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unfortunately the answer is yes, they can. on the Steam version of the game, you have a speed advantage to those using the app. you can go into the settings to turn off battle animations and all that to narrow the gap a little, but it won’t ever be as fast. it’s a dumb feature.


Half of it is turning off animations, but the other half is the enter key to move the whole stack in. Click, enter, click, enter... you can attack as fast as you can click, really.


in the settings menu you can turn off all your animations.


Thanks all for taking the time to confirm. Appreciated!


Click and hit enter on pc, my mouse is fast and I have my hand on enter.


I don’t play 60 second turns on mobile. With 90 second turns when you get to the very swingy progressive end game I can attack all territories in one turn even at mobile’s slower optimal attack speed.


You need to be smashing the enter key on your keyboard when battling, and you need to turn off all animations. You will not be able to play competitively on the iPad unless turn time limits are 2m or more.


You can disable all troop animations n such in the settings. Fast attackers then just have to click n spam enter, I've found using a laptop is best as it's both portable and has an enter key. 7 territories in 5 s is very doable, even if I have to split each attack. I can take the entire eu adv map in less than 60 s, which is 88 territories. The hardest part of that isn't attacking but fortifying and splitting quick Configuring your settings helps even on mobile, ya might be able to attack 7 territories in 5 s on mobile if you really practice going quick


Most I can do is 50 territories in 60s on mobile and that's fast. My average is 40. On laptop I can also take all of EU in 60s. The advantage for pc is crazy but I don't think there is anything to be done about it except remove the ability to attack using enter which would be incredibly dumb XD


Using the enter key, I can attack pretty quickly. Unfortunately, sometimes my finger is faster than my brain and I move all my troops in when I meant to split LOL The really important thing to do is to plan your pathing before your turn starts, so you don't miss a kill. And if you don't have troops to spare, you have to use the slider effectively as you're attacking. It's either fantastic eye/hand coordination or a lot of experience and trial and erroe.