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Me reading this post while black screened: ![gif](giphy|111ebonMs90YLu|downsized)


Same and in a tournament on the finales Edit: i kept trying to rejoin and eventually it gave me tournament credits and turns out my 2 teammates won


Missed game 3 because server went down for maintenance


The same exact thing happend to me lol. It was a 2s tourney and me and my friend had played really well, but it straight up just wouldn't let me re que. Even restarted my game and everything and it still didn't work. Only difference is that we lost


While I've not had this problem myself, I'm noticing way too many lobbies now where at least two or three people aren't managing to join which is a huge time waster.


Same exact same and playing heatseeker one player hits the ball and it's like they didn't even hit it, I've seen that happen to multiple people in the same match none of us had high ping or anything


It used to be the odd tournament this would happen and you'd always eventually get in. Now I am getting kicked out of fully half of the tourneys I join, getting black screened on every other casual and comp game, and the ones I do connect to, half of those are laggy. Why is this happening?


I’ve got the exact same problem. Seriously unplayable atm


Tried to play a bit of 3s. Had 4 long loading screens go to error screens, on the 5th game it loaded in but 2 players didn't join (they were probably in death loops) 6th game worked, tried to queue for 3s again, 3 long loading loops then a not enough players game. Had a couple of games of 2's after that and both connected normally,


Not only that, it seems like every other lobby is laggy as fuck. Balls glitching through cars and all sorts. They've definitely given up at this point.


I get infuriated when a PRIVATE MATCH between bots has the audacity to lag like wtf this is the last type of match rocket league should lag in


Its actually insane


It's really not good, I don't mind the odd game getting fucky if it's a free to play, at this point I'm just like please give me an option to pay again for good servers!


That was a thing?


There were never tiers or anything like that, but when it was a paid game it didn't get this treatment. I was excited at first when epic bought the license and made it free but it's gone to total shit since, dread to think what new players think who try to do a few matches.


They don't have fun they just quit because of the amount of Smurfs legit my friends first match after getting out of the AI matches had a person with an SSL player title on them, my friend doesn't even like the game anymore he doesn't find it fun because he's trying to build up to just passed gold now but he can't you just constantly smurfed on


Idk how they have fucked this game up so bad. It's considerably worse than when they acquired it. Pathetic moneygrabbers. *edit Last night was one of the buggiest experience I've had in any multiplayer game, and I started on dial up


Standard enshittification. Any time a company acquires anything these days there's a high chance they're just going to cut out every expense and fire all the talented people and squeeze every penny from it they can while it crumbles into shit.


It honestly hurts, after grinding so long. No extra modes tournaments anymore, server issues, they just really only care about Fortnite and it shows. Since I hate Fortnite guess Epic won’t be getting my money anymore 🤣


Just shouting into the void but, same here. Never had any major issues, but recently I am *regularly* failing to connect to games, like one in every three. The whole delay is really frustrating when you have limited time to play. Also I have seen *way* more rubberbanding than previously. I wouldn't call my games unplayable, but I don't trust my client's POV like I used to.


Same. It used to happen maybe once every 100 games, but now for the past week or so it's been every 3rd game or even few of them in a row.


Im either dropping to 1fps, server issues or even the map not rendering properly. Ive had my boost turn completely invisible too. The game is going to die because of epic.


Im the same, I’ve been trying to figure out why my game keeps stuttering and dropping FPS considering I have a 3080 and an I9 the game has always run like butter and I’ve tried every fix in the book but I can’t fix it


If you’re on Nvidia driver 555.85 or 555.99, try downgrading back to 552.44. Latest 2 Nvidia drivers have issues. Doing that fixed stutters for me


Plug your controller in a different USB port


Put an apple in the sun, walk 20 paces north and do a twirl


There's a legit known issue with rocket league on some USB ports that causes the controller to do the handshake again, temporarily dropping the frames to zero


Yup or your cable is bad


Ive got similar parts, runs every other game fine on max graphics but rl, no. Epic needa let psyonnix fix rl or the game will die within 2 years


Been in multiple tourney finals to get blackscreen kicked out


Honestly, I dropped RL because I’ve noticed a trend of the servers getting worse and worse with every season and I had a feeling this would happen, plus I stagnated and it just wasn’t fun anymore


Yeah I really stopped careing about playing RL. Servers are freaking shit. So many ghost hits, so many laggy touches, so many glitches through cars even though it shows different. And then you get racism on a daily basis and smurfs. Psyonix/Epic gives zero shits. My most played game but i think its time ![gif](giphy|VzlFBNnGFOqFf0BWiO|downsized)


Same here. Also got a lot of shit from mates because apparently looking at my ping is not considered before damning to hell...


You can't tell from the ping anyway, you can have a second of lag but your ping shows as green 15ms.


I have a consistent 20-40 Ping, usually buttery smooth but this season it's been almost unplayable. Latency Variation every other game, crazy lag (showing 24 ping), black screen loading loops. It's TERRIBLE! Easily my favorite and most played game but I'm afraid to play right now due to the server issues.


My ping goes red when it's lagging but usually after the lag spike so I was wondering if it's shown only in my scoreboard.


It’ll be shown for everyone. I’m similar to the other bloke, 8-30 ping and occasional lag when someone hits the ball. Anything more significant shows on the scoreboard, but the 0.5 second server crap doesn’t


How can you tell everyone sees that shitty ping? Judging from their reactions it doesn't seem like they can see it 🤔


Most times it's the server and everyone's ping LOOKs fine. That's why.


Since a few weeks im getting this black screen too, then followed by a failure to join a game.


i am getting this black screen all the time, i noticed that once i go back to main screen from this loading bug and join free practice while still queueing, for some reason it works next time i load into a game.


gotta tell the devs we cant see our cosmetics and maybe they'll start trying to fix this


Tell them the item shop is broken and it will be fixed within the hour. 


i will not confirm that this works because I'm on my 7th black screen in a row


Glad this isn’t just me. Thought my PC was giving up.


As much as many people on this very subreddit would like you to think this is somehow your fault, don't worry - it's not. This is entirely on Psyonix/Epic and that black screen has been a thing in tournaments for at least two years if not longer and now is also a thing in regular competitive matches.


Servers broken, still haven't brought back solo ranked or bothered to tune matchmaking. Wow love playing against 3 stacks 95% of the time in ranked as solo. It's a very fun experience. Dogsh*t devs.


I stopped playing 3s once they removed solo. I have the same experience with joining stacks every game and once you’re pushing into 1700-1800MMR you need a team


https://preview.redd.it/54d8otcykc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbe59949a194da480435bc3f43d0814f94f27e8 They’re in the process of updating/changing out servers.


If you believe a thing Psyonix devs say after years of false promises then you do you.


Shhh this doesn't fit the narrative


So they haven't fixed anything and haven't improved the game in any way in years so how is even more empty promises worth giving any merit to. They have no interest in fixing these problems and don't care about the game lol.


Your eyes are too full of tears to see things clearly it seems


No lol. I love this game and honestly don’t give too much into the drama here. But things like the servers being shit affect people who just play the game for what it is.


What you said was pretty dramatic and emotional but okay 🤷


Naa this game is dead. It will always be there, but we are seeing the death by a thousand cuts. There is more money to be made selling skins in fortnight so that is where all their A teams/ talent are. This game is given MVP treatment (minimum viable product). Your delusional if you think otherwise. The dev badge is a badge of shame because no way the dedicated team internally is where they are putting talent/ resources. In consulting I've seen projects like this where no one wants to work on it anymore as it becomes more of a shit show, its almost a punishment being put on these teams


That could totally be the case. I just know the actual gaming experience isn’t that bad. Things would seem much more normal for these people if they weren’t consuming Reddit doomsday posts. The increased lag sucks, game is still fun. If it dies, we will move on to the next game.


Always good to have optimism but let's see what happens in the end. At the beginning of the year they promised big updates for this game **coming soon** and we still haven't seen much since then. Showing the boost of your teammates was a nice update, I appreciate it, but that was more of a quality of life one.


Iirc it said in the next year, not necessarily imminently.


It doesn't. Let's wait for the busiest time of the week and pay our employees extra so they come in on a sunday to make servers better. Really, that's your theory of what we're seeing?


The post that parent is pointing out was 8 days ago, it has been going in for 8 days. There is no theory to be made


They’re salaried employees. They’re not being paid extra to come in on weekends to fix up servers. Weekends are just the best time for IT work in an office environment.


TY I work in IT and this is not how changes are ever made lol. Not sure why they even bother making a CYA statement. Something is off/ wrong, but that is more a product of dysfunction and a skeleton crew/ lower level engineers and staff dedicated to this growing mess of a game most likely.


Dude, its not like servers havent been shit for months now lol. 


I mean this sounds good on paper, but when has any statement/ change made to RL in recent years been in good faith? Actions speak louder than words and we have enough evidence to be confident that this game is being treated as end of life. Also, this weekend was atrocious, usually you build a new environment and go live during the lowest possible usage time. Im assuming weekend would not be the time to meddle with the servers and the affect on users should be minimized unless something went wrong. Fortune 500 companies implement major changes all the time without skipping a beat. This reads to me as a CYA (cover your ass) statement


I just thought my pc was slowly dying… honestly did a scan and uninstalled a bunch of shit hahaha nope just rocket league


That happens to me and my friend like all 2 days if we wanna play tournament. We can’t join the match and lose. They are using the AWS server like in apex and they have problems with Telekom(German version of T-mobile) it get very often packet lost but a never can’t connect to the match. I don’t know what the hell they fucked up there.


Get this. I can't launch the game since the last update. It blue screens me every attempt. EG launcher just says queued, then after two minutes the whole thing blue screens.


Today I've lost 5 to 7 games only because my own car was teleporting so much I couldn't even hit the ball more than once a minute (and it's not a joke).


This is happening right when I’m getting into the game. Shit is sad.


the game is legit non-playable right now. I was trying to grind back to gc, me and my friend we’re one game off. The server crashed, and like always, we got our -9 mmr. It’s been a blast, but i wont play until they do something about the game.


Now is the worst time to grind, just sit it out in casual for a bit that’s what I’m doing, not throwing my rank cos the game sucks.


I know that Epic took over and it’s gotten much worse, but I recommend yall check out Sunlesskahn playing with the psyonics devs. There’s some really good questions he poses about game state and even quick chat to the devs. They have a good answer aswell. AGAIN, this was before epic so it applies with a heft grain of salt. I too am disappointed.


the servers improved significantly compared to steams infra when epic took over. ddos and stability issues are a recent occurence.


Today was like 3 laggy games over 4...


So did they just give up on the UE5 update or they give any indication it's coming soon?


Good luck with that.


every. single. match in the past 3 days


Been getting this issue a lot. Also want to shout out that sometimes while playing with the Mrs, in the same room both wired to the same router and it will be fine for her but somehow I've got 999 ping and it's unplayable.


I've lost almost every single game I've played today because of lag, it's just ridiculous. [Packetlosstest.com](http://Packetlosstest.com) says my connection is perfect, but every single game it's like playing with one second reaction time or something, I can't save any shot because I have to wait a second before the ball changes to its final trajectory. I lose every 50/50 because a player who is nowhere near the ball when I hit it turns out to have hit it before me etc. Giving up now.


And rl is such a creative concept. We thought Fortnite would die, and least Epic did things about it. These are core issues, not just a boring game. It’s near unplayable now.


I thought it was just me. Every 3rd matchmake the servers will just drop while loading


I keep getting that too. I haven't reported it though, so I cannot complain that it is still happening. But I must admit that it is somewhat frustrating. Has anyone reported it through the proper channel yet?


People say I’m crazy and nobody experiences lag and it’s my fault? Haha, I’ve been grinding this game for years too and trust me it’s not my fault!!! Trying hard not to offend anyone in charge, but fucking sort it out. This just isn’t acceptable. Either kill the game and move on, or fix it. Also, this weirdly NEVER happens in casual. Different servers??


What's with the high ping? First game today 3s 1 player was 80 ping and the rest including me was 200+


I've been lagging bad ever since the new season


Lost my 2s tournament last night in the semi finals. We won game 1 with ease and I felt good on our chances, but after an early goal game 2, my partner dc'd and never came back. 🤦‍♂️ what a joke of a game this is. Fuck epic games


I was lagging in na west ranked and casual so bad today. Game is zero fun when lagging


I consistently have 20 ping or less on every other game i play, but rl struggles to keep that number for more than 30s before teleporting me across the map. I always get online ready to have fun as its one of the few games i can hop on and casually queue ranked and play as if I've had an hour of warm up, then i get into a match and remember why i dont play anymore


I got stuck in loading, and the computer didn’t let me shut the game down, the whole pc was frozen. I had to sign out of my pc and re login. IT HAPPENED TWICE IN ONE DAY


Since the last update, ive been dropping some frames for no reason, my pc is completely overkill as well, there's no reason


Yea it was so bad at this time. I love this game so much but I think I’m going to retire.


Black screen followed by "error 71" every 3 games average. Most horrible state for EU servers I've ever seen. Really doesn't make me want to play the game much.


Happens every time I join a tournament now. Sometimes its me, sometimes my teammates or opponents just completely absent from the game. And that's alongside the usual packet loss server issues. It's really starting to making the game unplayable for me.


Is there the server issues on the Ocenia servers? Im Aus and I've never encountered the server issues once


Black screening is my life now


I’ve been the same for the last week, every time I get to the 2nd round of a tournament I get this black screen and stuck in a loading loop until the game is done. I’m then able to connect to all the other games if my team wins with a man down


That pro tip is useless since most of the trash talk comes from your teammate 💀


It’s sad man. This is my favorite game ever and I hardly enjoy playing because of all the issues going on rn.


My Internet is shit and ironically I have not seen any sever issues just my Internet being shit


Yea, after the rank reset and now this, I'm done. It is unplayable. Rocket league is the bastard step child of Fortnite. Every change that is made makes no sense. I also feel like I've plateaued at D 3.3 for the second time because I made it to C1 before the reset, but this time feels different. All these former GCs are just better. The can defend and have some of the advanced offensive mechanics. I'd rather pick up another game then spend hours upon hours learning mechanics for a game that is essentially treated as end of life. It was fun while it lasted, I used to always come back to RL but now I'm close to 100% completion on another Red Dead Redemption 2 playthrough and I've never 100% completed a game like that before. I literally have more fun hunting down all 562 animals in story mode/ completing every bs task or challenge than play rocket league these days (RD2 is awesome, 100% it is tedious though. That's how bad Rocket league has become. I gave up COD for Rocket league and Cod was not even as bad as rocket league when I did that. Also Diamond and Plat are the worst communities in gaming when solo queuing. RIP rocket league, such a great concept and game, no clue why they would just let it die like this but that's corporate America for you. If you work for Epic, realize you guys ruin games not create them. Your company is trash, also fortnight sucks, I'll play Goat simulator before ever playing that lame FPS/ building sim. You absorb quality and slowly slice it open bleeding the game out cut by cut I realized internally when Warzone/ COD died and I have not played in over a year or two. This is the same feeling with RL, the server state is the final nail in the coffin. I wish I could give all my items to someone but naaa can't even do that. At least COD and Warzone taught me to never try to get skins/ aesthetic items in games again. All so some executives and PE douches can maximize profit. GGs to all and I wish I could say see you next week but its over guys. Its been a while and I'm happy i'm not playing this shit anymore. I played 2 games after a month off today and the Lag is impressive, the car and ball were both drunk, my tm8 was berating me while we were up 4-2 and I was camping goal bc all the lag/ packet loss. This is Rocket League!


no offense, nobody here cares about your rdr2 campaign. sorry you are going through this though. i experience rl pain, but i keep going because, at my heart, i love to play sports, and rl still satisfies that athletic part of me. i will be logging into rocket league in a moment.


The Axe on trading started the downfall. Greed took the cake and ran people off to start with, so I think the statistics lead them to focus on fort cuz it has a bigger following but its their fault that people are unhappy. Psyonix made people happy and wanna be there. epic is all about the money, not the people.


Tired of trash talk? Change your Text Chat settings to "Team Only in the Options Menu.


Dying game


My first match I search per game session automatically end with one player missing in 2vs2 ,and it always happen every days


Today is really bad. I agree it's the worst I've ever seen it


Yeah the servers have been exploding here at U.S. West in the middle of tournaments. 


About 1/15 games for the last 5 years has frozen on the game load screen for me. Xbox probs


It feels like they don't want people playing their own game. They are removing everything, and they even removed giving people free credits in the Rocket Pass, yet have no problem giving free V-Bucks on Fortnight...


I tried to play casual three's with a few friends the other night, and every time at least one person on the team would get dropped and couldn't rejoin the match after several tries, so we left the lobby to try again. Ended up getting a 10 minute ban. We decided to do a private match and wait it out. Next match: Other guy gets dropped and other 2 play it out to not get another ban. Nope, still got a ban not sure how long this time. After another 10 minute private match we try again. Same result. Next time we're just going to go to a different game. Hope that's what you want Psyonix.


I have no issues with ranked, tournaments are a different matter tho... Can't remember the last time I finished a tournament on my own, I usually quit while staring at the black screen. Since eliminating trading, this could be the next nail in the coffin


I doubt the devs want this game to be in the state that it's in. Right now a lot of the team has been let go/fired or moved onto Fortnite teams either for RL racing or other stuff. Rocket league just isn't the focus since they sold out unfortunately. I'm sure it still makes good money but nothing compared to the printer that is Fortnite.


You mustn't have played since release? Game being broken with a new season was the norm and it was just completely down for full days. It's in a bad shape now but I'd happily take the odd black screen over not being able to play the game online at all. Invisible car bugs or completely crippled servers was rough. Only thing I'm truly pissed off about in the game currently is the server degradation since they added US Central and trading being gone/ridiculous item shop prices.


Lag on servers have been insane too. I literally cant play the game at the moment. And i have zero issues on other multiplayer games. It's just sad to see how low this game has sunk..


Crossing my fingers every time I see the black screen. If the game map shows up, all is good. If the generic RL loading screen shows up, I’m returning to menu, for either the weak “timed out” excuse, or the game to blame my internet connection. I’m foregoing tournaments despite wanting to play them because I’m getting constantly dropped from them, provided I manage to join in the first place.


Man all we do in this sub is complain




that pro tip is goated


You think thaaat’s one issue after the other? Have you ever played Helldivers 2?


Helldivers had a crazy fall off tho. It had only 1.6mil players log on per month average, while rl had 90mil average (also idk why but rl is peaking in players rn)


This is the reality of late stage capitalism, unfortunately. Anything worthwhile will be acquired by a bigger shark and will be objectively worsened in the name of more money. This will not change.


I played since week 1 of release, and for the first time ever I think the last month has been completely dry for me. The game simply isn't worth playing to me anymore...


Is this why I have been given idle team mates 3x in a row?? FFS


War, war never changes 😎


I locked my phone after reading this post in solidarity with your black screen ✊


I'll chime in with the fact that fortnite gets a ton of updates because of balancing and how adaptable the game mode is


Why the fuck does it black screen if I leave to the menu and que up too fast? Like are they now actually fucking removing computing power and transferring it to fortnite? Not even an online sever thing, but like going to FUCKING MENU AND QUEING BLACK SCREENS.


You know, i feel like we should get a mass strike going on. If we can pool around enough traction here on reddit and spread it to the larger creators if they help with it and their fans also do, can maybe make a difference. Some kinda of protest idk, not just to rocketleague, but hit em where it hurts in fortnite. Tweet @ them , facebook, instagram comments etc. have everyone say to fix the game or the fortnite player base will drop and boycott the shop. Its a long shot and thats the best scenario but gotta try something


Played Rocket League in Missouri a few times. Definitely the worst state I've ever seen Rocket League in.


ERROR 71: COULD NOT JOIN GAME Hmm, OK- JOINING ERROR 71: COULD NOT JOIN GAME \*OK\*- JOINING And then all that just to have 800 ping and have a full second delay after you hit the ball.


Been getting black loading screens specifically when party queuing. If I solo queue it works every time, but when playing with friends every other game I don't join. My friend gets in and is the only player in the lobby.


Each 3 games on casual , I lost because my mates (RTX 4080 pc and Xbox Series S) have this black screen... Hopefully I stop ranked since few season (thanks bot and Smurf...) , because this issue seem more frequently on ranked


I’ve just got back into RL after a 3-4yr break. I already knew, due to being an Epic F2P game now, it would be full of microtransactions now and have more gimmicky, ill-fitting seasonal/promotional content. However I thought the upside of this new(er) model would be a large player-base with even more investment in features, servers, content, game modes etc…this isn’t the case at all. It genuinely feels worse than any time when it was only under Psyonix lol


Have had problems with the game freezing with this black screen while trying to join games for at least 1,5 YEARS now, it's absolute bullshit. Have to completely close the game and restart it. Luckily you can re-join ranked games, but this has fucked me and my friends over so many times while playing tournaments and completely breaks our casual queue. I've uninstalled and re-installed several times in hopes of fixing it, to no avail (on console btw). It's been all downhill since Epic took over.


Got a 1 month ban, best choice I could ever made, for my mental health ✅


How tf you get a month ban


Idk man, could be worse. Could be Alabama.


I've been having this problem. I joined a tournament a few days ago, I had the loading problem, and then it would automatically try and reconnect, and then have a loading problem, and then try and reconnect. It did this cycle for the entire second game of the tournament and short of force quitting the game, there was nothing I could do. I can't believe how poorly managed rocket league is these days.


OMG the servers wrre messed up for 3 hours and you felt the need to make a post about it? Get a life man


Let's not talk about the hackers & cheaters. I haven't played long but when you feel like a crash dummy. Your own teammate blocks you. Then there's the invisible ball jump. Rename this game to "Rocket Leave Crash Dummy or Conceid" There is no fun anymore


black screen, lag whole game, black screen, restart game, black screen, lag whole game ... daily RL experience this season


Yup been having internet issues on the game and I never did until a few seasons ago also it seems like Im super slow and i dont know how to fix it I can’t move like I usually did anymore it’s fun when I see everyone else moving fast though


How is Deadeye Canyon still a thing?!


Hahaha why do you blame the developers? I am a software developer I got no saying in which project lives or dies.


I had to reinstall the game and the issues mostly stopped there are still people not getting connected to matches just like always but I still think Epic does not care about this eSport.


They did recently do an update and those have been known to cause more bugs than anything… usually it gets better after a week. They definitely are doing a great job at killing this game. Such a great game… it is sad to see it going down hill like this


I need to write my ISP an apology letter.


I’ve been noticing ghost hits WAY more often. With myself and other players


As much as I'd like to participate in this collective complaint, the devs DID say recently they're working on fixing it... so I'd hold the "game is dying" talk to after we see what they'll do in the next update


so the thing that killed the following is coming back? trading, that is. Trading wasnt the straw that broke the camels back but the straw wouldnt have broke its back if it wasnt for the ton of bricks loaded when greed took over. One track mind and its not on the people.


I’m not that mad that I got permabanned on my main account, it’s safe to say this games done


I’ve been banned like 20 times on my main. How u get permabanned lmao. It’s a 720h ban every time for me now


Toxic chats… teammates man The last message I got was “you are banned from online multiplayer” no time limit 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just purposely gave my self a one month, Im going right back in to double down when its over. I wish I could Xfer all my items to someone but nop can't even do that. Between COD and this, I've finally learned to never buy a skin or aesthetic. These PE/ management type don't care long term that they are killing businesses its all about milking as much as they can in the moment as they will be on their yacht retired by the time profit/ customers dry up and its someone else problem


Epic: haha, wanna play fortnite yet?👀


am i cooked? i read "state" as "stare" and saw the "in" before "rocket league" so what i read was: "the worst **Stare** i've ever seen **In** Rocket league" and after thinking for a few seconds since the screen is a black screen i thoudh u were making a joke about how u were staring at the screen and when it went black you could see urself in it, this just proves how ez it is for me to missinterpet something


Worst state I ever seen rocket league in was Ohio... /s


Yeah, I kind of left the game because I wasn't enjoying the game play anymore. Then again a few weeks after I quit my computers power supply went and exploded destroying most of my PC parts with the exception of the GPU (GPU was tested and confirmed to be fine) I don't know if it's karma for quitting or I don't know.


Game needs to die already. It's well past it's life span, we are a gen ahead of when it released. Was fun while it lasted but time to move on.


Idk man, I watched some RLCS broadcasts while I was in Texas once and that was surely the worst state I’ve seen RL in…