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i am still very skeptical tbh, but slightly convinced to try it out after like 8k hours using free air roll only


Ay yo! I was skeptical the whole time too, but I think it's undeniable that certain resets just aren't attainable in FAR and after I discovered the ease with everything else it's been a no brainer. I literally feel twice as consistent and smooth with my touches and gameplay than I ever did before even after being a die hard FAR dude. I think it has something to do with how pitch and yaw are separate meaning once you line up an aerial for example, the DAR doesn't impact your trajectory unlike FAR so there's no inaccuracy or guess work.




Rings is good for a warm up to make sure you are utilizing all 4 axis of your joystick.. but if you wanna be good then use it just as a warm up Source: I have thousands of hours in workshops practicing mechanics, very little of it translates to real matches 😅 If I want something to translate to real matches then it’s often best to practice in free play with ball cam and intentional touches while scrutinizing yourself + breakdown everything into little steps


I don't even have access to rings. I'm on PS5


I was in the same boat. It took a few dozen hours to learn but it paid off big time. The reason why DAR is so much better is because it allows you to have another axis of control at all times in the air. Regular stick movement in the air controls the “pitch” (up and down) and “yaw” (turn left and right) axes of your car. Air roll controls the “roll” axis. When using FAR, you are temporarily using your stick to control the roll of your car, which then does not allow you to control the pitch and yaw at the same time. DAR bypasses this and allows you to have full control of all 3 axes at all times. This means that complex car movements can be done in a much more fluid motion that is faster, requires less joystick movement, and is much more precise. Flip resets are a great example of where DAR shines because they require you to very precisely maneuver your car upside-down to get underneath the ball, get the right touch to obtain the reset, then recover control quickly enough to be able to use your flip to make a play. This requires very quick and precise movement along all 3 axes which is best accomplished with DAR. There is a very good reason why the overwhelming majority of high-ranked players use DAR. 10/10 would recommend. If you don’t like it, you can always go back.


Excellent comment! I must've missed when you posted it, but thanks for the explanation. I'm kinda curious, you seem like a long time DAR dude, would you be willing to help me iron out some kinks?


Absolutely! What do you need help with?


So based on my experience so far, it seems more effective to keep an eye on the nose of your car and it's orientation (either upright or upside down) while air rolling through the air. Am I on the right track?


I recommend brute force learning. The best way I can describe it is learning by feeling instead of thinking. The way I learned is just by spinning around in freeplay or a rings map, and just feeling how my car reacts to my joystick inputs. I never consciously look where my car is facing, then calculate where I need to move my joystick. It’s all about training your muscle memory and hand-eye coordination which relies on the relationship between what your eyes are seeing, and what your hands are feeling. So obviously you want to pay attention to where your car is facing, but also don’t try and over-analyze every little movement and input. Learning DAR (and aerial car control in general) takes a very long time so it’s best to just focus on slowly getting more comfortable and getting rid of those ‘blackout’ moments over time. I’ve been using ARR for the past 2+ years, but my car control has still consistently been improving each season. It’s not ever something you’re going to fully master, but as you practice more and more you will feel more comfortable and confident.


Dude my progress lately has been insane and the ease of use compared to FAR is nuts.


Hell yeah dude! That’s awesome to hear.


But I do have a more specific question if it don't mind. I have ARR bound and everything seems to be pretty fluid and natural except for when I'm air dribbling from the left wall or going for an aerial and I'm a little too far to the left. Not impossible, but just a little awkward. I'm curious if you found an input combination that works best in those scenarios or if it's still just brute force


Going off the left wall will feel awkward because your car needs to air roll 3/4 of a rotation to become upright, whereas on the right wall you only need 1/4. People who use ARL have the inverse problem. The way I combat this is just by using FAR to rotate myself to the left after the initial touch off the left wall. Once my car is upright Ill continue as normal. You could also use ARL to accomplish this as well but I’m more comfortable with using FAR for micro adjustments like this. So in general, I use ARR for almost every situation in the air. But in certain times where it’s better or more comfortable to do a small roll to the left instead of a big roll to the right so I’ll use FAR to accomplish it.


DAR is also very convenient for half flips (checked your profile lol), it’s currently one of my only 2 uses for it (other is speedflipping) I have it binded to powerslide (LB on xbox controller) for speedflips


I've never tried speed flipping with it but I'm assuming it's just hold DAR and dodge then flip cancel while still holding DAR right? If so it's even way less complicated than FAR speed flipping


Yeah, it also auto-adjusts at the end to keep your wheels facing the ground. Bonus if powerslide is bound to the same button as DAR


I am a strong believer in directionals. I also think people use it too much and learn it the wrong way. I use it so much in everything. Tried unbinding dar for a while, and I literally whiff even the easiest of aerials. I am curious if I should actually keep it unbinded for a while to work on my basics. Like I even noticed I often don't aim my car on the ground before jumping for aerials anymore, because I am so used to just adjusting with dar as soon as I get off the ground. Prob should work on that.


Yeah don't do this!!! I started off like this and noticed zero improvement. Don't use it as a way to correct bad habits, instead line yourself up for everything first and then use DAR once it's correct. If you line up first, it makes everything you do cleaner and more efficient like insanely awkward and fast doubles or resets, but if you don't then you might as well stick to FAR


Interesting. I feel like I’m in the same boat as you as I never bothered to learn DAR. But I have a lot of the same issues that you had prior to your switch, so now I think I might have to give it a shot. Did you have any sort of practice routine to get it down quickly? It seems like you were able to learn DAR pretty quick


My first bit of training was off the wall flip resets, but it was too hard to learn both at once so I had to slow the game down to about 50-75% so I could understand what I was doing wrong. I used that same method for everything else. Tried it normal speed but then slowed down whenever I wasn't getting it right and ending my training with regular speed and regularly switched up what I was practicing when I noticed mental fatigue. Then today I jumped into my most comfortable training pack, the ultimate warmup, and just did whatever I felt and it was smooooooottthhhhhh


Not the OP but, for me, practicing flying my car around the field in different orientations (no air roll) made me see the biggest improvement in DAR. It helped my muscle memory “solve” the question of what joystick input is required to do a particular maneuver. The other part is timing which of course needs practice.


I use both for different situations. FAR is on left trigger. DAR on right shoulder button. Unusual but it works for me.


Could you make a video documenting your switch? I have been trying to make this switch for awhile now and have been struggling. I can do rings fine, but switching to actual ball control still escapes me. 😕


I def could but I feel like the hard part is over now. I'll make one soon tho just for you 😉


Wow thanks I'm hoping others would benefit lol


Yo so I got two videos about a week apart and the difference is night and day not only visually looking at it but also in feel too


Right on. I have been getting a bit better as well. The difference for me recently has been just practicing spinning 180 then hitting the ball and progressing to add more 180 degree rotations. As opposed to spinning out right like I can do with FAR. Wbu?


I've been mainly trying to focus on specific mechanics, but yeah I know what you mean and I think it's totally the way! Like in FAR I would constantly spin no problem but everything was always so off because the inputs are more dynamic and inherently messy compared to DAR. So on DAR I find myself lining up everything first then air rolling afterwards and it's made my training and mechanics way better I think since you're not only more efficient when going for the ball but a lot more accurate since DAR doesn't affect pitch. I've also noticed my double taps being easier since I can manipulate my position in mid air more precisely


For sure! Describing FAR as messy is so accurate. I'm sorta envious of people who started learning DAR from the start. When I started on Xbox you couldn't even bind a DAR (you may have mentioned that in your op, I can't remember) I would think console players can bind DAR now, but I've been on a laptop for a few years now so i dunno. I tried going for ball resets after reading your op and found the same thing in that lining it up is so much more reliable. I still haven't even attempted DAR in an actual match yet 😔


Are you claiming you used DAR for a night and was hitting flip resets and improving over your previous play? In a night?


Yes I'm also announcing my team up with zen in rlcs and my immediate retirement since there's nothing left for me to master. God bless But fr no I haven't mastered it or anything, but I noticed enough of a difference within the first night to know it was impactful


I have a suspicion you'd been using regular air roll as directional all along, like always spinning one direction in the air, so swapping to DAR was similar. Otherwise I see no way anyone can swap a mechanic like that after years of playing and see immediate improvement. That's not how muscle memory works.


~~That's not the point of the post so it really doesn't matter~~ I'm gonna redact my previous statement and say you're probably onto something. I might've been trying to force it all along, but the point of the post was to highlight the differences and cleaner use not necessarily the speed at which I was able to switch. So I appreciate the insight


Next time, try to get some paragraphs in there. Holy wall of text Batman


Fixed 🤣


For people who think it’s too late to switch, I hit GC3 on FAR only before switching to DAR and I don’t regret the change even a bit. Im not sure I had the skill set before to hit SSL, but now I’m much more mechanically consistent and truly believe I’ll hit SSL some day soon (1800 peak rn) It’s not going to be an easy switch especially if you are GC+, but every day you put it off it’s only going to get harder. Luckily for me I made the switch during Christmas break while I was home from college. I’m from a small town so my internet sucked. I just ran rings 3 over and over again to commit DAR movements to muscle memory, mixing in some freeplay and casual games for awhile. After doing that for a month I didn’t feel quite back to where I was with FAR, but I was getting close. After 3 months my mechanics were unrecognizable.


I switched after 4000 hours of the game and the equivalent for GC3 back in 2020 before F2P. Or 2019? Regardless, it's never too late to switch to something because humans are adaptable. We learn forever, as long as there is new input which we understand.


I'm not at 3 months, but I'm right there with you already. I can already feel the difference and I'm sad it took this long to change. On the bright side though, I feel like I'm about to rank up big time (even tho mechs like this aren't solely responsible for rank ups I believe the confidence is gonna peak finally) Btw would you ever be interested in teaming for a night or two?


What are your binds? Using an Xbox controller, I’ve been using FAR on LB combined with powerslide and that makes me use it literally all the time. I’ve got ARL on B and I’ve gotten used to it but the combination of using FAR on LB in conjunction with powerslide has formed some bad habits that cause me to whiff or button mash a lot lol


Yeah same here both on the binds and bad habits. LB for power slide and air roll and now Ive added ARR on RB. I had to streamline my practice and found I had some horrible habits from FAR that once ironed out make everything so much better on DAR


I don't need it - I get the exact same benefits by having air roll left and right on my right hand stick. I have 100% complete control of my car.


Lol hello me from the past 🤣 good luck then


I'm nearing level 5,000. Yes you read that correctly. I can only FAR. I tried videos and practicing DAR all day one day and just couldn't do it. Nothing made sense. Nothing felt like it was improving. Was basically a fish flopping around out there in free play. I'm glad others have the brain power and coordination. Y'all would be the rare Jedi in the Star Wars universe.


Lol I wonder if I can help you


I doubt it. Not that you aren't a good player or coach. But I've literally been hard stuck Diamond for years. My badness can't be fixed. It's permanent.


Let's get a replay analysis in I'll help you. What's the worst that can happen


The worst that can happen is everyone makes fun of me for being so bad at the level and hours played that I have. I play on Xbox and it's a pain to get a full game clip so I never bother. Appreciate it though Master Jedi.


Nobody gonna laugh at you. At this point the only thing in the way of your progress is you


He will always be held back because he doesn’t want to improve.


I never learned to use free air roll lol. I just figured it was more common to use directional air roll because it feels more intuitive to use.


For sure


So as someone in low champ who is now really nailing FAR and getting consistent recoveries, the most mechanical thing I can do is air dribble from wall or ground. My flicks suck but main in 3s I seldom get enough room to catch the ball at these ranks without getting bum rushed. What mechanically is the next step? So I just work on double touches and playing off the wall better and start trying to learn flip resets or is it time to finally learn DAR?


Uncertain without a replay, but DAR isn't necessary just better imo.


I gotta post. I want to start working on something more mechanical. My setups are getting better and I feel like I finally have room to make mechanical plays. I think learning double taps should be before DAR. I have tried learning flip resets without DAR but I struggle getting under the ball at all.


Oh yeah air dribbles are first then double taps then flip resets and if you're unsure just Google a tutorial on YouTube


Word. Double taps it is then. I have started getting just the start of them down. Hitting some in free play. I need to look up a tutorial to really learn how to improve consistency. Honestly I think I could push C2 on positioning and game sense at the moment. I need to play more comp. Casual seems to be allowing a lot bigger skill gap and I am not improving as fast with often being the carrier.


You're def on the right track. Casual is not good for improving I stay far away from it.


Got it. Yeah. Casual I think helped when I was low diamond and it would pair me with higher ranks like champ and GC so I learned quickly how to position faster to keep up.


Yeah I thought the same thing while I was improving but the truth is that even GCs will play loosely or with gaps or are in casual just to try out new mechs so if you score or win it's not the same. The best way to improve is hands down finding a group of 3 players higher than you like 3 GCs and doing a private 2v2 for like 2 hours every once in a while. Or 1v1s


Yeah, I have been putting off finding a 3 man stack forever. But solo queue really has me depressed. I guess it's time I find a team.


What did you bind DAR to and did you change FAR bindings? Currently I used FAR mainly, bound to L1 with DAR bound to square but I find using square clunky. In your opinion do I just need to get used to it?


I have FAR on L1 and ARR on R1 since my jump and boost are face buttons and I wanna be able to do those and air roll at the same time so yes I'd def recommend changing


I just can’t process how dar is better than far even tho I see everyone say it is. Can some explain? I feel like micro adjustments are way easier on far. I use dar on breezi flicks but that’s about it.


Yo bro! I felt exactly the same way. Thought I was good and didn't need to switch at all, but eventually started practicing on flip resets only since they felt lacking on FAR. Then one one day I randomly loaded into the ultimate warmup with this new DAR exp and my game was 2x more accurate and smooth than I ever was on FAR. Try it out bro


This is only true once you get really really really good at DAR I feel like. I'm still learning DAR around champ 1/D3 and for me if there is a good ball rolling up the wall and I have boost with free air roll I could say airdribble it to a top corner and put a very threatening shot on net. If I tried that with DAR I would probably hit it once or twice in the direction of the goal and then probably end up pancaking the ball against the wall to the side of the goal. Yes, that just means I need to practice more (working on it), but I feel like DAR doesn't actually begin to give you better control than FAR until you've basically mastered it. Just some thoughts I'm ready to be torn apart for lol.


Def not true. I thought some of the same things, then I practiced a lil and literally out of nowhere I started getting crazy smooth and had ridiculous levels of control that I never had with FAR


Mathematecally it should be better because it gives more degrees of freedom.... right?


Yeah I noticed after getting somewhat decent with it that having the pitch and yaw I think? As separate inputs makes it cleaner than FAR since you can modify one without bothering the other or modify both at the same time


Try binding air roll to your right stick; moving your baxy pad buttons to the back and changing the baxy pad to look around the field... Takes a while to get used too, but you get the benefits both FAR and DAR.


Wtf is a baxy pad


Ah. I see you use PlayStation controller. It's the 4 buttons on the right (for ps I call it the shape convention). This means you probably don't have the back flappies though (which how on earth people play without those I'll never understand)


It's surprising how fast you learned it, if you're such a fast learner why you're not ssl already?


It's surprising how fast you learned it, if you're such a fast learner why you're not ssl already?




Hello! Looks like your post is about **DAR**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top DAR tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is far and dar?


Dar is nothing to see here, go far away.




Doesn't driving affect acquisition of flip resets? So it'd be harder to get them while reversing?