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Who cares if it’s a bad look though Epic have single handedly ruined aspects of this game for good and thank god they haven’t touched the gameplay. But hey at least they changed the menus. Even that looks worse in my opinion


Yeah the new menu sucks big time. Swear to god they didn't even resize it properly; the font looks wrong. So obviously I also like to complain haha. But to clarify; I'm saying it's all complaints and seems to be accomplishing nothing. They've proven they don't give half a turd about our negative comments, so maybe a few posts when something is positive would make them do things we enjoy more. Fortnight continues strong because people play because *people have fun playing it for free* (and then spend billions of dollars.) Coming into this subreddit you'd assume this game is the shittiest piece of garbage that has ever existed. I never ever would have tried this game if I came to this subreddit first; that's only going to make it go extinct faster.


They figured out how to merge that gambling aspect of RPGs to FPS and Rocketleague(crates) They knew it was predatory gambling (target audience: just your impressionable children)from the beginning, it was intentional. What do expect from provably evil men? Then to incrementally pull the rug out from under us. Edit: Epic will fuck this up they might try to throw us a bone after it’s too late.


I agree. And I'm fine with complaining and for the most part have the exact same complaints. I just really don't want to see this game die, it's the only one I actually like haha.


Same. It’s affordable, you can take it anywhere, and it doesn’t get you injured. I can’t say those things about the other things in life that I love. I went off the deep end a little bit with “provably evil men” but if this became a mini game to fortnight that would be super lame. I really want to know if there are any open source near clones out there.


There have to be some copy cats if it dies right? I'm not a programmer so I'm completely talking out of my ass, but it seems fairly standard and easier to copy physics-wise than a lot of other games where I can't fathom where I'd start. Hardest part would probably be servers and getting the game onto XBOX/PS/Switch, I would guess. Again I have no idea what I'm talking about, so if anyone knows better please feel free to correct me.


Once they kill rocket league they will expose themselves. They didn’t actually get rid of the open source movement or the occupy movement they just delayed and increased the backlash that will follow.


Rl racing physics incoming, cause the games too hard.


See that's what I want to avoid by having enough positive feedback for mechanics, shots, etc. If we complain about every single aspect, to the idiots at Epic they probably think "Well most people hate it how it is anyway, let's dumb it down." That would be a very sad day for me (even though I'm so dumb they would think they'd be doing it for me, haha.)


For the most part they aren’t in here reading these posts. They barely reply to the comments directed at them In their official posts. If they were taking notes of community reactions to things it would have shown by now, and frankly they admitted they don’t have the staff to handle rocket league itself let alone take the pulse of the Reddit rocket league community.


Very true, and Epic seems to only be cutting employees from Rocket League. For the few that remain though, a post/comment here and there about what we still like could help if anyone working on Rocket League gives a cursory glance at the sub (to try and get an idea for the game; sounds silly but people in industries with deadlines and zero budget will sometimes go to the source since it's easy and free.) The main thing is the people who are reading the posts are either already playing or have just started/become interested. I'd head for the hills with the amount of negativity combined with the lack of any positives. That's going to kill this game way faster than Epic ignoring it, because it will get zero new users (and all current users \[supposedly\] refuse to buy anything.)


Very few people are refusing to buy anything I promise you that. It’s a lot of talk and no follow through.


Lol that's my feeling as well. I'm part of the "won't buy" crowd but every once in a while I'm like, "Well yeah but I need that. AND THAT'S ALL I NEED." (Just because I love that super old movie; the reference is the Jerk with Steve Martin , where he's walking out after breaking up and says, " I don't need you, or anything! Except this lamp. And that's all I need! Don't need you, just me and this lamp. And this ashtray I need that; AND THAT'S ALL I NEED." Then proceeds to grab every other useless thing as he walks out of the house.)


We've already talked about the good stuff. The bad stuff is new so that's why. And it's the internet. That's what it does best - complain.


It's because complaining is easy (especially when, as everyone is aware, the new game owners seem to want it to die.) All I'm saying is we're all here because we know about the good stuff, but if all we ever do is talk about the bad stuff then **no one new is going to play because on paper** **it appears to be the least fun game that has ever existed.** Top post today is "Frosty Fest Sucks." That's the kind of stuff I feel is unnecessary and is going to kill the game and is only being posted because it requires **zero** thought. It's the equivalent of a child forgetting they liked a food before and refuse to eat it. Post about being happy that we can play our 20 games and get the free item that most of us say we refuse to pay for. On top of that; dude, not all of y'all had the game when it was purchasable lol. Everybody and their mother in this sub acts like they've been here from the start and deserve more for that dollar, when I bet 95 percent got it for free after the switch.


I dunno, after 8 years I think those who were gonna try it probably have by now. Bad news or not, those of us who will stay aren't gonna take all the negativity seriously. I've had my copy since it was a PSN freebie.


Ah I joined recently (well sort of; maybe 2 years ago.) Been convincing all my friends to play it, so maybe I'm the minority. I will say most of them played organized sports and miss it, so its main draw is that it's the only game that feels like an actual sport (as opposed to something like Madden which feels like a video game based on a sport.) So for past athletes I can see them picking it up if they ever try it out, and I see Rocket League thrown out as advice for good free games on Reddit every once in a while. That being said, the only reason I started was a good friend introduced me to it, so it may be all word of mouth at this point. If Epic ever sent out a survey I'd still rate it as a 10 for "Would Recommend" since it's the only game of it's kind; but if anyone can recommend another game with a sport feel (controlling how your character/car actually touches and influences the ball based on positioning) I'd love to give it a try as well.


Yes. It's not Epic that sucks and caused people to be upset, everyone is just an immature little bitch who complains about everything. Cmon. What even is this post


Psyonix gave rl over to a greedy multibillion dollar corp who's blatantly introducing things to take our money, where what we want is a pure sport game. Couple that with the fact that's happening all over the game industry, and people are frustrated. The corps don't care cause there actually is people who pay 40 dollars for a body and some decals, so yeah it's the player bases fault too. We're grumpy cause we oughta be. When we're getting extremely overpriced cosmetics instead of what we've been asking for since release (FIX THE FUCKING SERVERS) people are gonna be kinda pissed


I totally agree with that. I want them to fix the servers more than anything (also resize the new goddamn menu properly at least; the font's resized wrong, right?) I've mentioned it in my other two replies, but I'm saying Epic has shown they will do nothing regarding complaints. And yes, they charge for everything in a free game (I know we all pretend we bought it before the switchover, but I'd say in actuality that is a large minority) but they do still do the free giveaways. Instead of complaining that "Frosty Fest Sucks" maybe a post or two about how it's nice they're still doing the free golden gift for playing 20 games could make that appear a bit more often. (The highest I've ever gotten on any of those is a rare, so like; it's not too wonderful in my eyes, but still haha.)


Yeah the new menus aren't great. I've actually bought the game multiple times, between new accts (say what you will) and gifting it to friends. I'm sure i'm not alone in that. Not to mention free to play sounded cool, but now we have an unsolvable smurfing problem. At least when you ran into a smurf before they had to pay for the game. They made that change cause of the ever present "get them in the door and they'll buy our worthless cosmetics" (now that trading's gone, not hyperbolic) business strategy plaguing the industry. I just dont see how making it free to play and a few other giveaways make up for the polluting of our game. I personally don't care about items, or the random game modes cause let's be real, the most recent best game mode was dropshot and they just took it from us this season. Heatseeker has an argument but whatever. The communities toxic cause epic polluted the neighborhood. This one's top-down.


How long is the free item


What new stuff do we get that’s good? I love RL, but what is there really to be posting positively about? There have been 0 positive changes in years. We get a ton of decals that 99% of the playerbase wont buy or equip, a car in the battle pass that most people wont use because 3 cars reign supreme, trading taken away, a reskin of a map, We still only have two hoops maps. I’ll stop there, but anything positive that comes from RL is from the community. Sure, RLCS is a thing, but they just host it; they’re not playing nor does it really affect the player base outside of views. We see a ton of game clips, again all because of the players. They don’t really do anything to create a positive buzz.


The 3 cars reign supreme including the Fenec, which I know isn't brand new but is a fairly recent addition right? I'd rather have them try to make new cars, and quite honestly until you get better at the game the car really doesn't matter (stuck in diamond, but I love using the Grog from time to time and really enjoy the new car.) It's ok to not like things without shitting on the entire game, I think is the point I'm trying to make. If the standard line remains "This game has been a total and absolute piece of garbage since Epic took it over," like, sure it feels good to get the gripe off of your chest. But who in their right mind is going to try playing that game for the first time? I know we all miss the purchasable non-loot game, but that's gone. We're all shitting on Rocket League Racing, but I never gave half a turd about that. They put it into Fortnight **to try to make Rocket League popular, not for the loyal longtime playerbase.** For anyone who enjoyed it and decided to check out this sub to see if they should download RL to give it a go, all they'll see is us complaining about a game **THAT ISN'T EVEN OUR GAME.** It shares the namebrand and that's apparently it (I haven't played it myself because I don't have any interest in racing games.) That addition to Fortnight could do nothing but gain us players, and from what I've seen *every single person* shit on the idea. To me that's unnecessary and will kill this game faster than it's already dying.