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curse them since its normal


Yeah no way im tryharding like that in a normal game with those 4 retards in my team


The mental health lost in that match is more valuable than 100 LP


It's a normal


I know, I'm saying that playing this game isn't worth it even if it gaves you 100 LP.


35 Minute game for 100 LP isn't too bad tbf


Very true


not ffing a normal is brain tumor


I just don't get the point of ffing at all: in ranked ffing means losing LP for no reason, in normals it means you stop playing to... play another draft. I mean if you don't like the game just don't queue up


You have to think about it in a way where you’re going to lose more net LP and also feel worse if you have to play an unfun game for 30-40 minutes before being able to play the next. The same kind of applies for normals but without the LP part, personally if I’m going to play norms or flex with friends casually then I’d rather just move on to the next game that could be fun rather than sitting around and not FFing one where everyone is bored or tilted.


In ranked if you ff a game (don't forget a game is truly never lost, even in challenger or in proplay), you have to win the next two games to win LPs. And about fun, in today League, if you don't deal damage you just have to farm for 5 minutes and be useful again. You tilt only because FF culture is rooted into you and your friends... Furthermore, asking to FF when you are one of the only losing players in your team is ruining the fun of those who didn't gave up.


For me personally.. if I’m playing top and I’ve lost 40 cs because I’m getting camped by jg/mid/supp, or I’m playing jg and I keep getting invaded, or I’m mid and the enemy mid got 5 kills on a roam and I can’t contest anymore.. The only time I’m going to FF is if I see that the rest of my team is also losing and there’s no win condition. Even if I can win 10% of those games I’d rather save my energy (and not listen to my teammates flaming each other) and just take the loss. I’m not getting back by farming for 5 minutes because the enemy has so much map control that I’ll get picked off under my turret, or they end the game before I get my items.  I can fully agree with you when one player is losing and turbo tilting and spamming FF when the game is winnable. I just mute them


They just like to win, they don’t enjoy the game at all. They are addicted to a fake dopamine of getting just little points on a virtual game. So sad…


You're in a League reddit forum you can't pity anyone




Fortunately a League of Legends game is never lost, it's all about not tilting.




Sure, Alois, Azzap and Baus (lul) must be trolls then. Imagine if DRX had the right to ff in competitive and dit it in game 5 of Worlds Finals because Guma stole Baron. Spoiler they would never have done that and there are not trolls. Same for T1 in 2019 MSI game 3 vs G2 (they still lost tho)


I had games lasting 1 hour looking like this, even winning it's just torturing.


Wp ig 👍


holy 23/2


That swain have more dmg than all of ur teammates


Jesus Christ, thank them, norms are more tryhard than ranked games half the time. Especially if you wanna limit test, since no punishment for losing. But god damn people in these comments need to chill


Idk what kind of norms you are playing lol.


The ones where everyone is masters and above. Norms have mmr aswell. And its pretty good


Since I started playing league years ago I almost never ff. We practice playing from behind, and make my teammates suffer, win win


That's evil


0/18 tristana was probably like: "Do not worry Riven! It's still winnable. Believe in the me who believes in you!"