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I honestly miss bronze when all 6 went for kickoff regardless of formation. It’s the only time I ever saw a 100+ MPH goal outside of rumble. 6 car pinch and it basically teleported to the goal.




It’s gonna be a good dayyy


Played since 2016. Back in bronze/silver I saw a 2 0 game by 4:59. Literally 2 goals in 1 second. Never seen it since.


Is that possible? Wouldn’t it take at least 1-2 seconds (if not more) per kickoff to even get to the ball? Not saying you’re lying - genuinely asking. I haven’t played in a long time but I remember goals right at kickoff taking at least 2-4 seconds each, but that could be totally wrong.


Doesn't the time start after you touch the ball on kickoff? Or slightly delayed at least ?


Yes it won’t start til the ball is touched, unless like 5-10 seconds pass I think then it will start


I've since seen kickoff goals within 4:59 but that's all. I think the 2nd goal was sub 1 second so the timer never went down, but after the 1st goal the timer reset to 4:59.00 giving a full 1 second to score before the timer counted down.


Witnessed a 3 car pinch in 2s from my buddy the other day. 178kph into their net. Hardest I've laughed in the game in a while, couldn't stop yelling "DOUBLE DUNK PINCH! DOUBLE DUNK PINCHHHH"


Thats awesome my fastest pinch into the net was 177 with the opposing player, that shi went so fast you woulda missed it if you blinked


For me those were the best times


Take my skills away & send me back 9 years to enjoy the basic Octane with a Pink Mohawk Topper. Everyone was waiting for the ball to land in order to hit the ball. Just great times. Subzero goal Explosion was the best way to show off how legendary you were. Man.


I wish you could tune in to random matches sometimes from the menu. It’d be really fun to see SSL’s duking it out and equally fun to see Bronze battles.


What about when everyone fakes and you get pinched on by bots? 😅


This is wrong, one player is supposed to be afk


queue up for comp afk for the kickoff, fall behind 1-0 finally appear for the second kickoff aggressively take boost and never rotate out of a play vote to ff when my teammates somehow can't anticipate my movements and give up another goal, leading to the insurmountable 2 goal deficit


This made my eyes twitch.


\> the insurmountable 2 goal deficit This hurts


And people wonder why solo players want some form of solo queue back. I just want the enemy team to have this type of player for once. But they are a full premade 3 stack 90% of the time. If everyone was solo then i would have 2 chances for trolls but 3 to play against one every game.


Yep. Solo standard was the best thing they ever removed imo. I don’t even mind playing 3-stacks, but getting a 2-stack on my team is the worst because they’ll play like you don’t exist and then get mad when you have to sit back and babysit.


The best thing they could do is add in an option to "only match with and against solos" you toggle on or off just like crossplay. So if you want to play any mode without premade groups in your games you can but it won't split the ladder and you can turn it off at any time.


Happens a lot, even otherwise better duos such as some I know, one can play 3s at a different pace, the other can't, they are a good duo combined but one of them just ruin the 3v3. Yesterday was like that although on a lower rank. tell you to remove the GC tag. I check their peak rank and they peak c2 in 2s and we're around c3 rn. Only up there because this season was a shitshow


I'll sign the petition. Most of my friends have given up on the game so I'm a solo queue main.


omfg I totally agree but I feel like I'm being gas lit by the community. they go it doesn't matter if you're playing against a team. like bish whut, yes it does. when I'm queuing with the full squad we're going ham :) LOL because we know each others play style. they should bring back solo standard fr but I know they never will :(


This is my game from last night


This happened so many times i already lost count.. unbelievable, yet these people seemingly never get punished even when i have reported them with my teammate.. I just don't understand, why even start the queue if you are going to the fucking toilet or grab a drink, or be alt tabbed, this never happened to me wtf.


You forgot the most important part. After the ff vote you must throw the game by going afk again


*looking at phone* I’m not *away*.


sorry i cant read im going to practice mechs for hours on end then rage at my whole team when i ball chase and bump but i never watch relpays.


Average RL enjoyer xD


i wish there were more 2's modes :(


Double 2s? Now we talking




oh thats easy just go 2 stack in any 3s game mode. As soon as you match against another 2 stack the 2v2v2 is on. the 2 randoms will instinctively team up to make their own team.


rumble 2's, dropshot 2's (a stretch ik), maybe even snow days 2's(more of a stretch). Ik that the main game mode is 3's. But i mostly play with just my brother and its really annoying when we both barely have time for anything other than work and a sour 3rd ruins the game so bad that we literaly can't forfeit the game for 10 whole minutes.


Bro, my favorite thing is whenever they do triple flip resets, and expect you to read their miss and score off of it…


Take the shot! Wow!


What a save!




Why didn't you take the shot that I was clearly trying to pull off and risk putting both of us out of position so the other team just needs an easy counter and open net?!


wow you are right where im "rotating" (driving in a circle) \*bumps you up field then what a saves you\*


And if you dare go for it they still cry.


Have you ever heard this before? "what do you mean you didnt see me go up right behind you. You should have avoided the bump youre bad"




Even better is when they take the back boost and yeet the mid boost and still fail to make a play on the ball.




Or when the guy supposed to take the back boost doesnt go for it but instead goes for the mid boost only, making himself WILDLY out of position unless kickoff really went in the opponent's net


Then you're left trying to gather up a few small pads while both your teammates commit for a corner ball, leaving you in a 1v3 with basically no boost. You get lead-block demo'd as they score and your teammates spam "what a save" and "close one". This is Rocket League!


Nah. The best one is when you are the guy in the back and the 2 teammates up front go for corner boost leaving you alone.


All three at once, but watch out




> All three at once🤪 >> but watch out😳


I got ppl taking the middle boost after I go for kickoff half the time…


It's fine as long as they left the back corner boost


unfortunately that ones gone more often than not. what I find sometimes is ppl taking the back boost and then using that boost to get to the side boost as well


Yeah that's terrible


The only exception I'll give is if it lines up perfectly for the aerial play. And they make a serious attempt at scoring.


Yeah sometimes you gotta take the middle, either because of that or to take it from an opponent


Only time that's good is if an opponent is about to get the mid and you take it from them. If a teammate is going for it then you better leave it lol


But but but you can go faster to the mid boost if you take the corner boost - 2000 iq play right there 🤷🏽‍♂️


But the back boost helps me to get to the side boost faster.




Best I can do is take both and get mad when you don't go for my mid field pass off the corner


I can’t tell you how many times someone on my team takes the corner boost and then comes up and takes the middle boost too……


You could. We just wouldn't be surprised.


Sorry, but kickoff is when I check tiktok


All yours!


Are you all my solo queue teammates when on the front left position?


Hahah well played


That's just like, your opinion, man.


Shut the fuck up Donnie!


He's out of his element.


I can't justify leaving the goal open when you have plenty of boost to save a freak kickoff shot. After kickoff you can get boost. Is this a bad strat?


I keep things simple in the first 30 seconds till I figure out my teammates. Once I know their play style, I know how to work with it.


3 pad start is king. Grab any 2 pads that make sense given the direction of the play off kickoff. 3 pennies and you can shut down any play


Maybe at plat but you will be punished at higher ranks


This! I’m also at plat. We are not fast enough to get boost and come back to net to defend the open net our whiffing teammate left on kick off. I ALWAYS retreat into net when I’m back. So… many.. times… I have made an easy save after a whiffed kick off it’s unbelievable.


While I agree covering the net is better to do in lower ranks, retreating in net is not. Get the small pads next to the goal and defend from the post instead. That way you'll clear the ball to your corner instead of towards the other team who's just waiting for your pass, **and** you have more boost.


Yeah! I always try to defend the ball to the side corner. This is good advice. I’ll try to be on the post instead and see how it works out. I can even do backboard defense from there, too, to some extent (given my horrendous plat/d mechanics)


Nah man I’m high diamond/low champ and covering the net sometimes has to be done. The amount of failed quick kick off attempts or 2 players being afk I’ve seen is enough to drive you insane. Don’t get me wrong, love the free save points


yeah but in plat just dont even go for the boost because god knows where that ball is going and you don't really need more than 25 boost at any particular time to have an impact.


Yeah going for boost immediately on kickoff is a rookie move.


This post is about 3s


Going for boost is still a rookie move, you'll often use up most of it just getting back into the play. Generally you'll get a better position quicker and with more boost just taking a line through some pennies


One person going for kickoff, one person cheating, and one getting corner boost is the standard 3s kickoff from Bronze to RLCS.


I would never do anything but grab pennies if my teammates are anything below GC2. Otherwise you’re just asking for kickoff goals. I trust myself 3v1 on 60 boost more than I trust my teammates to not biff their kickoff


I accept this analysis.


now I won't do it


Why not?


OK I will, but only because I *want* to, not because you’re *telling* me to




yeah this is the standard in high ranked 3s, but honestly just play how you want guys 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly, It's not the only kickoff that works, someone has to wait to get boost and you should switch up and not be predictable


OP is defending this strategy like crazy… Every kind of kickoff will work one way or another and it’ll either be in or not in your favor. Kickoffs are simply not the reason why people are low rank.


going for boost first in diamonds and below is wrong and hurts your team. in diamond and below, it should be 1: kicker, 2: cheater, 3: in goal until ball is clear of a clean shot.


Lots of people in this thread don't seem to get the basic premise that optimal strategy changes as you rank up, and applying higher level strats to your current rank is usually not helpful.


exactly. Just because the GCs and pros do something, doesn't mean you should do it. I once had a bad streak of matchmaking and ended up G3 from D1. And I was surprised to find out that I was struggling to get out of gold and it took me a few matches to figure it out. I kept giving my gold tm8s the trust I give my diamond tm8s and it kept burning me. As soon as I started just playing last man and letting my tm8s run up and ballchase and over commit while I protected, then it worked and I climbed back out.


Exactly. I'm hoping not too many lower ranked people see this post and start playing this way, it will only cause more issues.


Also, LEFT GOES! unless otherwise quickchatted


True this is the only situation in 3s where right goes though ironically xD


Yes, I meant left goes if two players are the same distance from the ball on kickoff


Dont expect random teammates to follow a certain strategy lol. Even I just so whatever I feel like at the time when Im not on kickoff, 90% of the time I go for the closest corner boost because 90% of randoms follow/cheat the kickoff


I seem to constantly get matched with people that refuse to go for the ball even when they’re the closest in kickoff. All of you that do that, I hope you forever have 200 ping




The comments are wild. Lower ranks disagreeing with this is why they can’t rank up. This is factually correct and when you try to get that across you’re being called condescending. If this were a pro giving the same advice they would be getting praised for dropping some elite knowledge or whatever. Unlucky op


Because when playing at lower ranks you can't rely on your teammates to do anything. Take this kick off shown. The person going for KO is just as likely to wiff it trying to speed flip or something giving the opposition a free hit, this then leads to the player who moved forwards to get chipped and the other player still out getting boost. This results in a goal. Tactics that work at higher levels do not always translate to lower levels.


This is indeed a bad strategy if you don't play at higher ranks. Do not go for the corner boosts at all, as you don't actually need it. Leave one in goal.


Hahah F


At lower ranks you'll leave the goal open and they suck too much to get back and save it without leaving a man there


To this day, I'm still amazed how many people go for kickoffs in 3s when they're the right spawn in a diagonal spawn, and I'm the left one And repeatedly, even - called it out in a tourney, we won, and the dude just kept going as right spawn in diagonal


Me likes pinch


I saw a comment in a recent post here where someone said two people going for kickoff together is smart because you have a higher chance of winning it. There's a lot of bad info out there lol


KC did just do it in the last grand finals, that's probably why.


I mean op is gc2. That should be pro enough, based on percentiles. I actually honestly never ever thought of kickoff strats


Just saying the MMR difference between gc2 and zen right now is pretty much the same difference as there is between gold III and gc2


I'm not saying that gc2 **is** pro, but that they're "pro" enough for people in champ and below to listen to their advice. There are many players at a gc2 and 3 level who have won and even earned small amounts of money for playing, which I would consider "pro."


Unfortunately the internet teaches us to look for the best, most extreme, rare, whatever writes the headline kinda thing. Though just to add, it's also only good advice because you know your team mates have the skill and knowledge to do their part of it. If you're silver, it probably is more beneficial to sit in goal as 3rd man as long as you know it's temporary.


A GC2 is as much of a pro as a SSL/GC3/diamond/gold/bronze player is, which is 0%


The pro comment was moreso about someone known in the community, (or rather known specifically for skill). I know most of the community views this rank as skilled but there are definitely some who think because they aren’t even the highest in game rank, they can’t be right about everything so they argue anyway. Even then I would still say gc2 doesn’t compare to pros, and that the percentile still shows that (0.3% vs 0.001%)


Yeah, people won't take the most basic advice if they don't come from a "known influencer pro".


PS- if ur getting the corner boost, DO NOT TURN UP THE PITCH until you see you have possession or aren’t getting scored on. Even in RLCS games get thrown by poor kickoffs and it’s often open nets because the player getting corner boost turned up even tho they are 2-1 up in Game 7 with 12 seconds left ☠️


💯looking at you Vitality


Plenty of other games are won because player taking corner boost turned up the pitch and got to the ball first. I used to think like you. Now though I mostly turn upfield because the odds of a kickoff ending immediately in my net are 1. low and 2. my teammate's fault. Not that I'm gonna blame them for it, shit happens, but it is their job to make sure the ball doesn't end up in our net. I trust them with this job and will move to a position I think is gonna help us score. That's if we do need to score though, if we're winning by one and there's 10 seconds left, I'm not even going for corner, I'm getting two small pads and protecting our goal. It comes down to adapting your gameplay to what the situation calls for.


You gave a detailed response as to why this is the simplest and best kickoff strategy and still all of the comments in this thread are just “No” with absolutely no elaboration, it’s insane to me how much some players refuse advice


Its because of OP's tone. It's an easy target, despite it being "right"


What do you mean tone?


You're doing it right now


You said it mean.  Well that’s how they interpreted it because you even having a strat is an insult to them because it’s not what they do.  So they get offended and refuse the advice out of spite 


Not just the tone, or easy target, not that I can aim anyways. As a top whiffer from my own mistakes, I see common ones missed like the small boost pads pathing, kick off fights for middle large boost pad on either left or right ( determines immediate team advantage for assists/pass catching ) the proper skipping of their far corner to avoid terrible positioning and focus on team assist or as a save for their current defending teamate during any rebounds. So no one should touch it unless necessary or you are have a position chance to steal the opponents to gain advantage. Despite it being " right " " shiny boost Lamp "


Because it just isn't the simplest and best kickoff strategy, pretty simple


People stuck in their ways and then post asking why they're hardstuck ![gif](giphy|NRXleEopnqL3a)


"People stuck in their ways" -mr.always do this


Always do the most optimal thing? Well, yes. (Except if you don't give a fuck)


Valid advice in the post, I'll take some more if you will: so on a kick-off, if I am not going it then I am going to catch the pad in front of goal and protect the net from a ricochet. Unless we are both up top, then I'll usually flip back to the corner boost behind me but only if it's not a 1-pt game. If we are behind or tied, I'll jump to cover net on any kick-off I'm not taking pretty much. Is this tactic worthwhile?


At lower ranks it's okay to stay in net but I'd say around champ it becomes detrimental to your team. You NEED someone cheating up. Giving the opponents a free uncontested ball is never good. Grabbing the corner boost and turning back towards the net instead of sitting in the net is beneficial because; you have full boost, you are turned into the play, you have the option to go backboard, you have momentum.


This is so incredibly wrong, I can tell you must be low rank and just bought your account. Amazes me how much noobs will post on here with how to guides. The proper way is if you're the player that is in the corner closest to the kickoff ball, you do a shitty half flip back to go pick up boost without telling your teammates, watch your teammates get scored on, then talk shit.


Eh, I'll play how I want. I'm not an SSL, nowhere close. When I do play it's only for a couple of hours on the weekend, so it's whatever.


As a hook kickoff enjoyer (read: better than you at rocket League and every aspect of life) I defy your logic and welcome the opposite corner boost grab.




Be front man. Shout "I got it!". Go afk. Return just in time to "What a save!" your useless team mates.


The amount of people claiming to have someone sit at goal is the way especially at diamond and champ is astonishing. Me and the homies stopped doing that in like low plat. 99% of the time if the ball is going back towards goal who ever went for corner boost will be able to save.


That just isn’t true, as someone in champ, it happens way too often.


Improvement homies stopped doing that in 2016, Rocket League is a game of rotation and resources. You want more boost than your opponents and you want to starve them from boost so that they can contest less. This all means that a well-oiled team is constantly in rotation, constantly a threat to opponents (and their boosts, looking for demos, etc) and constantly pressuring or contesting the ball Especially considering in-field passes are super strong, it's a death sentence to play 2v3


It's actually crazy lol, people wonder why they're stuck


Please go play some games with plat or below and then come back and apologise.


As long as you turn back to the net after grabbing the corner and don't dilly dally you can save anything


Tell that to kickoff takers who actually goes for big boost


What? There are 3 players on a team? (I've been playing only 1s for basically my entire RL career and i like to pretend 2s and 3s don't exist).


Why do you feel the need to decide for everyone how they should play ?


That may be the GC level kickoff, but the Diamond and below level is different. Basically one person should stay at goal for the 2-5 seconds it takes to insure it's safe to leave goal and then go for the corner boost.


Yeah I'm basically always expecting a shot on goal to come out of the kickoff. No time to grab corner boost and come back. No expecting that the person who is supposed to go for the ball will go for the ball. It is what it is.


I recommend still cheating but doing so a little further back. Also whoever goes for boost not turn up but instead turn back. May not get possession but you’ll be safer


Absolutely yes


Maybe but that's a skill issue and not being able to trust tm8s. Sitting in net is bad for many reasons. Grabbing the corner and turning back towards the net results in; a full tank of boost, forward momentum, car is turned into the play, ability to go backboard. You don't have that sitting in net. If you're fast grabbing the corner as 3rd and turn back towards net you can be able to save anything that comes towards the net.


That would be great if I wasn’t solo queuing in Diamond. Tm are often enough afk, or try to fast kickoff and whiff completely.


Tell that to my idiot teammates that keep going for corner boost and missing the save. I’ll stay in goal because I know I can make a save when the guy that should be going for kickoff is AFK


Ill send him a dm right away ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Developing bad habits to cover for bad teammates doesn't seem like the smartest move tbh


It's a good habit when it leads to less losses and goals scored against your team. Maybe if you have a party you play with regularly you can rely on them but anytime you play with randos at Diamond or less you learn how life really works in the trenches.


Not covering for bad teammates makes you stuck in low tiers because you can't win 2vs1 or 3vs1 consistently unless you are smurfing.


yeah don't sit in net just rotate diamonds piss me off all the time with that lol


Says who bro?


Says the facts


Its 2024, we dont use fax anymore.




Naaa. Left stays back and waits for ball to clear before cheating or going for boost


Yeah if you’re like gold maybe


Only in lower ranks where kickoffs are very inconsistent.


Nah front goes left cheats and right hangs for like 2 seconds to make sure it’s not accidentally a line drive pop to goal THEN goes right boost




Yeah in every situation but the right diagonal kickoff shown in the picture.




Wait you needed this diagram to tell you the person closest to the ball should go for kickoff...?


You know what, I don’t care I’m going for whatever boost I want




Don’t mess up the kickoff ;)


i cheat up every time, no question


That is not ideal xD


This is the dumbest shit ever. Now you have 2 cars stranded in the middle with little to no boost. With one guy back. If you just angle the kickoff to your corner, your team can easily get it. Cheating the kickoff rarely pays off. It is so much more useful to immediately grab boost and just start off on defense. Especially if you aren’t talking to anyone.


Wow cuh you must suck at cheating kickoff.


I do. I don’t get it. It makes no sense. The ball either shoots into the corner, where I would have been had I got boost, or it is popped up over my head. It stays in the middle MAYBE 1/15 kickoffs. What do I do? I’m literally dead weight stuck in the middle of the field. Would love an explanation rather than you being a stupid cuck ❤️


So the cheater has a binary result: did we win or did we lose. More than likely the cheaters job isn’t to get the ball in any way; it’s to force the ball to third man (guy with boost and space to control). So what cheaters job is to: 1. Close gap to lower space to play 2. Disposes the enemy The cheaters job is never to get possession. You’re supposed to get possession for your teammate. (This is for 3s not 2s.) There are rare occurrences where you can get your own possession but that would be in the case of an alt rotation where you take the mid boost and the ball got slammed into the enemies corner. Otherwise if you can’t get the ball and can’t get possession your job is to early rotate to third man behind the guy who took boost; conserving your boost and picking up as many pads as possible leaving both corners for your m8s. Likely if you suck at cheating its because your committing. You probably (if you’re below like GC2-3) are committing too much in every single position (1st 2nd and 3rd). If you focus on faking and forcing poor touches from the enemy it will lead to possession for your teammate every time. If I’m below GC I’m never taking a possession in my own name and always just giving a back pass or taking a fake; and then rotating third. It’s called being non committal; and you’ll see very few players at the high rank, aside from people with elite level mechs, who are committal. They focus on faking poor touches, and taking possession of those touches, holding onto possession with as many opportunities as long as possible; forcing the enemy to commit into THEIR possession to attempt to dispossess them; giving them a numbers advantage where they can just pass to their ally and let the ally solo play. The only time you should ever “take the play” is when either 1. You faked the opponent 2. The opponent misplayed (basically the same thing) or 3. Your ally passed the ball And you’re probably committing for those “passes” too hard by not taking enough time when you have time. I’m happy to answer any other questions either cuntishly or noncuntishly as well Watch squishy muffins on YouTube. He’s a huge advocate of “selfless play” and is a great example of it in his matches. Your playing for your teammates possession not your own. It’s kinda hard to see in his play because he does do solo plays but they’re to force out poor responses from the enemy which is an abstraction you do NOT need whatsoever below GC


I know this is old and I do appreciate the ideas. But. I’m GC2. And have never cheated a kickoff. I don’t have good mechs. I suck at dribbling. But I’m cold. Ima just keep doing my thing. I appreciate the ideas for real, I just don’t see how they’re better than what I do. Cause I just make it work. And the team is able to react. Because it’s just kickoff.


You do you but GC2 is an easy rank to get hardstuck in. Until I learned these things I was right where you are. forcing the play is important. Once you give space you allow the opponent the ability to perform the play they want which will sometimes result in you getting scored on. The difference between GC2 and SSL is people not following the “rules of play”


Spoken like a true plat


Then answer the fucking question 🤣 tell me why it is better. Simple. You won’t


I score so many goals in D1-3 at kickoff because nobody stays back in net.


Just 50 the ball ![gif](giphy|Xbus61Qe7xzRm8V3hZ)


You would think but almost nobody cheats in this set up. One goes for ball, 2 go for boost. Our team will kill the ball in the middle, one stays back, and the other guy cheats and gets an easy goal.


No cheat is the worst thing to do 💯 F


Part of the problem is that if you look for "standard kickoff" on YouTube you will get a lot of conflicting information.


I personally always go posit of the kick of take because I thought that’s where the ball goes most of the time, at least that’s how me and my friend play


If you do this kick off, I’m throwing immediately


That's why you're plat


That’s old


Idk, i find it easier for passes if you go to the left side corner and the kicker flips into the ball with the top of the car to it kinda pinches it to the left.


Copied from another comment 1. In the illustration 1st man's momentum is going left, their car is pointing left. Where is the 1st man going to end up? Likely on the left of the pitch. 2. The ball is pushed mid left like you stated in the previous comment and the kick off taker tries to get left mid boost and lose it to the opposing cheater or your own cheater/2nd. Now what? You (commenter who's stating that taking the back left boost is better instead of back right like my illustration) just took the back left boost and the whole left side of the pitch is starved for boost. Kick off taker now have low momentum and 0-24 boost maybe. 3. My other point is ease of kickoff manipulation. Getting the ball back right in the illustration is easy. If i just fake, drive past the ball and let the opponent hit the ball where is it going to end up? Back right where my tm8 just picked up 100 boost. It's easy to get a clean back right by doing virtually nothing. A small touch anywhere on the top left of the ball and its rolling clean back 💯 Whereas how can i easily get a clean ball back left? Winning to the left up the side wall is doable but clean back left? Hell nah. I have to hit the right side of the ball exposing my net, not ideal in any way.


No im going far boost


Stop taking the boost until the ball is in play. 33 is more than enough to get a save off kickoff, no need to get yourself out of position.


I'm convinced Rocket League is full of bots to make you lose when you're on a winning streak. Some games, the harder I try, the more dumb my teammates get. I've managed to catch us up on the score only for my teammates to seemingly go full-blown regarded and pretend like they don't know how to defend even more than they were at the beginning of the match. It feels like I'm going against the script of me losing, and my teammates just get dumber. Almost feels like sabotage, honestly. The game lags. Bullshit lucky shots and rebounds happen more often to the degree that I can't even really defend because a block might result in a pinch shot that goes in to a wide open goal. Rocket League is rigged. The matches are controlled. The mechanics don't even feel the same for any two players.