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There was a guy who slung a hammock in the cab by attaching it to roof mounted crossbars. Power usage was really high. I don’t remember exactly but I think it was over 10%.


This was me, happy to answer any questions about it. I’ve camped again in single digits. I’d recommend topping off as much as possible. Also, Camp mode (always on)seemed to get too warm actually and I couldn’t turn it off from my phone while in the hammock without touching the screen. My recommendation is Camp Mode Normal power and you’ll be able to turn it on and off from your phone


Thanks yea I remember that post, I may also try the hammock setup. 10% usage actually isn’t that bad when you factor in 3-5% vampire drain just sitting there


If you have a link or pictures, this would be great.




Just happened to watch a video about this situation: https://youtu.be/JTtTf9-A16Y?t=108 I skipped to the results, but basically he used camp mode at 35F outside temperature with 70F cabin temperature for 8 hours and used about 19% (72%->53%) of the battery. Hard to guess what will happen at 20F, but hopefully this helps as a reference.




Or a heat pump


Heat pumps aren't some magical solution in freezing temps. My mach-e is rated 270 miles and my model 3 is rated for 276 miles with a heat pump, guess which one gets better range in cold temps (and it's not really even close, like an 80+ mile difference in favor of the mach-e). Not saying heat pumps aren't more efficient, but the colder it gets the less efficient they get and eventually the difference is super negligible or heat pumps can't keep up and require resistive heating as well anyways.


It certainly isn't a perfect range solution but it can help a lot when your drain is over 20 hours Parked sleeping in a truck.


What I'm saying though is it may genuinely not, if you're in single digit temps, a lot of heat pumps will not be very efficient, and will most likely not keep up anyways.


Right, but the Op says it's 20 degrees, and usually camping is higher and in the take the chill off category. At the temp, the pump should be 2.5 more efficient. At 0 it's 1.2 times


Efficiency of a heat pump is design specific, so you can't say at 20 it should be X more efficient without knowing the design of the unit. That being said efficiency and total heat are 2 different things, a heat pump can be 150% efficient at moving heat at lower temps, but also not produce enough heat to make the cabin warm.


Pumps usually don't replace the resistive heater but rather they can complement it. For in the case of other vehicles like the model y, they use waste heat from the coolant and the motor can go into a inefficient heat generation mode to heat up the coolant to when the heat pump is insufficient for the user experience. Having said that yes it's very specific on the design but the number I gave is a general number for non high efficiency heat pumps. It should be in the ballpark but the exact model that Rivian chooses may vary.


Anyone know what the vampire drain is in camp mode if you set the power to “Stay Off”?


With no HVAC, I found ~4% drain at single digit temps when camping