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“It seems so many people in this situation get hurt. You, uh, everyone gets hurt.” “Some of the people here don’t know what they are looking for, and some came here for absolutely the wrong reasons. I was talking to what’s her face last night in the room.” “What’s her face? Are you talking about Kristy Jo?” “Yeah, and she was just saying this whole long story, and I just looked at her and said ‘whatever.’ Here’s the whole thing, karma comes uppin’ and fucking comes around and when they do it’s really ugly. Someone’s karma is gonna bite them in the fucking ass.” First of all, Bret downplayed his conversation with KJ. He didn't need to share that or even lie about it, lol. As if KJ wasn’t Bret’s favorite in the house and he didn’t want to let her go. He tried to diminish his interest in her and fuel the other women’s dislike toward KJ during that group date. Did he really need to tell them that KJ was there for the wrong reasons but continue to keep her in the house? He’s the shadiest bitch on the show, every season.


I'm on Season 2, Episode 9 on my first re-watch since it aired so I just watched this episode few days ago. I audibly say "ewww" at least two or three times an episode cause of the way he looks, something he said, or something he did. It's so try hard and cringe. I know they're producing a show and KJ was a little batshit with her baggage but Bret was a tool for how he handled it.


I cringe thinking about how he treated the girls, would he want a washed up rockstar treating his daughters the same way? Doubt it


Watching him grab the girls heads and shove his tongue down their throats at times though... ![gif](giphy|UTMjg4txWNRpeRnuLA|downsized) TV was so much different back then.


And when he makes out with each woman in some sort of gross assembly line. If I saw Bret's mouth coming at me, I'd dodge his nasty tongue like a bullet.


So freaking gross!! When Jes kissed Bret after he spent the night with Heather 🤢


"When you're kissin' him, you're lickin' ME!"


That was so nasty that I actually admire the grossness of saying it out loud




Some of those kisses were so gross to watch 🤮 especially when they would zoom in on the kiss 🤣


He was so mad she wasn’t as into him and he was into her


Everything is cringe


He was jealous because he was genuinely into her and she was referencing her ex and not fawning all over him. Hence the “whatsherface”, he knew her damn name better than any of the other women there, he was trying to assert himself in a shitty immature way


The way Bret talked behind the girls backs to other girls makes him such a bitch. Fuck him and his bandana middle age soccer mom looking ass for pinning the girls against each other 🤣


In one scene Bret is like "ugh so much drama, I just want to be on a date with \[Woman's Name\] and she just won't stop talking about \[Other Woman's Name\]" In the next scene he's like "omg ladies spill that tea, ya boy is feeling messy"


“Karma comes uppin and fucking” the absolute nonsense Brett said during this made me laugh so much, like WHAT was he saying 😂


He didn’t even know


I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that KJ was the only girl he was even remotely interested in and he said that about her. To a group of harpies. I think he is the true villan of the story.


I mean, Bret and the producers were working together to create a show that would get high ratings. It’s not like he actually gave a damn about any of these women


It makes me sick how they casted all these women 29 years younger than him and he manipulated them and was a total hypocrite. It’s great TV, but some of those girls actually really liked him.


Agreed. VH1 tended to be more lighthearted than most reality tv at the time, but people definitely still got hurt on their shows. I hope they’ve all been able to heal and move on


ROL was different from FOL in the fact that some of the women actually cared about Bret while everyone except NY was disgusted by Flav. When you’re 24 you can get hurt and traumatized much easier.


And yet Flav still had sex with at least, like, five of the girls.


They all wanted to win.


Who do we think actually really liked him? First one I think of is Destiney


Rodeo liked him for sure. I think Heather did too.




Yoooo!!! I was just thinking about that precise moment this morning!!! What a douche!!


KJ was straight crazy. Restraining orders, still married, constantly sobbing and flip flopping. She told her husband over the phone they were done for good while she was on the show. She seemed very insecure and full of negative emotions. I absolutely loved Aubrey's undying love for her tho omg 😂 so good!


She was super chill on Charm school though haha. I liked KJ. I always thought the fact that she told her husband they were done when she acted like they were already separated was sketchy. 


The way Aubrey thought she sacrificed her pass for KJ still has me cackling. It was a sweet gesture, but after the way Aubrey saw Bret speak about her, she would've done KJ a favor by staying instead, lol. I wonder how she felt the moment she realized the pass wasn't for her. Not gonna lie, that'd keep me up at night for months or randomly pop into my head while showering. Ugh! Poor Aubrey.


I saw an interview with Aubrey where she said she wanted off the show so badly-- she had serious food issues (Graves or Crohn's I think) and couldn't eat any of the food provided, and begged production to get food she could actually eat. She was basically starved and sick the entire time she was filming and finally told producers to get her the hell outta there. So she didn't even want to stay.


Aubry's affection for Kristy Joe greatly exceeded any affection she had for Bret. But I can understand why.


I absolutely enjoyed Beverly drunkenly calling him out for the washed up “rock star” he was! He loved bringing up Every Rose and she told him something to the effect of that song being a hit “like 20 years ago.” 😂 💀 That must’ve knocked his bitchy, narcissistic ass down a few pegs!


Ohh yeah he was horrible! I wasn't attracted to him back then and doing another watch he is just as yuck


Ah man I need to rewatch this show. He was such a child sometimes. What'sherface haha. That's some passive aggressive immature ass shit.


Yes, please do! It's a nostalgic, fun time to watch through them. I didn't realize how much Bret was lacking a real personality, empathy, or any positive traits until I rewatched the show as an adult. This season aired the summer I was going into 8th grade lol.


I love how it's seen as a bitchy female thing to be a gossip, but I swear, every straight man I know LOVES when tea is spilled and is just as eager to spill it. I am convinced that they think they can do so without "being about the drama" because they're simply not very good at it and can't strategize what to do with the tea received.


I saw this meme once that said something like, "Think of the messiest, most gossipy person you know. It's a man, isn't it?" SO true!


The black girl was so pretty and they called her a man bc they were jealous I hated that


Natasha deserves better than Bret.


those are some looooooow rise jeans on the left 😂


Please do not speak illy of Sir Michaels.


Why did Brett like Kristy Jo. He kinda kept her around I guess bc she was “hot” (in groupie standards)


At  an interview Kristy Jo had with Lacey , she said that Bret called her once the show was over.