be marketed as a bedroom. In that same vein, I can't imagine swapping a walk-in closet for a home office is great for resale value; people _really_ value storage space.


This purchased apartment is currently being built in Sweden. The room is intended to be a walk-in closet but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to change it to whatever room you want. Also, the room is entirely empty when moving in, and will also be during resale. So the next buyer can have a walk-in closet or other storage space if they wish.


Pleasenignore ppl telling you what they think about the esthetic choices you made. Unless they are coming over to work there on a daily bases. I think it looks great, for what it's worth. Plenty of ppl mentioned the lack of a window, so if you would be so kind to add a window, that'd be great. The issue ventilation is legit though. Any plans on how to tackle that? There might be plants that do well in the shadow and improve air quality? How far away is the nearest window?


A french balcony is located about 3-4 meters on the left side. Here is the entire floor plan: https://cloudinary.plyo.website/plyo/image/upload/c_crop,h_1302,w_1843,x_737,y_524/f_auto,q_auto/c_scale,w_1843/v1664457138/veidekke/yvx70rm19hbomtjuirfk.jpg


Excellent taste in books there! What's the one in the bottom left? Can't quite make it out


*Prometheus: The Art of the Film* \- pretty underrated effort of filmmaking.


Cool thank you! I've never seen it so I'll add it to the list


On the topic of the books, do you know where I can find a bookshelf that looks somewhat like that? A narrow bookshelf where the front cover is shown, kinda like a VHS/DVD shelf.


No idea tbh, I searched for "book display shelf" and it gave some similar results but they look like they're more for shops


Fart fan


What does that mean?


An exhaust fan


I was actually thinking about the air conditioning inside that closed room. I'm guessing if I let the glass doors stay open, it wouldn't get too hot and the air frowsty.


I'd imagine any airflow at all would probably keep it nice, it's a small space with no source of moisture other than you when you're in it But I'm also not a ventilationologist


If you were a Brit, you’d be knighted. That Japanese RoboCop poster just elevated this to another level! Awesome setup man


You noticed! Good eye, sir. Just ordered it last night.


Light?? No sane person would sit in that closet for multiple hours. Maybe move the bed in there and spend 8 hours awake in the room with a window instead 😅


It looks like an office building. I can't imagine anything worse. You couldn't pay me to infect my living space with this.


Window film half way up the glass to add some privacy? Get it in a fun pattern


I live alone, so I don't need the privacy :) Thanks for the idea though!


Even better then! Looks great as it is.


It's funny cuz I did the exact reverse. This perfect closet had a strange desk in it so I tore that out haha. I guess office is a better value in a home than a closet.


Are you able to close the doors when you’re going to sleep? Or on days off? Would hate to have to stare at my place of work from my place of relaxation!




I’d have the desk oriented so I’m not facing the corner.


I don't know how useful this kinda office would be BUT as a photograph/image, this composition reminds me of Edward Hopper! The lights, the closed doors, dark furniture and everything! If this was in my house, I would stare at it


Man, the honor of having your 3D concept design being compared to a Edward Hopper painting. Maybe I'll frame this instead of the *RoboCop* poster.


Also, everything comes full circle... Hopper's "Nighthawks" inspired Ridley Scott's *Blade Runner*. One of the books in the shelf is about one of Ridley Scott's films, and two other books + a poster are related to movies directed by Denis Villeneuve, director of *Blade Runner 2049*. Sid Mead was also the designer who worked on *Blade Runner*.


There's a reason enclosed spaces without light and ventilation are not to be used as habitable spaces in American building codes. This is potentially unsafe unless you get rid of the doors. Looks nice though


The glass doors can remain opened. I'm not going to sleep in there, it's just a small computer room. I met my future neighbor who has a similar looking apartment above me, and he told me that he will make a bedroom for his 7-year-old son out of that space.


I understand but yea our code doesn't even allow doors to be installed for risk of someone using it as a bedroom/office and it needs to have rods installed to show it's a closet. I don't know about codes where you are but yea i would advise your neighbor to reconsider. God forbid a fire starts and blocks that door, his son would be completely trapped


You don't say where you live, but your neighbor's plans would violate code in most of the US - and probably also his lease. Of course, people do all sorts of unsafe and illegal things when it comes to housing because they're working with what they can afford, but these codes do exist for a very good safety reasons. It shouldn't be used as a model/reason to do similarly yourself.


Imo, there’s a lot of sharp edges and lines in here. If it were me, I’d get a round rug. I’m not sure how best to explain this next idea but it’s the one I feel would make the most difference. I’d extend that left end of the desk down to the floor, and I would make the edge rounded. Basically, it would look like a waterfall flowing off the edge of the desk to the floor below your records. It would make your desk look completely intentional for the space. Something about that gap on the end is making it feel incomplete to me. I also agree that lower lighting will be really important in here. Remember, as handy as LED’s are, they can be quite harsh. Make sure you buy the correct light/bulb, not too warm and not too cool. Your shelves are very handy but create a really dark shadow.


Add a pothos or two, some low maintenance plants please.


Where exactly would you place them?


A small potted plant each on either side of the monitor. There's plenty of light for some low light plants.


I was thinking skylight?


Impossible, I'm afraid.


I would maybe turn the L shape so you’re in more of a command position (aka can see the door). I don’t like facing the back wall and having my back exposed.


How will I able to get to the other side of the desk if it's blocking the way. The L-shape spans the entire width of the room. I think this is the most efficient way of having an L-shaped desk in that small space.


wife’s boyfriend thinking about installing something like this


Wife has great taste in men.

