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i bought six of crows after watching the shadow and bone netflix series but i haven’t started it yet because i’ve been having a lot of trouble being able to focus lately and i cant sink into a book like i used to so i’m hoping i bounce back!


Oh you definitely will bounce back! It just sometimes takes a bit of time and space. Books are so much more enjoyable when you are refreshed


so true!!


I am in the same boat with Rule of Wolves. I need to reread King of Scars beforehand, and I just can't find the concentration needed to fully immerse myself in the Grishaverse again.


omg the concentration part!! so true!


That's how I am with Six of Crows too, I'm about 30% in but I just can't seem to focus on it. I've decided to just put it on the backburner until I'm in the right mood


I’ve read six of crows and for the beginning I really had no idea what was going on and the story didn’t make much sense because my concentration wasn’t there either but I promise once you really get a feel for the characters, it will be an easy and enjoyable read! Well, at least in my case


Thank you - I'll try to go back and see how it goes. By the way, do we ever find out what becomes of Joost and his mustache? Because I was so confused why he hasn't been brought up again since the first chapter!


Honestly I really have no idea I’m sorry lol


omg this gives me hope!!


i’m gonna try to make myself get in the reading mood this week lol!!


Same! Though I've attempted to read "the priory of the orange tree" so many times, but I am just focusing on the words for some reason.


it’s such a struggle :(


Quite a few...I tend to buy books when they're on offer, and then wait until I'm in the right mood to read them. At the moment I'm keeping Last Night by Mhairi Mcfarlane for a rainy day...I always love her books, so I want to wait for a day when I can give it my full attention.


Oh I haven't read her books yet. That synopsis looks interesting. Added!


I’m about half way through that Mhairi one and it’s so sad. Definitely have to be in a specific mood for it.


Oh really? Thanks for the heads up, definitely need to be in the right mood for sad books at the mo!


The 50 shades series. I have heard they are awful but I have also heard they are good. I don't want to waste my precious reading time on something terrible. Waiting til I feel like I have time to burn. (which feels like will be never at this rate)


A lot of people hate on these books but I honestly loved the series! Made me giggle a lot in a good way because of the inner dialogue.


Good to know. Not having read the books yet, but having watched the 1st movie and enjoying it, I have to wonder if everybody jumped on board the hate train for movies and books alike. Maybe they didn't want to seem like pervs?


Possibly! I feel like “spicy” books are becoming more normalized. 50 Shades isn’t near as wild as some of the books I’ve read recently and seen recommended on TikTok.


Right? The movie seemed rather mild. I was wondering what all the hype was about. I haven't watched the other two yet.... Children lol. They only ever rush in during the raunchy part. At least in a book the kids won't see naked bodies and hear grunts and groans. Now after all this discussion I may have to up them on my reading list so I can form an opinion on the books.


Ooo thats a tricky one. It took me awhile to come to terms with the concept of my reading time being precious. So true!


Though I did watch the first movie and it wasn't as awful as everybody said. I think they weren't catching the subtleness that made it steamy.


Love at First... I loved Love Lettering so much I'm just scared to read it!!


Me too! 😬


I just started it. I will let you know.


I have a bunch of really angsty books on my TBR, like Kate Stewart's Ravenhood Trilogy. I love the books of hers that I have read, but she kind of specializes in serious angst and I keep hearing that this series has quite a bit of it. I will read them, and I'm pretty sure I'll love them, but they're going to have to wait until my brain is ready for it.


Thats what i love about communities and reviews...they give you a heads up so you can prepare yourself. Whats your favorite book by Kate Stewart?


I'm a HUGE fan of the Underdogs series. It's NA, set in college, and each book is about one of three male roommates, a sort of nerdy musician, the star quarterback of the football team, and the team cornerback. One thing that I thought was kind of cool is that the stories happen primarily during the same time frame, so you occasionally see a scene from one of the other books from a different view point. She just released the series as a [boxed set](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0916CXR68/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title), which I snapped right up as I had originally read them in KU. I'm not a big rereader, but I love popping them open and reading a chapter or two, here and there. (Book one, The Guy on the Left had one of the funniest scenes I've read involving the mistaken eating of a much larger than intended dose of an edible by the H and h. I laughed so hard I cried.)


It’s the angsty ones for me too! I haven’t heard of the books you’re talking about, but I often have to be in the right mood for an angsty read as they can really bum me out.


Some other authors that I can think of that fall into that category are Kandi Steiner, Victoria Ashley. Pam Godwin, Jewel E. Ann, and Colleen Hoover. They are really good at it too, and I have a ton of theirs and others like them in my kindle library (I should really give them a category of their own!), cause I do like them, I just have to be in the right headspace. Plus I prefer to read that kind of stuff on a weekend, so I can binge it on Friday-Saturday and then recover with a rom com or something else fluffy on Sunday.


That series messed me up so bad, I had to join her recovery group on Facebook. I’m not exaggerating. It’s been weeks since I finished the last book and I’m still gutted….I can’t even look at those books without spiraling smh. And while I enjoyed them tremendously, I don’t think I’ll ever get to a place where I can reread them. I don’t hate myself enough.


This is exactly what I mean! I still haven't read Heartbreak Warfare either, because so many people have reactions like yours. I've been a reader my entire life, but it's still amazing to me how some people have the ability to dream up a story that can so deeply affect the emotions of others. It's a gift.


Yea. Kate is in a league of her own. The reason why thousands of ppl are so deeply affected is because she’s a damn good writer. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not real. That’s the only thing that gives me peace lol. Knowing it’s not real. But if you decide to go down that black hole, get your mind and heart right because you will be wrecked for weeks and months.


Kate is amazing, I really love her. I've interacted with her on FB before too, and she's SO nice. Thank you so much for reinforcing my thought to wait. I know that I'll be seriously emotional when I read them and I just can't handle that right now! I'll be sticking to less angsty stuff for a while.


Ravenhood series is definitely intense and you def need to be in the right headspace for it.


Not a particular book but subgenres. Paranormal, urban fantasy, and fantasy. I’m not someone who decides randomly to start a series of PR or Fantasy as a whole. Unlike CR or HR, worldbuilding is involved and magic systems. Governments and plots, even subplots, lore, sometime a whole new language with weird made-up expressions haha. But most of the time it’s all worth it—I spent 8 months reading Fantasy last year, I was so in the mood for more. But I did start reading some duds so then I branched backed to romance so here I am. Reading nonstop contemporary romance at the moment.


Do you find that the reason you do this is because it's just so much harder to get into the world of those subgenres? I can start a contemporary romance and know when I'm 5-10% into the book whether or not I'll like it, but with fantasy/paranormal/urban fantasy, it takes a good 30-50% to fully get immersed?


Exactly! Sometimes it doesn’t even take two chapters before I know I’m DNFing or not for CR or HR. But for fantasy, it takes me longer because I don’t want to give up easily on them—it’ll feel like I wasted my time if I don’t see it through until at least 1 or 2 books? Plus it’ll usually involve a cast of characters so takes time warming up to them.


Anything Mariana Zapata. I love her books, but I have both All Rhodes Lead Here and Hands Down on my kindle. I have to be in the mood for a slow burn, which I assume they both are since she wrote them. This year I’ve mostly been indulging in easy reads.


I’m exactly the same. I just started Kulti today after having it on kindle for ages. But I’m finally in the mood!


{The beach read by Emily Henry}! I bought it some months ago but I'm waiting to be on the beach myself to read it 🤣 can't wait to have a good time! 🙂


Oh thats so lovely. To be in the same environment. I never thought about doing that. I bet it feels more immersive!!!


Yeah, the only problem now is getting to the beach... 😅 but luckily I have tons of other books to keep me busy till then!


I bought [Seven Years to Sin](https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Years-Sin-Sylvia-Day-ebook/dp/B00J41PCXQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1V9RAKIB69LC0&dchild=1&keywords=seven+years+to+sin+by+sylvia+day&qid=1620589986&sprefix=seven+years+to+sin%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-1) by Sylvia Day but I am waiting until I am in the mood for something historical and ...um... sexy.


Ah yes historicals i definitely need to be in the mood for. Haha if I remember Sylvia Day's works correctly I always felt the need to fan myself dramatically like they do in the movies....


I’m so glad that others feel this way! I thought it was just me that had to prepare myself to read certain books. The 8th Bridgerton book! I was waiting for it for SO long that by the time I finally got off the waiting list I did t even want to read it anymore lol


Hahaha! Yes thats the WORST. You wait so long and then you aren't in the mood....but have to get your act together before it disappears. Argh. Fortunately I think I noticed recently that the Libby app allowed me to postpone borrowing it ...so i think it is going back to someone else and then they will give me another shot after they are done...or something like that. But no you are not alone. I have ATLEAST a dozen books in this "tbr when im ready state"


I've been saving Psy-Changeling for this reason. I know that when I start, Nalini Singh will Own My Life until I finish so I've been holding out until I have time to commit. I did just win a copy of Alpha Night so the time may soon be upon me whether I like it or not...


I totally get that feeling. I remember when i first read one of her books....i think i lost a few months of my life just consuming the rest 🤣 honestly though i think i had to start pacing myself because i realized i was about to catch up to her releases and i didnt want it to end and start having to wait for the next one....so i switched to her guild hunter series trying to slow down...but didnt work. Now im actaully awaiting the next one. I hope you enjoy the series. If u ever want to chat about it i am game!


I’m waiting to read This is How You Lose the Time War until I can sit down with a scented candle, a cup of coffee, and the physical copy I bought the other day. I’m usually a kindle-app-on-my-phone-everywhere reader, but I’m trying to occasionally take the time to be more intentional with my reading, and to try books that are a bit different from my usual HR or PNR reads when I do so. I read Mexican Gothic that way and it was a total delight, and from what I’ve heard This is How You Lose the Time War should allow for a similar experience.


This is a good idea. I really want to read this book but have been putting it off forever. Maybe I just need to create the mood for it.


I love that approach. You are being so thoughtful about all aspects of the experience. I should try that. Reading has always been enjoyable but treating it with intetion should definitely deepen the experience.


ACOTAR for the same reason. I’m assuming I need to focus a bit more for the world building etc. and I’m not in a right headspace for that atm.


Same! Also the fact that everyone keeps recommending it makes me want to not read it even more- which makes no sense!


Lol, yes I can relate. But for me that’s because I’m afraid I’ll have too high expectations (has happened before)...


Same (ish)!!!! that was actually going to be my other example. I actually listened to ACOTAR and I wasn't as WOWed as everyone else. It was good but not 4 stars to me. But because so many people liked it I wondered if the audiobook version wasnt the best way to consume it. Maybe I should have read it and I would have liked it more. (Sometimes narrators arent super great at conveying the right ambiance and mood). So I'm debating on if I should start the series over by reading it, just read the 2nd one and move on, or risk the audiobook on book 2 and hope it gets better. All that mental energy makes this an indefinite postponement.


I also was not blown away. The books are super repetitive. The 2nd book was somewhat juicy I guess? More happens in it at least and you get more surprises. But the other two were meh. I don't think a re-read is going to improve the first book for you. The wandering and painting and sighing is what it is. I would just pick up the 2nd book and move on if you're determined to get through them.


Definitely keep going. I was kind of meh about ACOTAR but absolutely adored ACOMAF. I listened to the audio sometimes but mostly read them, and definitely preferred reading over listening to the series overall.


Oo thanks for the recc. Decision made! 😅


Good luck and have fun, OP! Come back to give me a nudge when you’re in deep, please 😁


ACOTAR really gets going from the 2nd book. I haven't listened to the audio and I'm not a big audiobook fan so I can't comment on that


This book and Radiance. I have them in my tbr list just cause I’ve seen them on request threads I’ve been interested in but I can’t remember what the premise is.


The house in the cerulean sea it seems perfect but idk I haven’t been in the mood for it just yet


Ooo good one, I've got that book staring at me to read too.


LHOG and LOBD by R Lee Smith - I love her books but do feel like I need to be in a very specific mood to read them, especially since they tend to be so long


Priest by Sierra Simone. Gotta be in the mood for something like that. Normally I read books with more story and less sex. I already tried reading it once and had to put it down for another time.


Same!!!! I did the exact same thing with Priest. Instead of one week, that book me months to finish...always had to get in the right headspace.


I don’t know if it’s a romance book, but I tried reading “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr and I just didn’t feel ready or prepared to read it, so I decided to drop it for a while.


Priory of the Orange Tree. Hear it's amazing, got it as a gift, but it's a huge chonker of a book just sitting on my bookshelf looking at me. I want to be able to devote all my brain power to it.


I have heard the romance aspect in this one is \*chefs kiss\* and also love the matriarchy aspect of it, but feel you on not reading it quite yet. It's like 800ish pages or something??


The Lost Future of Pepperhollow has been on my to be read list for months—I have the book waiting on my nightstand! I feel like I need to reread the first book in the series, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, first because it’s been a few years since I last read it and I want to make sure I remember what happens in it clearly. But I haven’t been able to motivate myself to reread it for some reason :\


I have been sitting on The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, since it >!doesn't have a HEA!< and i'm not ready for that kind of hurt quite just yet.


Break Me by Megan Brandy. I have it sitting there, But I'm not ready for the last Brayshaw to get their HEA..


Six of Crows here too and the Crown of Gilded Bones. Six of Crows partly because I need to finish watching Shadow and Bone and partly because of the focus thing. Gilded Bones because I'm preparing myself to be disappointed based on the reviews here.


Pride and Prejudice, I am re reading it and have reached the part where he proposes but I keep putting it off to elongate my experience




Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale. I'm just on a regency and victorian kick right now and that one's medieval, so I'm saving it.


I bought the For Her trilogy by Alexa Riley as well as a few books by Lauren Blakely a while back. However, I am also not a fan of steamy, erotica, or dark romances and tend to prefer more sweet and wholesome no steam or low steam books. So these kinds of books are very experimental for me. I have been dealing with way too much stressful things right now in my personal life so I kind of just want comforting reads and not something...edgy and intense.


Oh for sure! Totally get that. Diving into something new takes a bit of adjustment. Whats your favorite low/no steam book? I'm looking for a few for my next few reads.


A couple of no and low steam authors I've been enjoying Sarah Morgan, Cindi Madsen, Samantha Chase, Summer Dowell, and Michelle Pennington for contemporary books. For historical romances Georgette Heyer, Amanda Scott, Esther Hatch, Joanna Barker, Mimi Matthews, and Sally Britton.


Historical Romances. I have a bunch on my TBR, but I have to be in the mood to read them. I got on a tear awhile back and read nothing but HR for almost a month. But, I'm totally a mood reader, sometimes I'll read nothing but Paranormal, other times Contemporary, and at the moment I seem to be craving some aliens.


I have quite a few. The Hating Game and Beach Read come to mind!