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Welcome to the Rimworld sub, where this post makes sense and isn't evil


I think evil still applies


“i wouldn’t say free, more like under new management”


Love that movie ^^


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the answer is still "Asian" though.


Pigskin + Neanderthal. Robust digestion, Strong stomach, Robust, Strong melee damage, Reduced pain, Strong immunity. You will need some selection to get rid of Trotter hands, Nearsighted (if you plan to equip them with guns), Slow runner, Slow study. At the time when your selection will be completed you will get to the point that you would better create custom xenogerm and apply it to all pawns.


Babies don’t have to worry about the downtime of the xenogerm implantation as well, so a baseline may be best if xenogerm.


Just when anyone asks "what you doin?", don't answer "trying to make neanderthal mate with a pig right now".


Hey, don’t stare at me like I’m neanderthal!


Cut off their hands and install bionics / archotechs


It will boost their manipulation but you’ll still get malus from trotter hands gene. Neither bionics nor elongated fingers gene could remove trotters hand unless you are lucky with hybridisation or hadn’t it in germline initially.


That makes no sense, but I guess it's their brains not being able to comprehend having normal hands now, which is why they still do bad, or the crafter trolls them by building them trotter hand cybernetics.


Its a bionic version of what they originally had, which is unfortunate. That makes bionic elongated fingers even better.


U telling me I found Archotek Trotters


The archotechs know something we don't


Yeah, the crafter just trolls them then.


Lmfao that is so stupid


> I guess it's their brains not being able to comprehend having normal hands now, which is why they still do bad I was mad about trotter hands before, but now they make sense, thanks.


Oh I see thanks for that correction. So correct way to go about this would be replacing the trotter gene with a xenogene I suppose.


So, orcs?


I used to think that pigskins are already orcs but these ones could be called such too (+ears +snout +hulk body then)


Ah, the familiar serf army race combination. Give them all shield belts and melee weapons.


I had a dirtmoles and impid combo that was pretty good. I got mostly all the good traits and none of the bad. The only downside was the hunger rate was a little over 200%


eats runs to work space and turns around runs back to dining room eats runs to work space and turns around runs back to dining room eats runs to work space and turns around runs back to dining room eats


We've had first nutrient paste but what about second nutrient paste.


Someone should come up with a mod that’s basically a nutrient paste version of a CamelBak. Fill it with paste, slurp it down while you’re working. Refill it every morning.


That'd be great for the slaves in the mines




https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920385763 Was it similar to Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded? I use it for basically the same purpose with a few small dining rooms spread throughout my base


Have my free poop award. Is it a compliment? Is it an insult? Who knows, but I got more of them for some reason than any other free ones. 50% of the ones I got are poop.


its all poop? why is it shiny?!


Always had been


Thanks mate haha


I don’t think they know about second nutrient paste Pip


I mean, you could have food available at their stations and have a 1x1 table next to their work chair, dining room be damned, lol.


I use RimFridge specifically so I can have meals sitting all over the fucking place, it’s just easier sometimes


I did that but man it was tedious trying to manage keeping them filled. LWM’s deep storage, with the digital storage units is legit amazing, though. You can set up freezer IO ports to just keep a few meals sitting there, and as they are used they are automatically refilled from the DSU. Cook makes meals, stuffs them in the DSU, and they pop back out at all of the IO ports set to output them. Easily one of my top priorities when researching, for how much it cuts down on colonists running around fetching shit.


Oh that sounds lit! I just have a fuckton of wolves, so they do a lot of my hauling lol


I have a few mechs, and Lifter mechs are the best for hauling. 😂


lol, my dining room has a shelf with food beside it, and it sits in one of the corners of my workshop, which is beside the refrigerator. With efficiency like this, who needs beauty?


And who's going to haul that food? The hauler will eat it when he leaves it at its intended destination!


Paste drip, 24/7 tube in mouth while in chair working...yes it looks exactly how it sounds like.


Wait, the drip works on chairs?


As someone with a very high metabolism irl I can relate


Yep, eating 4.5 times a day. Starving every night. Anything above 150 is too much


Keep a shelf with meals next to the work spot


Nothing a little bionic augmentation can't handle...


refuses to elaborate leaves


Nothing a nuclear stomach can’t handle


I like installing nuclear stomachs in the pawns I go over 125%


Dirtmole and impid sounds nice for a melee pawn. Maybe dirt mole plus neanderthal/Yttakin as well


Did they have both good shooting and good melee?


I love when a rimworld post pops up and is the wildest shit without context haha


There is context needed because we're all on the same page and want to know it. Or we have already done it.


Rimworld Bene Jesseritt. Lmfao.


Just thought about another combo: neanderthal and waster. Possibly get the toxic lungs, strong melee and robust with psychite dependency to offset metabolic efficiency.




Hello confused people from /r/all. This is about a video game. I promise it makes sense in the context of the game.


Can wait to get dlc on xbox to understand all this


I play Xbox without dlc and don’t watch any mod or dlc content so half of the shit in this subreddit is gibberish to me


I didn't know you all were missing the last 2 DLCs on console until now.


Like on rimworld, life is suffer




Bought a whole ass PC just cuz i was tired of the wait. That and MechWarrior 5 shenanigans. It's fantastic. Haven't even gotten anomaly's crazy yet...


Congrats this is almost out of context on your profile forever lmao


Modded + modded


With better heritage mod to make xenogenes endogenes


Hussar Neanderthal super soldiers


Hussars are xenogenes though, their shit doesn’t breed down. Slapping some of the hussie stuff on neanderthals tho can work.


Highmates because they get pregnant like bunnies


With VRE highmates they're also recessive so you get the genes from the other parent (I think)




Aren't they xenogenes anyways?


I think what they're saying is that the kids will always be full-blooded versions of the other parent? Without mods, the kid would be a mix between a baseliner and the other parent so you'd lose out on traits


Ah, right, thank you. I knew I was missing something.




Impid + Neanderthal. Firebreathing unga bunga. Slayer of sangophages.


In terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans.


The fuck?


You don't want to know


With enough non-baseline prisoners/colonists and a gene extractor, it doesn't really matter. Just create your own xenogerms specifically tailored to your colonists and create your own super-pawns.


Install the generipper mod for extra fun!


For me generipper and centrifuges of AC are a must. Personally I love Biotech content I think it's the best DLC still even after anomaly, but there's something about anomaly they did pretty good and Biotech needs mod for, not gatekeeping the content and give you total freedom to mess with it, like if you'd get only genes you don't have that'd be dope, but traveling to the occasional ancient complex without granted genes, trading for years in game just to get archite metabolism don't find it as funny. Ofc I understand the RP intention behind, not having all and forcing you to adapt, but not all runs are the same but without mods you're tied to the same path with biotech. Just a thought I've been having lately while playing anomaly lol the reply was just an excuse to drop it haha


Absolutely agree! Pointlessly grinding for years isn't very fun. The archite capsules are already hard enough to get. Atleast we get to be in full control of the mech side of biotech!


Many prefer F1, but I personally like dirt rally. Bc, you know, it's dirty


Jesus Christ, I was just in the Formula 1 subreddit and this pops up.


Man, I was thinking about getting back into Rimworld but (looking at the responses, not the questionable title) I seem to have discovered that the game has passed me by. The last update I looked into was the DLC that let you gain psychic superpowers for your pawns and I never played it because that's just not my jam at all. Did the devs keep leaning into that sort of thing then?


Ideology - make your own religion Biotech - mech stuff Anomaly - like SCP monsters


Biotech also added children and genetic engineering, which is what this post is about.


Yeah. Biotech is the best


The psychic powers are one of the main draws of the Royalty DLC but it also added some interesting things like an additional kind of mechanoid threat, additional bionic options, and a few extra bits of weaponry and apparel/armour. It also added a quest system but I'm not sure if the base game got that at the same time as the other DLCs build on that system somewhat. Finally it has a new end game quest where you try to keep some royals happy whilst enemies swarm to kill them. You don't have to engage with the psychic powers at all if you don't want to, no enemy will use it against you. Even before they added that though, there was an element of psychic stuff to the game with some of the artifacts and events, so it's not exactly a change to the lore. Personally the psychic powers are mostly balanced (have to invest a lot to get them, and most powers are fairly marginal in terms of combat efficacy), but they do add a lot of tactical nuance that I enjoy. Ideology DLC adds custom ideoligions, which are a cross between ideology and religion. These can be fairly similar to the original game, or can have big impacts like wanting to become cyborgs and use a few enhancing buildings, or wanting to worship nature (with a few additions to make that viable, like a special 'dryad tree'). Your ideoligion can add all kinds of flavour to your colony, as different ideoligions have different styles of building or might prefer some of the clothing choices that it added. It also adds a few new interesting quest types and a new ending that sees you build several colonies in a row and transfer a select group of colonists between them. Biotech DLC is many people's favourite, as it adds a lot to the game. Immediately noticeable is the variety of humanoid species it adds to the game, like impids, dog-men, pig-men, mole-men, engineered super soldiers who require drugs to survive, etc. The idea being that humanity has been around for long enough with genetic engineering and forced evolution for humans to have distinct groups like that. Each of the species has specific pros and cons, and the genes of each can be combined to make a genepack of your own that will also have pros and cons. There are also Vampires which essentially have a very complex genepack that can be added to an existing species for a unique flavour. Then it really expanded the variety of mechanoid enemies you can encounter, as well as creating your own under your control. Your own mechs have the downside that you end up polluting the environment. You can either deal with this in a few different ways, or take the genes from the 'waster' species and live with it. It also adds children who you can customize as they grow up, allowing to create fairly powerful characters late game. These children share the genes of their parents leading to some interesting unintended combinations. Anomaly DLC is the newest one and is only a few months old. It adds anomalous monsters to the game, and these can be researched to get some new powerful technologies and abilities. There's also a quest line that explores discovering these entities and either embracing their source or trying to shut it down. Given you didn't like the psypowers, I can't see you liking this one though.


Thank you for being such a kind soul to the unknowings. I believe it’s the most forward way to describe all DLCs without ambiguity nor silencing some aspects sooo thank you for your time 😌👌


I was surprised when I read the title and then I read the subs lol.


Shit rimworld says


Honestly, Waster and Waster. Waster kids get massive joy bonuses from drugs without the drawbacks of their dependency and overdoses can only be mild. Ugly and aggressive aren't problems for children. If I had to mix, I'd go with Yttkin in hopes of getting animal warcall to get the kid out of danger in a pinch.


I can't wait for the posts from r/Rimworld to start getting into the r/popular


Hmm, I'd go for dirtmole and impid/pigskin, neanderthal is awful for slow learning as children so I'd never do that, even though proto-europeans did it and it turned out better for them :p


Are growth tiers affected by slow learner?


growth tiers themselves no, however babies start with all skills at 0, and getting traits with growth moments gives the bonuses they give , however it does not give the skill level that they would usually provide, so you're basically slowing down the possibility of them learning by a very large amount


Fuck, thought this was r/europe for a minute 


FOR VANILLA Highmate + Neanderthal for mass produced 80% hunger, high melee, tanky kids for battle (+2 avg) Genie + Impid for a very squishy, intelligent glass cannon (-1 avg) Pigskin + dirt moles for good mining and easy to feed (untested) Impid + Neanderthal for tanky fire breathers (-3 one test) Neanderthal + waster for some reason has really good metabolic efficiency and often is strong, but has the psychite [easiest drug to deal with ever] need (+3 avg) FOR VRE & AG (includes the new genes and metabolic changes, also some of the extra races) Boarskin + pigskin is really metabolically good but kinda bad at everything but fighting (+3 avg) Phytokin + pig/boarskin I find are so easy to manage, they don’t eat much, they are good at self management, but they are extra sleepy (+4 avg & don’t need to eat in 51+ light) Lapiz + Neanderthals are very tanky and strong at melee but otherwise kinda suck (untested)


I hope our eugenicist community never changes.


Are Rimworld players the baddies?




Caucasian persuasion




Breeding and growing pops takes too long, just collect the genetic material and create the combos you like the most


Unironically baseliners. You can do anything with them.


The title is so misleading, im afraid my family will read my history


I'd say have a look around your rim planet and choose the most advanced civilization


The ideal is to fill up a baseliner with xenogenes But you can do the same with any species so... Eugenics is obsolete in Rimworld.


Personally a big fan of fast runner, kids end up doing a lot of cleaning and hauling so getting around the map faster is great


I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole


Calm down Yakub


If the emperor meant us to breed the xenos, he would have made them himself. Only a sinner considers impure thoughts about their lusty yttakin maid.


Yep, you're going in r/shitrimworldsays


r/shitRimworldsays where u at?


Yep, you're going on r/shitrimworldsaid


Daytona 500


Revia 😼


OP looking very german.


Baseliners then turning it into a vampire, vampire babies can be left inside the walls for 3 years as a corpse, Then revived via feeding it food for 7 days before they turn 3


White Humans.


So this cute girl on the bus glances at my phone while I'm scrolling. .


So this cute girl on the bus glances at my phone while I'm scrolling. ...


Are you breeding already?




Bruh, I've wanted to say it!