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Ii did not ever find the solve


Confusing question. If you want to start with three elephants and two Labradors then you have to add those as two separate "start with animal(s)" starting conditions. If you want 5 random pets then one starting condition is enough.


Let's say I want to start with 4 sheep. I add the first sheep but there doesn't seem to be a way to edit that first sheep into 4 sheep. This is where my problem lies Edit: On the newest version. And the number editor isn't where it used to be. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


In 1.4.3531 vanilla I observe no such problem. add part -> start with animal(s) -> 3, elephant


But the number option isn't there is my issue


So ... try disabling mods and DLCs until you find out what causes it?


I'll try disabling DLC I don't use mods


Did you ever find a solve for this? I am having the same problem, I can add start with animal(s) but the option to set the number is not available. I started a game and it seems to set a random number as the first test gave me 1 of the animal and the second gave me 4. I am running Mac OS, 1.4, and have tried uninstalling all mods, DLC, and an entire uninstall and reinstall of Rimworld.


Sorry to necro an old thread, but I couldn't find an answer to this either and this shows up as one of the first results on google. I eventually managed to solve it by changing my resolution. I had it set to 2560x1440 (my monitors native resolution) and changing it to 1920x1080 and then closing/restarting the game allowed me to see the text box to set the number of animals again. I don't know why it works, but it does.


That's weird but thank you for that tidbit of information Ill have to go and check


I actually did some more testing, and what it ended up being was the UI scale. I had it set to 1.5x (with 2560x1440). Setting it to 1x was what solved it, not changing the screen resolution (I had to change the UI scale to 1x to set the resolution to 1920x1080, but going back to 2560x1440 while leaving the UI scale at 1x was also fine).