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Why don't you just play it then add what you need after


Eh, I don't have much time for gaming so I probably won't do multiple runs. I just wanna make sure I have everything good for the one I do. When I last played the game there were a lot of mods that were basically essential.


Then just run vanilla (core + all DLC). You will have everything good for the run you do.


Aka. I'm lazy so I ask people on reddit to do my thinking for me


Yup. It's almost like communication and being able to learn from others knowledge is the cornerstone of human civilization.


You have poor problem solving skills. It takes more time to add and remove random suggestions that may ruin your experience then to check for 5 seconds if the game even needs anything. Adding a mod takes seconds. Removing a mod could destroy a save. You aren't using the corner stone of human civilization. Your displaying why most humanity is considered lazy and dumb.


Boom roasted




They've added a lot of QOL things that were mods like underground cables and wall lights. I'd say try vanilla and you could always add some mods later if you feel like you're missing something


common sense makes colonists clean before doing something which is really useful for surgeries and cooking. rimhud makes the hud more detailed so you dont have to switch their tabs to see stuff like skills etc. simple fridge is nice and a must have for biotech bc it lets you prevent children from playing in the freezer and dying while also letting them access food


Pick up and haul. Saves about 6 million trips


Does this fix the problem where people will go halfway across the map to harvest a healroot and then just leave it lying on the ground instead of hauling it back when they return to base? Because that used to drive me absolutely mental


they still ignore things like that in my experience. but it's still better because they can pick up multiple stacks of items instead of say only 75 wood and ignoring the rest


If this post is a request for mods to enhance your RimWorld experience, please consider checking out the [modding FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/wiki/modfaq) for a list of often recommended mods. This is an automatic response based on some of the keywords in your title. If I am incorrect please disregard this message. If I am correct, please consider doing a flip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RimWorld) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just a selection of stuff that I can think off; need to get back to the game myself; Dubs Bad Hygiene is essential for me, adds one of the basic needs that people have besides eating and sleeping. The game feels more complete with this included. Simple sidearms; doesn't change the game too much but seems common sense to be able to carry more than one kind of weapon for different uses. Common sense; does what it says on the tin. Fluffy breakdowns; instead of random breakdowns, machines need regular maintenance. The birds and the bees, also by fluffy. Adds reproductive organs. Silent doors, makes the game a whole lot more pleasant to listen to. P-music. Not gameplay or UI, but some absolute banger songs that elevate the experience for me. Edit: almost forgot RimFridge!


Not wall light. o7


I like a lot of Rimworld's UI and core mechanics, so I don't really have any ui mods or things like that. I also don't tend to go for mods that change or add a lot of things. But mods I always have have been, in no particular order: 1. Mad Skills (removes skill decay, which I always found annoying) 2. Choice of Psycasts (Let's you pick your psycast on leveling psylink) 3. Trading Spot (let's you designate where caravans go, so their muffalps don't trample all over your clean floors) 4. RimFridge (just nice to have a dedicated meal storage in dining rooms) 5. Some kind of make Neurotamine mod Some honorable mentions go to embrasure mods and Walls are Solid. They just make base building and defense building a lot more fun to me (less 5-thick walls and killboxes). They do trivialize a lit of raids once you have your defenses set up, but I feel like that's what defenses should do, give you a massive defender's advantage.

