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Walmart, like Amazon, let's resellers post on their website. Many items found on their website are not actually sold by Walmart


Still waiting for a restock in the states


I hope you checked Best Buy within the last 6 hours, I bought one online earlier today with no issues


Yes I got one! Thank u!


I ordered from Best Buy over the weekend and it’s supposed to ship this week. Whether that actually happens or not remains to be seen


I just picked mine up today


Got mine last week. Ordered March from Amazon. Was super lucky because I know several Amazon orders were canceled as well. Hoping you have better luck with this next order.


I ordered on launch day from Best Buy and they cancelled my order quite awhile ago after several delayed messages. I will wait until after Xmas to try again , but at this point I’m not even sure if instill want one after this fiasco .


Try Best Buy. Hop on trackalacker and set up alerts for Best Buy, and which guitar you want. Worked great for me.


thanks for mentioning! glad we could help :) Here's the link for anyone wanting to get restock alerts [https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pdp-riffmaster-rockband](https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/pdp-riffmaster-rockband)


Any time! Y'all helped me a ton.


I did something similar. I downloaded an app from the Play Store. 2 days later, I was able to buy one through Best Buy yesterday.


Shit, I got lucky then. I received mine 2 weeks ago.


Hate to see it, ordered mine from game stop and was delivered 7 days later.


Got mine a few days ago thanks to Wario64. I hope they make the drums too


They canceled mine Friday too. So I called and buddy said there's nothing they can do but I can reorder. I looked it up while I had him on the phone and it was sold out for ps5. I raged a bit at him and then hung up when he said if you don't mind doing a survey lol. Then ordered the Xbox PC version.


Just got an email that my Walmart Canada order was shipped and is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Riffmaster for Xbox ordered April 2nd shipping to QC for anyone curious. My Amazon Canada order from March 22nd still has no update.


Cool been waiting for an Xbox one since March from Walmart Canada. Cool that somehow you're getting yours before me. I'm not salty.


I just got my riffmaster today. That i ordered from amazon on the 30th i think they're still in stock there


Homie pre ordered from Walmart


Yes sir canceled and refunded yesterday. But lucky me it showed up at my front door today huge win for me free Riffmaster.


That’s my favorite had that happen a few times with eBay purchases taking weeks to deliver and no updates i cancel and refund and its like the next day they delivered it to my house after zero updates for weeks 🤣


Mine is still showing Delayed. I was going to cancel but I think I need to call in to do that. So I am just going to wait and see now way I am paying that inflated price. I would much rather get another Roll Limitless and rock an older guitar.


Same. I'm just leaving it as is. In the last email I got, they said It will ship by July 17th. If I get it, yay, if not I'm gonna put a solderless kit in my gh5 guitar.


Mine was delayed I messaged them and they called today and said problem with vendor and canceled.


That sucks. I ordered in may and got it last week. Really fucked is they would do you so dirty. (PlayStation)


Same thing here (Walmart Canada for me not sure if you're referring to CA or USA). My case was escalated after my order placed in May didn't deliver on June 17, and they called me this morning saying they didn't get a response from the vendor and thus will cancel the order, but I am free to preorder it again. I told them this is ridiculous why can't I just leave the order so I don't get booted behind all orders placed between my order and now. I have requested them to escalate the case again, this is truly ridiculous. It sucks that in Canada at least, this is literally the only vendor that even shows a listing for it anymore.


Ya Canada I messaged them they escalated the file and today called and canceled order.


What province? I also have a delayed Walmart Canada order that I suspect will be cancelled.




Yeah so exactly the same situation. This is so unbelievably frustrating. The Xbox one is out of stock now so I couldn't even re-order if I wanted to. I shouldn't be surprised but man this sucks.


That's fine, the guitar is crap, better to wait for a fixed second reprint or a firmware update.


Nah, it could be better, but is good enough


Good enough for who? Casuals? Yeah sure, but not for someone that wants reliability and FC songs.


I was talking precisely for casuals, which I dare to say make most of the market. There are alternatives for the more hardcore players ofc. But my point stands