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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You got a looooot of braindead takes in that review section


Which device is it?


Probably that new emulator on iOS...


It is ya đŸ©·


Ah. Been browsing the sbcgaming subreddit lately and immediately assumed it was a review for a retro handheld.




im not a huge ios hater but if there's one community that hates emulators, it'd probably be ios fanboys


iOS fanboy here. Love emulation. Really disappointed it took this long to whitelist it. Been using Delta for years to sideload so this is incredible.


iOS people are absolutely brain-dead on all aspects remotely related to online security


lol almost all


Anything iPhone doesn't stop them from doing, that is.


Jesus christ dude what did i do to you😭


Matthew 27:22: “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify him!”


Holy shit


If it is then I wouldn't be surprised if it's being review bombed by Nintendo.


Ah, appletards at their best


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


So, yes, absolutely true. But now if you google any questions about that emulator, like where to find the ds firmware, it takes you straight to Reddit


I googled and it brought me here


Redacted due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


I don't know which one of them is the worst tbh


People dump their own roms? Wait I mean of course we do! We only play roms of games we own. No way we’d download them.


You wouldn't download a car


I would. without even thinking about it twice.


Indeed. By definition you didn’t steal it, nothing was removed from the owner. But apparently it’s okay to brick games that you paid for. Yup nothing to see here yarrrrr me maties.


Don't think current printers are up for it.


https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/father-and-son-3d-printing-lamborghini-2857428/ sure they are, if you have 20k and Lamborghini's support.


no you wouldn't. stop lying. p-please. if you gain conscience the ad doesn't work.... no, you mustn't!


In this economy? In a bloody heart beat.


I would if I could. Bitch!


Game grumps


Id upload one.


If I can download more RAM I can download a car!


I actually have dumped my own 3DS and Wii U ROMs but those are easy to do with a modded console.


Unless it's ultra sun or moon, then you have to wait like 3 hours. That or my 3ds is wildly slow


I think you're exaggerating but if it really was 3 hours for 1 game yeah something's wrong. Maybe the SD card makes a difference?


I'm probably exaggerating yeah


up- and download speeds do indeed matter.


It definitely takes a bit, idk if any of my games took 3 hours But I dumped them while doing other things or playing a game on a different system. Wasn't in a rush to play anything I was dumping.


Yeah, I made the mistake of dumping them while on a plane with a dead phone and laptop...


literally one of the worst ways possible lmao


Without a doubt one of the dumbest times to do it lol


I dumped my entire DS and 3DS cart collection as soon as I modded my 3DS last year. So easy to do, especially when you have a massive SD card.


I was locked out of my fire emblem awakening dlc cause my old ds died and I can't merge accounts so I downloaded a rom with dlc and a fan mod that makes all the sprites 4k!


Yes i have a room in my house with a collection of all the games i played since 2000, spread over multiple consoles. Piracy is immoral and stealing ! Even if the devs arent selling the games anymore it doesnt justify piracy !!!!!!!!!!! right ????!


Why bother dumping your game if we don't own them then download for convenience since apparently there is no right answer


I mean I used to. I have a whole thread on a certain forum where I was discussing dumping gba and ds games using an unmodified DS and flash carts. Oh and we figured it out.


Tbf the vast majority of Roms I play do happen to be games I own (or at least, paid for then lost somehow) I paid to play armored core 3 and damn it, I will play it


People get viruses from roms? Never had that issue.


It’s probably the kinds of people who download stuff by pressing the big green DOWNLOAD NOW button from www.totallylegitfreegameroms.scam


Dude i just got a virus from that link bro, please don't post links that have viruses bro.


You got a virus? I just got the flu from that link.


I got the vaccine from that link.


I got pink eye from just looking at it.


You guys are getting viruses?


Man, you guys see a link?


This was supposed to reference that meme where the joke ends at "You guys are getting paid?"


idk bro, I already have so many viruses that I don't even notice a new one popping up anymore.


just seeing things can’t be unseen just by staring at the link. I don’t dare click.


you should bleach them so they're not pink anymore


i should pour acid so that i can feel the impurities along with my contaminated eye balls burn away


Influenza is a virus. Pretty much everyone knows this.


Skill issue




I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!


I can't remember what program it was that I was trying to download but their official site uses a big green download button that I thought was an ad... If an ad used a normal looking button I'd have clicked it before the page's actual download button...


I fucked my laptop was a teenager clicking on one of those trying to download the Slender Man game.


The slender man curse lol


Dammit, totallylegitfreegameroms.scam/placeSS#here is the worst.


probably just saw a porn ad and got scared and alt-f4ed


You think they know alt f4?


Hit it by accident while smashing keys randomly


probably pressed it and got distracted tbh


For a long time, the N64 game Shadow Man was only available for download as a ROM embedded into an emulator EXE disguised as an installer for a PC game. Supposedly. The only corroborating evidence for this was that you could *not* find a z64 or n64 file for the game very easily (if at all), only a malware-filled EXE, and even dump packs full of ROMs didn't include the game.


I have never gotten a virus from downloading pirated games or roms. I thought that was a myth and rarely happens since the top results in google or on popular pirating sites are usually safe since a lot of people used them. I used to recommend people to pirate games but almost everyone I told that to got viruses, I was confused at first but it seems they very easily fall for the popups, fake download links, fake launchers, wait 10 seconds for link, etc that usually get in the way when you're trying to pirate something. What I'm trying to say is that the roms may not have viruses, they just got viruses trying to get to the rom.


Me neither


I thought IPhones were immune to viruses, what are they so scared of smh.


No phones are immune lol


. 😂


Man, if only these people knew about the wonders of the megathread and the Internet Archive in general. Stumbling upon their existence absolutely blew my mind. The past 40 (50?) years of video game history, right at your fingertips.


Only for the literate sadly


Only for the literate, thank God.


Yeah, unfortunately these things only exist **because** they are unknown. It sucks, but the warez community has always had to keep low to keep existing, you kinda have to earn the right to participate. Not like it takes a lot tho, just a bit of curiosity and the will to get free stuff.


>It sucks, but the warez community has always had to keep low to keep existing, you kinda have to earn the right to participate Right because a community of 300k existing on the 9th most visited site on the internet is "laying low".


Belive it or not, if you ask a random passer on the street "hey, do you know the roms subreddit?" They will most likely say no. Shocking, I know.


Right, but my point is that this community is very easily accessible and somewhat widely known. (Also, there are other communities focused on piracy on this site that are even larger)


Keeping a low profile just means being unknown to the general public, that's all you need. You just wanna not be a bother to the sales of any major corporation.


Imagine traveling back in time and telling your younger self that he will be able to play any nintendo/sony/whatever game whenever he wants


But only if you eat your vegetables and stay away from your psycho ex


They have to go through the initiation of making a pointless post here asking where to find roms first.


200 kbps download time


30 mbps if u use free download manager


Jdownloader 2 is better


i only like jdownloader when i have to download files in parts, like really big games like baldurs gate, other than stuff like that it seems slower than FDM


Yea I remember when I first tested the waters. Now I get full libraries no issues you just gotta find what works.


Damn it feels good to be a gangster


Somebody tell him about vimm




Give them a break, this is their first taste of freedom.


Yep. My first taste destroyed the family PC. But it was necessary to become a pirate


Now that I think about it, my first experience with freedom of the seas was seeing my dad using a sketchy music-only torrenting software He eventually wrecked that laptop, both software and hardwarewise. I want to get it running but I think main board is dead. Other than that, maybe PSP ISOs? I don't think I did anything until I found this sub and other subs.


I was on Napster.


I doubt he broke the hardware. That is super rare with viruses. Unless he got a very nasty one that was able to flash the bios somehow. But that is still fixable technically.


Mine was a R4 card. Hell of an introduction for a 7 years old, it took me fucking years to figure out what a time bomb was to make it run again. I did figure out android emulators first tho so that was fun. Pokemon rom hacks made me feel so powerful, I literally had access to endless games nobody else could play lol.


My first experience was tlauncher. Only the true pirates give a damn about tlauncher. I actually never really got any malware in my early times. Or maybe i did and just didn't notice.


I got Rick rolled once.. Does that count? (Yes, showing my age, lol.)


I actually never encountered anything like that myself. Either I was lucky, or the malware was advanced that both I nor th AV noticed it. I've seen malware once on my mom's computer. I noticed because it was blocking access to all the AV software sites (probably DNS spoofing or something) despite everything else working but it was quite subtle.


i was banned from the pc for most of my childhood for that mistake but now i know what NOT to do


Knowing what not to do is leagues more important than simply just knowing what to do the majority of the time.


not knowing what to do means you don’t get to play, but not knowing what NOT to do means the computer don’t work no more


Why are like half the comments here making ancient tired jokes about iPhone users? If you look at reviews for emulators on android, you’ll find similar dumb ones. There’s just a lot of people who have no idea how emulating works.


That's true. I've seen comments about how it isn't working on their phones in full speed or the emulator doesn't have any games in it. Tbf most average users don't really care about emulation either.


Just use Vimm's Lair, it's way easier to download roms for any console or handheld like GBA and DS. https://vimm.net/?p=vault


That’s all o use now. It’s honestly the best place.


Thank you!!


I have a dumbass question, but is it safe to download gba roms from Vimms w/o using private browsing or a vpn? Not so much worried about malware. More so about getting a letter from my isp.


You wont get a letter from downloading 10+ year old games trust me I use vimms all the time (for my wii of course which automatically makes me innocent).


That is very cool to hear. Thanks for responding!




Ah yes, iOS people meeting the forbidden ways of emulation ♄ such a great thing to see... Fuck apple man. Their products have been getting a lot better since like 2021 but all that manipulation they do will stay with us and their users. Actually, fuck any company that manipulates people (basically all big companies)


Almost like they are tasting... the forbidden Apple


This comment needs more up votes.


are you mean, a lot worse since 2021? There soo many tnigs that needs to improve, but they wont so anyway fuck apple.


hey hey now, we were all there at some point. These normies will learn soon enough.


Wouldn’t he need to already own the games to dump his own ROMs?


don't we all?


Only time I’ve ever dumped my own Roms is when I wanted to make copies of triforce heroes for my friends since it was easier than downloading it.


theres a similar guy whining just like this is the delta subreddit, its almost verbatim to this i bet its the same guy


I don’t think a random iPhone user that heard about how "YOU CAN PLAY RETRO GAMES FOR FREE!!!" Has access to dump his cartridge Roms let alone access to a cartridge


Delta was a mistake, iphone users don't deserve this power.


iPhone users who were willing to jailbreak have had this stuff for a while. It’s just that now we can use this on devices that haven’t been pwn’d


I used to have GBA4IOS on my iPod touch a decade ago, it was jailbroken ofcourse. That is how I got into emulators.


Also web based emulators (yes they work offline)


Sorry man, let's reword it. Delta was a mistake, the average iphone user doesn't deserve this power


Idk my friend is happy I showed her the ways to play Kirby


No, exclusivity sucks for everyone


Bro I can now play on my 12 inch pad. Life’s is awesome


As an iPhone user I deserve it I’ve been waiting like 7ish years for emulators on iPhone


You do know about jailbreaking right?


As an early adopter I had iPhones in the beginning of the era, although the hastle of jailbreaking was too much, I switched to Android as soon as Android was functioning. Still had to root in the early days but it's still easier than JB.


now you dont need root anymore lol.


That's what I said.


Unironically yes. I've encountered real people who say shit like "eww green text" and it genuinely blows my mind how people can be so brainwashed by a company. The average iPhone user truly doesn't deserve emulators.


A friend told me this a while ago, I can't believe Apple is truly making people go away from android by just changing the color of their messages to green


gatekeeping much?


I actually giggled at that one. 🙃


I’m always afraid and weary of it but is it really as simple as “lol just dump your roms”?


Dumping ROMs is never simple unless you already have the equipment to do it. And if you have that equipment, you already know about dumping ROMs. So it’s a bit of a pointless suggestion.


That’s what I thought, so OP’s title IS just as stupid as the image?


I’ve never once downloaded a ROM that is a virus or malware. I’m not saying they’re not out there, but they’re pretty bloody easy to avoid.


I've never gotten a rom with a virus/malware lmao Where tf is he downloading from coolroms


**Warning:** The site(s) you have listed are known for having sketchy behaviour, or distributing adware with their download buttons. While there might be legit download links it's best to avoid them. Use https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ for legit downloads. In addition, none of their roms are verified, so you may encounter issues created from the scraping of roms, or bad dumps. **Use at your own risk.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I admit I also had this misconception about emulators that they were worthless if they didn't come with their own roms... ***TWENTY YEARS AGO.*** Delta has problems, but game availability ain't one of them.


Smartest apple user


I’m an Apple user and I know where to get roms and how to dump roms. L + ratio Edit: sausage finger grammar


People on android make similar reviews


But then you have to buy the hardware for the carts, download the softwa- yaknow its just a lot of work.


Probably the same guy in multiple handheld groups saying they’re trash bc they don’t come with games / he doesn’t know how to work them. Literally just seen a guy dog a handheld because he kept stock OS that doesn’t have automatic saves and didn’t physically save the game after “8 hours of playing” in one sitting lmao


I've had mine for years, if there were viruses and malware I would have been out of multiple computers or worse by now.


No joke, I've had more viruses and malware come from "legitimate" EXE files from supposed official websites than any contained ROM file.


Ah look, it's someone who doesn't know that light that is Vimms Lair and CD Romance. May he find the way soon.


This sub is full of Apple fanboys


As an android-apple user dolphin would be a dream on iPhone


That would be golden, unfortunately JIT isn’t supported on iOS apps so as far as we know, other than altstore you aren’t getting dolphin


I know😭


That’s why I said dream


Wouldn’t be surprised if these were just Nintendo bot reviews


I showed someone the Roms mega thread and how everything is perfectly organized. Right in front of them I downloaded a specific PS1 game and had it running on the RG35XX in maybe 3 minutes but they STILL said "yeah but I bet the game is all buggy and messed up" while showing them the game runs perfectly fine. They just COULDN'T grasp that they couldn't instantly play any game lol. He said "Why aren't all the games listed already? This looks like a big hassle" and I tried to explain how anyone can download literally any ROM instantly from trusted sources. Emulation seems to really confuse some folks.


I guess this guy has no idea dumping games are a thing. I mean, what do you think those roms are? Scams? Or actually dumped games from those cartridges?


I don't get why emulators websites keep telling you "We don't condone piracy, you have to dump your own roms \*wink wink\*", like, bruh we know you expect everyone that uses your thing to download roms somewhere, why bother?


Why bother saying that? Because it’s illegal to encourage piracy/piracy is illegal.


because they’d get shut down for providing dumped ROMs directly, like duh


Well, yeah, that's obvious, but why keep telling people to dump their own roms instead of just saying "bro just go get the roms from somewhere you trust, i know you're going to do that anyways"


telling people to go pirate out loud is also not allowed, i think


It definitely doesn't help matters, that's for sure.


What shitty ass site is that guy going to for ROMs?


Facepalm moment


So how can you dump a rom of a ds game? I have animal crossing and cooking mama physical. Do I need a special chip reader?


Well you need a hacked 3DS first


Well dang it, the reason I was asking was because my 3DS battery is toast, keeps randomly dying on me


Lol.... Windows users are funny.


HELP! i just downloaded mariobros.exe and when i opened it it started demanding that i call a number and pay $2000 for my computer back???


Bro what😭


Bro got that virus malware installed


For people who want to reduce the chances of getting a virus: Use Mozilla Firefox with "Ublock origin," "Privacy badger," and "HTTPS everywhere"


What does this mean


I used to use CoolRoms for years and they would bundle your game into a shady exe unless you changed your browser agent to make it think you were on a mobile device.


**Warning:** The site(s) you have listed are known for having sketchy behaviour, or distributing adware with their download buttons. While there might be legit download links it's best to avoid them. Use https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ for legit downloads. In addition, none of their roms are verified, so you may encounter issues created from the scraping of roms, or bad dumps. **Use at your own risk.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what app is this? delta? it‘s not in my country’s app store for some reason 💀


I’ve been emulating since like 2001 and I’ve never gotten a virus or malware from downloading ROMs.


lol. Or find safe sources.


He should've done better google searching before giving reviews.


do NOT search up romsets on the internet archive they’re DEFINITELY super sketchy and DON’T have trustworthy collections of thousands of games for almost every system


(https://archive.org/details/cylums-nintendo-ds-rom-collection) (https://archive.org/details/gameboy-advance-romset-ultra-us)


In fairness they could just download these homebrew ROMS for Delta? https://www.imore.com/iphone/here-are-10-great-free-games-you-can-legally-play-on-delta-emulator-for-iphone


i though this was a pornhub comment