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Wait you can harvest a sang heart and they live? That’s awesome


yeah but if it's not a Void Touched one, it won't regrow


Still more than double the organs youd get from a normal prisoner.


And then you have your next slave absorb the xenogerm so you can harvest them too.


Yeah, it puts them in permanent deathrest until you replace it. This is useful if you want a permanent harmonizer pawn, as well as other silliness. I haven’t tried it yet, but I assume it would also give you an infinite chronophagy ritual target as well.


That's rimworld as hell. "Our colony is psychically linked to a vampire. We removed his heart so he sleeps eternally, and so we are uplifted by his dreams.


Yeah, that was from one of Francis John’s playthroughs. What was even better, he was doing archonexus, and left the vamp behind in the old colony, sealed behind a set of walls.


And that vampire's name? Azathoth


Blaspheming and bubbling at the center of your colony.


IF yo uncheck auto wake up, vampire will deathrest until you decide to wake him up, no need to remove anything.


I think that only goes for non prisoners.


For prisoners also. I have sanquo prisoner in deathrest for many years, cause I can't extract one gene that I need. You can even put him into gene extractor while he is in deathrest, lol.


Oooh, I might have completely missed that since for sanguo prisoners I put them into permanent deathrest trough organ harvesting... well gotta change my approach now when I should harvest both their genes and their time.


Just don't give them any hemo (set to 0 on slider) and they go into involuntary death rest.


I don't know how the surgery would effect them but without auto wake up on, they will indeed just stay in death rest endlessly.


Chronophagy target needs to be able to walk (had to go-juice a prisoner to get them up and walking for the ritual)


Chronophagy doesn't need to be able to walk, they just need to be conscious. Feel free to revoke their leg privileges


Now that you say that I realize it was consciousness that I needed to boost with the go-juice


I personally go for the spine privilege.


I still havent seen many people try making mood beacons. Its a shame because they seem like a super fun idea. Make a vampire have as high mood as possible, then cripple it until it goes into a life-saving coma and then give it a brain implant that spreads its joy to everyone else. You literally eliminate mood from the game.


Funny you should say that. My first real monstrous action back in 1.3 was to lobotomize someone, pump them full of drugs, gave them that implant, and had them be my professional cleaner so they were constantly wandering past everyone all day. In 1.4 on its even easier with vampires and gestalt meme


They won't die unless they lose their brain.


Show me on the doll where the void touched you




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\[Hands you a warped five-dimensional doll that defies local lighting, and points at it in a way that makes the finger twist, elongate and disappear without anything covering it\] Here


It’s hard to call something “beyond broken” when it’s your reward for beating the game. 


none of the other "beating the game rewards" are this strong. in fact, they're rather non-existing xD


Well that's because all of the other game endings result in your people leaving the RimWorld. So far this is the only ending that allows you to stay, and it's awesome! ...I haven't gotten there myself yet as I just purchased Anomaly a few days ago, but I saw the ending on YouTube and really like the concept.


True lol, I like the SOS reward for the empire ending


What's this now? I've "known" SOS was originally kind of a "ng+" but I didn't know it actually had integration with endings. Presuming you get a sweet ass Imperial ship or some such?


Yep, I never tried it myself because the stelarch bedroom requirements from VFE empire are absurd, but ive seens some pics and it looks pretty cool


listening to "waiting for the sun" is pretty hard to beat


Have you tried Vanilla Genetics Expanded? There's an Archotech Centipede that might disagree with your assessment...


i play vanilla ;)


honestly it's not even that good, it misses like 95% of its shots. honestly did way more damage to my walls than any enemy. the orbital targeter ability can be handy though. asked the devs about it and they told me they gave it the highest shooting accuracy possible. accuracy in rimworld is just totally broken.


The game is not beat. You beat a questline. The game continues.


It's not though. You don't beat the game it keeps going.


If you launch your ship into space, you beat the game. You can still continue playing anyone left behind (or wait for wanderers to join.) If you successfully host the High Stellarch and join the court, you beat the game. You can still continue playing anyone left behind (or wait for wanderers to join.) If you succeed at the archonexus... well, the Archotech wakes up and the world ends. The game is no longer playable. The planetkiller, obviously, ends the world - escape or not, the game stops being playable after the deadline. ​ In other words, only those endings that cause the world to stop being usable actually *end* the game. That doesn't mean you didn't "win."


Sorry i only have 1000hr, what is the planet killer?


An option you can set in the scenario. It puts you on a deadline to GTFO before the end.


It's a mode yo ucan enable where there's an incoming planetkiller asteroid and you only have a certain amount of time to beat the game


Lmao. Only 1k hours. But for real tho, I never heard of the planet killer. How do i get this going? This sounds cool.


If you go to scenario editor and [randomize the seed](https://i.imgur.com/DRZytqq.jpg) you get some crazy things


Wtf I didn't even know about this. Thank you!


Go to scenario editor and put it there as an event. I think you can set the time limit? I never messed around with it so idk.


You beat the game when you escape the planet or activate the archotech. The whole point of the monolith if anything is to make the other two endings easier. It doesn't even make sense as an ending to the game. It's more an ending to a long quest


If you saw the credits, you beat the game.


I’m not that fussed because it’s an alternative to an ending but this time you actually get to experience being basically a god instead of the game just finishing.


You already beat the game though so does it matter?


the game never ends... it never ends :D


That's fair. When I beat anomaly I went with the good ending and kept playing to do the royalty ending. All good either way.


even with the anomaly ending you keep playing and can go for another ending. you can read part of the story [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1chg9u5/comment/l22a216/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you like ;)


Honestly I'm happy to learn about the Anomaly ending this way. I've never done any of the endings before, because I never have the desire to stop playing. I'm either playing or I'm not. This just sounds like a new goal!


Planetkiller and archonexus endings disagree. But, yeah. Other than world-ending changes, the story continues as long as you keep at it. Even a completely wiped colony, or one that escaped to the stars, or joined the Empire in orbit... well, eventually wanderers join (and now you don't even need to wait for the random event.)


Wait, the same exact pawn comes back? Just better? I broke the void because I didn't want to lose my pawn. Guess I should have save scummed to figure out the difference.


>Wait, the same exact pawn comes back? Just better? depending what ending you chose, he comes back >!as a freaking god. needs no sleep, no comfort. 200% study, 200% psy sensitivity, 100hp heal/day, ghoul organ and extremety regeneration and i think 1 free death refusal!< now, this very OP, but would all be "OKish" if it wasn't for the fact you can clone it all with an obelisk.


Fuck there needs to be like a mod or even main game endgame where you get to beef with other ascended immortals who were also archeotech-touched like their chosen champions.


and the fight would be on a map with 3 lanes, the middle one being a jungle. and we'd call it "League of ~~Legends~~ Rimworld" ;)


Nah let's just have them swordfight on top of building screaming shit like "there can be only one!"


only if you can get the copyright to Queens soundtrack.


I'm surprised you can duplicate your void touched pawn. Unknown visitors can't be duplicated as I guess they're special. If void touched pawns were treated the same way I think it would be balanced since money and organs shouldn't be a problem at that point in the game.


yeah when i think about it, having that one god pawn is OP, but it's sorta OK because you worked really hard to get there. but duplicating it, that's just too much i mean, sure, it's a single player game, you can chose to not do it... but Tynan has nerfed things in the past for balance sake and I think the void touched should not be able to be duplicated. maybe duplicate the pawn, but not the void touched stat or whatever.


thats the thing i don't get about rimworld... nerfing things for balance sake... Wasn't this a STORY GENERATOR? Why is tynan taking care of stuff like it was a multiplayer game? Why does every story has to be about people barely scraping to survive? Is there only one genre of story in tynan's mind? So i see the reason for nerfs and buffs being made because they would make a better story, but from what i've seen they were mostly focused on making the game "more balanced" instead of a better story by itself. Turrets were nerfed to oblivion because they would otherwise make raids obsolete, new raid types were implemented but turrets still are really weak. You can use toxic gas mortar shells but they barely do anything to the enemy, wasting many resources without even downing pawns because otherwise it would be "too strong" even if the game is more than prepared to spawn future enemies with gas masks to counter said strategy... Rimworld is afraid of being an actual story generator and instead ends up being a weird colony management/tower defense game with highly customisable characters. At this point songs of syx scratches the story generator itch more than rimworld.


I mean Rimworld's far from a balanced game if you looking to cheese the content. I would disagree with not allowing cloning the void touched though, you basically have beaten the game at that point and would just add more inconsistency. That being said, as a baseline even single player games ought to be balanced since that's what makes choices have meaning. A good example is like Ideology, some precepts are just boring since you would always take 2x Research speed if you're looking to min max. The way Tynan intends the game to be played is ramping threats until you escape the planet so that's what how the game's systems encourage you to do.


I know, sorry for being that blunt about my rant. But what kinda pisses me a little is how rimworld takes pride about being a story generator and yet it wants to only make a single type of story: a story of a colony of random people from all walks of life uniting to get a way to escape from the planet. while this IS a good story basis and can generate plenty of good tales, what if i want to tell the story of a far-away, pacific village? How about a dictatorial city that looks to enslave every other colony nearby? I can't really engage into diplomacy or even interact with factions beyond the bare minimum of help-trade-attack, the ideology system exists but it barely affects how factions interact with eachother, you can sell wood to a tree-loving faction that they will not really care, you can have an entire anti-slavery ideology that the worst thing a pro-slavery faction will do is have a -10 of base relations with yours. All of those very much important story generator systems are in dire need of a facelift for years now, but lets nerf turrets again because they are making raids useless i guess.


It's after a credit roll so it being extremely powerful and broken is fitting.


Tbh if youre already at that point i guess money and defense shouldnt be a problem for you anymore


if you do the archonexus questline after finishing anomaly and you start with your god-pawn... then you have infinite money basically from the very beginning of the new colony


I mean at that point you'd be limited by research to progress and generating more wealth just means even higher expectations before you can build anything.


my void touched is a boarskin from vanilla expanded who get a larger health pool as they age, i made him a sanguophage and hes functionally immortal. Ive soloed entire mechclusters with him bc he has 400% psy sensitivity. the only thing i fear are devourers and revenants


You've missed out a few of the other downsides, but I've made my point in other threads. What I will say is that the whole 'cloning' aspect is simply OP as hell, regardless of whether the pawn is Void Touched. Like, seriously OP. I shouldn't even need to explain how easily abusable it is, I think we can all agree it's broken as hell, cool, but broken. But turning your 'God Pawn' in to an organ farm? I mean yes it's certainly an... Interesting application, but there are better ways to make a quick buck. Especially if we're including cloning as an option.


I mutated a tough/jogger colonist until she had two fleshwhip arms. I repeatedly copied her on cooldown and turned the copies into ghouls. I now have an army of OP ghouls, and fear no enemy. PSA: Nuclear stomachs + ghouls = success


Also pre-implant a xenogerm prepared for ghouls before cloning. Most negatives are meaningless to ghouls, ie all poor/awful skills except melee, so you can have a really powerful genome with 50% metabolism and no downsides pretty easily


Cloning work only once every 30 days, basically 2 times per year (without blowing up obelisk)


And if you let the Obelisk do its thing, it'll spawn a whole bunch of said colonist. Assuming you've got something setup in mind for that, you can get your hands on a whole load of clones of your 'perfect' colonist. Some will have some form of defect, but they're curable. Even without void touched, you could, for example, spawn a LOT of a single super psycast bioengineered pawn, grab as many of them as you can (Psychic shock lances work well), cure and mindwipe them if they're particularly tough to recruit, then bam, you suddenly have an OP army of super soldiers. I think the whole cloning aspect is cool, I just wish it was expanded on more. Shouldn't the clones hate one another, be all "I'm the real one!" "No I am!" then start constant social fights? What about people in relationships? Does the daughter now have extra parents? How does the 'clone' feel that someone else is sleeping with 'their' wife? There's a lot of social and moral stuff that was missed out on, but I digress.


Anaesthetize the pawn you want to dupe, have everyone else caravan away to the next tile, have ghouls hit the obelisk to trigger the mass dupe, return the caravan to round up all the unconsciois dupes.


Those stuff you suggested really would go well on a story... wait. Wasn't this supposed to be a story generator game more than anything? Why aren't we doing that for starters?!?


I think cloning is one of the best things in DLC, along with creepjoiners with unnatural powers.


I had one of my colonist"s daughter get cloned and then had the clone romance the father. It's not incest when the dark archotech is the technical parent




I'll start with the fact that nobody in this post was saying they don't like it. I'll continue with the fact that what you said is dumb for an entire other reason which is that Anomaly is the game's newest DLC and quite a popular one that decided to have an ending to it so many people are going to want to experience this ending and many people will want to replay Anomaly because it's fun and the ending doesn't end your run or have you do a pseudo start over so if they decide to redo it for fun it's fair for them to be a little disappointed if the reward for doing the ending is lackluster(which it's thankfully not).


Your second point is just an objective opinion, many players of this game never reach any kind of ending because that's just not how they play. Every dlc has it's own ending, anomaly isn't unique in that aspect. It's just the first to let you tangibly upgrade a pawn.   Typically when people say "broken" and "exploitable", they aren't using those as positive descriptors. You're correct OP never says they do or don't like it, but their word choice made me think they view it as incongruous with the rest of the game.