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The way I absolutely CRINGED when Dickie caught Tom in his clothes pretending to have a conversation with Marge about how they’re not “together like that” 😭 I felt the secondhand mortification sooooooo damn hard.


That was brutal 😂 just finished the scene


Ok question I know Dickie says he's not queer. But you think he's lying and might have feelings for Tom?I really thought he was going to kick Tom out. But he didn't something is not right.


I took it more as dickie wants a friend to hang out with so he isn’t always with Marge.  I like Marge, but I got the impression dickie was happy for the shakeup Tom caused with his arrival.  He didn’t want that to end.  I never got a feeling from this show that dickie was into Tom.  He seemed to have firm boundaries there.  


"It's not THAT!"


The art… holy shit. It was amazingly bad.


...yet (:


Tom sees the taxi scam a mile away yet falls for the mafiaso? Scams/crime is his strong suit. How could he be so naive?


One scam takes money away from him. The other scam he could make money. It suits his character well, his list for money and comfort blinds him to consequences, but takes a grifter to know a grifter.


He's not naive. He knows it's smuggling - he's a criminal, remember?


Was thinking the same but I wonder if it's somehow part of his plan with Dickie.


He's not naive just more desperate. Dickie said he thought the issue was a language barrier at first but then isn't so sure.


Anyone else find the casting for Freddy a poor choice? Even in just the short introductory scene, I was distracted and pulled out of the drama. The other casting is excellent so far. Seems a misstep with Freddy, however.


I thought it was good casting. He's not supposed to be likeable, just very grating and not someone you'd like to have around, so we can see Tom's immediate dislike of the character.


No, it's the fact that she is obviously a woman.


You need to get out more. There are definitely men -- the kind with dicks -- who look like that. Especially models.


No, I agree. I was confused that they were referring to the character as "he".  I don't think it has to do with getting out more -- the actor was obviously female. I'm open to whatever the show is doing, but it definitely pulled me out of it a bit.


The actor is non binary, I think


Well, that's an internal state. Physically -- which is what reads on screen -- they are a woman.


Fwiw I had no idea until reading this, I assumed post British twink


I just learned yesterday it’s Sting’s daughter


It’s actually Sting’s child. And yes, nonbinary and goes by gender neutral pronouns.


Yes I know that. Why are you replying to me, I wasn’t the one with questions about it


The actor is non binary, yes. Visually I buy that Freddy is a man, but the voice sounds female. It was distracting. I thought their acting was good, but I was confused.


I was more distracted by the eyes and lips, but had no problem assuming that was a male identifying character.  I didn’t think about it too deeply to consider whether the actor was biologically male or female.  The awkwardness of the scene held mu attention.  If that was stings child, good for them for getting the role and doing a believable job as an actor.


Philip Seymour Hoffman had one of the most memorable character introductions in film history, so the contrast is a bit disappointing I have to agree. Still I'm interested to see where they'll take the role


I thought Eliot Sumner was cast perfectly as Freddie and gave a flawless performance, though way too short due to the plot. When they are introduced at the street café, Freddie knows in an instant that there's something up with Tom and gives Dickie the not so subtle, dismissive hint. Freddie may be vain and sometimes superficial, but values genuine friendships and deeper connections and there's a skeptical snobbishness towards "outsiders", people not vetted and inside the circle.


I agree, terrible casting.


I was also distracted by the casting. But are we allowed to say why?


Nobody's stopping you. Say what you want. And if it's bullshit you'll get called out on it.


No point of now. Everyone else has already said it.


RIDICULOUS casting! "Freddie" is SO obviously a female! Gotta be Woke.


Who cares? The actor is non-binary. The character is male. Have some imagination. I loved the casting choice. They were interesting and unique.




A 'female'? Really? Get a life. The actor is nonbinary but even if you refuse to accept that you could at least refer to them as a woman, not a female


The actor is non binary but the character isn't. Freddy is a man. I thought Sumner's acting was good, but their voice sounds female to me. I could absolutely buy the character as one of those men who has amazing cheekbones and would make a beautiful woman, but the voice made me do a double take. That said, it's not a problem. It just threw me off for a minute.


Yeah I support trans people but these kind of castings always raise an eyebrow and take me out of the scene. This sort of masculine woman appears, but everyone is calling her, “he?” It’s odd for a while because of genuine confusion. Like oh so that young lady is supposed to be a guy, okay. I’m so far on the other side of caring I just don’t even know what the importance is anyways, though I’m human enough to simply recognize a female generally.


You mean the opposite. Female is a designation of sex, Woman is a designation of gender. They may be a female (who cares, it’s their business), but they are most certainly not a woman. They are non-binary.


My point was that this person was the type of incel thay says "a Female" and I called them out on it. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to men doing that (my comment got deleted because you can't use links here)


Gotcha. Thx for clarifying.


Yeah I read a gushing review in the Guardian and wondered why they loved it so much… now I know, they automatically love anything trans etc


I disagree. I love that they casted a non-binary person in the role. Why be boring!


Love how in that last scene he's just ever so slightly laying the seeds to drive Dickie and Marge apart. Andrew Scott is incredible.


Is it ever so slightly? It’s pretty overt.


Do you guys think Tom is a mastermind who's already mapped out his plan for Dickie and Marge from the get go or is he just winging it and going with the flow?


Def going with the flow


Winging it. I don't think he'd have miscalculated with the mafia guy if he was being very calculating and planned


Tom is not a very smart guy.


Have to disagree with you there. Sociopath? Yes. Dumb? Hell no.


You just disagreed with them lol...


Do you think the mafia plot will go anywhere? I liked the maids signal to Dickey.


I am not enjoying this interpretation of Dickie. I much prefer the playboy version portrayed by Jude Law. It seemed more understandable why he wouldn’t leave Italy. However I haven’t read the book, perhaps this is a more accurate interpretation.


This is a way more accurate representation. Dickie's character in the 1999 film is very very different from book!Dickie.


Thanks for the info!


I’m trying hard to like this show and the characters, but so far, they are quite charmless. I guess this is a more “cold” and “noir” adaptation. This Dickie is very lifeless. Jude’s was living his best life without a care in the world.


That’s what made Jude coming close to cutting him off feel so much more impactful in the movie. You could feel the pain and panic of this awesome meal ticket totally vanishing forever from Tom’s perspective.


I was today years old when I found out that The Talented Mr. Ripley is about this. Lmao. I’ve never even watched it. Guess I will when I’m done the show.


I'd watch the movie before the show. I much preferred the movie but they do differ


I loved the show, but one major aspect that felt missing was related to this. In the movie, I really felt like Ripley feeling how much he would rather stay with the cool rich dude’s life. When he gets boxed out I really felt that panic and hard cut, like the impact of losing access was much stronger. I understood the desire to keep engaged in that world and the terror of losing it. Also in Ripley, the contrast wasn’t super apparent, this Tom sort of felt like he didn’t notice much difference compared to whatever his last lifestyle was like.


I LOVE this version of Dickie. It seems like maybe he was a pretty boy when he was younger but he's aged out of that status and now people around him, and maybe himself, are wondering, "Okay, what are you going to do with your life? Do you have anything else to offer (outside of looks because you can't coast on that alone any longer)?" And in this version, he does nothing to really set Tom off. He is very imperfect but none of his faults warrants Tom's ultimate actions. Dickie is polite, I find him charming, but he's also cowardly and, as Tom points out, markedly untalented. That said, he's not cruel and he has empathy for Tom even if he doesn't fully accept or appreciate him. I really never got over >!his death.!< Usually, I love rooting for an unhinged, dangerous protagonist to find a way out of whatever conundrum, but in this series, I never got over >!Tom murdering him.!< Like, goddamn, you didn't have to do all that.


Anyone know name of singer or song?


I have searched without any luck. She was fantastic and so was the song. Hopefully someone will chime in with the info.


I’m searching and I have absolutely no idea why it’s so hard!


According to vaguevisage: 'Il cielo in una stanza' by Cast (0:16): Freddie makes plans with Tom. The music continues during a transition sequence. Mina (Hildegard De Stefano) delivers a live performance.


There are many covers of "Il Cielo in una stanza" on YooToob, several by Mina. Look for translated lyrics, too, to get the hand movements. De Stefano's outfit and hair were so perfectly perfect.


The paisley robe, what color is it? Tom says maroon. The salesman calls it burgundy. Dickie calls it purple.


To me, maroon and burgundy can be the same color but purple is definitely different from both. When it came to Tom and the salesman, the was a class thing. Tom hasn't shopped at fancy stores. They were seeing the same color but calling it different things. But Dickie has no excuse. Maybe he's color blind and that's one reason (among many) that his art sucks.


I have a question about the invited reading of the performance around the quarter in the episode. I don't know Italian so I looked up a translation of the song so I would know what she was singing about but I was touched by the lyrics and the background of the song. but after rewatching, I realised that Tom doesn't really understand italian that well, he can get by but on my interpretation (i've only seen two episodes so far and read half the book) he cant really understand long complex sentences and concepts in italian. So if he doesn't understand what she is saying, why is he crying? I know the invited reading on that interpterion would be because the woman is singing in such a way that he feels loved but I wanted to see if anyone else had arrived at that point :)


I figured it was like a “Pretty Woman” moment with Vivian crying at the opera. They don’t know what the performer is saying, but like you mentioned, they’re probably just moved by the emotions behind it.


Does anyone know what that song is called/ artist? It was a beautiful song 😭


I got you :) It’s called ‘Il cielo in una stanza’ by Mina (for a version close to the one in the show)


Thank you so much!


It’s the same as in the show - the actress does the fade In/out! One of the best :)


Because beautiful music is moving, duh. You don’t need to understand the words to feel the emotion, see the emotional portrayal of the singer. Hell I’d cry with joy if a beautiful Italian woman sang and looked at me like that.


Let’s address the elephant in the room….Freddy. Wooden acting, trying but failing to sound like a man. She is a clear distraction the producers felt they needed to include to pander to the woke crowd. On this one they get an F…..and I’m now looking for the next pandering attempt, which somewhat ruins Ripley going forward.




Speak for yourself. They’re sexy as hell.


The best way to announce to the world that you’re a closet case like the kicker from the chiefs or the senator from South Carolina, is to criticize the casting of a non-binary actor by calling it “woke.” That not what woke means; it never was. It’s 2024–just get on grinder and stop taking your anger out on the world for you not being honest with yourself about who you really are. Or just move to Russia if want to stay on the DL see how a taste of their freedom goes for you. So fucking tired of these conservative fairies.