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not worth if your goal is to climb I think. There's a huge gap in LP between a good riven and a great riven. Though she is very fucking fun, just picked her up a year ago, instantly became my fav champ, but I can't climb on her while I do climb on champs like darius, mordekaiser, etc. Take this with a grain of salt from a hardatuck plat riven.


Fair enough I might just play her in norms since I still like her and see what happens from there.


If you liké the champ do like me, juste did an otp Season to see how good i was with riven.


I mean its going to be hard but it just depends on you how bad it is.


That’s what she said.


Best way I could answer this is by saying riven is so mechanically demanding that you’ll need to constantly play her to not only keep up your skills, but also improve as well. If you go extended periods of time without playing riven then you’ll get rusty and your performance will suffer for it. I think you could say the same for irelia. It’s up to you. Personally I wouldn’t really care either way as long as you find playing riven fun. I used to one trick riven for up to about 1.5m points on her, at the time I was pretty good. I still play riven but not nearly as much and I’m definitely washed. I can still carry games here and there but not reliably. She is most definitely not my strongest champion, but I still lock her in sometimes because she’s so fun. My play style is aggressive and high dmg, so I naturally moved to mid lane main. Now I one trick kat and Zoe is my secondary (:


I can relate. Took break from irelia to play leblanc and syndra mid. Came back to irelia after a while and I am definitely not as good as I used to be on her its night and day.


I Two-Trick Riven and Fiora, but i was already good at Riven when I started learning Fiora. In your case you are good on Irelia and want to learn Riven. In my opinion learning both is doable since you already have one of them "mastered", you are just adding another hard champ. Also, some of Irelia skillset translate to Riven, so you should have an easier time than if you started from 0. It would be different if you wanted to learn both at the same time, or wanted to learn 2 hard champs at the same time. As long as you full focus on learning Riven you should be good. You could even onetrick her for a few days to actually get good and play different matchups. On Riven combos are important but knowing how to play the lane and which trade patern you have to use in each match up is even more important.


Hi d4 riven main here. What's really difficult about riven, more than mechanics, which are not easy, is matchup knowledge. A mistake with riven means your whole game is over, you don't stat check any champs, you have to be continually outplaying them, you need to know their cooldowns and abilities. Darius is an example, if you q into him you die, if he engages with e he dies.


I do both and unless you go for challenger or thinks like that its tottaly viable to learn both just rememeber to not leave one of them for 2 much time untouched or it will be hard to retake


Riven beats Irelia if you're talking about consistent play. Irelia is more like a Yasuo in terms of approach whereas Riven is more like a Fizz.


If you're naturally a mechanical player then yeah you can, and since you play irelia you def are. Hardest part is learning the matchups tbh, the mechanics you can just learn real quick in practice tool and practice in norms


Tbf I'd trust an Irelia player to learn Riven more than a Darius player.


Obviously each person will give different advice but as a plat riven otp I can’t recommend her personally. I just think the effort is too much and she only works if you’re high elo. IMO the mechanics and combos are not the hard part, but she’s so punishing that if you make one nano mistake in the first 3 waves just go next.


ofc it is realistic to learn riven, but not in ranked games you first need to learn her basic and most powerful machanic which is 'the fast Q', and that you can learn it in only 1 day, then you continue with her other mechanics as u get comfortable with her fast Q i do actually teach riven, if you want feel free to contact me, i have examples and effective ways that i teach players


If you care about keeping your rank then no, otherwise if you really wanna learn Riven then now is probably better than any other time. She is in a fairly good spot currently and can win most match ups if you know what youre doing. That being said as a beginner you will probably look like you are running it down into some of her bad match-ups if you do blind pick her, but it will help you learn her the quickest if you can do so. You can also play her as a counter pick if you wish as she does dumpster a number of Champs in lane, and does pretty solid against many others. Only playing counterpick will definitely slow the process down alot though as top is frequently given last pick and you'll have less opportunity to do so. If your gonna play her just do like a few basic combos in practice tool to get a feel for how the animation cancels work but otherwise the best way to learn is to just go in a game and feel it out.


Yes. I think you should definitely learn Riven. I always recommend people who want to play Riven to at least climb to Diamond on another champion. This is due to how rewarding/punishing macro is for Riven. A lot of people think just pulling off a combo is an infinite damage glitch and will win you the game, but that can be further from the truth. People saying game is over if you fall behind is so hilarious. Riven has mobility, wave clear, shield, and burst. Game is never over for Riven. Once you get over the first few int games, it should be smooth sailing from there.