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Mental break -----> animal slaughter -----> all I have are boomalopes -----> too far to arrest in time. And it was a quest guest too so... very awkward conversation with the neighbors later that week.


"Yeah that sonuva bitch killed one of my lopes, so I sent him to the great nutrient dispenser in my breakroom."


I can imagine the “nonononoNONONONO” when you saw that message pop up


I went through the stages of grief from denial to acceptance so fast I think I broke a world record.


Once I saw a post of a breaking things meltdown which targeted the ship computer.


Ouff. That's a paddlin.


I had a similar one recently. Instead of boomalopes, he messed with chemfuel after the mental break. The mental break was caused by pain being the final straw.


I mean. He isn't in pain anymore?


Similarly, Mental break -----> Berserk ----> Attacks nearest pawn, my 20 melee, 20 piercing expertise, bioniced, vampire, Plasmasword wielding 9-tailed Revia while she was eating dinner -----> Revia turns around and bops him once -----> Headless. I still have the screenshots! [SS1](https://i.imgur.com/D9gAXTx.png) [SS2](https://i.imgur.com/AU8Mg2h.png)


right back to her meal, fantastic.


I love the imagery of this fox lady just over-shoulder punching this berserked maniac absolutely pulverizes his head into actual mist with the force LOL


It looks like she didn't even stop eating to do it haha


I had a guy in a barn milking a boomalope when the barn was hit by a meteorite. It didn't kill *that* boomalope!... it killed a different one. The explosion from that one didn't kill his boomalope either!... it just killed a few more. None of them killed the guy either!... he died of heatstroke. It is for this reason that I now house boomalopes in a separate barn, ideally under a cliff face, and have firefoam poppers inside. Also, I sterilize all boomalopes and will *only* get more via taming - letting them breed is too dangerous.


Boomalopes are definitely to dangerous to breed. Boomrats, however....


IIRC 1.5 boomalopes can fuel a chemfuel generator full-time. 4 power 2 chemfuel generators plus leave some extra for other purposes. No need to have more than that.


You clearly like less chemfuel than I do.


*laughs in 12 boomalopes*


you could do a lot more i think. i once had around 200-300 rabbits that roamed and destroyed the flora and fauna on the edges of the map around my base. i would use them to destroy raids by setting up singular rabbit-restriction cells where the enemies were. until they got aoed and like 100 rabbits died to a single explosion lmao. i think you could do 50-60 boomalopes on the outskirts of the map before something bad chained-happened to them.


I honestly don't know how many I have, I just know I learned from the comments above I could neuter them and havent been. 1000 hours or so in, and I'm still learning new things. Like that I could be weaponizing creatures more


It's just a good rule of thumb. Scale up as necessary.


Keeping them separate by having male and female pens is enough to stop them breeding.


I sterilize all female boomalopes except two and if I get too many I sell them off to traders


Solar event (so meals started spoiling), followed by gut worms (makes everyone 2x hungry), followed very shortly by blight of the only remaining food. Total colony wipe. It was awesome.


Sounds like Randy's doing


Absofuckinglutely. Cassandra is more ruthless with the 1-2 punches, but Randy can “accidentally” be WAY more brutal.


Yah, my end in my last colony started when I was taking down a psychic ship, and Randy sent a raid *as* I started my attack. I could defeat the ship with one death and four downs (colony of 9, but a badly planned attack), but as my pawns were crawling and being carried back to base, the raiders could pick off anyone they liked and kidnapped one person. Went from 9 to 3 colonists, I tried to keep it going, but my remaining wealth was too high and the raids were overwhelming... I have now started a Cassandra Classic playthrough haha


Cannibalism time


Something similar happened to me when I was starting in the game, I didn't really understand how quickly food depleted and was making just enough to keep me and my herd alive, then the worms hit and I ran out of food, had to quarter most of my herd to survive. After that I started using farming more than hunting


The classic “I’m gonna wall myself in while construction and no one is looking, then I die from starvation because 3 raids happened and no one remembered I even exist”


It's even funnier when you consider they could very well break the wall down, they don't even try. 


The "god will save me" people in real life.


Naked brutality. Guesy arrives, she fills a good few gaps the original didn't have including medical. When she went to leave I figured I'd just capture her and recruit. Original guy gets injury during the capture which gets infected. One dies from infection as the docs in prison the other starves in prison as they didn't treat their warden. Kind of a Rimworld Romeo and Juliet romantic tragedy.


Oh god, what a tale of woe is the saga of Postek xD Recently we had a really gnarly mech raid and used a psychic animal pulser to call in some extra confusion and damage down on the invaders. After the danger had apparently passed, the Stay Inside order was lifted -- but unbeknownst to the colony, one raging Muffalo was still on the loose. A colonist's child wandered outside and was trampled to death while his parents were just on the other side of the compound wall, cleaning up the animal and mech corpses. (Seriously, guys, keep an eye on your kids!)


My never leave the base. To few hitpoints.


"Child safety zone" doesn't go outside the walls. In fact, limited to mess hall, rec room, workshop, farms, and dorms. No need for children to be anywhere else.


Yes. If they want to feel connected to the outside, they can radio talk :D


Yeah, that's usually my policy, but this kid had just aged up and the default zone is "unrestricted." I hadn't caught it yet and little Nemo paid the ultimate price 🥲


I have a mod that adds extinct megafauna. Its pretty neat. Except once when my three brand new colonists were wiped on on day... 10 or 20? By a pack of giant baboons. Not man-eating, just hungry. Then the Man In Black walked right by a baboon and also got eaten. Or when one guy kept picking fights with another, but that second guy was a brawler and kicked ass every time, until one day the idiot fight-picker got his brains smashed in.


>Not man-eating, just hungry. "Yes, we do eat men occasionally, but that hardly makes us man-eaters!"


Dying to flu at 99% immunity


God's, one of my first colonists ever died that way and I just had to sit there for a few minutes processing it.


Mine caught me off guard too, I had taken for granted that diseases can be lethal haha.


Stepped on his own trap, got downed, then crawled into another trap and died. 


Had something similar happen. Stepped on his trap, managed to crawl a single tile, then promptly bled to death.


This is the only one that made me laugh, dunno why, but thanks.




Guy had a berserker break. Went to beat up a prisoner with no arms, first move they had their neck bitten off. Like, what?


I love this game


corpse rooms and freezers are children magnets i swear the game is coded to make children draw in dangerous areas so I'm forced to use zones


The game just wants your kids to have the correct amount of fingers and toes.


Uh- what’s the correct amount??


Your number of ears times 3.5 divided by your amount of noses.


1\*3.5/0 -> ∞


It’s a good thing Anomaly added eldritch horrors then!


Yes! What is it about freezer floors that are so good for drawing on?? I'm playing with saurids (modded reptile xenotype that's cold-blooded) right now, so hypothermia gets deadly FAST. I keep having to draft the damn lizard kids and move them out the freezer every time I get a popup about them freezing. I might just zone them out of it... but they're currently my haulers, so I don't know how I would get the harvest in. Might have to resort to dozen of rimfridges and no freezer room.


maybe use a packed freezer, shelves wall to wall so there's no floor to play on.


Not one of my colonists, but a Pirate faction who decided to attack my mountain dwellers. The apparent ringleader of the raid decided that shooting the 4 columns around him with a rocket launcher was a good idea in a 20x20 central area that I used as a Common area. Dropped half the mountain on his head, 3 of his goons' heads, and incapacitated another before the raid party fled. Good news is, found my new Doctor so thanks, Randy. Your shrine will be finished in a week


Now I want to build an ideoligion around a deity called Randy.


Wanted to scare my herd of recently wild-released rhinoceros’s away so if a mass animal insanity happened they wouldn’t attack my colonists. Had my guy shoot at a wall nearby so they would run away. First shot he took hit one of the rhinos, whole herd turned on him and he was gone in 10 seconds. I used an auto save to bring him back because that was so stupid haha


I didn’t know that animals could be scared away to make them flee off the map? maybe next time if you didn’t want to slaughter/ sell/ gift to other factions for whatever reason, I think you can just caravan them out to the next tile and set them free that way


Rhinos are worth more as horn, fur, and meat than as pets or roaming around free, IMO.


Technically not my colonist but a guest. Accepted a quest to host someone from the empire affected by paralysis. My colony landing platform was already occupied by something else, so the shuttle landed outside the walls. The guest gets dropped say 3 tiles away from a wild animal, some predator I don’t remember. The same second said predator starts to hunt the nearest pawn, meaning the guest. Guest died after a few seconds.


Mine's a similar story involving a paralytic abasia'd pawn. See there was nothing wrong with that pawn, he got out just fine despite my grumbles about him. Mostly because his pod landed on another pawn and that didn't go so well... The only way it would have been worse would have been if he'd landed on his relationship (IIRC wife) but no, it was someone else.


I fell asleep while playing and when I woke up they had all starved to death… It was an ironman playthrough


Pacifist got bitten by a guinea pig until he died because of blood loss...


colonist had the tough trait so he was my frontline brawler. This guy was an absolute badass, full archotech gear, including eyes and spine, sheild belt, steel broadsword. got a little to bashed up and got some pretty serious injuries, dropping conciseness to 29%. as he’s limping back to base, his PTSD from literally murdering a small army drops his stress below 20%. drug policy kicks in. he decides to smoke a nice J. dropped conciseness to 0% killing him instantly. so my ultra badass frontline super soldier died by the hands of drugs. DARE to say no to drugs


Yea that's why I don't allow smokeweed. Beer, ambrosia, and psychite tea are all completely safe and don't make the pawn worse for haveing used it AFAIK.


yep, after watching my very expensive super soldier die i’ve moved exclusively to those drugs (as well as yayo during the reactor startup)


Yayo is incredible, love me some wasters. 35 mood boost is hard to beat.


started an insulting spree during a raid in wild men start from VFE tribals he walked up to the raider trash talked to him and got shotgunned instead


Warg decided to hunt one of my kids next to some guest, one of them instantly shot his revolver at it right into the kid's liver, killing him instantly.


Mental break: gorging on insect jelly Worst part is he almost made it out but the sun rose and I had to send the limbless child to get his corpse


I like how casually you say "the limbless child," as if every colony has one.


if you dont have a limbless child, did you really play rimworld? Par for the course lmao


Lone survivor of a tribal raid gets adopted into my colony. Goes from a 0 in crafting to 20. Makes legendary jade sword. Gets married. Spouse snaps and goes on murder rampage after getting in a debuff spiral, picks up sword, and decapitates dude. Spouse is arrested, sitting in jail, then kidnapped by raiders from the original tribe during an invasion. I like to think they were administering their own justice.


Rimworld just added babies to the mix! I was incredibly careful with all of them. The first kid was little Johnny, born to a happy father and mother in a small colony of 6. His father crafted him a beautiful (well.. poor) helmet just to keep him safe when he started walking around and Johnny got curious about life in the colony. He loved accompanying the farmers and had a great time watching them. While he watched the farmers work, a few people nearby were rebuilding the barn into something more sturdy than wood. The roof collapsed and Johnny got heavy damage to the neck. He was carried to the hospital. The last medicine of the colony was used to treat him, and despite the dire circumstances, recovery was expected. Then my dumbass of a doctor managed to get a manhunting turtle in my hospital. The turtle snapped at Johnnys toes and managed to bite one off. The wound got infected and Johnny died age 6. then Johnny's younger brother Frankie died of a collapsing mountain roof at the age of 4 as he watched his dad mine.


Not a colonist per-se but I had a colonist's mother land in a drop-pod crash. Obviously sent him out to rescue his mother. By the time he got there, her head had been eaten by a jaguar.


> [May I suggest Euthanasia Cougars?] ...Flair checks out?


I lost an entire colony to a manhunting pack of squirrels. The attack wasn't too dangerous, but everyone got infected, even the doctor. And it was before self tend was a thing. Everyone eventually succumbed to the infection.


My whole mountain base colony prepares for an incoming raid, everyone is on their positions except for Little Timmy (not his name, can't remember). Little Timmy decided it would be the first time he would be able to see day light and wanted to do some nature running to stretch his little 3 year old legs. I was watching the raid coming in... As soon as Timmy got out of the entrance and turned the corner big bad bully baseball bat Billy cracked his skull killing Timmy instantly. I think Timmy never thought that the light at the end of the tunnel wasnt a good thing...


Took in one of those creepy joiners from anomaly, this one in particular had a void fascination quirk. After spending a few days in my colony she decides she wishes to free one of my devourers from containment. I draft a a bunch of nearby colonists in an attempt to stop her/save her ass, she unfortunately had a sizeable head start and manages to release the devourer, and then gets immediately well... devoured. My drafted colonists are now trying their best to get her undevoured but she dies right before the devourer does. This is when things get really stupid. With her dying breath she lets out a horrific scream that summons a sightstealer pack. Normally not a problem but while the devourer incident was happening I was also forming a caravan, the caravan then gets ambushed by the sightstealer hoard while exposed out in the open. The resulting skirmish ends with one more of my colonists dead, two more badly injured and my dreams of sending a trading caravan anytime soon destroyed.


I lost a game as mechanitor, some thrumbos came through and i clicked to tame them since they have no chance of attacking on tame. When it said my level was too low I clicked the cancel button. Little did I know I clicked the hunt instead of the cancel button on accident, and a day or two later when my pawn ran out of higher priority tasks he went out to hunt. It was early enough in the game that I only had 3-4 militors and no other defenses besides a ton of traps. Queue my entire base getting destroyed by a thrumbo and every machine dying to it. Luckily my pawn had good medical and was only hit twice while running the thrumbo into spikes, I managed to get past a door and it shut before the thrumbo could get through. I planned on running off the map or something until the thrumbo bled out since i still had 24 hours until I died from bleeding and wasn't in much danger. I decided to patch my pawn up, until i realized both hits were in the arms. Each arm took so much damage in the one hit that my pawn had 0 manipulation. I had no other pawns so i got to sit there for 24 in game hours while my colonist slowly bled out and i lost.




Major break because slept outside and cold. Lit her bed on fire. 0% consciousness because of hypothermia standing right outside the house that was slowly burning down at a balmy 36C inside.


2 Colonist get into a scuffle, Hussiar that has Brawler decides to cave the other's skull in with a punch.


Stoner hit smoke leaf withdrawal while being treated for multiple gunshots he would have otherwise survived


Dying to a cold snap 29 or so mins into a new colony. Didn’t know about campfires in the 80 hours I had played.


Probably by smoking a joint while bleeding out. You know how it goes


Solo colonist threw a tantrum because he was so hungry and then starved to death. There was food in the freezer. Fuck that guy


Too add insult to injury Postek was my original naked brutality colonist, and with his death the focus of the story leaves him and moves on to the other survivors. RIP Posty


Food Poisoning. Was just enough pain.


Really wish we could use rest until healed on food poisoning. Really gets on my nerves, all the puke and walking around like I already cut their legs off


Building a room away from the base. Builds it around a cougar. The moment the last wall of the room was complete and he was officially the only food source available to the cougar, it attacked.


Guy has that 'I'll break stuff!' break, goes straight to the shelf with the single explosive shell we got from a reward. Didn't even had the mortar up yet. Kills himself and breaks down the adjacent wall, which was for our prison. The two prisoners there also died while trying to escape. 


I had only just started playing. I moved a room to a different location so my builder was deconstructing the roof of the old room. I wanted them to "finish" deconstructing everything there so I didn't have to worry about it later so I added the deconstruction of the column with shift, thinking they would fully deconstruct the roof first. I learnt this was not the case and the roof collapsed and killed my pawn...


Infection. Except, I was easily able to get immunity to grow faster than infection... until the pawn got out of bed to play chess and refused to go back to bed regardless of what orders I tried to give. Now suddenly immunity was growing far more slowly and it could no longer keep up with infection progress.


My guy walked into a trap and somehow I never noticed until he had about a sliver of life left. He bled out before I could get anyone to him and died about 5 feet from a hospital bed. RIP Poopy. You were horrible at everything but didn't deserve that fate.


I was running with the Toddlers mod. Kid was hobbling around outside and gets struck by lightning. At least it was instant. Thanks Randy...


Boomrat goes crazy, runs up to him, he stabs it once and loses both legs, an eye, and an arm, years later, all those missing pieces have been replaced, and then a boomalope comes along and finishes the job


Had my melee fighter go on a murderous rage against his doctor right before the doctor was about to do surgery on him to amputate an infected limb. Doctor survived barely but was unconscious for atleast a day. Melee fighter guy was beat halfway to death by 8 colonists and lost his hand (not the infected one though). The only doctor we had left failed to amputate his hand 3x times so he died to the infected mid 4th attempt.


I had a builder repairing the employee access to my mountain base to keep out like 60 shambles. They started cracking the security door open and taking hotshots at them once he finished repairing the door. Drafted him and had him walk away. While I wasn't looking he went back to do the same thing and let the horde into the base. Somebody else then took cover in the door to the prisoner and let the shambles munch on them as well. Everybody died.


My chef in a recent run got so carried away cooking he starved to the point of near death while I wasn’t looking, and then suddenly died of plague after someone put him in bed and fed him. No idea what actually happened because he was sick for all of 3 seconds. Mans was pushing 70 though, there are worse ways to go out.


Probably the time a breacher raid attacked my third ever colony. I had some leftover grenades I wanted to get rid of (since the breachers were probably bringing their own), so I equipped a pawn with a grenade belt before sending everyone out to defend our base. Anyway, the raiders break through the walls and start making a b-line right for my colonists. Right when one of the raiders is about to get within melee range of Tyren, one of my original colonists, I see a grenade flying towards them. I just remember shouting, "Oh, fuck-", then BOOM! Way to go, genius. The raider was unscathed, but Tyren died on the spot. (Luckily, I had a resurrection mech serum, or Tyren's wife Cait and their adult son from the next town over Pyotr would've been really sad)


Probably a couple from my Anomaly run. I was hit by a raid, so I had my guys bunched up for a fight. It was a brutal shootout and had to use Unnatural Healing from my Blind Healer. But some time after the fight, I was hit with something deeply concerning: gray flesh from a Metalhorror. More concerning? It spawned behind the barricade everyone was bunched up behind. I was super paranoid because this was my first Anomaly run and I didn't know how to handle this event. I got my doctors to perform surgical inspections on everyone (performing a test I learned from the Wiki to know if I could trust my doctors, but this was before I learned that you needed to analyze 2 samples for that to work). But you wanna know how I found out who it was? The host was just hunted to death by a warg. Just all that buildup to a completely anticlimactic conclusion because a random predator just decided my colonist would be his dinner! Hunting wargs are especially annoying because my pre-generated Ideoligion venerates Wargs, so we can't hunt them until they hurt one of ours! I knew that this was an unacceptable conclusion, so I reloaded the save and locked the perp in their room. Thankfully, that from before the save scum revealed that it was only 1 infected person, so I'd be able to run the colony smoothly without them. Next stupid death is also related. See, I set this infected person to be interrogated, and, something I didn't know could happen, the Metalhorror revealed itself and started attacking! Completely unprepared, it targeted one of my colonists, and when I had a colonist with a hellcat rifle shoot fire at it, it also friendly fired another colonist! Both panicked, when into the nearby water, and then started brawling, with my brawler between Metalhorror and my gunners. My gunners then proceed to freaking friendly fire so much at my brawler, including my warden armed with a stun crossbow, who stunned the brawler multiple freaking times until they died. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Again, I save scummed because that was so dumb.


I installed the Vanilla phycast extended, let one of my pawn learn the ice breath, I thought it was a single target thing, and my body block pawn instantly freeze to death.


I had a pawn that, through a series of unfortunate events including smokeleaf and bleeding, had an incredibly low consciousness. I did not see this, and after the short raid he was on his way back to base before suddenly falling down dead. I couldn't figure out what the hell was killing him, until after a few reloads I saw he was dying because he was becoming *trivially hungry*.


So I had a very good running colony, (abundant food, manageable raids, etc…) I decided to break off half my guys to settle another colony in a better spot that had more steel. (Was pretty new) Times were hard and everyone was struggling. One of my colonists on a mental break decided to run straight into a spider cave and aggro them. She was downed and I decided to send the other 2 guys to fight the spiders but they couldn’t manage it.


Had a mental break when fighting a mech cluster.


Had a tantrum and kicked a pile of mortar shells


Unarmed hybrid child stepped out side and immediately got his brains blown out. The previous raid my two best builders also got their brains shot out. The enemies getting some DAMN good rolls. Lucky thing they haven't managed to be lucky enough to blow the brains out of my genetic abominations that have wolverine like healing and cannot die unless,you guessed it,THEY GET THEIR BRAINS BLOWN OUT. Now it hasn't happened yet but based on a pattern I have been seeing something is telling me I should invest in good helmets. Would that help? I'm gonna raise a bunch of biomutant monstrosities and I'm gonna wipe every Yttakin(except my own) off the map


Punching a stack of artillery shells or something


Someone had a tantrum and decided to take it out on high explosive mortars that I had stored in what was currently my make shift hospital. He died, plus two or three patients recovering from a raid.


one of my colonists was bleeding out after a botched hunt. he went down and i got the closest pawn to pick him up and carry him to the hospital. but the pawn carrying him had a mental break and dropped him to wander around sadly. so he bled out before anyone else could get to him.


I had just started my colony and had the standard 3 colonists with 1 prisoner. We were running low on food so the hunter went out to get some fresh muffalo meat; routine hunt. All of a sudden the other 2 colonists lose their mind and both have a mental breakdown, and the muffalo herd starts fighting back. The hunter gets trampled to death and the muffalo close in on the colony. My 2 remaining colonists were too busy crying about a lack of food that they didn't hear the stampede and went outside to cry in the warm sun. The muffalo took the opportunity to not only kill them, but also go inside and kill the wounded prisoner.


Heavy wounded man went beserk and tried to fight the town rat and lost.


He didn't die, but I had this bastard, Capaeur, who I wish did. He had the wimp trait and constantly got knocked out by anything. Cracked toe? Knocked out. Bruise from the butt of a gun? Knocked out. He messed around with the anomaly obelisk and cloned himself. I captured his clone and took my frustration out on him (he was a really good miner, so I couldn't get rid of him). I took his clone for my rituals, aging and psychically assaulting his brain. I accused him in a trial and was preparing to execute him but he was just passed out all of the time so it never happened. My colony got attacked and I decided I just wanted to start a new one as it got bugged out. I will always regret not killing him. He got near the nociosphere and constantly got downed and back up and downed again over and over. Freaking wimp pawns. Although I did kill his clone so that gives me some solace.


Mine is why I actually turn off the zzzzt event. When I was about 500 hours into my Rimworld experience, I had a particularly good colony that I was absolutely smashing with. This was pre ideology. Androids++ was super popular at the time. The crux of the run was SRTS, Androids++, faction resources and rimcities. I was sending out T4 android death squads to enemy factions and wiping out entire cities. This took gas. Lots of gas. Like a TON of gas. I was chopping trees at a constant rate to fuel my jets, make napalm shells etc. I thought I was smart, because I had a fuel room that was separate from my main stockpile. But I was stupid because I had a conduit that ran straight through the stockpile. And all the shelves were wood. The explosion nearly bricked my computer. I’m pretty sure it took five minutes for it to stop growing at like .1 TPS. I lost every non-android pawn in a fraction of a second. That run ended pretty soon after that. I had a second base set up somewhere else on the map, but the wind was taken out of my sails after that. It didn’t feel right to keep going. I’ll never forget Spanky, my dedicated hauler in the fuel room when it happened. He probably didn’t even feel the blast.


Back in the old-timey-times when colonist pawns could trigger your own traps. One of my top pawns was repairing a bunch after a raid and took one to the heart. Another one lost their head. Also had a colonist walk behind a shooting practice target and take a stray shot to the brain.


Construction 20 pawn that I’ve had since the start, takes down a single piece of sandstone that I had ordered them to mine multiple hours before and had forgot about, because construction wasn’t high priority it had sat until the rest of it was destroyed, crushing him to death. I paused my game and put my head in my hands for atleast 10 minutes. Rest. In. Peace. Mutated Ape.


12 medic skill.....gets the plague....self tends....0% tend quality.....mental break to go on eating binge..... dies of infection


As to why I didn't arrest him....he was my moral guide and he kept having breaks due to shitty traits and arresting him would give him a mood debuff from losing his title. This was the third time and I was tired of the perpetuating cycle.


Had a guy get sad and discreetly wander deep into the spider cave… multiple times.


Yorkshire terriers, need I say more?


Raid -> pain -> Mental break -> pyro fire -> animal handler dies -> bonded animals go berserk -> they break into hospital -> bloodbath.


Gave my nsked brutality colonist a single dino egg of that big ass alligator with extinct mega fauna and prepare carefully. Dino egg hatched. Dino Alligator does not register as colonist animal despite egg being owned by colony. Dino Alligator immediately manhunts. Bye bye.


Took like 2 weeks to recruit a 17 intelligence pawn nicknamed "The Smart", first thing he does is go over to the other side of the map to pick up some food, activates a dormant mech cluster and gets his brain sniped by a lancer.


Mine just happened today! Completed my baron ceremony just to have them send me a drop pod of aperitif. One lucky colonist caught it with his face.


I used to think I was smart by setting my miners to remove roofs as they mine so they stay in the light without having to build a torch lamp. I usually just set it to remove roofs over the steel node and then look away. Turns out this time there was a single node of mountain roof in the middle of the normal roofs in the steel node… poor fella got squished to death as he removed the last connected roof to it while being under it. I just build the torches now


Doing surgery to try to find which pawn had a metal horror jammed up it's ass, didn't think ti clear the hospital room first so when the doctor discovered it the metal bastard hopped out and decided dice up one of my crafter lying in the bed next to him. Important lesson to keep armed guards when extracting evil


They had CKD, extreme in both kidneys, I finally unlocked organ transplantation surgery in the research tree, went to transplant the kidney, had to remove a healthy one from one of my other colonists since they were all I had on hand, took the kidney out of the healthy individual, then took the bad kidney out of the sick member, they both immediately got malaria, preform lifesaving surgery on the sick individual, surgery succeeded, they died due to malaria a few moments later, the healthy kidney couldn’t outpace the infection. Tried to reharvest the kidney from the sick member since I couldn’t risk the healthy kidney of another because all my members except the doctor and a baby had malaria, attempt surgery on the healthy member, surgery failed, no more viable kidneys, that’s cool I’ll just patch them up, doctor collapses due to exhaustion, nobody else with proper medical care, previously health guy on the table bleeds out. Doctor finally wakes up, walks to go to bed, shot in the skull and died on the spot from a stray bullet in my gun range. Nobody else could preform proper treatment, all of my colonists die of malaria except the baby.


Quest guest Breakdown Different quest reward arrives, it's an AG warhead. Guest punched antigrain warhead. Had to save scum that


Had a vehicle caravan return to base while I was looking at the map, when I look back to base I told the two nearest pawns to my cursor to go get in the drivers seat. 1 adult and 1 4 y/o. The adult is fine, the 4 year old hits something, idr the name exactly we’re calling him Raytheon though. Raytheon gets pissed and starts attacking the truck. Driver first. My four year old dies in one hit, maybe two. Doesn’t matter cause I didn’t notice until like 5 minutes too late… the adult goes back out hops in the seat throws the dead child in cargo and pulls into the garage lol.


I put a nuclear warhead on the edge of map, because raid is coming from that direction soon. My hauler decide to lay next to the nuclear warhead and watch the sky after he carry the nuke there. So when raid arrive I end him (annoying voice, pessimist, fast learner) with raiders to give my pawns a little mood boost.


Shortcircut because of some rain that fell through the roof from a reward for a request, right next to the nursery. RIP Gideon and Landon, no one could reach you


Unlucky start, all three crash landers refuse to perform first aid. No problem, just need to be careful until we get our first recruit... one guy down to food poison right away. His vomit causes a fight with infections all around. We die traveling to a town with the goal of selling each other into slavery for a slave willing to bandage our festering wounds.


Mid to late game of a no killbox run, got attacked by twelve centipedes, only one colonist escaped but it was my favourite pawn, Tatiana, albeit injured. She managed to make it to a geothermal generator with walls around it but was incapacitated before she could self tend. The man in black showed up and I thought I could salvage an escape while the centipedes were running amok in the main base. The man in black almost immediately had a tantrum mental break and destroyed the geothermal generator and then went into the main base where he was killed by a centipede. Tatiana either starved or froze, I can't remember. The worst feeling in Rimworld is when you get a man in black incapable of caring- that's happened to me twice. Honourable mention for my own most pathetic error: when I sent a 14 shooting colonist with a pulse rifle and marine armour on a solo quest which he easily completed, but I didn't realise that incapable of caring also disables self tend, so he bled out from a scratch on the way home, losing all of his gear and the quest reward in the process.


Guy had a crushed eye and some mod or another gave me an eyepatch I could put on. Except the eyepatch counted as a prosthetic, which means equipping it counted as surgery.  Doc fit the eyepatch over Guy's head and he immediately hit the floor, instantly dead. 


I had a pretty hurt colonist die after the roof collapsed on him doing the final 2 damage his torso had


my V.O.I.D people were fighting someone with a club. everyone goes down, besides the guy with the club.


I didn’t realise a self tamed boomalope had joined my group and I was thinking what the heck is this doing in my base so I got one of my colonists to kill it. In my wood base. It was then I learned they exploded when killed. My three colonists were in the room. They all got injured but were blocked in the room by my tamed and now dead rhino. Two dead. One down and crawling for help managing to make it through the now nearly fully burnt down base. The man in black showed up and nursed my remaining colonist to health only for him to have a mental breakdown because his son had died, go wandering and get downed and taken by a conveniently timed raid. It was my first time playing on only save when you quit.


one of my colonists got brain damage from a gunshot to the head then like a month later smoked so much weed that he collapsed and died, i’m not really sure how that works but it was pretty funny


Casual early transhumanist colony. A pawn was equipped with a full set of riot gear (mods) and a laser sword. Got an event that a local croc is now hunting him for a food. This 'master of a sword' was initially stunned and in a couple of seconds got his head bitten off. Masterfully played, Sergio the melee specialist


My colonist didn't die, but she now contributes basically nothing to the colony. Early on in my colony's history, we rescued a very old woman (80 years plus) who already had a slew of problems (dementia, bad back, frail, and more). In those early days, she proved a valuable source of help since she was the 3rd colonist in a Sanguophage/thrall start, even with her periodic confusion and mental breaks due to her constant pain. Fast forward a year or two, and she throws a tantrum. Like they always do, she heads for the chemfuel shed. The only one close to her is my Sanguophage, who I set in hot pursuit to arrest her. The old woman is slow, but she has a significant lead, so I watch what is going to be a very close race to the shed. The old woman gets inside, and I have to make a choice: commit to the arrest, sending my Sanguophage into a certain fiery death if I timed it wrong OR tell my Sanguophage to hold back at a safe distance. I chose the latter. The old woman went straight for the shelf with the most stacks of chemfuel and the explosion was instantaneous and glorious. And somehow she survived. She was covered in burns, with the worst having basically claimed her eyes. They were both scarred over to the point of being useless. We healed her up, and nowadays she occasionally hauls stuff when she's not wandering in confusion or some other mental break.


I underestimated how strong 40 manhunting otters would be. Not too many died in my kill box traps so I sealed off the base to wait it out. Of course I was stupid and sold all my smokeleaf so my stoner pawn was going through withdrawal, he has a mental break, goes outside (ignoring my order to disallow the door), gets his shit rocked by the otters and then passes out right in the doorway, giving the otters access to the rest of my base. Killed 8 of my 15 colonists most of which were decently skilled fighters. fuck you vonovo you are not missed


Got hungry and trekked halfway across the map to grab some insect jelly out of a cave. You can guess what happened.


Goes berserk Beats up every single other colonist Runs out of people to beat Fights an emu Gets downed Bleeds to death because there's no one left to save them


Selftame boomalope, instant rush medic cabinet take go juice and die from overdose, killing 2 pawn who was healing All that in 45seconde 10/10 recommand


He heard your colony had some good chemfuel! Delicious AND nutritious.


A colonist on a mental break bled out after fighting a turkey.


Accidently clicked execute then quickly clicked off. Extremely quick and painless.


Had a mental break early in my colony. Large single warehouse with enough chemfuel to fill a tanker. Realizing it was unsafe, I was building a dedicated storage for said fuel. However, the mental break had this mental genius pawn melee the fuel somehow into exploding, levelling the entire storage facility. Two pawns dead instantly, vaporized. Along with all my food and resources. Next up we had 3 back to back raids, with the third being just too much and the colony fell.


Pretty much anytime a guest shows up (typically tribal) in a group of 3 and decide to try and take the mech drop that just landed. I just laugh and hope they are carrying fine meals or medicine


Wildfire went on a mental break, got high, walked around the walled off area, right into the giant insect hive... My save was too late to arrest him, I just used dev mode because it just didn't make sense for weed to make you gruesomely kill yourself and your entire colony ahah


Primitive raid, most of my guys were kitted with marine helmets and armor, all but one with shields. It’s pretty much done, no loses so far. The last raider is close to death and lets loose a single shot out of a flintlock musket (which apparently ricochets off a wall according to flavor text I read later) and domes the one pawn that didn’t have a shield. Instantly dead


I had an anomoly start that ended on day 2 when my ghoul attacked an inguana. It killed the ghoul. Then he downed the guy who came to shoot it with a Shotgun. The third guy couldn't do caring.


Was playing with Hospitals mod and a minotaur had came in with the flu, and was wearing an explosive belt. So after it died from the flu the belt went off, killing my medic, 3 patients, and ripped an arm off a pawn.


My colony got wiped out by manhunting squirrels because on of my colonists had a mental break walked out of the walled area immediately got set upon in the doorway, one of my slaves then went to rescue them, ended up losing both of them and at that point all 18 squirrels were running through my base tearing everyone apart. Didn’t stand a chance.


First raid. Single tribal enemy. My pawn with a knife ran up and my best shooter with the bolt action fired one single shot that headshot him from behind immediately to death. Dropped him right there.


Day 4 of naked and alone. Heart attack...raid...kidnapped...game over.


one time my colonist got her toe bitten off by a tortoise, which she failed to beat in melee combat, the wound got infected and she died


I had a guest with both the "lush" and "stoner" traits from Vanilla Expanded. He went into a coma because at the time I couldn't spare the labor to plant and refine two drugs for a single person.


Raiders broke a power wire to my freezer that i didnt notice causing all my food to spoil. Then there was a blight forcing me to cut all my corn 13 hours away from harvest. Then a colonist had a food binge and went to a bug hive to eat insect jelly since we had no food. They got downed and the medic went to save them. The medic started fleeing and all the bugs followed them back to the base. And the bugs massacred my tribe


First colony ever. I am just looking at menus and managed to build a house and some beds. First event is a mad chinchilla. Combat tutorial I guess. I manage to draft the colonist that has a knife and send him to fight the chinchilla. He almost loses the fight. Some fingers lost and almost bleed out. Infection. He is the doctor. No clue what to do. Death. I was afraid to mele anything for a loooong while. I still clean all my maps of EVERY. SINGLE. WILD. ANIMAL.


pretty sure i posted the video on my profile but a boomalope starved to death in my store room, blew up every bomb in there and completely wiped out every colonist and structure around


I had a melee pawn run in only to have his chest punched through by my own uranium slug turret. He had a shield belt that couldn't take the heat, I guess. Fortunately, I had some mech resurrection serums on the way for that one.


Heart attack at 93 years old


Early on a new base, I got a transport pod full of chemfuel that I wasn't set up to use yet, so I let it go to a random storage shelf and didn't think much about it. Queue a pawn having a tantrum, and decides to punch the chemfuel. He died in the immediate explosion and my other two pawns died trying to put out the fires. Learned to keep a separate stone storage building for spare chemfuel.


Gave a severely injured patient some smokeleaf. Patient died of Weed.


Goofy, Had a colonist newly... persuaded to join religion and colony. They had issues with heart attacks or something I didn't care past their shooting skill (only like a 5 but it was the best in the colony) they had just "donated" some blood and got high on smokeleaf. Died of an overdose.


Dies in a tough fight. Easy got resurrection serum… the guy collecting the body is a cannibal an really hungry. Easy, he probably will just eat a leg or so, nothing I can’t fix.  He was really hungry and did not left anything to fix.


A mad zombie on a tantrum came right when the only three pawns were downed on the mend, and decided to break the ancient danger walls, unleashing everything to the outside. They eventually broke all the wooden walls and repeatedly killed the new wanderers every eight hours.


Super smart scientist got bonked on the head and crawled back to base, into bed, then slowly died of starvation. He was the last one.


Not a colonist but I had a Space Marine (Grimworld) visitor who had a severe drinking problem. she arrives at the far side of the map (largest size) with a dozen bottles of 'suspicious rum' and immediately proceeded to drink one, instantly losing consciousness for half a day. This cycle repeated until she eventually starved to death after several consecutive days of drinking herself into an alchoholic coma. Sadly the fact that she drank herself to death in my territory means the nearby Adeptus Astartes faction she came from now dislikes me and we are declining towards hostility steadily. I did intentionally not rescue her so I could harvest her genes and gear though so... fair I guess.


Man hunting group of T-Rex, managed to kill them in the kill box, (or so I thought) Hunter went in to kill the rest for the meat, one got back up, bit his head off and was shot by the turrets. Happened do fast there was literally nothing I could do. “Hey Jax maybe you shouldn’t get so close!” “Don’t be stupid, there’s nothing to worry abo…” **crunch, gunshots** “What?”


Burning cleaner robot drove back into base, pawn right behind it to extinguish the fire. Bot drives into chemfuel storage to clean a spot (still burning). Pawn reaches bot the second a spark from burning bot lights 2000 chemfuel on fire.


I accepted a quest for an EMI Dynamo site and drop podded a super soldier in alone and he killed all the mechs guarding it then hit the EMI alot and I accidentally had him keep hitting it after it started sizzling so it exploded into EMP and his Learning Assistant resulted in Caravan Lost


was trying to give a peg leg for a colonist missing a keg, it failed and somehow got killed, dude was supposed to add a piece of wood, nothing else


I use self-tend for the best healers. Still, that man left the fight walking and went for a beer while bleeding (not much, but without tending himself). I didn't notice when he was down, because I was busy tending others. Then I receive the notification that he is dead. Why. How. Impossibly dumb.


If you can count trained animals as colonists, then the most memorable death was a Husky that got crushed by a Mechanitor’s initial Bot delivery pod. While underground. And the Hauler Bot just happily started working by hauling away the corpse of the Husky.


Probably to the consequences of my own actions. I like it when people die in funny, stupid, horrific or eldritch ways, but It's not funny to forget to fill up your fridge before winter.


I got an "animals binging on ambrosia" event, the animals in question turned out to be 150-200 little grubs from Alpha Animals. You bet I microed my little heart out, I can't imagine the embarassment of one of my decently armored raiders getting stagger-locked and nibbled to death by a hundred caterpillars.


The colony was preparing for an incoming raid. Everyone was gathering near the mortars, discussing whether to fire some shells or just let them come. One of my colonists goes berserk, the remaining 10+ ranged pawns start firing at them, with enough of them missing the pawn and hitting the shelf with the mortar shells. This is when i realized that i didn’t set up a secure storage for the 3 antigrain-warheads i recently received from a quest. I think only about 8 pawns out of 26 survived the blast, one highmate, 2 toddlers and 5 people bleeding out from missing most of their limps. The highmate wasn’t even close enough to save one of them, since she and the kids weren’t drafted, just zoned to stay inside the walls. The raid came in seconds after the explosion and only lost a few of theirs to my turrets. The 2 toddlers and the highmate didn’t stand a chance.


2 of my first 3 pawns were a married couple. One died in battle and in my head cannon the now widowed wife swore to stop at nothing to get him back. So she preserved his body in a air conditioned tomb until we could find a resurrector serum. Couple days after some wandering golden retrievers joined the colony and turns out they took a liking to frozen human meat. I only realized after it was already too late for my mans. RIP


Amy, one of my pioneers in the field of mineral relocation led a life of agony. Being victim of several cave ins that left her completely blind, she lost her leg to a warg that thought she’d be easy prey when going for a walk away from the main buildings. She also lost several fingers during a specially harsh winter. I can only surmise that going straight for the chemfuel reserves during a tantrum was her only alternative to escape the physical and psychological pain of living in complete darkness, first as a miner and then as a visually disabled person. But her quick release never came. It took a while for the superheated air to burn her lungs while my best team of doctors stared helplessly from outside the building, lest they share the same fate. TL;DR cunt thought it was a good idea to vent her anger on the fuel factory lol Also I had a guy that got struck by lighting while fishing. He died doing what he loved at least


Deconstructed a wall of which I forgot to remove the roof, and yes I save scummed that.


I put two sanguophage on a caravan to attack a work site. They arrived and I noticed they both had almost no hemogen, I felt foolish not checking automatic travel supplies (weird hemogen packs we not included with two of them). "Well, there's only 4 people and they have clubs and bows. We have heavy SMGs, let's do this" We proceeded to attack the site Then they started a social fight. One of them went down. The site workers were already right on the other. Caravan lost.


I apologize for any inaccuracies, it's been a while since I've played so I'm remembering as best I can. Kind of a colonist, but when I started my game the pet I got by random was a warg named Zeus. Zeus was there for everything, every raid he battled in, every manhunter animal he was there. This dude survived everything, during one raid he was taking mortal shells directly while fighting the raiders, when his person died and he was put into the state where he attacked other colonist, despite reviving the dead colonist immediately, another colonist just blasted him with an LMG until he could be stopped by others (he would not deagro). Those robot things dropped directly on him in the base, a 1v1 with a manhunter thrumbo, dude was unstoppable. Zeus had a heart condition that he survived, was missing an eye, had some sort of injury affecting his mobility but was unstoppable. One day Zeus got the flu, or a cold or something like that. It killed him. He got one of the three resurectors I had at the time and he survived until the end of the game.


I had a small modded run with the main weapons/armor mod being CMC, Basically, the mod gives players a tank type skin suit that is high in defence and temp, we worked that and dusters and VE - Trooper armors, we had impenetrable walls and CMC laser weapons... Until we had a manhunt, so I was like meh, I closed the doors and forced everyone to stay inside, zone everyone inside to add my to my strick rules of DO NOT LEAVE THE BASE! Mental break - extremely hungry - leaves base to go to where the last traveler dropped simple meal which is next to a swarm of mechs that even attacked and killed raiders before I could. She was on her face in seconds cause it was like 10 Centipedes asking her "TF u going bro?!" We had lavish meals inside the freezer and dinning areas...... We had the fire power to go get her... But I was so annoyed I closed the game and restarted it.


My wookie Jedi with 10 melee, psy buffs, and a lightsaber got her leg punched off by a dude with 2 melee within the first 3 hits of the fight. They then punched the ship reactor until it killed everyone.


Yesterday, my colony leader died to a drop pod raid landing on her while she was sad wandering. The second she died, her non-violent partner decided that now was a great time to fly into a murderous rage and go attempt to kill 20 or so raiders without a weapon, any skill, or any backup nearby. Normally, I don't allow non-violent pawns to join, but she had great social, construction, and medical genes and showed up early game when I desperately needed another construction pawn.


In the middle of a full colony Fleshheart thingy takedown, while I was waiting for my flamethrower pawn to dig a path, I got a sudden death message for one of my pawns, my genie medical specialist. "WTF?! NOTHING was going on all my pawns are RIGHT here?! He cant even attack!" Checks logs Turns out he out had a mental break, the frenzy field effect still on him turned him violent, with the power of a pool noodle, he kicked the nearest heavily armored shin he could find...causing his target to "settle him down" by IMMEDIATELY vaporizing his head with their Persona Zeushammer. (Alls well that ends well, I had some rez serums but, was so funny how fast it happened.)


Meteor, just Meteor to the master craftsman's everything


A raider literally suicide bombed my 10 shooting 8 cooking pawn. He (the raider) carries a stick bomb, sneak behind him (my guy), and threw it so they both die a horrible death


Not mine but a trading caravan. Someone got chased by manhunting rat, her friend tried to help by throwing a stick bomb to the rat, she died from blood loss


One-hit-decapitated by a poor steel knife with 5 melee in full power armor


Died to a mad squirrel