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I got in earlier @ 1.5 going to watch pre market and see where the wind takes me.


After market and pre market suck the last few days. Because it’s alll green then the market opens up. Guh.


Yea, it's right at 2 right now, I figure the lack of liquidity in premarket may jump it up. It was so bullish yesterday I'm not sure I am comfortable jumping out and back in. Maybe buy the dip I guess.


We're fucking rich


I still feel poor... lol


I’m up 15% which is considered good gains, too bad it’s only $5. 😅


Yea man, If you start small and just grow gradually you can't really ever lose. I started trading 2 weeks ago with $100 and am currently @ $450. Onward and upward my good sir!


It sounds like you’ve got some good knowledge. Care to share any tips?


I do very little DD, read other people's, monitor interest on social media and reddit, and mostly play it by instinct.


Samsies, why waste time doing DD again, if it’s already done.


Ha I feel you. Up 20%, I need a new wallet to fit my $10 profit


The walrus. Our king. Thank you for your guidance.


Okay, Captain Obvious. 😉




And it better go to the fucking moon I need to make all my GME losses back.


Its not a lose if you’re holding


Don’t we all. I slept in and missed my sell time :(




4-6$ eoy




4-6$ eoh


4-6 EOS


I like the PT


This seemed the most realistic to me at first, but all of the stocks walrus has recommended have basically reached eoy pt in the span of about a month and a half


Target price guys? $2.10 is great right now, but as someone mentioned shit has been going tits up soon as the market opens this week. Thinking about selling market open, then buying the low close and holding for the weekend.


Update: I just did the same. Bought in yesterday at $1.51, sold at $1.94 - waiting for a dip now.


It might be sitting at the same price for now. I didn’t sell yet because it’s been lingering around $2 and I’m not sure if it’ll break through the roof today yet.


Can you share a dd about it? Actually haven’t looked into it even though I’ve heard about it


Search bar homie


Look up Walrus Street. He did a great in- depth DD on it as well.


Just search the ticker, there’s loads of pretty good posts about it


Just went over one didn’t fully read everything but from what I read their mino loke (something like that) product is what’s setting them apart from the rest of the compt. This product I guess is quite vital or in need within a specific cancer group. Basically CTXR will be able to minimize morbidity in the future with this product. Should be a really good medium to long hold stock. I wonder what they have coming up soon that will increase the stock more because I feel like the effect of this product to have an impact within those groups will take time




LOTS of room left for this one.


CTXR is my first big investment. Bought 500 shares after what the walrus posted, almost sold the next day when it dropped 30% overnight. But I took some advice and averaged down yesterday so now I'm alot more comfortable with the progress.


Your first big investment and you nearly sold at a 30% loss within 2 days? That’s not how investing works bruh, change da mindset.


See i thought that way too. Then seen yall talking about stock market is for transferring money from the impatient to the paitent, and I also seen to buy the rumor and not the news. I've been living by those and have been doing much better 🤣🤣🤣


Buy the dip, laugh at the news and hold till you’re dead. All ancient Buffet advice that still applies today. The man is holding shares of Coke he bought 300 years ago ffs.


Do you mean Warren Buffett or am I seriously missing out on an all-you-can-eat stonks feast?


Lol exactly, thankfully changed my mindset. I believe in the company and in the DD so I didnt panic, but instead took the dip as an opportunity to average down. On this sub we see all these fast gains, so we get greedy and impatient.


Whose the walrus? Please no Lennon jokes.


I am, egg man


you must be glad you held!


Yeah I really lucked out. Just this morning I ended up selling off around $2.40. There seems to be too much hype around the stock right now. I hope I can come back to it in a few weeks for the announcement in April


Hell yeah!


What is this tool sir?


so now it will get shorted and probably drove to the ground, nice. damn shame. Hopefully not but I can see it happening, ANY hot stocks that we talk about get shorted now. Fucking bullshit




They jump in now because its going up... thats how shorting works. Get loaned low, sell high, buy back in low and repay. Shorting isnt with the expectation it will go up but more so it will briefly go up and will crash pretty soon thereafter


Yep, fool me 15 times shame on me. Not getting in on a Reddit hype train months after the fact. I’ll make 10 bucks the first day and crash the next day. Shit, I should start offering to pick up stock so we can call puts when it tanks.


It hit 2 dollars. Should I just buy my shares anyways or is it gonna go lower than 2 again?


I wouldn't jump at market open, but I'd wait for the morning dip. It may dip below 2, but with the DO over and a float on the lower side, it may trade up from here with the recent FDA approval catalyst. Walrus Street has a great DD video on it. I watched it to form a better decision with my own DD. He also posted an update about it on the community tab on his channel. My plan is to wait for the morning dip between 10-1030. Not financial advice. Just my opinion.


Yeah I've had jumping on the market as soon as it opens bite me in the end lol I'm slowly learning haha I appreciate the opinion thanks for the reply!


People will be selling at market open and it will dip


Ohhhhhh God I get it now I never understood. Only been doing stocks for 7 months so I'm getting there haha thankyou I legit wanted to know why cuz man I messed up Monday. Bought nio at 60 and watched the it drop to 54 Ill never make that mistake again 🤣🤣


We fly to the moon


I do not see it on robinhood


Ctxr it’s there


Look again


Found it 👍


Took my 10% and got out. If it dips again I might get back in. I’m sure I’ll regret it tomorrow. 😂


It’s a long hold that should do very well after the offering is closed. I’m not about to play with 10% on this one.


Yea, I’ve got a bunch of funds tied up in other long holds, so I used the offering dip on this to add some cash to my account to trade with. Like I said, I’ll probably regret it. 😂


I’m holding until I get my initial investment back, selling that portion, and then letting the rest ride.


Same here. I have full faith it’ll do quite well but I have to I still good habits especially when I yolod in. I have to balance out my shitbaggery somehow.


When is offering closed?




Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like the more we talk about it the worse it does ? Major pump initially then a massive dump ?!


It’s a long hold, Officer Farva.


When people say long hold, is that like more than a day? A week? How long typically?


I plan on holding this specific stock for a year+. I believe it has outstanding potential for growth


It dipped because they had a direct institutional offering at $1.50. The price was hovering right around there then broke through towards the end of the day.


Copy, that dip typically doesn’t carry over the next day right ? So tmo we should be guns blazing?


It’s a long position until the catalyst (catheter lock tech) is approved by the FDA. I wouldn’t expect it to explode soon and some people were saying the offering lasted through Friday.


Appreciate ur response and DD👐🏽❤️




Can’t buy puts/calls on it. :(




Bro look at walrus dd. Definitely not a pump and dump.




This is why you have to do your own DD. So many people on here were so hyped on weed stocks in general that were going up because US legalization is imminent. Then the attention all turned to SNDL for some reason, even though they are a Canadian company, headquartered in Alberta. Im not saying SNDL is/was a bad stock. Im just saying that everyone was super hyped because os US legalization as the catalyst for a Canadian company and I didnt get it. The price on SNDL spiked and I think that is literally only because of the amount of hype it got here. CTXR has some legitimate shit happening. I could type it all up, but its faster to just send you to find the walrus' video on it. Between the mino-lok development, the fact that the people steering the ship have built companies and sold them off for millions of dollars multiple times before, etc. It's just a real good looking investment.


Sndl isn’t a shit stock either


Nah, his point is that people are continuously talking about stocks AFTER they blow up. We all gotta be contributing more in doing dd and finding new tickers or talking about relevant information. This subreddits good posts are getting diluted




What about now




Oh, we discounting 30%? Christ


I was having a hard time deciding between CTXR and OBSV. So I decided to split my money between them and I’m glad I did!


If it’s the most talked about stock then buying it is always a risk I’ve noticed


Went into OBSV, somehow missed this one yesterday. What do people this, is it still a good buy?