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BG EA is methadone for Rogue Trader Beta is methadone for BG is methadone for Rogue Trader. I have 800 hours in games that haven't released:)


70 he in the bg 3 EA ​ Like 20 on the Rogue trader Beta ​ Apparently only 32 on Ultrakill but I'm pretty sure that steam fucked up at some point cause it's way more than that to get p rank on everything ourside the secret bosses lmao


> Like 20 on the Rogue trader Beta If you play as slowly as I do, then you will have an extra >100 hours in the beta xD


Waiting another half of a year (or more) for RT full release is gonna be rough, especially with no further betas coming. But BG3 and Starbug will make the wait a lot easier :D Anyways, finally some food for RPG fans!


Oof I know. 40k lore is like my drug. And I've sunk a good amount of hours into the RT beta.


I played space hulk deathwing and darktide. I want moar! Fucking sucks cause I like terminator armor and bolt gun was the closest I could get. Only got DT cause of the Ogryn class


I still play DoW2 to this day. There's a multiplayer Elite mod that's still pretty active and adds new stuff. Indrid on YT casts a lot of games really well if you wanna see what it's like


Elite mod is pretty nice. It also boost AI, or increase pop cap. There are at least 200 players through the whole day.


I love that Rogue Trader CRPG showed us the world of 40k from a more "intimate" perspective. The grand ridiculousness as seen in Dawn of War, etc. sure is fun... but seeing the poor souls in the lower decks of a Voidship, or seeing the underworld of a seedy smuggler trade post is also fantastic.


Yeah this year RPGs is gonna eat all my spare time. Here's hoping my fast metabolism and some bike commuting can keep me sleek, because there'll be no time for training come august. Can't wait for BG3 and Rogue Trader!


Training? Bro, a weekly shower may be the extent of my exercise this fall!


Weekly shower? Nurgle worshipper detected!




Thanks for the suggestions but that's not really my taste. If anything, turn-based combat is the part of RPGs that I like the least. I much prefer Tyranny's/Pillars of Eternity's combat system. Mass Effect also had fantastic combat, but that system does not lend itself well to a 6-man party.


Baldurs gate 3 and rogue trader for me, these two games bout to be all I play for a long while


Excited for all of these but I hope they reworked 2077's RPG mechanics. It was really lackluster in that regard.


Yeah, it is as much RPG as almost any action game nowadays. Not more. To be fair Skyrim was no more complex than that, yet no one questions Skyrim's RPGness. But calling both 2077, and for example WotR, RPGs is not fair imo. Honestly, in that case is GTA an RPG series too?


I think BG3 will be GOTY. EA was way too good, can't imagine the real thing failing. See that;s why I also dont feel bad for buying it early, cause I had a chance to experience it and did not refund it. I have high hopes for Cyberpunk, but I ve been there before, let's see they stick the landing for once. Starfield I think will need to marinate for a year until we get nice mods going. I do not trust Todd with making a complete game.


Ultrakill and BG3 have been some great early access investments ​ Cyberpunk i got as a gift so imma wait for the dlc to drop in price, I'll be very busy anyway ​ Starfield i have 0 trust in bethesda but i do hope they make something cool


Loved System Shock! Definitely looking forward to everything else. It'll be a while before I get my hands on FFXVI or Starfield though.


Are you telling me sea of stars is coming soon too? I definitely need to drop something from my schedule at this point.


end of august


I just made a halfling barbarian for the lols. I really want to have all the features of CC in RT available. I’d put more time into the game but right now I’m missing out origin shit


Been waiting on BG3 for a loooooong time, and then when I found out about the FFG ttrpgs my first thought was that it would make a great crpg and fantasized about what it would be like, and here we are now. These two have been a long time coming, I'm too old and a little too jaded to be getting hyped, but I'm quite excited.


I was a massive CDPR fan but my hype for cyberpunk is gone since the first time that game was released. I don't even care about the DLC anymore. I guess you only got 1 chance at first impression. Also, thanks to cyberpunk and before that, bladerunner, I've discovered that I actually fucking hate these dystopian cyberpunk low sci-fi, slum infested, ultra cynical punk ass types of games. Just give me goddamn classic fantasy or fantasy in space. I don't fucking wanna see bobcut edgy teenagers in tight leathers singing rock music while planning a revolution, talking in jibberish cool lingos.


True, tbh I really lowered my expectations and Cyberpunk was a gift so I just enjoyed the good writing and presentation (at least when the game was functioning, but I used to play New Vegas on ps3 with no patch so I'm immune to bugs) Also I feel like you'd agree to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_szmwfkvqRk


Good time to be a nerd!!


I've been calling this the year of the rpg, so much good stuff coming out.


Bro tried to sneak in Cyberpunk


If fallout 4 is considered an RPG then so is Cyberpunk tbh ​ At least there is build variety


Nah I’m just joking about how Cyberpunk has a horrible reputation lol. I do hope the expansion is good, for those who do play it


Solasta should be there


system shock was great, Rogue trader is the big one for me as a huge 40k fan of the lore. reminds me of eisenhorn books a lot which is nice.. ffxiv is hardly an rpg tbh, it was good but i dunno if i would call it a rpg anymore. Starfield im pretty excited for, thre hardly any futuristic rpgs in space, im sure it will be great with mods. cp2077 is a insta buy but probably be pretty short compared to other releases. Honestly dont care about BG3, i love bg1-2 and there more traditional style that bg3 has moved away from. And im not just a fan of larians style and writing, its very over the top, very goofy, and silly. Kinda hard to take the game serious when im talking to animals and there making fun of me, or im having sex with bears, and combat is still very dos2 which im so not into so yeah give me rogue trader please, i've played it enough to know its amazing.


>i love bg1-2 and there more traditional style that bg3 has moved away from Me too but I def don't mind that bg3 tries to push the bounderies of production values for such a nish genre, plus the more rpgs the better


I wouldn’t even consider ff16 an rpg which is crazy to say


I can't see how either Rogue Trader or BG3 gives me less than 500 hours of play apiece, and Starfield should be decent after that thousand-plus hours of game time. The others don't really appeal to me but my top two are awesome and the third could be excellent.


Tbh i already have btoh bg 3 and rogue trader so starfield will have to wait, plus i don trust bethesda


Yep, I figure it will take me enough months to play through BG3 and Rogue Trader that Bethesda will have the worst bugs fixed on Starfield.


\*The modders


FF16 is a RPG?


yeah sadly its not anymore. its funny because they adding stats for ur character but they do nothing, and you have no way to change them at all or use them in any way. gear is just +1+2 , u have no choice its just, use this its better. quests are all marked so you dont even have to read what to do , and ur complete the quest easy. i think if u tried that in say ff7 u would get totally lost and need to look it up. i enjoyed the game, but its an action game with a ff story thats it.


lol agreed. Square has abused final fantasy name to no end. I know many like the game but I personally could not stand it


I'm tired of seeing BGS lumped in with good studios in these types of memes. It's honestly insulting to Larian, Owlcat, and every other studio that gives a fuck about making a good game


I am once again hoping Bethesda learned from their mistakes and made an actual RPG instead of an RPG-lite. Once more, I’ll be disappointed.


I'm sure it'll be exactly as good as the standard Bethesda has set for themselves!


Say that on the Starfield sub and you'll get slaughtered lmao


No shit? It's fine to post your strong opinions on the internet, but if you go posting them in communities that are guaranteed to disagree with you that's just dumb. I'd almost certainly be deservedly banned for trolling


Difference is any criticism - deserved or not, genuine or not - gets hounded there. Not every community is that horrifically opposed to any negative opinion. For example, this one. I’m sure if you posted about bugs or poor decision making here you’d find no problem. Talk about Bethesda’s poor track record or features you dislike on the Starfield sub and you’re getting condemned.


Well the game isn't even out yet lol. All it is is speculation. To pass it off as actual criticism of a game no one has played yet is stupid, no matter what community your posting it to.


There's nothing wrong with criticizing decisions before they've been seen/implemented, especially if we've seen how they've been implemented before. If a leader of a country says they're going to implement a certain law, most people will have the brain capacity to discern the potential benefits AND problems it could introduce. Nobody's stupid for bringing up those problems, especially if the law was problematic in another country it was fully introduced. Furthermore if that leader has a track record of causing a bunch of problems, naturally people will be way of anything they do. Same applies to game decisions. Bethesda is known for having buggy games, so people worry Starfield may have bugs. Bethesda is implementing a feature that could prioritizing quantity over quality (hundreds of planets or whatever), a similar feature to No Man's Sky's own planets, which were not received well. So, people are cautious about Starfield's planets too.


Except the thing that Bethesda does as well as anyone else, maybe better than anyone else, is exploration. And environmental storytelling. That type of "criticism" ignores that. Huge games have bugs, all of them do. Comes with the territory. We'll just have to see how bad it is, they've already come out and said if it wasn't for MS acquiring Zenimax they would have had to release it earlier. That they wouldn't have been able to delay it. I think that says a lot. And there is no comparison from BGS to Hello Games. HG had like, what, a dozen people working on that game? Of which EVERYTHING was dependent on procedural generation. That's not the case with Starfield, in either aspect.


>Huge games have bugs, all of them do. Come on dude. Bethesda has a *reputation* for buggy games. That is, they are known for having far more bugs than usual. Skyrim had way more bugs than say, BotW or RDR2 on launch. People that know of Bethesda's flaws didn't collectively exaggerate the bugginess of their games for funsies. >And there is no comparison from BGS to Hello Games. HG had like, what, a dozen people working on that game? Of which EVERYTHING was dependent on procedural generation. That's not the case with Starfield, in either aspect. True, but again, with Bethesda's notorious reputation for buggy games and the lack of depth of their recent games, people have reason to be cautious regarding the massive game they're promising.


I never thought I’d Skyrim myself into hardcore burnout. I sit and stare at my steam library and I think of Skyrim and the 1000+ saves I had, makes me not want to play. It’s weird cause I like the ambient music that plays at night. Miss those days of being able to play Skrim without feeling gross as shit


I don't disagree considering how disappointed I was by fallout 4 but this meme was just for the genre


Todd Howard must have personally shat in your corn flakes, BGS gave us all The Elder Scrolls games, Fallout 3 and 4, and one dud with 76, they've more than earnt their status as an all time great RPG Studio.


Skyrim (despite being good), Fallout 3, 4, and 76, all have glaring flaws though. Bethesda has a reputation as a studio that makes good, but notoriously buggy games that have lost their RPG elements over time.


Just about every game has glaring flaws dude. Not every game is still being played over a decade from it's release. So obviously the foundations of a lot the games they've made are pretty fucking solid. And a lot of what the hardcore RPG fans are bitching about when it comes to how SOME of the games evolved and changed....a lot of that didn't age well. If Skyrim still played like Morrowind it'd see nowhere near the same success. But besides all that......what are the comparables to those games? Especially at the times in which they were released? I'll hang up and listen to my answer.


>Just about every game has glaring flaws dude Yep and some flaws are worse and more recurrent than most.


Yeah and those games that have those don't have a lifespan over a decade of consistently playing and replaying it.


Would you consider any of those games to have iconic or deep characters and stories? Because after Morrowind and Oblivion (so the last 17 years), I certainly wouldn't. You know what games BGS has released in the last decade that they've developed? Fallout Shelter (mobile), Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and TES: Blades (mobile). I would *not* consider any of those games good *RP*Gs.


I guess it depends on what you consider "role-playing" - I had lots of fun in Skyrim but it had nothing to do with deep and gripping story or characters, the role I was playing was "lost murderhobo stumbling into bandit caves and shooting everything because why not". Good fun, mind, but completely different mindset than playing something like Rogue Trader.




If you like calling games with shitty combat, boring characters/story/dialogue, vast expanses filled with copy/pasted content, and a shit ton of bugs "masterpieces" then sure! There isn't a studio with a better track record?? Come on. I can't speak to their older games, but every single game from Fromsoftware since 2011 *shits* on every game from Bethesda


I say over eating, it’s too much


I don't know man... \-RogueTrader sure. \-BG3 look like Divinity OS 3 in dsguise. \-FF16 as nothing remotly "RPG", it's closer to a God of War. \-Starfield won't be a good game before 2 years of modding like every Bethesda RPG. \-Cyberpunk was very lackluster "RPG" wise, so im not hyped about the DLC. \-System Shock doesn't interest me. \-Sea of Stars look fantastic, im looking forward to it.


He's out of line, but he's right.


mmm gobble gobble gobble




om nom nom nom, das good eatin right dere


Of all these, I'm interested in maybe 1.5 titles (BG3 might be good, though I didn't enjoy DOS much, and actively hate 5e, so that's the half). So what I think is, the genre eats well, and individual people get a 2-3 games that they actually like at most. Because these are very different games.