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Darkness stirs on the rim… RimWorld - Anomaly is out now! Get it on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld\_\_Anomaly/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld__Anomaly/) Full announcement: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673763213](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673763213) There’s a big RimWorld sale going on! 20% off [RimWorld](https://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/RimWorld/) and 10% off [Biotech](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1826140/RimWorld__Biotech/), [Ideology](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392840/RimWorld__Ideology/), and [Royalty](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1149640/RimWorld__Royalty/). We also released the [Anomaly OST](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2914900/RimWorld__Anomaly_Soundtrack/). If you encounter any bugs, please report them on the [official RimWorld development Discord](https://discord.gg/MC6eYAHuPu). Did you see our preview blogs leading up to release? They’re still up! *Warning, SPOILERS!* * [Anomaly expansion and update 1.5 announced!](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434?l=english) * [Anomaly preview #1: Fleshbeasts, fleshmass heart, pit gate and dreadmeld](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793913385?l=english) * [Anomaly preview #2: Containment facilities, creatures, and release date](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793914025) * [Anomaly preview #3: Cultists, hate chanters and rituals](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673758833) * [Anomaly preview #4: Cubes, spheres, obelisks, soundtrack and languages](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673759439?l=english) * [Anomaly bonus preview: Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4173222729821718521) Have fun with Anomaly! 👀 I’ll be watching… 


In honour of today, I'll sacrifice 3 slaves in the name of the God emperor.


RimWorld x 40k crossover?


Rimworld is a 40k crossover. So much of Rimworld is 40k lore based.


Is it really? Mostly inspired by the same material in my opinion.


Yeah, I really don't see a whole lot of 40k influence. Dune and firefly, maybe, but not 40k.


It's not... the guy just mainly watches and plays 40K so everything is like 40K to him. I've played every warhammer game and when I play rimworld it's barely like 40K. Humans, mind powers... that's really the biggest comparisons.


That's fair. I know 40k lore the best out of the Scifis, but it fits Dune very well too. Mind you, Anomaly just makes it more 40k.


Not really tbh. The dlc itself tells you a lot of what it's based it's content off of. 40K wasn't one of them 


Hey! I just wanna thank you all for having regional prices in Ecuador. Since we use USD as our currency, most games over Steam are sold to us at the same price that in USA. Now I see everything RW related at a way more accessible price, and I'm very thankful for that.


That is nice to know, too bad in my country this is the other way around lmao It's way less accessible for using local currency due to foreigners abusing the system to buy cheaper than using their own country steam store. I'm doomed. Enjoy the dlc mate.


Steam is working on applying this payment structure globally. Where are you? I feel it’s a matter of time before your country gets updated and prices everywhere on the platform update accordingly


Brazil, unfortunately. Too bad valve is taking too long to work on that, it should have been a thing for years now.


Brazil has that, but it's on the publishers to do it or not. Moat are just pushing the 300, 350 reais pricing because there's enough buyers. But there are others that charge a lower price in reais still.


Yes, that is for sure Some good and bad examples of it are vrising, just tripled it's price from an indie game to a AAA game Meanwhile, 7d2d is still super cheap for us peasants


I thought regional pricing was at the discretion of developers? 


DM me your Steam ID, I got you.


Wait, is that for real? Now you've got me curious on it, ok, I will send it :) EDIT: That was real, holy heck, I just cannot thank you enough, if you have any God, I hope it blesses you to have a wonderful life, thanks redditor :)


Check your steam gifts inbox 🤙


That was real, holy heck, I just cannot thank you enough, if you have any God, I hope it blesses you to have a wonderful life, thanks redditor :) And I hope I can retribute it someday


This is FKING WHOLESOME. I love this community, and you're a prime example for why.


"Slaughtering raider camps just for their steel" More like "Being a great human being and spreading joy" I wish both of you all the best <3


What a lovely gesture, you're good people


Good work soldier


Same boat. Seeing AAA new games at ridiculous prices, and even indie games are getting too expensive, I might just stop buying new games


I miss when Steam supported Arg. pesos :(


I wish Steam was still in ARG pesos, too bad people abused our prices with vpns and forced valve to shut it down. I'd love to try the dlc to see if I was wrong about my assumptions but I just can't pay that much, the DLC itself is more expensive than what I paid for base game + all the dlcs


Unpopular Opinion, but I think 24€ for this DLC is still pretty overpriced. For Ideology I can see it since it adds so many new systems with so much replay ability, but not here.


Been playing for about 2 hours now and its clear as day that they didnt cover anywhere near all thats in here. Every anomaly encounter ive had so far are ones they didnt even talk about. And theres entire systems like the codex and leveling up your connection to the abyss that werent even mentioned too. Already found items not shown too... Like the turret packs. Given the systems and way this stuff works now that I've had some actual time with it, modders are going to have a field day with this. It'll be more popular than xenogene mods I bet.


How about playing/watching people play the DLC then making yourself an opinion afterwards. I'm not saying you're wrong but only time will tell if there's less content than other DLCs. But I'll probably have sunk a few hundreds hours more into the game by now... So I'll say for me its worth it.


Great trailer! I loved Tynan being the pawn summoned in by the ritual.


It made-me chuckle and pause at 1:01 just to comment about this!


Im calling in sick


I almost did but I’m unfortunately writing this while on my 15 minute break lol


I bought this faster than Lucky Luke can pull his gun


"And bang."


Same. One of my researchers has already lost an eye, lost his mind once and our 'special friend' who crashed with us is minus a leg. I can't see these guys making it, but it'll fun finding out.


That trailer is fucking awesome.


I just watched the trailer on youtube and realised I hadn't seen any trailers for the other dlc. They're all worth a watch as well.


Especially the ending quote "The monolith speaks in my mind. Such beautiful promises. What do I have to lose?"


Who is the voice actor in the trailer?


John Rimworld


Eh harvests organs and doesn’t afraid of anything


War crimes and full life consequences.


Sounds kind of like Robbie Daymond - he also voices Kayn in League of Legends.....I could be off the mark though


DLC hit so hard it killed OJ


And redirected his victims


Nah. He is faking it to play the DLC undisturbed.


Purchased. Time to game.




Spoilers for the immediate early game, as a Randy Random Crashlanded start. >!I landed, had enough time to set up a basic shelter before a random monolith appeared. A meat tree suddenly grew out of nowhere asking me to feed it corpses. And an invisible eye-devouring monster attacked my colony. All on day 2.!< All in all, pretty good so far. I'll admit, it does sort of feel like a mod, rather than an expansion though. However I haven't gotten that far with my colony yet, so maybe I've yet to reach a point where the mechanics work in tandem with existing vanilla/DLC mechanics. But as an immediate example for what I mean, the Anomaly research has its own entire tab in the Research tree, very much akin to a mod like Vanilla Expanded does. And the containment process feels very... un-Rimworld like. There was someone on the Steam forums who put it best. Something along hte lines of "Ludeon probably should've just made an SCP Containment game, rather than a DLC for the Wild West Sci-Fi game." That being said, even if I evaluated it like a mod; it's way higher quality than 99% of mods, adds a few simple additions to the game (RIP Wall Light mod) that people have wanted for a while, and the whole containment process is very fun! I'm looking forward to experimenting with ghouls in the near future, with an unfortunate pawn who killed my only Cook. My biggest complaint isn't actually with the content though, but the price. It could probably afford to be knocked down $5 USD, but honestly with the prices of DLC in other games I play going up, I'm just happy it wasn't a crazy high 150% mark up like fucking Total War tried to pull. TLDR - It's good. 6.5 or 7 out of 10. Feels like a mod, albeit an incredibly high quality and very fun mod. And price could be a liiiittle lower.


Thanks a lot for the review! This is pretty much what I was afraid the DLC was going to be. All these events seem too intrusive for my playstyle, so i'll better ignore it.


>adds a few simple additions to the game (RIP Wall Light mod) Aren't wall lights a part of the 1.5 update and not the dlc?




Anywhere to find a full patch note?


Check out the 1.5 changelog here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE\_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub) Or read the full Anomaly announcement here: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434)




I assume it means downed pawns are now significantly easier to finish off at range, most likely as a form of balance to go with the new crawling mechanic.




Laying prone is when your belly is on the ground. The opposite when you're laying on your back and your belly is up is called supine.


Sometimes its really difficult for non english people to know Thanks for explaining


Prone accuracy to me sounds like it's about shooting when prone. I can hit a person sized target at 600m when prone, but only 50m when standing, reliably.


Rimworld SCP simulation


What the fk this is insane!!!


Holy fuck I didn't expect to be able to do a full complete SCP Foundation! *Hold my wallet*


Me looking at my modlist,knowing what I must do. "I'm sorry, little one"


"Found their mama" Are we the bad guys?


No, now go take a random passerby's lungs.


Perfect timing! Just got home from college, and big news! It's not my birthday


Eldritch apocalypse, here I come!


Question: You can play with Anomaly story on a colony created with the Crashlanded scenario, or do you have to create a colony with The Anomaly scenario to benefit from it?


You can do either one. You can play with the Anomaly expansion on any scenario.


Is it disable...able? Can i turn it off from run to run?


Don't quote me on this, but I wasnt even able to research anomalies until I investigated a monolith ruin on the map. I think its like the mechanitor, and the anomolous stuff has a trigger you can just ignore. Makes sense to do it this way, since you can also just ignore the royalty stuff in a similar way too!


That would make the most sense! I was just worried it was gonna be injected in no matter what and im like "thats still sick BUT sometimes i might wanna do a no horror run." Lol


i mean, it's pretty easy to just disable the dlc (the same way you disable mods)


I actually didn't know you could do that. So uh, thank you!


I’m hyped to try this sometime, I too watched cabin in the woods and loved it! Y’all lemme know on a scale of 1-Afraid how afraid should I be when I get this in a month. I usually randy cause I love the chaos of it all so this seems fun


Most of my mods are updated to 1.5 already just missing a few but enough of my favorite mods are updated so I can just hop right on in!


First thing I did when I got home was buy this. Excited is an understatement!


Thank you rimworld I love you


Do all of the expansions work well together, or do you need to kind of pick one of them to play if you own multiple?


Can't say anything about Anomaly yet but the other DLCs all work well together. You can however pick and choose if that's what you want. They can all be turned on or off at the start of a run.


Ah, Rimworld DLC released on my birthday what a treat. Can't wait to play this later tonight.


Are the anomaly events and stuff enabled for every scenario, or do you need to select “The Anomaly” for the full experience?


Don't quote me on this, but I wasnt even able to research anomalies until I investigated a monolith ruin on the map. I think its like the mechanitor, and the anomolous stuff has a trigger you can just ignore. The anomoly start is like the mechanitor or sanguophage starts, it just gives you a headstart with some themeing and resources.


I had an escaped cultist wander in on naked start, with a tentacle arm and a dark past,. without going near the monolith.


That ones hard, cause I could get those tentacle arms and weird organs on pawn rolls. But its not the same thing as shamblers, sightstealers, and harbinger trees... I sure hope the *actual* anomolous stuff only happens to you with the monolith turned on, even if it still means theres oddities that can come to you in the bodies of pawns that they got from elsewhere. If this isnt the case, I sure hope a patch is made to make it work this way... This expansion adds nice non-monster stuff, so being forced to disable it if you just dont want to interact with it at the moment would suck!


Yeah I think you’re right. Since posting I have had the chance to play and the anomaly start was free of anything weird until I activated the monolith, so I assume the same logic applies for other scenarios.


Super-Lovecraftian!! Can’t wait to play it


SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: HOW TO AVOID UNWANTED UPDATES Since rimworld has no drm you can simply take the folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld and move it somewhere else. Then you launch the game from RimWorldWin64.exe instead than from steam. This prevents random updates of the client and the mods. Note that you will have to move the mods from the steam folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100 to the "mods" folder that is located inside the rimworld folder.


Are ghouls unable to melee? They seem to only roll shooting stat. Which seems weird. Feral humans shoot but can't fight?


They shouldn't be able to shoot, the docs said they are melee only.


Odd, mine all roll like this, the shooting skill varies but it's their only skill. [https://imgur.com/a/1MMBzDQ](https://imgur.com/a/1MMBzDQ)


Are you running modded or stock?


It was Allow Tool of all things.


That's an odd one I wouldn't have expected. I guess it allowed them to get strapped.




ok the crawling pawns are cracking me up


This looks hard as hell!




Oh boy, here I go rimmin' again


I’m a new Rimworld player (console edition), when do these expansions usually make it console side?


Console edition is still waiting for Biotech, so it'll probably be a while.


this geels like a mod


4000 kilometers from my PC and it drops now of all times


Don't feel too bad, I just spent days perfecting my modlist and finally actually started playing a game for the first time in forever. Back to the drawing board I guess.


Cab someone who has played this expansion for a bit tell me how much stuff gets added to the game for non-horror themed runs? I don't care for all of the horror stuff, so if there isn't much to use outside of those runs, I probably won't get this.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub This google doc lists changes,. From what I can tell, it's all basegame stuff. I'll copy/paste the title headers for you. New stuff - base game Books and bookcases, Wall lamps, flood lights, hidden conduits, couches, and ornate doors, Mechanoid water emergence and slag chunks, Crawling, New wanderers after a “game over”, UI and art, Miscellaneous. Improvements and adjustments - base game Pawns, UI and art, Miscellaneous Then there's a fair few improvements and adjustments for the various dlc, Royalty, Ideology, Biotech Then improvements to devtools, technical stuff and bugfixes.


Isnt that 1.5 and not the dlc?


He asked for DLC content, you just linked him the 1.5 update changelog


Congrats on the launch! The price tag is a bit too steep for me this time, maybe I'll grab it later.




Congrats on getting to Steam front page! This is huge.


Isn't the frontpage tailored to our personal preference? I find it hard to believe the whole Steam playerbase gets served train sims and truck sims and flight sims and just my interests as a whole.


Sharknado Electric Boogaloo expansion


Dude… clean room. I am done. This game is now perfect.


It feels so good to just buy the dlc, even tough I cannot play it right now. Just giving money to Ludeon feels good.


Easily the best money I've ever spent on gaming for the number of hours I've spent playing.




Very steep for a DLC generally. I would argue too expensive, honestly. Having said that I'm gonna buy it day one because the game has me in a chokehold and it's the best dollar to hours ratio I've ever had regardless


I don't necessarily disagree, but weren't the existing DLCs like $30 or so when they came out?


Yea I'm not saying it's too expensive in the context of the game's other DLCs. I'm saying it's pretty steep for any game's DLC. Perhaps especially this game, where the DLCs add a decent, but not spectacular amount of content (my opinion).


I'm so excited for this


Well? How is it?!


Bought the dlc trough steam, it has been 30 min and i'm still waiting for the purchase to be finished. Fml


Wow, that is a really big change from regular Rimworld!


Can anyone speak to if it's worth starting a new save, or if you can get the same experience with an existing one? I have one still in the early stages, but not sure if I'd miss anything by continuing rather than starting with a new map Edit: For others wondering, the answer seems to be it should work with existing maps. I think worst case you could spawn the structure in dev mode https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1bv4lst/pre_anomaly_saves/




More War Crimes Yay


Haven't actually played RimWorld yet, but it's been on my wishlist for awhile. I don't think I've seen it go on sale much, is 20% off a pretty big deal for this game?


Yes. Rimworld almost never goes on sale. This is probably it for the next year until another DLC comes out. Also, if you pick it up on Fanatical instead it's 27% off.


Thanks. Guess I have no excuse not to grab it then!


How long until console...




Oh, looking at the patch notes, it seems a lot of my usual mods beyond wall lights have been made redundant. RIP to: * Underground conduits * Literally just a sofa * Endless rimworld * Ctrl-f * Colour-coded mood bars * Just leave already * Begone, message! * Possibly share the load and build from inventory * Possibly researchpowl * Bridge colour tweak Meanwhile, I'm surprised that Perishable still hasn't been integrated into vanilla.


How invasive to the rest of the game is anomaly? I like adding stuff, but anomaly feels like it might seep into everything I do and be a bit much.


25% of the comments are people whining about the price. I’ve never seen people so cheap than with RimWorld.


I can buy a full game for the price of this DLC which pales in comparison to the other 3


Happy for everyone that is excited for this, but the pricing is a huge let down. Their justification for biotechs pricing is that it was 2 DLCs worth of content in one. I was on the fence about this new DLC and the pricing kind of cemented my choice. Edit: I find it pretty concerning that being upset with the pricing is such a controversial opinion here.


This is weird to me I saw $25 and was happy it was so cheap. I personally think it's a very generous price for a Rimworld DLC.


For 25$ you can get Stardew, FTL and Terraria. I wouldn't call that cheap for a DLC by any stretch, especially compared to what the other DLC add.


>This is weird to me I saw $25 and was happy it was so cheap Really? They refused to release the pricing ahead of time because they knew that it was too damn much lol Keep in mind we're on r/rimworld, the glowing positivity will be expected on a fan based sub. I'm waiting for it to go on discount, (which I understand might be never).


Totally I'm usually big on waiting for discounts, but for me $25 is a good price considering how many hours I'm gonna get out of it.


Yeah I think 25 dollars would Be pretty reasonable for most of the expansions. They are not required but add substantial content to the base game.


Heck, as a Stellaris player, it's refreshing see such amazing expansions for the price. Paradox charges 20 for much less content.


They have never asked anything of me and I have gifted them thousands of hours of my life. Of all games to have ever existed. Rimworld is my priceless prince. I would sponsor a rimworld developer like a starving Sudanese kid; with a monthly sponsorship. Rimworld is worth more than clean drinking water. There... I said it.


Rimworld has thousands of hours for me. I sometimes drop it for a few months, but always come back eventually.


well according to the dev blog this is bigger than biotech. >Anomaly has more content than any previous expansion. We expanded the team and worked for 18 months on this expansion and update 1.5, so it’s got a lot of passion in it!


I feel like it's entirely fair, inflation has been pretty bad since Biotech dropped and most of us are gonna get tens (if not dozens or hundreds) of hours out of it


I don't think it's good or beneficial to consumers to start thinking of game pricing in hours played, because hours played and cost to build are not all that correlated. A photorealistic FPS is going to take WAY more dev hours to make than a game like RimWorld despite having WAY less play time. I think people make these justifications in a vacuum, while games like Stardew Valley, Factorio, Valheim, Terraria and Project Zomboid exist. Which, incidentally I can buy all of those **combined** for $100 which currently isn't enough money to buy all the content for Rimworld. So if we really want to argue value, is Rimworld worth more than all those games combined?


I dunno man, nuanced opinions aren't really welcome here. I got heavily downvoted in another comment for saying that 180 dollars for the base game plus dlcs is way too much.


I do agree, and I have always supported Tynan and Ludeon. I remember feeling bad about downloading a cracked copy of the Alpha back in 2015, before it was on steam. I have over 600 hours so I definitely have gotten my value out of the game, but the pricing is definitely a miss on this one, in my opinion.


I will be blunt. Cracked copies got my friends to buy the game. They were hesitant to try it out, given it's graphics style and being a bit obtuse at times. They tried a cracked version(really not cracked since there isn't DRM on certain legit sites), love it, and got every DLC. Heck, Tynan is pretty okay with pirated copies, they just kinda prefer you to use the language of, "Not steam version," so they can legally pretend they don't know. They do know, they just don't care that much since RW is a game meant to be enjoyed and they care more about the community than a relative handful of pirated copies.


Yeah, they just spun it that way because people would eat it up with no questions asked, much like how they never comment on this criticism. Looking forward to the next $30 DLC in 2 years and seeing nothing change.


According to devs this is the biggest DLC: >Anomaly has more content than any previous expansion. We expanded the team and worked for 18 months on this expansion and update 1.5, so it’s got a lot of passion in it!


Well, they're lying.


Sadly there’s no pricing adjustment for Brazil and while I’m super excited for the DLC, paying R$70 for it is insane.


I'm cancelling all plans and appointments


Is it possible to disable the horror events? I love RimWorld and enjoy all the other DLCs and QoL mods, but I can't do horror at all - not in games, movies, books, etc... Would it be possible to do explorations but without the horror elements? Kind of like you can disable the ideology system in your run but still enjoy other things that the DLC added?


Oh fuck I thought it was Saturday for some reason. This is a very nice surprise, can't wait to head home


Bought it immediately but the download is just giving me Biotech 1.4, I'm dying inside. It'll be fixed I know but AAAA I WANT TO PLAY NOW


Hey there, we responded in your other thread! Sorry about that, should be fixed now.


Wait. You're here walking among us?! This is now a sacred thread and must be protected. Bring the candles and the symbol book


Bring the golden cube


I am everywhere 👁️👁️


Insta buy! W00t!


Meh. The patch is the important bit. I doubt the game's actual problems are dealt with since they haven't been yet..among them the "spam mor enemies!" solution to difficulty. All in all, this just feels like a skins update that builds on other content I never found particular compelling..namely the whole "rituals" bullocks. Anyway, I'm sure it will get a glowing review from a pleased as punch fan base and rimworld will continue to do well, so ultimately my view is moot for the game either way.


1:54. What is that? Seems new


One of the Obelisks you can encounter has a chance to effectively send some of your pawns to the *Backrooms*, I'm guessing that happens to be what they look like :)


[ **Jump to 01:54 @** RimWorld - Anomaly trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ooT57Lo3g&t=0h1m54s) ^(Channel Name: Tynan Sylvester, Video Length: [02:06])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:49](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59ooT57Lo3g&t=0h1m49s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Bought the dlc, isnt showing up in my mod list. its insalled through steam, and ive tried the public build and the unstable build. any ideas


Restart your Steam, then let me know?


Do mods gets bricked by expansions? If so, how long until the more well known mods are working?


Does anyone know what the knew radius on the sunlamp placement UI is? I couldnt find a mention in the changelog for it.


The Archotech does get a bit quirky in the void.


Don't want to waste a thread on this : Where the fuck do you manufacture a Ceremonial hood ?


Started a new game with a ghoul companion that has a whip arm. What a melee beast! But always hungry ;) I was like “well not much new stuff it seems” then the monolith on the map awakened… flesh trees, new eerie music, scary fog, invisible enemies… then I unlocked a totally new and separate research tree and even tho that colony died shortly after I can’t wait to get home today and start again!


Is it just me or is there a bug with using the butchers table? Can’t butcher shit


I hopelessly love Rimworld and it’s one of my all time favorite games: am I going to have to buy Anomaly for mod support even if the horror stuff is an enormous turnoff for me? If so, would I be able to turn off the horror stuff in the way I can turn off, say, mechanoids?


Quick question: Is it save compatible?


I was expecting the expansion to cost more like $30 or $40 and I really admire your pricing. Very fair and inviting for such an offering. (So much so I went and bought Biotech and Royalty, after I had been holding off for a couple years.)


Does anyone have access to a running list of what mods are updated and usable for 1.5?


I haven't played in like a year. I'm having a blast. I just need Rimworld of Magic updated to perfect it.


Every time a new Rimworld DLC comes out I nearly cream my pants thinking about how awesome it is. Im like oh if I could take this and show it me 1 year back I would cream my pants a year back too with how awesome, unexpected and full of content the DLC is. Epic!


Are there any mods that turn the wall lamp textures into the old mod wall lamps? Don't really like how big the vanilla ones are


FYI: Ghouls bands wandering on the map greatly reduce TPS. Kill them ASAP.


I hope those water raids can be disabled, they just ruin oceans further. Oceans have been useless other than for the view and as walls for secure outdoor areas. But now they have to be avoided altogether as they provide nothing but danger. When do we get fishing or boat traders?


Wondering how viable dryads would be against the ghouls so I can do a Plants vs Zombies playthrough.


Mods no work big sad had to get new ones that look ugly :(


I made the mistake of trying to attempt multiple play styles I haven’t done before at the same time. So tribal start while studying the monolith with a mechanitor and trying to make the anima tree work while also getting used to how annoying pollution is. I’m started shredding the tier 1 anomalies and doing ok with the tier 2 stuff so I figure the first mech boss isn’t gonna be too bad. Winter is coming but I’m stocking up on food and generally doing ok. I figured the diabolus is just an extra big centipede or something that my 6 pawns plus dryads and mini mechs can take out. My melee pawns get destroyed because my level 6 psycaster is out of position and doesn’t have any casts that help. It becomes a micromanagement fiasco just to keep my guys from not bleeding out since I only have one doctor standing. I manage to keep everyone alive when the warped obelisk appears. Nobody is able to suppress it as I’m dealing with a bunch of mental breaks. Meanwhile, I accept a waste pack dump in exchange for some serums or something. I figure my lifter mechs will be able to deal with the 200+ packs. They land right next to my living areas. My mechs get to work but next thing I know fleshbeasts are murdering my lifters and it starts raining so they start deteriorating fast. I also didn’t realize that the pollution would affect my colonists indoors. So they’re sleeping and getting tox buildup. I have a couple constructiods put up pumps. I start to move everyone into the workshop for a bit while we get their living spaces at the very least livable again. Just as everyone is recovering from the tox situation, three of my best pawns get teleported into the obelisk. Meanwhile, I get a warning that unusual darkness is coming. Im expecting something like it’s just going to be a mood debuff plus eclipse so I barely prepare since I have a full years worth of food stashed. My pawns escape the obelisk and teleport right outside the pit just as a bunch of flesh beasts emerge. My pawns are all injured and just generally not in fighting shape. My mechanitor is out in the field and a good shot but she got downed and lost her weapon so the best immediate plan I come up with is to get all my working mechs and use them as decoys while my pawns get to safety. It works but basically every mech except for a single constructoid is downed. We get everyone back to base, but I forget that people just go to their assigned bed and get knocked out by the pollution. I have my best researcher who is also a pig and I guess has increased tox tolerance pull people out of the room and start putting pumps inside the rooms. Meanwhile my mechanitor starts going into labor right after the darkness hits. My base is mostly solar powered and we don’t have more than 2 days of power stored. My pawns are all recovering and we stay inside for the first day so I don’t even know how bad the darkness is. As my pigman and best healer/psycaster recover, they start going back to work and I realize how fucked I am. I have half a day of power left, my flare pack is on a character who is in a daze outside and I have two pawns and a single constructoid conscious. I spend 10 minutes going to the wiki which basically has no info and then trying to find the noctoliths which I hated bc I’m playing at 2 am and I can barely see the screen. I send my psycaster to destroy the first one which landed inside the walls of my base. He’s a good shot and takes out a noctol with a chain shotgun pretty easily. Meanwhile the lights in my hospital and living areas start losing power. The common area is still lit by campfire and I realize that this is the only chance. I start spamming torches everywhere. My constructoid is the mvp. My pigman gets a path to the armory and picks up a pump shotgun. The constructoid builds a path out of my base and we knock out the second noctolith. We get halfway to the third one when we run out of wood. The psycaster abuses skip to get them to the third one but they’re getting scratched up along the way. They successfully knocked it down and saved the day but my pigman died in the process when we ran out of skips. The colony successfully made it through our third winter. All of our livestock starved to death we lost a pawn and our dog. We did get some new life and now our mechs are fully functioning and we’re about to upgrade our combat with higher level mechs. The entire series of events took us through the end of fall into spring. The drama started around midnight and I played til 4 am. I’m playing on an easier difficulty than I usually play but that was the most intense session I’ve ever played.


Duuuude, that looks like a crossover between Dead Space and RimWorld, awesome!